
Naruto: Wraith of Konoha

I’m not very good at writing these things so I’ll keep it simple. Reincarnation in the Naruto world, starts during the third shinobi world war so Mc is in Kakashi’s generation. There will be no harem, only one woman for the Mc. I also personally designed his powers and abilities and I believe they are unique. I don’t own naruto or anything related to that universe. Please enjoy.

Bigbaby · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 15

Ashidon moved swiftly through the forest, his eyes were constantly scanning the area. As he was now alone he was being extremely cautious. Stopping some distance away from the camp he was able to get a decent view of the enemy.

'Looks like they are just about finished setting up camp. The target should be in the center of the camp, ah, there he is.'

Having made visual contact with his own eyes Ashidon decided to wait until the camp settled down before making his move. Releasing his void smoke around himself to mask his presence, he got comfortable while summoning ten crows and his two black ghosts.

He watched the camp like a hawk, eyes activated and trained on the souls of those present. His crows face outward forming a wide perimeter covering every possible angle. His two black ghosts at his sides, spears raised and ready, their two heads scanning for any possible threat.

Eventually some of the stone nin began to sleep while one or two stood watch. Seeing this Ashidon created ten more ghosts and sent them along with the original ten to surround the camp. Once they were in position he was about to begin but paused.

'They have information about me don't they? But surely it's very limited, would it not be best to create a reputation for myself. Perhaps this is my own vanity at work, but becoming a recognized shinobi of the leaf does have its advantages. Then again it would paint a target on my back. If the situation allows I will work towards spreading my infamy amongst the enemy.'

Making up his mind Ashidon mentally commanded his crows to kill the lookouts quietly. He watched as his crows descended upon the lookouts.

The crows moved swiftly, no hesitation in their movements could be seen. And since they were made of IBM they were very light. Four lookouts stood posted on the edges of the camp. Their eyes scanning the forest.

The crows moved right up to the enemy until there were five for each lookout. Despite their nearness they remained invisible to the stone nin. One crow would stand directly in front of the stone nin while one would stand behind them. Two on each side and the last serving as backup ready to fill in where needed.

Once all crows were in place, the crow standing before the stone nin raised its taloned hand. In unison, the hands of the crows struck with incredible swiftness that the stone nin had a delayed response. As their throats were ripped open, the two at the side quickly wrapped their hands around the throat and mouth while the one at the rear wrapped its arms around the body.

The lookouts could only stare wide eyed, wondering what was going on. They died not knowing how. Once they were neutralized Ashidon scanned the camp once more to ensure he wasn't detected. Finding nothing amiss he began releasing his void smoke.

The dark smoke fell upon the camp like a silent tsunami. Once it made contact with the sleeping stone nin they immediately awoke but it was too late. The smoke robbed them of their senses making their entire world nothing but the cold uncaring void of darkness.

Once the entire camp fell prey to his smoke Ashidon sent in his crows to collect their bodies. The crows gathered the stone nin in the center of the camp and bound them with their bodies. Once they were all secured, Ashidon dispersed the smoke.

"What's going on?!"

"It's the enemy!"

"Why can't I move?!"

"Captain, what's going on?!"

"We seem to have been captured." Said the captain of the enemy nin. He calmly scanned the area but saw nothing.

"Shoto, do you sense anything?" The Captain asked.

"No, I don't sense anything." Came the reply.

"What the hell is this, it feels like I'm being held down by strong hands." Another stone nin said.

"Wait, I see something!" One stone nin said drawing the attention of everyone.

From the forest they all stared into a pair of glowing green eyes. The sight of them sent a chill down their spines but they could not avert their gaze. The eyes were unblinking as it stared at them with its uncaring gaze.

Suddenly the eyes began moving closer and as it came out of the tree line and into the light of the fire every stone nin took in a sharp breath. A figure shrouded in wispy black smoke and bright glowing green eyes stood before them. They stared in wide eyed horror at the figure. The smoke slowly dispersed revealing the face of a young boy no older than twelve.

His face was pale and green veins could be seen around his eyes that glowed a deathly green. His skull could be seen and it gave him a deathly visage. They were further shocked by the forehead protector he wore as it bore the symbol of the hidden leaf.

"Wha, what the hell is that?" Whispered a stone nin.

Without saying a word Ashidon raised his hands and his crows along with his two black ghosts became visible. Their sudden appearance further terrified the stone nin.

"This must be that mysterious ninja we've heard about." The Captain said.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Ashidon remained silent while staring into the eyes of the Captain. There was fear in his eyes, but Ashidon also saw the defiance in them. He smiled before speaking, "I am death."

At his words one of the black ghosts launched itself spear pointed at the captain. It moved so swiftly that many of the stone nin didn't even see it move. All they heard was a booming sound then a powerful wind sweeping up dirt blinding them momentarily.

Once they regained their sight they were shocked at the sight before them. Their captain had been run through, the spear of the black ghost entering through the mouth and down the throat until it came back out and lodged itself in the dirt. Blood gurgled around his mouth and spilt out onto the floor. The captain seemed to still be alive for a moment longer as he stared wide eyed and his body twitched until his eyes slowly closed and his body went still.




One by one the crows tore into the stone nin until only two remained. They were frozen with fear, so much so that one of them had liquified his bowels. Without another word the crows vanished and Ashidon slowly moved back into the forest. As he did so the smoke enveloped his face but his eyes continued to glow, pinning the remaining stone nin to their place.

Eventually they lost sight of the eyes and the camp was silent, the two stone nin continued to stare into the woods for long minutes before losing consciousness.

Ashidon stood not too far away and watched them until they passed out. 'I wonder if that was a bit too dramatic?'

With a wave of his hand the souls of the dead were absorbed into him. As the last soul entered his body he felt as though something was being unlocked and he smiled. Throwing his head back, Ashidon opened his mouth and let loose a powerful scream.

It traveled back to the camp and immediately woke the unconscious stone nin. They screamed in terror at the sound before their bodies locked up and they were paralyzed. The scream was akin to the sound produced by an Aztec death whistle but with more power behind it.

Ashidon screamed for a few more seconds before stopping. "One down, one more power left to unlock."

So I decided to add an extra power, well it’s more like I forgot about the paralyzing scream. Thanks to the reader who listed the powers a few chapters ago. He will have one final power that will really tie everything together. I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think.

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