
Naruto x Avengers: I failed once, not again

Due to a mistake, Stan Lee gives the TVA too much power allowing them to erase nearly every single universe. However one brave author decides to merge a failed Naruto timeline as well as a failed Marvel timeline which Iron man dies, together, to save Stan Lee’s creation from destruction. How will Naruto react when he arrives in the modern world, and will he be able to save these people from destruction unlike how he failed his own people..

Clutch_Shadow · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


A long time passed. My body, after having absorbed Kaguya, was unable to handle the amount of chakra within me. The moment the chakra exploded out and soaked into me was the moment my body did the same. I quite literally exploded outwards into trillions of pieces. Molecules of me spread around the globe as my mind tried to adjust to the income of new information from all those whom I had absorbed.

I attempted to reform myself once I regained consciousness. It was an odd feeling really, darkness all around as I tried to draw in the chakra that was once my body.

I kept trying and trying but each time my chakra dispersed back into the atmosphere. I tried to feel around to find out what was happening and I eventually was able to come across a gathering of my Chakra. It all seemed to pool to 3 different places around the world.

I realized that it might have been an attempt to revive me by someone, or several groups of people. Hope filled me as I knew that someone was still alive. So I decided to wait and see what would happen.

I don't know how long I sat like that. Time became an illusion as hundreds of years passed.

I know I had been waiting for several thousand years but I simply stayed calm. To keep myself busy I practiced manipulating my chakra. I had never been good at it even when I only had Kurama's chakra but now I have nearly 10x that amount.

One day, probably 7-8 thousand years after I became like this, I felt something. An energy source that seemed to draw on Chakra to power itself. So I reached for it, it is impossible for me to gather my own chakra when it is being split into 3 different locations. However I figured why not latch my chakra onto something else and use it to kickstart my revival.

The more I grasped onto it the more I felt it was familiar. I had felt devices similar to this but they were too large, too chaotic. But this…It seemed as though it resonated with me. As if it knew I would be the one who was capable of pushing it into further stages.

It felt strange, so I reached out and calmed myself as I let myself be pulled towards it. Meanwhile I searched my thoughts for that strange feeling.

After several minutes I found it, and the moment I did so I was able to see. Not the world around me but possible paths. Sadly they were hidden to me, the paths showed their existence as well as whether I would benefit or be in pain from following them. I searched through them, some gave me great rewards but at greater risks. Others gave no rewards but I simply lived a calm and collected life. I continued searching till I found one, a path that had almost no pain and loss while also reaping great rewards. I reached up and grasped it. It seemed to meld into my hand as I heard a motherly voice.

"Very well, this is the path you choose. Trust your senses and I will guide you to its fruition."

The voice was soft and powerful as it reverberated through my mind. I calmed myself again as I reached back for the device I had found before as I felt myself drawing closer to it. I felt a warmth around me as though I had been wandering Suna. The warmth lasted for several minutes before I felt a coolness envelop me as well, and as the coolness enveloped me I saw a light.

I continued to pull myself forward as I reached for the light. It's brightness enveloping me as I felt some of my sense return.


3rd person POV

"Foohhh, That doesn't look like a Jericho missile." Man A said.

"That's because it's a miniaturized arc reactor, I got a big one powering my factory at home. It should keep the shrapnel out of my heart." Said Man B.

"How much could it generate?" Man A asked.

"If my math is right, as it always is…. 3 gigajoules per second." Man B Answered.

"That could run your heart for 50 lifetimes." Man A said Surprised.

"Yeah, or something big for 15 minutes." Man B Responded


The two men grabbed onto the table as the ground began to shake.

"Oh great, first I got kidnapped by terrorists, and now I'm stuck in a cave during an earthquake. Is there anything else that could make this worse." Man B said while complaining about his situation.

"You might not want to tempt fate." Man A says before dodging a few rocks that fell from the ceiling.


The lights flickered as pieces of equipment toppled over. A metal crunching sound was heard as the two men looked over at the door which was bent at an odd angle, the cave's roof crushing it.

"We're trapped." Man A said


The earthquake continued as the men stayed crouched, ready to jump if any rock was going to fall on them.

"I didn't think earthquakes lasted this long." Man B comments. At this point they had been crouched for almost five minutes as the earthquake intensified.

"They normally don't." Man A responded.

The earthquake continued as the lights in their room went out. Their only source of light being the forge as it lit up the room in an eerie orange glow.

