
Necromancer's Evolutionary Traits

Adrias Cromwell. The story starts with a veteran soldier who lost his will to live, he spends his time playing video games, and he is obsessed with a specific video game that turns out to be anything but an ordinary game... Other Name: The strongest necromancer with evolution traits Author: TBD GHOST / JANGJAK Original Publisher: INTIME, NAVER Translator: ChatGPT + manual editing

Mususshi · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter 17: Black Magic and Sin (peccata)

Mana has its own nature.

Depending on the character, personality, and primarily the type of magic they use, the nature of mana changes.

For example, if one primarily uses elemental magic, particularly fire-based magic, it means their mana gradually takes on properties similar to fire.

If one were to use talentless magic like "Day and Night," their mana would become confined to that framework and become useless.

That's why the term "specialized magic" came into existence, and even the examiners wanted to learn swordsmanship that suited their own nature.

Of course, no one else could know, only they could feel that nature.

And the reason why this story came to mind just now...

"My mana is responding."

Lately, due to regularly summoning Nickel, I had been feeling my mana becoming dimmer and dimmer.

But as we approached this village, my dim mana began to surge and fluctuate.

Since this was my first time learning dark magic, I wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but I had experienced something similar before.

It happened when playing as both a swordsman character and a mage character, near powerful A-grade items.

I glanced at my team members, wondering if they were feeling the same, but it seemed like only I was sensing it.

They were still observing the people dancing strangely at the village entrance.

"Could it be related to an item associated with black magic?"

If an item could cause such phenomena, then it certainly wasn't an ordinary object.

What surprised me was that I didn't know about the material used in such an item.

Items with considerable fame were supposed to have their locations identified...

"This is turning out to be more complicated than I thought."

"Could it be a curse?"

Once again, everyone's attention was focused on me.

Although they expected answers from me as a mage, at this moment, I couldn't immediately figure out what was happening either.

"I still don't know."

Rather than bringing up black magic unnecessarily, I decided to take a step back.

Without solid evidence, it would be unwise to voice my thoughts and risk unnecessary suspicions.

Disappointed with my response, everyone's expressions turned sour.

Christopher, in particular, complained with frustration, saying that I wasn't being helpful.

"Let's try to stop anyone and ask them to stop."

"What if it spreads like a contagion? What should we do then?"

"But we can't just stand here and watch."

In the end, we all agreed with Hajal's suggestion and proceeded into the village.

From the moment we entered, something felt off.

"Is it mind manipulation magic?"

As I muttered, everyone froze in their tracks.

"Is it magic?"

"As long as you can handle mana to some extent, there's no need to worry too much. However, it's uncertain if it's magic."


"Using mind manipulation magic to cover an entire village is not something an ordinary mage can do. Even the so-called Archmages, without the aid of magic circles or artifacts, cannot unleash such a wide-scale effect for days on end."

Christopher chimed in with my statement.

"How do you know it has been going on for days?"

"I deduced it from their condition."

As I spoke, Christopher grabbed hold of a passing man.

Even though he was caught, the man struggled, his eyes bloodshot, and forced a painful smile. He couldn't remain still even when captured.

"Their condition is severe."

Indeed, the man's state was far from normal.

His feet, having danced excessively, were covered in blood, and his body appeared malnourished despite his emaciated appearance.

"If the situation has been going on for a month, it wouldn't be like this. They would have starved to death long ago."

"Someone is managing them to prevent casualties..."

As soon as I mentioned that, it became clear evidence of black magic.

Why would they go to the trouble of managing them if not to prevent casualties?

I could sense the motive behind it.

Since I was a black mage, I could make an educated guess.

"Adrias, my fellow student?"

"Since this seems to be related to black magic, we might need your help, Instructor Ivy."

"Haa, of all things, why did it have to be something like this?"

That's what I wanted to say.

Although she grumbled about it, Ivy showed willingness to help, relieving me somewhat.

At least as long as she took action, our lives wouldn't be in immediate danger.

"The best solution would be to give up on the request and call for reinforcements."

Judging from the atmosphere, it seemed unlikely that they would listen to my suggestion.

In the end, we decided to stick together and start the search.

"First, let's go to the lord's mansion."

Ignoring the people dancing around us, we headed towards a mansion that seemed to belong to the lord.

Even in this rural area, the mansion looked quite expensive and gave off an air of distinction.

It felt disconnected from the surrounding scenery.

Although the entrance was locked, Christopher effortlessly slashed it with his sword and entered.

At the end of the sprawling garden, there was the mansion, seemingly untended with overgrown weeds.

"We're entering."

With Hajal's signal, I opened the mansion's doors.


Christopher expressed a sense of sorrow.

