
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

Wonders what National city is like part 2

-Evening, Chow Hong's-

"...I'll never forget, I was at a party with Steve Jobs and I said to him: 'Steve, people want to read the news and possibly listen to music at the same time. But it'll be too complicated of having too many items on their person. Possibly something that they can hold in the palm of their hands'." Cat stated before taking a small sip of her drink for her parched throat. "And he responded back with that he likes the idea, but give him sometime to really develop the product."

"And did he have a name for it?"

She thought about it and seemed to motion that it was at the tip of her tongue. In a quick moment, she snapped her fingers before answering. "IPod, it was definitely IPod… Then again, Steve had the odd fetish of the letter 'I' to be in front of each of his products like IMac."

"Who knows if that name will stick or not." Naruto muttered before taking a sip of his drink. "And with that IPod idea, I think that product will be a bloody brick if trying to cram that much tech into a small item to do what you mentioned earlier."

The two had arrived at the popular chinese restaurant roughly an hour ago and it was surprisingly quite packed this evening. The two figured the place would've been slow, given the earthquake earlier today, but the place wanted to stay in business. So they wiped out their extra dishes to feed the hungry customers who didn't have any good food at their homes. I mean, having their refrigerators powered out due to the earthquake would make anyone want to go out for the day or so.

So while the pair of old co-workers sat there and waited for their table to be ready, the two started talking. Things first started out for the ideas on their companies partnerships to at least get that out of the way. In the entire time of waiting, the two had a better understanding on what to possibly do instead of just the simple trade off on ideas in past phone calls. So now they'll need to contact their respective board members to see if things could go through with the idea and set up a meeting in the possible, near future.

Once at their table and ordered their respective meals, the two started talking about their respective job occupations with some interesting moments here and there. Before long, things transitioned to their personal lives with Cat starting off that part of the conversation. It was nice for the two to sit back and unwind with someone they were somewhat familiar with. Then again the two haven't had good contact with each other in such a long time so give them some slack.

"I know right?" Cat said in agreement as that thought came across her mind. "What's next, a phone attached to all of that?"

*Chuckles* "Who knows for sure."

"So… Enough about me. I want to know more about you Naruto."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

Cat bit her lip a little to come up with a decent, opening question to this part of the conversation. One did come up, before she voiced it. "How's your ward, Rachel, coming along?"

"She's doing fine actually. Having a good time in the remaining weeks before she goes to public school in a few weeks."

"That's good. And Adam is going to be in the same boat around that time as well." Cat responded back as their meals started to arrive. The Media Queen had pot stickers and Kung Pao Shrimp with Dan Dan noodles. As for Naruto, he got egg rolls, dumplings and beef/broccoli stir fry with Dan Dan noodles.

"Nice to know on that and hope he doesn't get in trouble too much from what I've heard from you." He stated with a grin, causing Cat to playfully sigh in frustration.

"Who would've known my boy is already in his rebellious stage at that age. It should've been in his teenage years since that's when it typically turns up."

"Eh~ Don't sell yourself too short Cat." The publisher said as he broke his chop sticks. "I was somewhat like that around his age and I turned out alright."

"Yet if memory serves, you told me that you were a bit more rebellious up until you barely became a teenager."

"...More like having it be a simmered down version." Was all he muttered with a pout, getting a little chuckle from the blonde.

The two dug into their meals for a few minutes, savoring how delicious things were in their own right. Both used this time to try and think of something else to say, but Cat seemed to beat Naruto to it. So once finishing off a pot sticker, she spoke to him.

"And how is Pamela doing?... Are you two still seeing each other?"

He was curious as to why she brought the second question up, but decided to answer. "Pam's doing quite well right now Cat. She was able to get a new job at the Gotham Botanical Gardens and is doing well in the position so far in terms of projects. As for us being together… Yes we are still going strong." There was a look that she gave him in response to his answer, making him question about it. "Is there something wrong Cat?"

"I distinctly heard a slight uplift, which suggests a hesitation, a vacillation, and maybe an ambivalence?" She stated with a slightly narrowed glance. "Is there something you're not telling me Naruto?"

*Sigh* "You caught on that huh."

"Yes and you better start talking."

