
Seal Info/List


- N/A


- N/A


- N/A


- Barrier Ward Seal

- Explosive Tag Seal


- Containment Seal

- Genjutsu Canceling Seal

Seal Ranks

1. Seal Apprentice (Genin Level):

Apprentices grasp the basics of fuinjutsu, focusing on simple seals for everyday use and basic chakra control.

2. Seal Practitioner (Chūnin Level):

Practitioners apply their knowledge to intermediate seals, incorporating elemental affinities and learning to create seals with specific functions.

3. Seal Expert (Special Jōnin Level):

Experts handle complex, multi-layered seals and apply them in combat situations, often developing unique seals for strategic use.

4. Seal Master (Jōnin Level):

Masters innovate within the field of fuinjutsu, creating new seals and teaching advanced techniques to others.

5. Seal Grandmaster (Kage Level):

Grandmasters make legendary seals, such as those for binding tailed beasts, and focus on preserving and advancing sealing knowledge.

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