A few minutes later Man A looks over to the door and says. "Hey what's that?" As he points towards a small floating gray orb that slipped through a gap in the collapsed door and floated near the Arc Reactor.

Man B tried to stand up as the Earthquake intensified again, tossing him to the ground.

"There are more of them." Man A commented.

The two watched as more and more of the gray orbs gathered around one another near the Arc reactor. The orbs begin to arrange themselves, some going up and forming two floating eyes, while others form a hand that lifts the reactor up into the air.

They watch as the "Creature" observed the reactor before some of the orbs sank into it. The two noticed that as the orbs sunk into the reactor, that it had begun to change. It became more refined, some of the materials seemed to have completely changed into others. And finally the glowing blue changed into a glowing gray, The glow was brighter as well, as if signifying it was more powerful.

Man B couldn't help but stand up and take a few steps towards it, watching his steps as he attempted not to fall from the shaking. Eyes on the arc reactor as it hummed softly. The "Creature" pushed it towards him as he grabbed it with uncertainty. He looked at the device as he noticed right off the bat that the copper wires were now a Black colored metal that gave off a gleam as light struck it. He looked over at the creature as he noticed the previously gathered orbs had separated and formed an outline of a humanoid.

More and more orbs flooded the room as they continued to fill in gaps between each other. A gray glow intensifying as more and more orbs flooded in as the earthquake hit its peak. Soon the gathered orbs hit their peak as well as a burst of light exploded in the room like a flashbang. The earthquake stopped as if it had never been there as an Off-White haired young man stood there, eyes closed as he took in a deep breath.


Naruto POV

The two men blinked as they fought off the afterimage of the light that was still swimming around in their vision.

"Ahh, it feels good to have a body again." A voice startles the two.

"Who are you?" Man B asks.

"Don't you think it's rude to ask someone who they are without introducing yourself first." I comment.

The man stares at me dumbfounded. "You don't know who I am?" He asks

"Woah there, a little Narcissistic aren't we." I chide.

He stares me directly in the eyes as if to see whether or not I'm pulling his leg. "The name's Tony Stark, Billionaire, Playboy, genius, Philanthropist."

"Heh, what type of billionaire live in a cave in…" I stretch my senses outwards to get a look at the local terrain. "the middle of a desert."

"The kind that was abducted by terrorists, now who are you?"

I raised an eyebrow at hearing he was abducted before answering his question. "Naruto Uzumaki" I said while sticking a hand forward. "Nice to meet you."

He grasps my hand and gives it a shake before letting go. "So… How'd you get in here?" he asks while glancing at the collapsed door frame.

I followed his gaze and realized that he was probably trapped in here by the little earthquake I accidentally caused. After all, molecules of me were basically everywhere there was Nature energy, so pulling them out of the place they had latched themselves to had shaken up nearly half the world. In fact I'm surprised this cave didn't collapse.

"You kinda watched me get in here…" I said.

"We did?" he replies confused, after all how would he not notice me getting into the room.

"Floating gray orbs and all." I comment while realization dawns on him.

"So you were that creature who tampered with my arc reactor." He replied with a pissed off look.

"I just upgraded it a little."

"That's the problem, you upgraded it and I'm in the middle of an afghani desert. I got nothing to scan it and see what it can do. It also pisses me off that I had spent years trying to figure it out, and when I finally did, someone decided to show up and upgrade it after looking at it for a few seconds."

"I didn't really change up the layout of it, only switched out the materials with something better."

"Yeah, speaking of that, how'd you do it?"

"Oh just a Dojutsu called creation of all things."

"Dojutsu?" He replied with a questioning look

"Yeah, a Jutsu that requires a certain eye to use."

"You're saying that we can do things other than just 'see' with our eyes."

"Yeah…though it mostly depends on your clan."

"Clan? That sounds like some medieval type shit. And Jutsu, Isn't that the stuff Japanese ninjas mess with?"

"Japanese? What are they?"

".......you know what, never mind I'm not having this conversation now. We need to get out of here. With the entrance collapsed I should be able to create the prototype before they clear it up." He said, I could almost see the gears spinning in his head as he began to think. "Yinsen, can you come here?" he said while picking up a few stacks of paper and walking over to a nearby table. He places them down before walking over to a wire that seemed to be the main power source for the room. Cutting it off from the rest of the base, he wires the mini arc reactor to it as the lights start flickering back on.

