
Nautical Clips, Taking Stock Of The Strongest Devil Fruit

Su Ming travels through the parallel world and is bound to the projection system of the heavens. As long as she edits the video and publishes it, she can get rewards. So... [Inventory of the top ten Devil Fruits] Four Emperors Whitebeard descends on Marineford, displaying his devastating power in front of the world. Marine Admiral Aokiji, the Frozen Fruit that instantly freezes the entire sea. "Excuse me, have you ever experienced a light speed kick?" ... Supernova: "Is this the highest combat power of Marine? It's as terrifying as a natural disaster." Sengoku: "Thunder Fruit? It would be great if this guy named Enel could join Marine. Maybe he would add another Admiral." Five Elders: "Fruits of every year? Distorting the future? Imagine yourself as Nika?" However, when the last scene appeared, the entire sea was silent. [no1, Zoan phantom beast species, Renren fruit Nika form] When I saw Luffy laughing and using the dragon as a skipping rope, Everyone was shocked

Asta_roth · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 16 Luffy’S Powerful Background, Akainu’S Choice

Sabaody Archipelago, Island Port No. 1.

Usopp pointed to the sky and stammered:

"Lu, Luffy, this guy is actually your uncle?"

"My grandfather is a Marine hero, my father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, my brother is the second-in-command of the Four Emperors, and I have an uncle Admiral. What a terrible network..."

Just when everyone was talking about it,

Luffy stared at the sky tightly, his eyes full of excitement.

"I didn't expect Shanks to be here too."

Nami asked curiously: "Huh? Do you know him? This guy seems to be a quite famous pirate."

Zoro crossed his arms and leaned against the mast.

"More than just being famous? This guy is the pirate emperor of the New World just like Whitebeard."

Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Shanks once saved my life and handed his cherished straw hat into my hands."

"When we parted ways, we made a promise."

"I will find a group of partners who are stronger than them and become a more powerful pirate than him. At that time, I will return this hat to him."

Zoro mused.

"I see, Luffy's leader..."



Usopp and Chopper swallowed hard and couldn't help but complain:

"Not just Marine, the Revolutionary Army. I even have close friendships with two of the Four Emperors. What a terrifying background..."

Sanji slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and sighed:

"But having said that, as a pirate, I didn't expect that even Marshal Marine would give him face. He is really an amazing person."

"Luffy, it seems there is still a big gap between you and him."

"Shanks is very powerful, but I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

Marine headquarters, infirmary.

Sakazuki slowly opened his eyes.

"Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral?"

"Due to the previous battle, you suffered very serious injuries. Please rest in peace and recover."

Looking at the frostbite all over his body, Sakazuki recalled what happened not long ago in his mind.

His eyes suddenly darkened.

Is it? I actually lost.

And he was defeated by the opponent in a crushing way...

After a moment of silence, Sakazuki raised his head and looked at the sky.

"What is playing now is the eighth one, Kizaru Admiral's Sparkling Fruit."

"It seems that he will also receive the same heavenly reward as Aokiji. I'm so envious..."

As soon as the flying squirrel said these words, he realized something was wrong.

Doesn't this rub salt into the wound?


Sakazuki clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles began to turn white.

The flying squirrel quickly comforted:

"Um...don't take it too seriously. You are also a Logia user, so you will definitely be on the list."

"I don't like to place my hopes on gods. Besides, my Lava-Lava Fruit is indeed not as good as theirs."

Although waves of pain continued to spread throughout his body, the expression on Sakazuki's face remained unchanged.

He left the hospital bed and silently picked up the cloak with the word justice printed on it.

"Where are you going?"

"leave here."

This defeat means that he has completely lost the qualification to compete for Marine Marshal.

He has no face to stay here, and he is not willing to give orders to Aokiji in the future.

The flying squirrel was shocked, and suddenly remembered Aokiji's choice in the original future.

"Could it be! Are you going to leave Marine and become a pirate?"

"Even if Devil Fruit is not as good as them, you are also a Marine Admiral with the same name as Aokiji and Kizaru. Doesn't this prove that your ability is superior to the two of them?"

Sakazuki walked firmly towards the door without looking back.

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Akainu Admiral, please stay! Marine still needs your power!"

Sakazuki stopped, pointed at the sky above, and said in a cold tone:

"Marine? Look, what did Sengoku do?"

"Give me a face?"

"You stopped action just because of what the red hair said? You gave up the great opportunity to destroy the pirates? The dignified Marine Marshal actually compromised with the pirates? What a joke!"


"And Porusalino..."

Sakazuki took a deep breath.

"Pirates are the source of chaos in this world. They should be exterminated to make them regret being born in this world!"

"Only in this way can we deter more lawbreakers and maintain world peace!"

Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral said with difficulty:

"Perhaps the Marshal also has his own ideas. He may be worried that continuing to fight will cause more casualties..."

Sakazuki's tone became colder.

"As a soldier, you should always be prepared to die in battle. If you can't even do this, why are you a Marine? Go home and drink milk!"

"Aokiji, like Sengoku, is too weak."

"If he becomes the marshal, Marine will completely lose its future."

"I'm going to build a new Marine, a real Marine!"

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral was shocked and said quickly: "How can such a thing... be possible!"

"Nothing is impossible. Aokiji can change the future, and so can I."

"Because this is the justice I insist on!"

After finishing speaking, a domineering momentum suddenly erupted!

This force even affects reality.

Floors and walls are cracked.

Under the strong mental impact, the flying squirrel's breath was stagnant, and he couldn't help but kneel on the ground, with a burst of cold sweat pouring down his back.

He raised his head with difficulty and stared blankly ahead, watching the gradually disappearing figure.

"Conqueror's, Haki..."