

**Chapter 838: Entering the Annals of History, Advancing into the Abyss**

The first to sense the skill space was Ning Yiyi. Although Ning Yiyi usually seemed very lively, once she calmed down, she was exceptionally quiet.

In the past, during special training, she trained alone for several months without ever complaining.

As an assassin-type professional, calmness was a basic quality for Ning Yiyi.

Moreover, among the group, Ning Yiyi had the best talent.

It was no surprise to Lin Muyu that she was the first to sense the skill space.

Ning Yiyi was extremely happy, immediately jumping into Lin Muyu's arms, laughing non-stop.

However, sensing the skill space and seeing the skill star core was only the first step.

There was still a long way to go before moving the skill star core.

Now, what Ning Yiyi could do was to gradually strengthen her soul power through understanding the skill star core until she could sense her soul world and 'see' the existence of her soul.

Once both were achieved, she could connect the soul world with the skill space, forming a channel. This would lay the foundation for moving the skill in the future.

The entire process required a lot of time, and Lin Muyu was not in a hurry.

On the twenty-first day of Lin Muyu enjoying his newlywed life, Meng Anwen arrived.

He brought the final decision after discussions.

The human race indeed needed to sharpen their skills, but they couldn't overdo it.

After discussions, they hoped that Lin Muyu could step in when needed.

Of course, if the human race could gain an absolute advantage, Lin Muyu might not need to take action.

Everything would depend on the changing situation.

This plan was already within Lin Muyu's expectations and did not differ much from what he had in mind.

After Meng Anwen returned, the human race began to mobilize their army.

According to the plan, they would launch a full-scale attack on the Abyss demons in three months.

In a war between races, there were no elaborate schemes; everything depended on strength.

This time, the human race intended to confront the Abyss demons head-on, executing a war of extermination.

In the past, this was unthinkable.

Not to mention launching a full-scale attack on the Abyss, even sneaking into the Abyss was impossible.

The human race knew nothing about the Abyss.

Until Lin Muyu appeared, severely weakening the dragon race and giving the human race an opportunity.

The human race took advantage of Lin Muyu's momentum to attack the dragon race, pushing them to the brink of destruction.

Now, only a few dragons remained, and their fate was at the mercy of the human race.

If not for the subsequent blood clan incident, the human race might have already turned their attention to the Abyss.

Unfortunately, the blood clan battle severely weakened the human race.

There were gains and losses; the entire world returned to the state before the blood clan's arrival, under the control of the Shenxia Empire.

Now, after a period of stability, the Shenxia Empire had gradually recovered and was ready to take action again.

This time, Lin Muyu would not help them weaken the Abyss demons but leave it to them to handle.

Only when they couldn't manage would Lin Muyu step in.

Meng Anwen and others did not hide this but announced it to the world.

Upon hearing this, everyone was determined.

They did not want Lin Muyu to take action, as it would make them seem too incompetent.

Everyone was filled with fighting spirit, hoping to defeat the demons with their own abilities.

During the mobilization, Meng Anwen and others formulated detailed battle strategies.

Compared to attacking the dragon race, attacking the Abyss had an advantage.

There was a passage between the Abyss and the Primordial Battlefield.

They could enter directly from the Abyss entrance without needing to activate a large teleportation array.

If they relied on a large teleportation array, the troops would be scattered across various areas, making unified command difficult and risking being picked off by the demons one by one.

During this period, Meng Anwen and others were very busy, while Lin Muyu had plenty of free time.

In his manor, besides spending time with his four beautiful wives, he focused on understanding the laws.

In the backyard of the manor, there was a patch of grassland.

Lin Muyu planted a hundred blades of grass and a few saplings there.

During this time, Lin Muyu spent a lot of time on the grassland.

He neither watered nor fertilized them.

He just watched the grass every day.

Occasionally, it rained, and the grass did not die.

The saplings, lacking enough water, did not grow well.

Lin Muyu didn't mind; he just watched, as if in a daze.

Ning Yiyi and the others didn't understand what Lin Muyu was doing but inexplicably felt that it must be important, so they didn't disturb him.

Three months later, the human army mobilized.

When they moved, it was like a thunderstorm.

The teleportation arrays lit up crazily, and the human army charged out from Fortress No. 9 in the Primordial Battlefield, heading straight for the Abyss entrance.

Bai Yiyuan, Meng Anwen, and Yan Kuangsheng led the way, reaching the Abyss entrance before the main army and charging in.

On the other side of the Abyss entrance was a demon fortress.

A demon army was stationed inside, with a demon king guarding it year-round.

For thousands of years, the demon fortress had stood unchallenged because no one had ever attacked it.

Last time, when Bai Yiyuan and others entered the Abyss, they were quickly diverted elsewhere, leaving the demon fortress unscathed.

The demons in the fortress were very relaxed, chatting, drinking, and eating, completely unaware of the impending danger.

By the time the black mist at the Abyss entrance began to churn violently, it was too late.

Meng Anwen, like a bolt of lightning, charged out of the black mist, accompanied by the flames of the Abyss, and stormed into the demon fortress.

The Shenxia Tower erupted with brilliant laws, glowing brightly, and smashed through the barrier tower inside the fortress.

Bai Yiyuan and Yan Kuangsheng followed, with Bai Yiyuan punching from a thousand meters away.

The fortress walls crumbled with a roar, killing countless demons.

Yan Kuangsheng's blade, carrying the laws of killing intent, slashed down from the sky, a black blade aura thousands of meters long, almost cutting the fortress in half.

By the time the demons in the fortress reacted, their defenses had already collapsed.

Countless demons were dead or injured.

Having not been attacked for a long time, the demons in the fortress were slow to react.

They were used to attacking the human race, never expecting the humans to invade.

Last time, Lin Muyu's attack didn't count; it was his personal strength, unrelated to the entire human race.

In the demons' minds, the human race was still weak, far inferior to them.

No matter how strong Lin Muyu was, they had their demon emperor and were not afraid.

With this mindset, they were caught off guard, and Meng Anwen, Bai Yiyuan, and Yan Kuangsheng's three consecutive attacks left them stunned.

The Shenxia Tower shone in the sky, and a large number of top human professionals flew out, storming into the fortress.

Yan Kuangsheng also entered the fortress, finding the demon king guarding it, and killed him with a single slash.

In just five minutes, the battle in the demon fortress was over.

The human professionals regrouped in mid-air.

The black mist at the Abyss entrance began to churn violently, and one army after another charged in.

The armies formed battle formations, guarding the Abyss entrance.

Then, a large number of construction professionals entered, using their skills to build a military base at the Abyss entrance.

On the Primordial Battlefield outside the Abyss entrance, a great fire was burning.

The flames carried laws, and Ning Tairan controlled the fire, burning a solid stone ground on the Primordial Battlefield.

A military base would also be built here, connected to the one inside the Abyss.

Meng Anwen would then set up formations, linking them to the human race's strongest Eternal Great Wall.

Once the formations were complete, the human race would have established a foothold in the Abyss and could begin their true offensive.

This was not a short-term battle; it could last for years.

Supply and reinforcements were crucial.

The entire process went smoothly, as if countless winners had discussed it.

On this day, the human race officially advanced into the Abyss, entering the annals of history.