Knowing this might take a bit of time to possibly explain, he placed his chopsticks down before talking to her. Knowing that if he didn't give her a good amount of the truth, she'll just keep pressing onwards for the answers she's looking for. "I told you before that Pam was in an accident around the beginning of this year, resulting of her becoming barren, yes?" She nodded at this before he continued. "Well… she got the idea that I should try to see other women, to get the family that she couldn't provide for me. We argued on this several times, me saying that we could adopt someone if we decided to get married one day. But I… I couldn't get mad at her in the end. So I decided to go along with the little idea of a semi-open relationship."

This was an odd answer that she got, with her uniquely surprised look on her face. "...Well that's modern, I suppose."

He could only scratch the back of his head as he let out a tired sigh. "Yeah, I know. And there are days that I wonder why we're doing this sort of thing, even though Pam stated time and time again that I have a really big heart. A void that needs to be filled with love that there's room enough for more than just her."

The two sat there in silence as Cat was thinking things over on what she just heard, playing with her food a bit as a feeling of awkwardness filled the small area. Naruto doesn't like talking about that often since he knows it always brings such feelings, depending on what situation it's presented in. Wanting to hopefully get rid of the awkward feeling going on between the two, Naruto changed the subject.

"Do you remember when we first met Cat?"

She snapped out of her concentration before blinking at the registered question. Took a moment or two as she adopted a thinking pose before a faint smile came across her features. "Yeah… I do and it wasn't great on how things started out."

*Chuckles* "No kidding, with you being a complete ice queen on most instances if I remember correctly." He said as he carved out another piece of his meal with her following his action.

"Yeah. Everything was all about me, me, me and I sometimes wonder to this day how the co-workers had put up with it."

"Who knows for sure right now. But that was apart of the reason why you and Lois butted heads way too often."

"Ugh. Tell me about it." She said with slight remembrance of the two rivals going at it at work to get the best stories and writing them to be known for. Even though the two were in different positions, they would always end up writing stories for the paper and both saw it as a competition. "Though that changed when you came along."

"On my first day at the Planet, befriended Lois first with how things seemed to hit it off between us. Heh, saw me as a little brother and I eventually saw her as a sister." The Uzumaki said with a smile before it turned to a smirk. "Though that seemed to piss you off, right? Why was that by the way?"


He didn't get the chance to correctly hear her, due to her mumbling something under her breathe. "What was that?"

"I th… you we… …te."

"Can you speak a little louder please?"

*Groan* "Okay. I thought you were cute. Alright?" Cat said in admittance. As she was going things over earlier today, it was one of the things that she remembered back then that she was too damn stubborn to admit at the time.

"Really?" He questioned with slightly widened eyes.

"Yes really. I mean, you had these exotic features on you from your wildly odd silver hair, your mischievous hazel eyes and those whisker birthmarks of yours. Made me think you were a rare fox or a cat even. Hell I honestly wanted to find out what made you tick."

"...Was that the reason why I kept getting assigned to work under you instead of Lois on most assignments?" He always wondered why he kept doing partner assignments with Cat in the first place out of the other reporters in the Planet's roster.

"Well I kept bugging Perry about it and he decided to comply to get me out of his hair actually."

"Yeah… and those first several assignments under you were not great and it could've gone better." He looked away into empty space for a few moments as he continued. "We were practically at each other's throats by the time the third or fourth assignment came in."

"It was a complete mess on how that turned out."

"Well… I'm still sorry on how I acted back then Cat. It was just that back then, you reminded me of a former friend of mine and the way you acted seemed to tick me off." He admitted, much to her confusion and slight realization on that tidbit. "Though after we had that big fight at work, I felt horrible and after some time by myself I wanted to apologize to you so we could start things off on a better note."

She smiled on the memory as she leaned back in her seat. "Yeah, you found out where I lived and decided to cook me lunch on our day off. And damn… that was honestly one of the best meals I've had in a long time."

"Hell, we talked for hours." He simply stated with a smile of his own. The apology took a while for Cat to digest and she apologized herself on how she was acting at the time. It was a small rough patch in their lives which was easily fixed. "Later on at work, I don't remember how it happened, but Lois eventually became your friend."

