
National Beast Control: Touch SSS-level devil eggs at the beginning

The Era of Universal Beast Tamers. Jiang Fan unexpectedly travels back ten years into the past. Initially planning to use his knowledge from his previous life to amass wealth, he soon discovers that the world has undergone significant changes. Seventh-rank Beast Tamer Ma Huateng, along with his Emperor Penguin Beast, is striving to reach the eighth rank... Jack Ma, uninterested in money, discovered a gold mine with his Gold-Eating Ant King... Beast Trainer Cai Kunkun spent two and a half years hatching an egg, eventually producing a beast that can sing, dance, and play basketball, named "Chicken Gene"... Reborn with a skill enhancement system, Jiang Fan starts off with a demon egg possessing limitless growth potential, hatching an extraordinarily unique demon beast. [Ding, you have increased the vitality of your beast "Succubus." The beast "Succubus" won't be able to sleep tonight...] [Ding, you have increased the mental power of your beast "Succubus." With her enhanced mind, she will enter your dreams tonight to cause trouble...] [Ding, you have increased the racial value of your beast "Succubus." The beast "Succubus" has evolved into "Succubus Queen"...] This is a world of Beast Tamers. Witness how the ordinary Beast Tamer Jiang Fan rises step by step to the pinnacle of the world, ascending to the throne of the Beast Tamers!

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasy
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172 Chs

### Chapter 115: Everyone meets at the lowest level underground

He could only hear the first half of the sentence clearly, but Dr. Tian couldn't hear anything else that followed.

 But with just this half sentence, Dr. Tian was able to identify whose voice it was.

 Isn't that Jiang Fan's? He also said something similar to this when he fell off the platform just now.

 For a moment, Dr. Tian was stunned.

 Could it be that Jiang Fan's spirit in heaven appeared?

 That's for sure!

 Apart from this explanation, Dr. Tian could not think of any other possibility.

 After all, Jiang Fan had already fallen, and even if he hadn't fallen into a pile of rotten flesh, he was on the way to becoming one. It was impossible to send a message to himself.

 Dr. Tian grinned bitterly, but Jiang Fan's voice suddenly appeared and woke him up.

 Yes, what are you thinking about? Just die. This is the most cowardly way to die.

 I have been preparing to come here again for twenty years. Do I just want to die weak like this?

 No, never.

 At this thought, Dr. Tian's cloudy eyes burst into light.

 He straightened his waist and looked up at the fiery red dome above the arena.

 The judge, who was still sucking in Dr. Tian's various negative emotions, was stunned and thought to himself what the old man was up to. He should hurry up and cry and beg for mercy in front of the desperate choice he had arranged, so that he could taste all kinds of delicious food.

 Above Dr. Tian's head, a vague silk thread was continuously delivering black matter to the dome.

 But at this moment, Dr. Tian's eyes burst out with unprecedented light. He looked directly at the dome and said word by word: "Judge, show your true body, I want to challenge you!"

 Dr. Tian is no longer He is a fifth-level beast master, but the words he said at this time were many times more confident than those 20 years ago.

 This kind of spiritual strength and bravery may be as useless as poisonous chicken soup in many cases, but at this critical moment, it has a miraculous effect.

 The vague silk thread connecting Dr. Tian's head was originally just transporting black matter, but suddenly, a fiery red substance that was as hot as a substantial flame was sent into the dome along the silk thread and the black matter.

 The referee was still a little confused when he heard Dr. Tian's words; after he realized what he was saying, he was about to scold Dr. Tian for not knowing how big the world is, but his voice stopped as if it was stuck.

 "You, you~ what did you give me to eat~"

 The judge's heart-rending shouts rang out in the huge space.

 Dr. Tian, who was standing in the arena, was confused by this.

 Why is the Lord Judge screaming? Did I use my own courage to defeat him?

 Just as this thought arose in Dr. Tian's mind, the next second he felt a violent shaking under his feet.

 The Warrior Arena is cracking at a speed visible to the naked eye; the platform with a diameter of 800 meters collapsed in just ten breaths.

 The Snow White Queen, He Fengxian and others, who were entangled in red silk threads, fell into the bottomless abyss.

 Dr. Tian was no exception. Together with large pieces of gravel, he slowly fell under the influence of gravity.

 Before his consciousness dissipated, there was only one thought left in Dr. Tian's mind: "Damn, I still have to die. Little friend Jiang Fan, I'm here to accompany you!


 I don't know how long it took, but Dr. Tian felt like he had fallen onto a piece of water.

 The expected pain and bubbles from falling into the water did not appear.

 Dr. Tian could even feel that his body was being salvaged and placed in a warm place to dry.

 Wait, this is not an illusion!

 Dr. Tian stood up suddenly and looked around with confused eyes.

 Xiao He, Qian Yi, Wang Fangfang...one person, two people, three people...many, many people.

 "Why are there so many people? Have I returned to the ground?"

 Dr. Tian murmured to himself.

 "Dr. Tian, we are still underground; this is the lowest level of the underground world. My name is Ye Cheng, and this is a member of our team, Zhang Weimin, Director Zhang..."

 Except for Dr. Tian who woke up relatively late, He Fengxian and others Already woke up.

 It was through He Fengxian's story that Ye Cheng learned about Dr. Tian's identity.

 "What is going on now?"

 Dr. Tian's memory still remains at the time when the Warriors Arena collapsed, and he doesn't know anything else.

 "Dr. Tian, let me tell you."

 Ye Cheng didn't have oxygen equipment on him, and his clothes and hair were messy, but he was able to remain calm and calm.

 Immediately, Ye Cheng explained in detail what happened to him and others and what happened underground.

 "You are saying that there is a dead man under the ground, and the reason why Linhai City was shaken was because the dead man's beast was digging a tomb for him?"

 After hearing this information, Dr. Tian was completely confused. state.

 This kind of thing is really appalling.

 A beast that can cause the ground to tremble must be so powerful at that level.

 And the level of the beast master of the deceased person is an unsolved mystery.

 "Have you seen that beast?"

 "No, we are not qualified."

 Ye Cheng shook his head, with a look of shame on his face.

 "Except for Song Yunxi, all of us are trapped here." Zhang Weimin added on the side.

 "Student Song, is she okay?"

 Dr. Tian looked dumbfounded when he heard this.

 Song Yunxi is a famous figure who jumped three levels in a row at Jinling Beast Control University within one year. Even Dr. Tian, who spends all day in the laboratory studying beast control, has heard of her name.

 Before setting off from school, Dr. Tian heard about Song Yunxi's distress.

 I heard that because of this incident, the principal of Jinling Beast Control University almost beat to death the dean of the department who assigned Song Yunxi a mission.

 You can imagine how big the trouble was.

 Now that he heard the news that Song Yunxi was still alive, Dr. Tian breathed a sigh of relief for his beaten colleague.

 "What's going on? Where is classmate Song now?"

 "She is accepting the challenge of the beast that can confuse people; everything about this place is what the beast told us. If Song Yunxi succeeds, we can leave "If you fail~"

 Ye Cheng's words stopped abruptly. Everyone knew the consequences of failure, which was death.

 "Ah, is it like this?"

 Dr. Tian did not expect that Song Yunxi would end up in the same situation as himself, and couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

 "Hey, we can't help much here; if little kid Jiang Fan were here, I don't know what he would do."

 Dr. Tian inadvertently

thought of Jiang Fan, who had brought strength to him invisibly, with a faint look on his face. sigh.

 "What, Mr. Jiang is here too?!"