
Nature VS. Nara

The first book of the (Mother) Nature and (Father) Time fantasy series. The universe started with one being. Initially, it was only Time, also known as Eternity. For thousands upon thousands of years, Eternity ticked by alone in their vast black wasteland of nothingness. One day a voice spoke to them, explaining the creation of a new being who will bring light, warmth, beauty, color, everything, to fill this void and work alongside Eternity. This new being became known as Nature. With Nature came galaxies filled with stars, planets, creatures, and so many new things that Eternity had never experienced before. But with all of these new creations came a different kind of loneliness for Eternity. Nature had become too busy, leaving Eternity behind. One conflict between the beings gives way to an opportunity for Eternity to fill that loneliness. Nature creates a body for Eternity and sends them to earth. Eternity takes up the persona known as Emmit and experiences the earth up close in a way that had never been possible before. This opportunity is how Emit met Nara and grew to love the human race along with many of Nature's other creations. Everything seems fine, right? What happens when Nature becomes the one suffering from that hollow void created by loneliness?

LGGBux · Fantasy
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10 Chs

<<Prologue: Part 2>>

"Nature, why do you always leave?" Eternity asks. Nature comes and goes but it seems as if the going happens more often than the coming.

"I am busy. I have big plans for the creation called Earth." Nature replies. Nature is busy because of their job. Eternity thinks about their own job. Their job does not make them busy. Their job is simple. Keeping things moving is not hard once they have already started. It's different from Nature because Nature has to keep creating and growing things.

"I don't like when you leave. Why can't you do your job and stay?" Eternity poses a new question, hoping to better understand Nature and their job.

"I am always right here, even if I don't answer. When I am not answering, I am either thinking or resting. It takes a lot of strength to create. Strength that I don't always have."

'What is tired? What is rest? I don't do that. Why does Nature need to do that to do their job? Is Nature's job harming them?' Eternity felt that feeling again, the feeling that is opposite of like. This feeling makes Eternity want dark back. When there was only dark, and when Nature was only small, Nature was always there.

Eternity started to believe that the creation called Earth was a problem. Earth was taking too much of Nature away. Eternity wanted to find a way to make Earth slow down. But could Eternity destroy Nature's creation? Eternity had never tried new things. Eternity only understood the ebb and flow of time. How would that help them slow down Earth?

Then Eternity remembered. The past. I can push time the other way, back to when Nature was small. During one of the times when Nature was busy, Eternity tried their idea. They changed the direction of time. Green got bigger again, and the moving shapes called life started going back into the blue. Then, the green started to disappear completely. Then there was only light, blue, and brown. Eternity was pleased with what they had done so they slowed time to keep it near here. Time was moving forward again, but much slower than before. Now Nature could come back. Nature could stay because there would be less for Nature to do.

Eternity waited, but Nature didn't come back. This time, the light faded, and the dark came again. It was different. It was dark, but those drops that made the blue started falling. They fell and fell for a long time. They fell so much, that the brown was becoming hidden underneath them. Then Eternity saw light but only for one brief moment. It came and went, and it did not cover the vast dark. It was small and sharp. It came with loud sounds.

"Eternity, why did you do that? Why did you change my creation?" Nature was loud, just like the sounds that came with the flashing light. Eternity did not like this side of Nature.

"I was trying to help. I wanted you to come back. Earth kept taking you away. Earth was too big. I put it back . . . to the time when you had less to create and grow." Eternity didn't understand why Nature asked that question. Did Nature not want to come back?

After this, the dark stayed for as long as the drops had been falling. The loud sounds and the flashing lights stayed too. Nature had stopped responding to Eternity after Eternity explained their reasoning for putting the earth back. Eternity decided that they needed to pull time the right way again. Eternity did not like when Nature was busy, but they would rather have Nature busy and still talking to them, than not busy and silent.

So, the green came back. Then the moving shapes were in the blue. Next, they were out of the blue and helping fix the problem with the green again. Eternity returned time to how it was before, moving forward and moving quickly. Eternity put everything back in hopes that Nature too would come back. And Nature did.

"You put it back. Thank you for giving it back." Eternity did not like Earth, but Earth kept Nature there so Eternity had to keep Earth too.

Nature and Eternity were back together. Eternity watched and pushed time forward while Nature created and grew things. Eventually, there was a new kind of moving shape. These moving shapes reminded Eternity of Nature. These moving shapes took the brown and the blue and the green and made their own objects. Eternity enjoyed watching these creatures. Maybe the creation called Earth isn't so bad.

These creatures made interesting things. They used the brown to make something and then they would hide inside the newly shaped brown. Some of the brown became very tall while other parts of the brown remained small. Eternity figured that some of the creatures liked tall and some of the creatures liked small.

"Nature, what are those creatures? The ones that make things. The ones like you."

"Those are called people. I am not sure if I am going to keep them yet. People are different than the other creatures of life. The other creatures of life change and grow, but people do it differently. People take and they don't always give back. Sometimes people change, but not always. I am not sure how to fix this yet. I am not sure how to make the people give nor how to make them change."

The longer that Eternity watched the creatures called people, the longer he understood what Nature meant. Some of the people wanted to build their tall brown structures but didn't want other people or other creatures to come inside with them. Some of the people would take the green or brown or blue that was being used by the other people or the other creatures, even if they didn't need it all. When one of the people creatures mated with another one, their offspring would take on the same ideas and creations as the parent people. When that happened, there was no change. People are strange.

Again, the sky got dark, and Nature was quiet. 'Nature must be thinking,' thought Eternity. 'Maybe I could try thinking.' So, Eternity gave thinking a try. They thought and they thought but it was hard to figure out how to make people give. Thinking made Eternity feel lonely again. Eternity did not like loneliness. 'How can Nature do this, it's hard.'

Eventually, Eternity got tired of thinking. They knew what would happen if time stayed at its current pace. Eternity decided that maybe making time faster, could help these creatures called people. They would get older, and older means wiser. This is what Eternity thought.

Eternity gave time a push. It was too big of a push. The earth could not handle the push. Green started growing too fast for the other creatures of life to maintain it. People were getting old and instead of becoming wise, they just created new people and then left them. The older a person grew, the sooner they would leave. Eternity began to panic. Eternity did not like to see the people leave and the green take over. Eternity knew that Nature would not be pleased. Eternity tried to slow time down. Once time was slower, the people started staying again. The other creatures were able to consume the green and prevent it from taking over again. Everything went back. Pushing time did not change what would happen. Time cannot be forced to make a change. Change happens because of Nature and time moves along to keep Nature's creation alive.

Nature noticed what Eternity did. At first, Nature was angry. Nature did not like when Eternity tried to help. Eternity was selfish. When Eternity was alone for too long, Eternity did things they were not supposed to do. Nature knew that before they could fix the problem with the people creatures, they had to find a way to keep Eternity occupied. How could Nature keep Eternity from feeling lonely, even when Nature was busy?

Nature decided to plant a seed inside the minds of the people creatures. Nature knew that Eternity liked the people creatures and maybe, if the people creatures returned that feeling to Eternity, they would learn to share, and Eternity would no longer be lonely. Yes! Nature thought this was the perfect way to solve both of their problems. This seed that Nature created was called worship.