"I believe we've got you to thank on being our mediator whenever we ended up doing the 'group' assignments and things went off from there."

Both sat there as they reflected on the many assignments the three had together. The good, the bad, the ugly and the ones in between. Each had fond memories to look back onto to see how some happy and depressions there were, but the three had each other's backs to lean onto for small times of need.

"How the hell did things go downhill?"

Cat already knew the answer to this, but only voiced part of it. "I believe it started when I got drunk and slept with Joe Morgan." Naruto narrowed his eyes and growled at the memory of the man.

Joe Morgan was a movie mogul at Monarch Studios in Metropolis that he was quite popular back then in terms of business. You wanted to possibly get a movie run and funded quite well to get great reviews in the box office, you go to Joe Morgan. You want to star in the big time as a fresh listed actor, you do a lot for the man and he'll make the actor/actress golden.

Neither Naruto or Lois knew the full reason as to why Cat got drunk that one evening and slept with the man, but he got the blonde reporter pregnant. A lot happened afterwards when the movie mogul found out Cat was pregnant and wanted custody, for full access of his legacy. At first the reporter was fine with it, but as time went on, she fell in love with her unborn child.

Cat pleaded Joe to let her have her baby, or to at least see it from time to time, but he wouldn't have it. So the movie mogul brought in the best lawyers he had to claim ownership once the baby was born. Even brought up statements on what she did prior to her pregnancy of being a 'slut' with how she slept with many men in her life to get a better standing in her career. He even went so far to subpoenaed all of her 'male friends' into siding with Joe at the court case. Cat had admitted she slept around; but many of the men listed were lying and she hadn't slept with anyone, prior to Joe and Naruto becoming her friend.

Fearing for the loss of her first born child, she pleaded for Lois and Naruto's help on the matter. The former had her hands tied and couldn't do much, but the later (Naruto) promised he would set things right for his dear friend. So Naruto used everything he had in his training as an 'assistant investigative reporter' (Lois' and Cat's job title for him back then) mixed with his shinobi training to find some dirt on Joe.

Naruto had Lady Luck on his side on his self appointed assignment as he dug up something big. As it turned out, Joe Morgan was not only a movie mogul, but also a drug trafficker and had heavy ties to the underworld. Many of the times Joe wanted things done for his studio career, he used blackmail to get certain people to do what he wanted. Had drugs planted at certain places so certain people would have their reputations ruined. Joe even drugged and raped many female actresses and executives, using blackmail to keep said women under his thumb and tight leashes to do whatever the hell he wanted.

Naruto gathered everything he needed to write up the story that can save Cat's chances in keeping her unborn child. But luck wasn't on the Uzumaki's side that time as Joe found out of what Naruto found out and used his underworld connections to hire hitmen to kill the whiskered reporter. Even worse luck when Lois and Cat were at his place when the attack happened.

He couldn't remember everything that happened in that incident, but Naruto protected Lois and Cat's lives until the police arrived to arrest the hitmen. The Uzumaki had been sent to the hospital for what he did for his two friends and Lois had helped him finish up the story to get Joe sent to jail for good. Of course the man took the easy way out and hanged himself so he would get away from the underworld connections and from jail time.

'And things went happily afterwards.' Naruto thought before speaking to Cat. "But when everything was fine in the end, what changed Cat? What caused to go bad between us?"

"You wanted to resign and move. That's what." She bluntly said, causing him to flinch a little. "Lois and I were fine at first, or so we thought. And when you left, we slowly went back into butting heads to the point that I wanted to move as well. So I needed a change of venue to get away from it all for both Adam and I."

The publisher looked down onto the table as he felt guilty on that bit of info. Back then, Naruto felt that he needed to expand his horizons and needed a change of venue as well. So he blindly chose Gotham for where he wanted to start up his publishing firm that eventually became a company. He didn't know at the time that him leaving would cause such a thing to occur to his two friends and it was a regret had.

"But you know what Naruto." She said as he looked at her to see a faint smile on her face. "I sometimes considered what I did was a mistake of moving across the country, while sometimes I didn't. It was hard work to get where I am today, in which you had the same thing happen to you. But what I did regret was arguing with Lois after you left. It caused a rift between us and it probably hurt us both by the end of it."

