
National Beast Control: Touch SSS-level devil eggs at the beginning

The Era of Universal Beast Tamers. Jiang Fan unexpectedly travels back ten years into the past. Initially planning to use his knowledge from his previous life to amass wealth, he soon discovers that the world has undergone significant changes. Seventh-rank Beast Tamer Ma Huateng, along with his Emperor Penguin Beast, is striving to reach the eighth rank... Jack Ma, uninterested in money, discovered a gold mine with his Gold-Eating Ant King... Beast Trainer Cai Kunkun spent two and a half years hatching an egg, eventually producing a beast that can sing, dance, and play basketball, named "Chicken Gene"... Reborn with a skill enhancement system, Jiang Fan starts off with a demon egg possessing limitless growth potential, hatching an extraordinarily unique demon beast. [Ding, you have increased the vitality of your beast "Succubus." The beast "Succubus" won't be able to sleep tonight...] [Ding, you have increased the mental power of your beast "Succubus." With her enhanced mind, she will enter your dreams tonight to cause trouble...] [Ding, you have increased the racial value of your beast "Succubus." The beast "Succubus" has evolved into "Succubus Queen"...] This is a world of Beast Tamers. Witness how the ordinary Beast Tamer Jiang Fan rises step by step to the pinnacle of the world, ascending to the throne of the Beast Tamers!

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasy
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168 Chs

### Chapter 114: Difficult choice, what are you thinking about?

Set the time back ten minutes ago.

 After Jiang Fan sacrificed his life to save Dr. Shimoda, everyone standing in the Warrior Arena fell into heavy grief.

 But Liu Long, who was the cause of all this, was different from the others; the moment the Snow White Queen was given up by him, the true judge threw him back to the platform.

 As soon as his feet landed on the platform, Liu Long's feet trembled with excitement.

 He hurriedly ran to Dr. Tian and snatched the Snow White Queen from Dr. Tian's hand.

 "Snow White Queen, it's great that you are okay."

 Liu Long said as he wanted to touch Snow White Queen's head with his palm, but unexpectedly Snow White Queen broke away from his arms and ran to hide behind Dr. Tian. stand up.

 "Snow White Queen, are you blaming me? I have no choice but to make the choice for you in that situation, you will definitely make the same choice as me -"

 Liu Long's voice was a little hoarse, the kind of person who didn't like it. The sense of grievance that was understood came through the words and seemed extremely pitiful.

 {Haha, ridiculous human beings. You didn't even hesitate when faced with the choice of death. Your character is really not brave, which really disappoints me.}

 {As punishment, I will extract a piece of your soul; come back twenty years later , If you are still so incompetent, be prepared for death}

 After the judge said, a silk thread stretched out from the fiery red giant egg and wrapped around Liu Long's body.

 The silk thread passed through Liu Long's nose, eye sockets, ears and mouth, and after some stirring, a black and red substance was extracted from Liu Long's body.

 When the materials were combined together, they actually vaguely revealed the appearance of Liulong.

 Seeing this scene, Liu Long was frightened.

 He kept mumbling, "No, no, no, I don't dare anymore~"

 He looked pitiful and helpless, but no one helped him.

 {You still have two hours of oxygen left in your oxygen tank, I hope you can leave here alive}

 The judge kindly reminded Liu Long, and the latter immediately stumbled away like a frightened monkey, ignoring his body and head.

 At the edge of the platform, stairs appeared. Liu Long ran and shouted: "Mom, I will never come here again, mother!"

 When Liu Long left, the stairs disappeared again; and the black bats on the warrior arena also stopped. attack.

 {Tian Heng, I am very satisfied with your heroic performance; as a reward for you, I decided to give you a chance for redemption}

 The judge's voice fell, and then Dr. Tian heard the horrified screams of the students around him.

 He looked sideways and discovered that He Fengxian and others were entangled by red threads spreading from the dome and carried into the air.

 "Teacher Tian, help me!"

