
Naruto:Weaving The Future

Traveling through the world of Naruto,Gray gains access to the ‘undercover creation system’. As long as the undercover gets enough influence, he can get rewards. Ever since. Gray creates a light curtain and begins to weave the future. Let the big guys in the Naruto world think that they finally understand the truth about the world. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Who is Kaido and why can he replace Kakashi and become the teacher of Class 7?" Orochimaru: "What? I founded Academy City?" Zetsu: "It turns out that the biggest culprit that prevented me from resurrecting my mother was the Pirate King Roger!" Pain: " I didn;'t know that our Akatsuki organization would have so many undercover agents!" The Fourth Ninja War. Reanimated Uchiha Madara looked at the allied ninja army and felt numb. Is this still the ninja world I know? ***patreon:https://patreon.com/void667? get more chapter here

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 7 Kaido’S Blood Inheritance Limit

(Konoha, Hokage office.)

Sarutobi Hiruzen is on pins and needles, his method of PUA Naruto cannot be said to be brilliant.

Most of the audience present were old guys who had experienced the war.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox.

What kind of chat is this?

It's just that because of his status as Hokage, he couldn't tell the truth.

With the exposure of the movie viewing video, Sarutobi Hiruzen seems to be able to see that the perfect Hokage image that he has worked hard for many years has an irreparable crack.



Naruto in the video still believed in him.

[The appearance of Sarutobi Hiruzen is a ray of light in the darkness for young Naruto.\]

[Lighting the way forward.]

[As he gets older, Naruto enters a ninja school.]

[On the playground.]

[When Naruto looked at the Genin standing on the stage talking eloquently, and the Genin people on stage raising their arms and shouting, and surrounding Sarutobi Hiruzen, a seed was planted deep in his heart.]

[He wants to become a Hokage and be recognized by the people of Konoha Village like Grandpa Third]

[Yes, that's right.]

[The reason why Naruto wants to be a Hokage.]

[Not for the supreme power, nor for the ninjutsu treasured by Konoha.]

[I just want recognition]

[When this expectation was dismissed lightly by Kaido, who was the instructor Jōnin.]

[Naruto suddenly burst out with unprecedented power.]

(The camera cuts back to Konoha's training grounds.)



Naruto slowly climbed up, his heartbeat getting faster and faster, and his voice getting louder.

[He ignored Kaido in front of him. ]

[Instead, he lowered his head and said to himself: "I will definitely become a Hokage...and a Hokage that surpasses all previous Hokages!"]

[In an instant. ]

[Billows of white smoke rose around Naruto. ]

[A burst of orange-red Chakra suddenly enveloped Naruto, spinning and rising from the ground. ]

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the light screen in front of him.


The thing I was most worried about happened.

The seal within Naruto's body that suppressed the tailed beast began to loosen over time.

Konoha Shinobi School.

Uchiha Sasuke looked at what happened in the light curtain with a shocked face, and said with a trembling voice: "That's really..."


In the light curtain, Naruto's appearance became a little different.

The texture on the face becomes more pronounced than before.

Eyes turn scarlet.

The teeth... actually began to change, turning into animal-like fangs.

Even the nails have become much longer than before.


"Demon fox! It's a demon fox!"

The rest of the class turned away from Naruto.

[The orange-red Chakra keeps spinning. ]

[The air waves set off by the violent Chakra rose into the sky with the rubble on the ground. ]

[The wounds severely injured by Kaido healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. ]

["This Chakra..."]

[ Kaido was shocked. ]

[Narrowing his eyes slightly, he sneered: "Nine Tails? I see, Master Hokage really gave me a big trouble!"]


[Naruto roared as he got down on all fours like a beast. ]


["What exactly happened?"]

[Sasuke and Sakura in the distance were shocked when they saw Naruto's situation.]


[ Kaido and Naruto's scarlet pupils looked at each other. He was not frightened by the brutal gaze, and his voice gradually became colder: "Nine Tails? To put it bluntly, they are foxes, and foxes should also be considered a kind of beast. ."]

["Since it is a beast..."]

["Then, just lie down in front of me, Kaido of the Beasts!"]

[The words fall. ]

[Conqueror's Haki bursts out. ]

[Nine Tails Chakra collides with Conqueror's Haki. ]

[The shock wave caused by the collision spread out instantly, and the clouds in the sky were broken into two halves. In the eyes of Sasuke and Sakura, it was like the sky was split open! ]

Fourth Raikage: "What kind of ninjutsu is this Conqueror's Haki? Why have I never heard of it?"

Kaido: "This is my own ninjutsu. Of course you haven't seen it before."

Ohnoki: "Create your own ninjutsu?"

Kaido: "Hmm... It is said to be a self-created ninjutsu, but in fact it is more like a blood inheritance limit. It cannot be learned through acquired practice. I also mastered this ninjutsu in a daze."

Rasa: "It turns out it's the blood inheritance limit, no wonder it's so strong."

Blood inheritance limit is a technique that can only be inherited by blood relationship through genes.

Users have special abilities.

Except for people of the same bloodline who can inherit it, others cannot learn it, and they cannot copy it even if they use Sharingan.

["There are two tricks."]

["But compared to me, it's still far behind!"]

[ Kaido took off the gourd from his waist, took a sip of wine, and suddenly increased the intensity of Conqueror's Haki. ]

[The next second. ]

[Naruto was pinned to the ground, unable to move. ]

[ Kaido slowly walks up to Naruto, puts his palm on his head, and enters Naruto's spiritual world. ]

["Little devil."]

["Let him see the power of me and you!"]

[Kurama's huge scarlet vertical pupils stared coldly at Naruto and said bewitchingly through the railing. ]

["What's wrong?"]

["You should understand... You can't do anything with your own strength. Quick! Unlock the seal! In this way, I can lend you all my power and let you kill that annoying guy." !"]

["Who do you want to kill?"]

[Kaido appeared next to Naruto at some point and looked at Kurama coldly. ]

[The eyes cross. ]

[As the most powerful and powerful being among the nine tailed beasts, the moment Kurama saw Kaido, he felt a trace of panic deep in his heart for some reason. ]

["Teacher Kaido?!]

[Naruto is extremely surprised. ]

[He never thought he would see Kaido here. ]

[Then, he lowered his head in despair and said: "Teacher Kaido, you have seen it, I..."]

["It's a monster."]


[Kaido nodded calmly and asked puzzledly: "Then what?"]


[Naruto laughed at himself, raised his head, and cried loudly: "Then just like everyone else, stay away from me, as far away as possible!"]

["I see."]


[Kaido raised the gourd, took a sip of wine, and continued: "You seem to have made a mistake."]

["What's the mistake?"]

[ Kaido directly threw the wine gourd in his hand into the air, and his body instantly transformed into a giant dragon. ]


["You don't think you are special, do you?"]

[Kaido looked at Naruto with a half-smile, and a proud voice came out of the dragon head: "I tell you, the most indispensable thing in the world..."]

["It's a monster!"]

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