There were corpses scattered throughout the mansion, twisted like mirages, appearing to be the servants of the estate.

"It's certain now. It's the work of dark magic," Ha-ri said, and the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, I tried my best to hide my uneasiness.

No matter how I thought about it, there was undoubtedly a high-grade dark magic item nearby, and if a dark magician were to use it, the destructive power would be terrifying just to imagine.

I couldn't be sure of the dark magician's level, but I speculated that it would be at least as powerful as Karin Diflen, who had grown to a certain extent in the game. Even if it weren't Ivy Claire, everyone would have likely abandoned their items and fled.

"I trust you, Ivy Claire."

After thoroughly searching the mansion, we couldn't find the body of the landlord or any other traces of dark magic, except for the corpses scattered around.

"There doesn't seem to be anything else in this mansion. Shall we search elsewhere?"


"Yes? Vivian, why?"


We, who were in the study on the second floor of the mansion, followed Vivian's gesture and looked out the window.

"What is that?"

"Oh, damn it. This is insane."

There were numerous residents gathered below the mansion, looking up at us.

What kind of horror movie is this? They're acting as if they're possessed by a dark magician or something.

"Come to think of it, I'm also a dark magician."

Unable to open their mouths, the team members were rendered speechless by the surrounding residents surrounding us as if we were trapped.

"People are coming in!"

"I'll go out first."

Ha-ri took the lead and went out of the study.

However, there were already residents dancing and waiting there.


As if being controlled, the people started attacking Ha-ri.

At that moment, Christopher threw his body and pushed the people away.

"Vivian! Protect the magician!"

And then, it happened.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


The bodies of the people started exploding like bombs.

Christopher, who had been using his body to shield the people, was covered in blood and fell to the ground.


Due to the sudden attack while off guard, the injuries were severe.

Ha-ri hurriedly approached and supported the injured Christopher.

And before I could do anything, Ivy lifted me up.

"Follow me! We need to escape for now."

Ivy went back into the study, broke the window, and threw herself out.

While still holding me, she smoothly landed on the ground and moved her body to avoid the residents.

Ha-ri, who had lifted Vivian and Christopher, also came out.

We escaped, unable to attack the residents who surrounded us.


Being lifted, I eliminated the friction on the ground, tripping the residents.

And I erected an earth shield like a wall to hinder their pursuit.

"Hey, Ada the magician."

"What is it?"

"Can you determine the location of the dark magician?"

"Give me a moment."

Recalling Adrias' memory, I thought of the basic mana arrangement.

Mana Detect was a technique, one of the basic skills for a magician.

I concentrated my thoughts and dispersed the mana in waiting, weaving it like a net.

"It's so difficult."

The situation was already urgent, making it difficult, but in my previous life, I had performed missions under even more challenging circumstances.

I regained my composure and slowly formed the net of mana.

And soon, it seemed like something got caught in the net.

It seemed that my meager mana instantly caught the energy of the A-grade dark magic item, excluding the item itself.

The net of mana detected intense interference in the residents' minds, following the mana interference like a thread, a specific location was pinpointed.

"It's at 9 o'clock direction! Around 600 meters from here!"

"Great! Well done, Ada the magician!"

Ivy, who was carrying me, started running with explosive speed as soon as she heard the location.

She was so fast that the distance between us and the team members who were chasing us widened.

Ivy and I arrived in front of a random house before we knew it.

"Where is it?"

"It seems to be this house."

"Put me down for now."

Ivy put me down and drew her sword from her waist without any hesitation.

She smashed the door and entered without hesitation.

And at that moment.


Ivy, who went inside, abruptly stopped.

'How pitiful, how pitiful, how pitiful, how pitiful, how pitiful.'

'Just like a moth leaping into the fire, leaping into the fire, leaping into the fire, leaping into the fire.'

And with a sudden resonating sound, the area around the house began to be shrouded in pitch-black darkness.

"It's a trap...!"

We fell into it.

But it was too late for regrets.

The black barrier that swallowed Ivy and the entire house was already completed in the shape of a circular arc.

'Where is it? If this is a trap, then where is the mage?'

I was slightly worried about Ivy, but I trusted her.

She would probably come out safely.

Now, it was time for me to worry.

Looking around anxiously, as I tried to use Mana Detect again, the resonating sound echoed once more.

'Don't be impatient. Everything is according to the will of God, the will of God, the will of God.'

'Soon, all things shall kneel before the name of "Sloth," "Sloth," "Sloth."'


Hearing the words from the empty air, I speculated about the item that the opponent possessed and held back my astonishment.

I thought it wouldn't be an ordinary item, but to think that it would be related to "sin."

The name of this game is 'Peccata,' which means 'sin.'

Therefore, it meant the emergence of a top-level item in the main story.