
Naruto: Where’s my Golden Finger?!

Well i don’t really need a Golden Finger but i WANT ONE!!!

Adrianix1234 · Anime & Comics
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Genin and getting a teacher

I was 7 and a half when it happened, Kushina-sama was born…

"Did you heard? They say that Kushina-sama was born with Chakra so Dense it could rival a Bijuu-dattebayo" one Classmate muttered to another one

"It's impossible, i also got the (invent a cool name for the kekei genkai for dense chakra) and there's no way it could be used to seal or even fight a bijuu, it's gotta be exaggerated" she responded

"It's not, i got lucky, and have Kagura's Mind's Eye and since Yesterday the Village feels like it's hiding a monster, i honestly passed out and my parents had to take me to the hospital because i thought that we got an bomb of chakra dropped on us or something"

And then the teacher came in an clases started

And talking about classes there's something i realized pretty early, im basically barely the top 5 which is kinda cool if i was normal but i am a reincarnated person! and compared with itachi or kakashi im kinda sh*t

My rutine has been lately:

-go to class (were my mind and body are train to the limit)

-get medical theory classes with my mom,

-finally solve the Fuuinjutsu puzzles in all the ways i can find, i dont go to the next puzzle till i have at least found 5 ways to solve it, (which is kinda low cause there's supposed to be hundreds) but most kids just solve it once before they go to the next one so compared to them im slower but i learn more, which is what I'm aiming for.

In the weekends i got trained by my dad in Tai, Nin and Gen jutsu

To be honest if i could keep doing this for the next 10 years i at least could be considered jonin or even elite Jonin, but i would be broken mentally, easily

Do you know those resistance seal that a lot of fanfictions likes to boost around they are real but at the same time why would you do this to yourself?

It feels awful to have it 24/7 it's like having the pain of a broken finger in your whole body, depending in what your moving, so i gave that up quick, and now only use it for training hours (what you thought that i would be a fucking cultivator-like crazy protagonist that secretly enjoyed pain like a masoquist just for a little boost of power?)

i actually rather the Goku/Gon Heavy Clothes training much better, just a couple of seals and a little burst of chakra in your clothes and you have a shirt that weighs 10 kilos (currently im at 50) another burst and you are faster than before so you can surprise an unexpected enemy without having to take out your weights in the middle of the battle

It took me 4 years and at twelve and a half i finally became a genin… and then got a bunch of fuckin D-Ranks, thankfully, my Father got some conections and with a few favors i got into the hospital as an apprentice of a doctor, and that's when my gift manifested i dont know what changed inside me but it was like suddenly something clicked inside my mind, when i was thanked by a little girl to fix her fever

Everything changed that moment, it was like crazy things that i couldn't comprehend before were easy, i devored books and books on medicine, Fuuinjutsu, Researching Chakra everything that attracted my attention was like suddenly instead of Algebra formulas were like basic maths.

I attracted a lot of attention, an lucky for me The Clan Head contacted me and got me in a type of deal that seems too good to be truth but i got a better teacher hell even i still have doubts but instead of the newly joined doctors i got the head of the hospital as one of my teachers, A Grandmaster in Fuuinjutsu as another one and The Uzushiogakure Version of Anbu called STORM for my ninja training…

And what do i had to do for that to happen…

I became a babysitter, Kushina's Babysitter