"Well… We both love our current jobs, so there's that." He said as he slowly ate his meal again, with Cat following suit. "But… But did you consider what happened to you with Joe a mistake?"



"At first I did, but I somewhat considered it a blessing in the end for several reasons. And one of the biggest ones being you bringing Joe Morgan to justice for his crimes and the other helping me keep the joy of my life."

Both had bittersweet smiles and feelings after that as they both finished up their meals and headed out of there.

-On the Streets near Grant Residence-

"Man. It really is a beautiful night."

"I know." Cat replied with a small smile as she hugged Naruto's arm, who didn't mind the action with how faintly cold it is. "Reason why I moved to this part of the city: to see many of the stars on most nights."

When the two got back to Cat's neighborhood, Cat didn't want to call it a night just yet as she wanted to have an evening stroll with her old friend. So Naruto parked his motorcycle in front of her home before the two were walking several blocks so far as they later made their way back. Neither said much during said walk, just enjoying the small silence as they enjoyed each other's company.

"You know, you get away from the city's pollution and can actually see stars." She said as she hugged his arm a little tighter. "And all this time I sometimes thought they were just special effects."

"They are beautiful." He said, gazing into the night sky with a far off look. "And they're warm… Possibly filled with worlds with life of their own. Each one of them special, unique." She looked at him with a sense of yearning as he continued. "We all have dreamt about them, reaching and embracing them at some point in our lives. For me it was when I was a little kid, wanting to leave my home several times to get away from it all. I even dreamt of flying into the sky and visiting other worlds so I can leave my old one behind to have a new life to experience.

Cat could only smile a little at this as she leaned her head onto his shoulder. "You know, you're nothing like the men that I've ever been close to Naruto. Fact is… I didn't think they'd make gentlemen in the truest sense of the word anymore. But you're the most gentlest man I've ever known. Gentle without being weak and that's all because of what you are on the inside."

"Thank you Cat… It means a lot." The two eventually made it back to her home as Naruto walked her up to the door. "Well here we are."

"Yeah and I've had a really nice time today Naruto." She fiddled with her keys. "Though I wish it could've lasted longer."

He faintly smiled at this as he brought the blonde Media Queen into a hug. She didn't mind it as she wrapped her arms around him to enjoy the warm feeling coming off of him. At some point the two would break it, but she didn't want that. Not without telling him something that's been on her chest for a long time.



"About that night I went drunk and slept with him, I never told you the reason why I got drunk in the first place; did I?"

He broke away from the hug and looked at her with a curious expression on his face. "Why are you bringing this up Cat?"

"Because… Because I wanted to finally tell you why."

"Well… What was it?"

She couldn't make eye contact with him just yet as she spoke to him. "I-I was feeling certain things prior to that time that made me very confused. Confused enough that I didn't know if it would've harmed the friendship all three of us had together. But after talking to this one person, I eventually realized that it was the truth and I fell into a state of depression and I wanted to drink my sorrows away. And… And you know the rest."

This really got Naruto confused now as he finally learned part of the reason why Cat went drinking that night, but he didn't get everything he wanted. So he asked the question on his mind. "And what was the thing you came to realize?" She didn't say anything as she kept looking away from him. Not wanting to be denied on the answer, he brought his hand underneath her chin and gently guided it to make eye contact with him. "Cat… You can tell me. I'm your friend and I won't badly judge you on whatever you have to say."

"...I don't know for how long... how many times I've rehearsed this for when I finally got the chance to say this Naruto." She said with a determined voice. "I wanted to explain, but I was too scared back then. If there was anything... I would've been able to do it all again, I would've done one thing to possibly change it all."

"And what is that?" He asked her as she took a deep breath. Without warning, she grabbed the sides of his face and brought him into a searing kiss. His eyes dramatically widened because of this sudden action. Cat kept her hold on him for a few more moments before breaking the kiss with a small smile on her face.

"I would've told you back then that I've been in love with you. Even now, I still do." She said before bringing the love of her life into another kiss on her supple lips. It felt so damn good for her finally doing this and it felt even better as he wrapped his arms around her to bring themselves closer into the kiss, returning in kind.