I watch as the two start breaking apart pieces of the thing they called a "Jericho Missile" and begin piecing it together in the shape of an armor. It was intriguing to watch, especially when it came to programming the targeting systems and other electronic parts. I had some basic computer knowledge… well it'd be considered basic to them but it was the most cutting edge technology we had. Electricity was something in every major village, heck even in some smaller ones. However computers were rare, most of them were in the hands of the daimyo as well as science facilities and advanced medical facilities.

[AN:// Computers were seen back in the original Naruto series after Choji fought Jirobo. There is a scene where computers are monitoring his vitals. I don't want to overestimate or underestimate the technology levels of the elemental nations so i will say they had late 90's technology however it wasn't being mass produced and was instead being kept top secret for military purposes. Which is why after the 4th war we see a massive increase in technology before the fanfic, which someone decided to call canon, named Boruto showed up.]

I looked back over at the thing he called an Arc reactor. It was truly an impressive piece of technology, not a hint of chakra used to craft it however it so easily forces small particles to fuse resulting in a spike of energy which is also drawing Lightning chakra to the area. It is then using the lightning chakra to keep stimulating itself making it so it will operate nigh indefinitely.

My senses tweak as I look over at the crushed door, I can sense people further away trying to dig their way in, likely because they hear the banging of the hammer

"You have about 37 hours until they are able to safely unblock the cave." I say to Tony and the guy called Yinsen.

Tony looks at me for a second. "I'm not even gonna ask how you know that but I'll work with it." He spoke before hammering away.

I sit there and watch as they continue creating the armor, piece by piece, wire by wire. I could easily break us all out but a nagging voice is telling me not to.

"Hey Stark."

"Kinda busy at the moment, how bout you call back during my weekday business hours."

My eye twitched at the response which earned me a smirk from his direction.

"What do you need, kid." He said as I just gave him a blank stare.

"I'm older than everyone here combined, even your warden's out there."

The two of them stop their work and stare at me for a second before they continue with what they were doing. I sensed that Tony's focus wasn't fully on what he was doing as if he was waiting for me to speak.

"Mind if I hitch a ride with you when we leave."


"My gut is telling me to stick around you as it'll be fun."

"Of course it would be fun, billionaire playboy here is all sorts of fun." he said while pointing at himself. "So again, why."

I stare at him for a few seconds. "This is the first time I've had a physical body since my previous one decided that every single molecule of me wanted to get as far away from the other ones as possible. Your little arc reactor was like a beacon, unlike that big one. After all, I was severely weakened, because of this the small size of the reactor was enough of a beacon to guide me here so I could reform while also not being strong enough to drag me into it, killing me."

"So I'm your beacon of light, sounds romantic. Unfortunately for you, I don't like guys. Yinsen on the other hand might give you a hand."

I stare at him dumbfounded wondering how we got dragged into this rabbit hole.

"Dude, I haven't had a body for several thousand years. Which also means I have no idea what has happened in several thousand years." He seems to ignore the part of my age as if he is denying I'm that old. "You are a really rich guy who's trapped in a cave by terrorists. Just say my skills in battle impressed you and you wanted me as a bodyguard. One, this would be reasonable as you had been kidnapped and would need someone you trust at your side. Two, if people ask why you trust me you could make the point that we are literally outnumbered 300-1 and I still helped you. Three, I know you are interested in what I used to upgrade your reactor and I can create an infinite amount of it as long as I have the energy. Four, you are also intrigued by my background as you saw me as nothing but a little floating orb a few hours ago and I highly doubt you would want me running around causing chaos."

"Fair, now do me a favor and help me with this. He said before we both hoisted part of the armor up to chest level as Yinsen hooked it to a large metal slab.

I continued watching them work away at the armor, periodically helping as time counted down. Eventually, only an hour was left as we helped Tony slip into the suit before Yinsen started up the starting sequence. At this point I had created a small piece of metal that attracted lightning chakra to stick to the wire where the arc reactor had been. Tony currently had it sitting in his heart as I saw some of the chakra I had placed in it begin to seep into his bones.

With about half an hour to go once the armor was powered, Yinsen began working on the targeting systems, fine tuning them to increase the likelihood of hitting an enemy. At this point we could hear the voices on the other side of a few large rocks. It wouldn't be long before they would break in.

"They're here" I say to the two.

Yinsen steps back as Tony lowers his face shield and faced the door. I stay standing where I am, calmly watching, as a stone gets pulled out of the way revealing one of the terrorists.

"Good luck" I said to him as the battle began.

Almost 3k words :)

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