
Naruto x Avengers: I failed once, not again

Due to a mistake, Stan Lee gives the TVA too much power allowing them to erase nearly every single universe. However one brave author decides to merge a failed Naruto timeline as well as a failed Marvel timeline which Iron man dies, together, to save Stan Lee’s creation from destruction. How will Naruto react when he arrives in the modern world, and will he be able to save these people from destruction unlike how he failed his own people..

Clutch_Shadow · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

How are you still alive?

We arrived back at Tony's mansion late that night. The press and the board members of SI had been eating him alive for hours

"Jarvis, give them a little tour. They can have access to everywhere but my bedroom and Pepper's."

"Are you sure that's wise, Sir?" The voice responded.

"Both of them have already seen the highest classified projects I have, so not letting them see anything other than that would be pointless."

"As you wish, sir."

Tony then walked with pepper to one wing of the house, while Jarvis guided us through the other side.

Neither of us went through the rest of the house as we had been up for several days. Yinsen had only slept for a few hours at the military base before we returned. While I hadn't slept at all since my revival, In fact I've been conscious and aware for the past several thousand years.

Yinsen went into his own room, while I went into mine. I looked around and noticed it had a very large bed, a private bathroom, as well as a walk in closet. Feeling a little dirty, although I could just dispel the dirt off of me, made me want to take a nice hot bath.

It's been a long time since I had done so, so I really wanted to dip into the nostalgia of my early years. I walked into the bathroom and fiddled with the knobs for a moment before hot water started pooping into the large tub.

While I waited for it to fill up I decided to check out the closet, although I can just create and erase just about anything whenever and wherever I want. I still want to have something to take up some time in my day.

Since I've become Immortal I've basically just been doing the same thing on repeat for several thousand years. It's become boring quickly and my chakra control is probably the best out of everyone who has ever existed.

I walked into the closet to find basic clothes. Varying between men and women as well as from small to extra large.

A broad selection, however it is smart to do so when you have no idea who will be using this room. I gathered all the clothes and shoved them all onto the farthest hooks at the end of the closet. No point in erasing them as they aren't mine.

Now since they were all pushed to the end of the closet I started creating some basic clothes for myself. Some were suit's like the one I saw Tony wear today. While others were just casual clothes that I noticed people wearing while we were driving.

While I was making the clothes I realized I didn't really have a preference for orange anymore, it seems like I inherited some of the preference from those I absorbed as well.

Lastly, an outfit that seemed to complement my current features the best. It was a pair of loose black slacks, a white t-shirt, a black trench coat with red insides. Along with it I had a pair of red gloves that had black wrists, and a necklace that had a silver ♦️ shaped crystal attached to it.

Then, sending the water had reached an ideal height, I walked back into the bathroom and stripped off all the clothes I had been wearing before sinking into the warm water.

Feeling a sense of relaxation I decided to loosen up all the restraints I had placed on myself. Keeping my aura in check while I did so, I released the restraints on my chakra, physical strength, and senses.

I sat there like that for over an hour, the warm water cooled to room temperature as I decided to get out. I carefully flipped the switch that had plugged the drain, while making sure not to damage the tub when I got out. I created a towel to dry myself off as I looked over at my reflection in the mirror.

"What the fuck…." I couldn't help but speak aloud.

'That shouldn't be here, let alone exist.' I thought to myself as I traced my hand along an 8 trigram seal on my chest. I felt a familiar presence inside.

A frown crossed my face as I sensed them. 'Why is that person still alive, could it be because of the seal?'

I continued to fry myself off before throwing on a pair of black sweatpants, white t-shirt, and a black hoodie that had an orange spiral on the back.

'Well, no time like the present.' I thought to myself as I layed down on the bed and sunk myself into my mind space that I had thought didn't even exist any more.

I appeared in a small town. Empty building all around me as I sensed who I was looking for ahead of me.

I walked through the town as I appeared in front of the largest building. The symbols of the clan who owned it adorned the walls. I opened the door to find it as a hollow room, and at the far wall was my 'prisoner'

"My, My, it took you long enough to show up…. Naruto."

"Was kinda busy."

"I can tell, white hair suits you." The figure replied while smiling.

"How are you even still alive...Madara?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He replied smiling before it turned into a frown. "Before, when I was being used as Kaguya's host. I saw everything she saw."


"That backstabbing bastard zetsu." He said with a scowl.

"Reduced to nothing but the chakra I wie-."

"No he's not." He cut me off.

"What do you mean?"