-Lemon Start-

The warm feeling the two had was starting to rise as the kiss went on. Cat soon let go the sides of his face and wrapped her hands around his neck as Naruto's hands loosened and traveled down to the small of her back. The blonde moaned into the sensations she was feeling when the publisher seemingly lifted up her sweater a little and his hands made contact with her bare skin. Wanting more out of this, she opened her mouth slightly and licked his lips for entrance, to which he complied as his mouth partly opened for their tongues to come in contact with one another.

Neither realized on how into the kiss they were as an old feeling surfaced, causing Cat's body to go on autopilot as her hands soon left his neck before finding her keys to open the front door. This has happened many times when Cat was dating men, prior to her friendship with Naruto, wanting to get inside the comfort of her home so she can have the privacy needed for what's to come. It didn't take long though as the door opened and the two scuffled inside before Naruto broke contact to lock the door so they can continue their make out session.

Things were starting to get a little hot between the two, causing Naruto to fully break contact so he can take off his jacket before assaulting Cat's mouth. Not wanting to feel left out, Cat grabbed ahold of his shirt and started to unbutton it so her hands can make contact with the muscled skin underneath. But this action was stopped as Naruto grabbed ahold of her wrists and pinned them against the nearby wall before he assaulted her neck.

'Oh god!' Cat thought as she felt the whiskered man biting and sucking on her neck. 'This is really happening!' She soon felt her legs part as a knee wedged between the limbs and came in contact with her crotch, grinding into her lower parts of her being and sending pleasurable sensations through her body. Cat whimpered as she tried to free her hands from their confinement, but the Media Queen truly yearned for more on being dominated right now.

Opening her eyes, they were starting to get clouded more and more in the lust and sexual frustration starting to be released after seven years. Naruto soon let go of her wrists as his hands traveled down her form so they can reach her sweater, dived right under it and felt the sides of her body. With her free limbs, she finally grabbed ahold of his shirt and tried to pull it off of him. Naruto realized this and he momentarily let go of her so he can help her out on her little task before he grabbed ahold of her sweater and phased it off of her.

Taking a momentary breath on what's about to come next, Naruto gazed at the very stunning and beautiful woman in front of him. All the times he saw Cat in her attires in the past showed quite the slender form with hints of her perky breasts. In truth, her clothing truly hid her modeled form as her half naked appearance showed her physique as her 'perky' globes were actually a cup and a half larger, being quite defined as they were held by a red lacy bra with a possible matching pair of panties underneath her skirt.

'Possibly because of her giving birth to Adam.' Naruto thought as he leaned forward and captured her lips once again. Wanting to be dominating this time, Cat pushed forward to have Naruto's back land against the opposite wall. With this bit of freedom, Cat's hands frisked his chiseled torso as they soon made it towards the hem of his pants before unbuckling it. Of course since Naruto wasn't pinned down like his loving partner earlier, he grabbed ahold of her slender waist and lifted her up. Realizing what he wants to do, Cat wrapped her legs around his waist before grinding herself onto him.

Wanting to give Cat support, his hands snaked their way towards her ass and gave it a very firm squeeze. She growled out some carnal sounds while she was now humping her lover to try and get herself off before reaching the bedroom. They both attacked each other's mouths again and melted into the kiss as their bodies were feeling hotter and hotter.

"C-Cat. Where's the bedroom?" He asked before he kissed the side of her face and soon came across her ear to nibble on it.

"H-Hall-way past the ki-kitchen." She started off with several pants to try and calm her racing heart. "La-Last door on the right."

With him now taking the lead, he tried to walk his way towards their destination. But the two kept bumping into different walls and furniture along the way, not that they minded at all. During the little trip, Naruto momentarily let go of one of his hands to grab ahold of her boots and phased them off as he phased out of his shoes. Once the two made it to the bedroom, they eventually fell on top of the bed with Naruto hovering over Cat.

*Panting* "A-Are you sure you want this Cat?" The Uzumaki asked as he gazed downward to see the diamond-hard nubs of her nipples. Knowing that she is really turned on right now.

