

**Chapter 837: Stick to Your Original Intention, Don't Want to Leave**

When Lilian asked about the internal situation of the demon race, the demon immediately exploded.

It wasn't a self-destruction, but the body directly exploded.

The power wasn't great, but it truly shattered into pieces, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Because they were resurrected beings, the blood and flesh turned to ashes in the air and disappeared without a trace with a gust of wind.

There were three resurrected beings in total; one died, leaving two.

Lilian asked the other two some questions.

For other questions, she could get accurate answers, but once it involved the internal situation of the demon race or similar racial issues, they also exploded.

Lin Muyu found it strange, not knowing why this happened.

It seemed that there was some kind of restriction in the dark, preventing them from speaking about those matters.

Lilian wanted to know about the internal situation of the race, thus triggering some kind of restriction.

Although she couldn't get some internal information about the demon race, Lilian had already asked a lot before.

This time, due to the brief revival of the world's will, the demons became anxious.

Originally, they took advantage of the world's will being asleep to find the right opportunity to let the fragment world descend.

Once the world's will truly revived, they would completely lose the opportunity to invade this world.

Not only would their plan fail, but they would also lose the fragment world.

So they sent super god-level demons to launch a final fierce attack on the world.

Once super god-level demons enter the fragment world, their strength will be suppressed to the peak of half-step super god.

Moreover, as outsiders, it is very difficult for them to enter the small world.

However, because they are super god-level, their control over the laws is higher than that of half-step super gods, so their strength is slightly stronger than that of the demon emperor.

With their presence, it would take less than a year for the Abyss demons to drive the humans out of the Primordial Battlefield. Finally, they would attack the human homeland through the Primordial Battlefield.

In this way, the humans would be confined to their homeland and constantly endure the attacks of the demons. Their development would be limited, and even if they didn't perish, their days would not be easy.

This is just the first step.

The second step is that more super god-level demons will descend, continuing to launch high-pressure attacks on the humans.

These two steps are to eliminate the humans' living forces, making them completely lose their ability to resist.

The more humans die, the fewer true spirit imprints on the world core.

The world's will would also become weak and difficult to revive.

The third step is that a demon skilled in barriers will descend.

It will set up a super-giant barrier in the human world to extract the world's power.

This world's power will enhance the fragment world, ultimately allowing the fragment world to completely devour this small world.

At this moment, the entire plan was exposed to Lin Muyu's view.

The first wave of demon descent had already failed, with the four demons that came all dead.

The second wave of demons would descend in five years, which is why Lilian was a bit anxious.

Ning Yiyi covered her mouth, "What should we do?"

Lin Muyu smiled, "Don't worry, they won't succeed, and the humans won't perish."

"The demons' plan was doomed to fail from the beginning."

Mo Yun asked, "Why? In terms of strength, we are not the opponents of the demons at all."

"Because they lack a very important piece of information: this world is not ordinary."

Lin Muyu didn't reveal the real reason. With Antares around, whether it's demons or the dragon race, they are destined to come up empty-handed.

Just like the Zerg and the wild beast race that invaded the world back then.

If the humans and gods had lost, they still wouldn't have been able to exterminate the humans and devour the world.

The reason is also because of Antares.

Antares is like a stabilizing force, the last barrier for the humans.

The humans can suffer greatly, but they will never perish.

This world can be beaten to ruins, but wanting to devour this world is impossible.

This world is extraordinary. The reason why Antares came to this world, Antares didn't tell Lin Muyu. But just thinking about it made Lin Muyu feel a bit terrified.

Lin Muyu knew his limits; that was not something he could explore.

Lin Muyu took the magic stone to find Meng Anwen.

After watching the magic stone, Meng Anwen fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Meng Anwen asked in a deep voice, "Xiaoyu, what are your plans?"

Lin Muyu thought for a moment, "Strive to eliminate the Abyss demons within five years and completely resolve this matter."

"Are you confident?" Five years is a bit short, and Meng Anwen was not very confident.

They had been fighting the Abyss demons for a thousand years, and it was hard to determine the outcome.

This time, Lin Muyu wouldn't take action, and neither would Lilian.

Lin Muyu wanted the humans to sharpen their skills, and the Abyss demons would be the best whetstone for the humans.

Lilian needed to protect herself, and the Abyss demons would be her offering to Lin Muyu.

Lin Muyu thought for a moment, "Let's fight first. If it doesn't work, I'll take action. Four years of sharpening should be enough."

Meng Anwen thought for a moment, "The blood clan disaster has just passed, and the Shenxia Empire is still recuperating. Give them a bit more time."


Meng Anwen's considerations were more comprehensive than Lin Muyu's, and Lin Muyu naturally listened to his opinion.

Moreover, this matter was not something Meng Anwen could decide alone; he needed to discuss it with others.

It could be foreseen that many people would die in this battle.

Whether it was worth it just to sharpen their skills was hard to say.

Lin Muyu's idea was good, but it needed to be weighed carefully.

Lin Muyu didn't care about this; he was a member of the human race. If Meng Anwen and others had different ideas, it was fine.

If it didn't work, he could personally take action and crush the Abyss demons.

"Teacher, there's one more thing I need to discuss with you."

Meng Anwen stopped thinking and looked at Lin Muyu. From Lin Muyu's tone, it seemed even more serious than before.

Lin Muyu talked about some matters regarding leaving the small world, only mentioning the most important parts.

The Coffin of Slumber could also take Meng Anwen and others away.

This time, Meng Anwen didn't think for long. Instead, he smiled, "I won't leave."

"If it were eighty years ago, I would have chosen to leave."

"But now, I don't want to leave."

Meng Anwen didn't explain his reasons, just simply said he didn't want to leave.

Lin Muyu didn't ask why. Someone like Meng Anwen would have thought deeply and made a decision from the heart.

Since he didn't want to leave, he must have his reasons.

Lin Muyu could guess that it wasn't just Meng Anwen who didn't want to leave; Bai Yiyuan and Yan Kuangsheng probably didn't want to leave either. He didn't even need to ask.

Meng Anwen went to discuss the matter with others.

Raising an army to attack the Abyss demons was not a small matter and couldn't be decided quickly.

Lin Muyu returned to his new home and spent loving days with his beautiful wives.

Ning Yiyi and the other three no longer went to dungeons. They spent a lot of time each day sensing their skill spaces.

Lin Muyu continued to comprehend the laws and enhance his soul level.

During this time, the talent giant tree grew even larger, with thicker roots.

It continuously fed back pure soul energy, which was further refined by the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal and then infused into Lin Muyu.

Lin Muyu's soul grew stronger day by day, and his power continuously increased.

Half a month later, a scream echoed in the small courtyard, startling countless birds.

"I sensed my skill space!"