"I was able to see everything Kaguya was able to, I admit it made me a little dizzy as I had never seen 360 degrees before. However it is something I welcome now that I was able to see his circumstances."

"I placed a seal on him, he is dead." I said, however uncertainty laced my voice.

"The truth seeking rod you used to pin him to the ground prevented his seal from pulling him along. Although he, as well as Kaguya's arm, were flapping around wherever their movement would let them." He finished while chuckling.

"So he's probably still there, as soon as I leave I'll go kill him."

"Even truth seeking orbs don't last forever, he should've been freed by now." Madara replied with a stern face. "And I'm the one who knows him best."

"Where are you going with this?"

"And as you know, Kaguya's arm was still attached to him."

"... fuck."

"Yeah, same thing I thought."

"Haaaa." I let out a long breath. "So what do you want?"

"I want you to let me out so I can kill that backstabbing bastard."

"And why should I do that? After all you've done, after all those you've killed."

"I made my choice to stop wars. And you made your choice to end one. You've killed far more than me so do you really have the right to judge what I've done when you did the same." He sneered.

"You…" I began, however no words followed. He was right, I sacrificed everyone who was trapped in order to kill Kaguya. Do I really have the right to judge him?

I stared at him for a minute, debating within myself.

"Fine, however there will be rules."

"I'll agree."

"First, I forbid you to attack any innocents, if you wanna go terrorize some terrorists then go ahead, however don't touch civilians and innocents.

"I agree."

"Second, don't start any wars. Keep yourself out of the major government's bad side."

"No promises if they do something first, however I won't initiate anything."

"Third, when you find Zetsu, tell me. I want to have time to place barriers to prevent his escape."

"As long as you don't step in while I kill him then I'll agree."

"Finally, I noticed that earth has man made barriers protecting the planet. I assume that these were placed after a previous invasion. Unless we are in the process of killing Zetsu, for the duration of your life, from the moment you exit this seal to the moment your corpse grows cold, if anyone invades this planet or threatens Humanity. You will do your absolute best to help defeat them.

"I'll agree. After all I did what I did, no matter how cruel it may have been. In order to prevent any more needless death."

"Swear on the one whose death caused you to gain your mangekyo." I responded with squinted eyes.

A frown appeared on Madara's face.

"That person's name should rest with the old me. What I once was, not what I am now."

I returned the frown, however I could hear the sincerity in the words. Whomever caused him to gain his eyes, was someone who was precious to him before he gained his hate.

"Fine, when I have a moment tomorrow I'll undo the seal." I said before exiting the mind space. 'I'll have to find some place to drop him off… that terrorist hot spot sounds like a good place.'

I closed my eyes and spread out my senses. Absorbing lots of information takes time so it should be possible to quicken my sense of time by doing so.

Senses spread out around the area as I felt both the good and bad throughout the city. I ignored the robberies and people getting mugged, as it will happen again whether I stop it or not. Sadly it's just part of Human nature. However whenever my sense came across a woman being assaulted, I placed a Genjutsu on those who were assaulting that would prevent excess blood flow to a certain appendage if the woman doesn't reciprocate the man's actions.

I could just remove that appendage but I don't really want hundreds of government officials stalking around after hearing hundreds of men's dicks had fallen off.

Eventually I noticed that it was getting lighter out, as well as some movement inside Stark's house so I gathered my senses and got up.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen where I found stark pouring a cup of coffee.

"Have a good sleep." I joked while smirking at him.

"Yeah, sadly that's all that happened. Hopefully tonight I'll be a lucky man." He responded.

"Lucky lady." I replied


"Sure." I accepted, a few moments later he handed me a cup.

"Sugar is there while creamer is in the fridge." He said while pointing to a cupboard.

"Thanks." I replied before adding some of each while returning them to the places they belong.

Stark and I walked into the living room and looked out the large paned windows as we drank our coffee.

"I'll be running somewhere for a little bit, should be back within half an hour." I said to Tony

"Sure, just don't get me in trouble."

"Got it." I replied before finishing up my cup. I rinsed it out in the sink and set it into the dishwasher before going and changing into my black and red trench coat outfit.

I walked out into the living room to see Tony finishing up his cup.

"I'll see you later, oh by the way." I said while creating a kunai.

"If you ever need help Stark just throw this on the ground." I said before handing it to him. I also walked over to a wall and placed my mark which seeped into it before disappearing.

"Just throw it?"

"Yeah, I can teleport wherever the dagger is so if you throw it, I will know that you need help when it hits the ground.


"Alright, I'll see you later." I said before disappearing, and reappearing on the opposite side of the planet.

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