"Naruto. I haven't had sex since that drunken night with that bastard. I've been sexually frustrated for years and I need this now!" She said with her emphasizing the last bit before leaning up close enough for their noses to barely touch with a hand placed against his cheek. "Who would be better in screwing me senseless than the man I've dreamt of being the one to impregnate me back then and not him."

"...You really love me, don't you?" He said as he truly saw the love in her eyes as they were starting to water.

"Yes Naruto." Cat said as she sobbed a little. All of these feelings she had rising to the surface was now flooding out. Things she'd kept buried were coming out and with the sexual urges mainly out, her sorrow was kicking in. "I've fallen madly in love with you and you cemented it more during my time being pregnant. Loving and caring for me as one of your closest friends… but I wanted much more than that. So please… make love to me Naruto."

Naruto deeply sighed before kissing her forehead to end up kissing away her tears and the sides of her lips before replying. "We can talk more of this in the morning. But for now, for tonight, I'm all yours Catherine Grant."

That was all she wanted as she brought his head down for a searing kiss while bringing herself down onto the bed. Wanting a little support, Naruto cupped one of her breasts and felt the hard nipple behind the cloth before fondling it. Cat soon let out a pleasant moan as one of her hands reached down to unbutton and zip down his pants so more of him will be free from his clothed confinement. He wiggled himself a little for his pants to fall down before he grabbed Cat's skirt and unzipped it.

Naruto stopped fondling her breast so he can pull Cat's skirt away. Knowing what he is trying to do, she lifted herself up slightly and let her man pull the piece of clothing away to leave herself with her red lacy panties underneath the black nylons. Naruto leaned down and started kissing the small valley of her breasts, made his way down to her navel, tongued it for a few moments before reaching towards her bottom clothed layer.

'Well this has got to go.' Naruto grabbed the small edges of the nylons above her panties and ripped them. With that bit out of the way, Naruto leaned closer and licked the soaked panties for an experimental taste, getting Cat to jolt a little in response. 'Oh this is going to be fun.'

The Uzumaki started to kiss the Media Queen's thighs, causing her to gasp a little on the feeling on her legs. He somewhat tasted her juices, but the nylons were making it hard to get an accurate read on it. So he grasped her legs to spread them wider before he gripped the nylon hole in front of her panties and made it bigger. With enough of her skin now free from confinement, Naruto soon trailed his tongue across her inner thighs.

'Tasting a little good so far.' He thought as he soon made it back towards her panties and pulled them off to the side to see her pink lips. Came closer and breathed on to her nether regions, sending chills down her spine before he gave her an experimental lick. 'Do I detect a bit of peaches, honey… and coffee beans? Huh... never thought I'd get that before. Then again, Cat drinks much of that everyday.'

Naruto had tasted the nectar from his other lovers', with both having their own unique tastes. With Selina, it was mostly vanilla and bananas unless she was going through certain diets. With Pam, Naruto can hardly remember what she tasted like before her accident. But now she tastes like a wide range of fruits and vegetables whenever he eats her out and he sometimes calls her a cheat of changing that on the literal fly. Regardless, he loved their respective tastes and somewhat developed a little addiction to it whenever he made love to them.

Pushing that thought to the side, Naruto started to lick, slurp and eat his new lover out. Cat started to moan and squirm from his actions. She even clamped his head between her thighs before grabbing a handful of his silvery mane. Cat was truly enjoying this, even when he occasionally licked, flicked and sucked on her hardened clit.

"Yes!... Naruto! I love this….I REALLY LOVE THIS!"

Naruto smirked, swirling his tongue a bit around the center. The blonde woman's center was starting to flow with nectar, with the publisher brushing his tongue back and forth against her. He soon added a finger inside of her, causing her hips to buckle of the sudden insertion, before he added in another to pump the mother out.

This went on for several minutes and Cat felt something bubble on the inside of her tummy. Something that she hasn't felt in years and was finally going to have her release. Cat soon cried out as she lifted her hips up towards Naruto's mouth and released herself into his mouth. The orgasm she experienced was far more intense than anything she experienced in the past or might ever experience ever again. But Naruto might prove her wrong soon enough, especially since he didn't insert his dick inside of her just yet.