 "Dr. Tian, help me~"

 The students' cries for help echoed in Dr. Tian's ears; he roared at the referee in a surprised and angry voice:

 "What kind of award is this? !"

 {Don't worry; as long as you pass my courage test, I will put them down; not only that, I will also give you the courage badge related to the treasure of the Beast Controlling Saint King, are you ready?

 The referee's voice was smooth. He seemed to have a good grasp of Dr. Tian and could quickly respond to Dr. Tian's various reactions.

 "You want to do this?" Dr. Tian's body was shaking a little. He was panicked, panicked and even felt afraid.

 The sense of restraint and responsibility that other people's lives were tied to him made him breathless.

 {You'll find out later. Before that, let me make some preparations and wish you well. }

 As soon as the judge's voice fell, all the firelight in the entire warrior arena disappeared in an instant, and the entire space fell into infinite darkness.

 Everything around him was eerily quiet, and Dr. Tian could feel his nervous, heavy breathing with a hint of trembling.

 Not just the sound of breathing, his entire body was trembling now.

 The silent darkness kept attacking Dr. Tian like a devouring beast, constantly impacting Dr. Tian's psychological defense line.

 This silent darkness is the most frustrating.

 Dr. Tian stood there and did not dare to move. His dry throat slowly spat out a few words: "Xiao He?"

 "Classmate Qian Yi?"

 "Classmate Wang Fangfang?"

 "Are you there? Say something to me - —"

 "Master Judge?"

 Dr. Tian's voice became lower and lower.

 His psychological defense was constantly breaking down just like this voice.

 I don't know how much time passed, but Dr. Tian held his head in his hands, squatted on the ground and started sobbing.

 He is afraid of the dark, he is extremely afraid of the dark.

 The darkness was as terrifying to him as a scourge.

 Whenever he faced the darkness, he would always think of the beast masters who lost their lives because of his cowardice.

 The heart-wrenching self-blame and the powerlessness of not being able to respond to expectations constantly tortured his body and mind.

 This silent darkness lasted for who knows how long. Suddenly, Dr. Tian felt a bright light rising around him.

 He tentatively raised his buried head, and sure enough he found that the light had returned.

 But before he had time to be happy, the scene in front of him made him completely dumbfounded.

 I saw that the snow-white queen I had just rescued was being tied up with a red thread and hung outside the platform.

 On the other side, three of his students were similarly hoisted and dragged outside the platform.

 Below them is a bottomless abyss. As soon as the red thread is loosened, everyone and the beast will fall down, and then with a "pop" sound, they will fall into a pile of rotten flesh.

 {Come on Tian Heng, make your choice; do you want to save this beast or your three students? }

 This referee is extremely vicious, and no matter which option he gives, Dr. Tian cannot accept it.

 "You, you, you~"

 Dr. Tian's teeth couldn't stop chattering. This was not a test of courage. It was clearly a Shura field that constantly tortured him.

 Choice, does he have a choice? Does he dare to choose?

 "I don't choose, let them go~"

 Dr. Tian shouted in a hoarse voice.

 {No, you must choose}

 The judge's voice sounded vaguely, leaving no way for Dr. Tian to retreat at all.

 Dr. Tian's face froze, and his mouth seemed to be coated with strong sealing glue and could not be opened.

 choose? No choice at all.

 No matter which side he chose, he absolutely couldn't make a decision.

 At this moment, Dr. Tian thought of Jiang Fan who died to save himself and Queen Snow, and couldn't help but envy him.

 It's not a blessing to be able to die like this once and for all.

 Thinking of this, Dr. Tian's mind moved.

 Everything started because of yourself. As long as you die, everything will end.

 And I no longer have to bear all these responsibilities, everything ends like this.

 "What are you thinking about when you step on

the horse?"

 Just when Dr. Tian had thoughts of seeking death and was about to jump off, an extremely hazy voice suddenly sounded in his ears.