By the time Cat's orgasm ended, Naruto drank as much of her juices as he could before rising up from her nether region. Crawling forward, he saw Cat's blissful face before he cupped her face and kissed her fully on the lips. It was quite shocking for the mother to taste herself after so many years since the last time she tasted her nectar was before she and her new lover became friends back then.

Once Naruto broke the kiss, it was time for the main event. He phased the last article of clothing off of him, to let his member be free from it's confinement. With how mostly dark the bedroom was, Cat didn't see his member… but she felt it once it brushed against her lower lips. She hitched her breath several times as his cock was lubing itself up against her folds.

"Oh god. It's finally going to happen." She muttered as she once again felt Naruto's palm caress her face.

"I'm going to be careful with you Cat. I don't want to hurt you. Hell, I never want to take advantage of you."

The blonde mother smiled at him, with how sincere his words were, as her heart was starting to quicken its pace with what's about to happen. So with a nod, she gave him permission to finally enter her. Seeing this, Naruto used his available hand to guide his member to her folds before said hand went up and grabbed ahold of her hand. He slowly inserted himself in and felt how extremely tight she was as her velvety walls encircled his prick.

On Cat's end, her eyes slowly widened further and further when Naruto went deeper and deeper inside of her cavern. Even with how far he stretched her out, made her mouth gape. He was definitely bigger than any of the men she slept with in the past and by the off chance she slept with anyone else, Naruto might just ruin her.

"S-So f-f-full."

"And so tight." He grunted out as he waited for Cat to fully adjust to her. It took about a minute for her do just that before she spoke out to him with a smile.

"I want you to fuck me. Please Naruto, I want you to fuck me."

He nodded in return with a small smile of his own before he started to slowly move his hips. It felt so weird for Cat on the feeling coming back to her of being spread out. Soon the slow pacing eventually made it into a steady one as he was going in and out of her like a piston. Each time he started to slam into her, Cat felt that he was getting deeper and deeper into her each time. The sounds of flesh slapping against each other filled the room with the growing intensity of their sexual intercourse.

Naruto reached towards her and pulled Cat into an intense kiss, working his tongue into Cat's mouth. Both were soon fighting for dominance as Naruto repeatedly slammed his member inside of her. It was a losing battle for the Media Queen as the pleasure she was experiencing was starting to overwhelm her. Cat moaned and whimpered from being assaulted in both her top and lower halves and she didn't mind at all with how much she was enjoying the feeling.

Naruto fondled her clothed breasts once his hands were free as her hands soon encircled his back to keep him closer. He occasionally tweaked her nipples, causing her to moan louder and make herself a little tighter down below. Naruto soon felt Cat rake her nails onto his back and felt her scratching him with how intense things were getting right now. He grown used to this by the various times he made love to his two girlfriends.

Speaking of, Naruto thought of his times being with Selina and Pam on both separate occations and together in threeways. With how much he spent in bed with the two, the publisher really built up his endurance in the ways of sex. Naruto knows that it'll end up taking a while for him to really release by this point and would guess that Cat would be somewhat exhausted at that point. Hell when he eventually starts sleeping with Harley, he doesn't know how she can handle all of that as he was even curious on what she tastes like.

The Media Queen at this time was truly enjoying and loving every moment here as she was being screwed by the man of her dreams. The man who did so much for her during their time together at the Daily Planet and possibly the one she hopes to be in a real relationship with down the road. Any thought she possibly had was soon tossed out as she felt she was going to cum once again, but this time from being pounded by the whiskered stud in her arms.

"N-Naruto." She rasped out. "I-I'm… I'm cumming."

"Then cum. Cum my naughty little Kitty Cat." He whispered into her ear.

Cat soon followed through with his little order as she felt herself cum with her spraying a little onto him. Naruto stopped pounding into her to let her rest slightly and gave the blonde woman a kiss to keep up her momentary sexual high. Once the kiss ended, Cat soon saw the smirk on Naruto's face, felt his still hardened member… and none of his spunk?

"Sorry if you were expecting anything Cat." He said as he slowly moved his hips, causing her to moan. "But this isn't over for me just yet.

Cat widened her eyes at this realization before they rolled back a bit on how great she was feeling right now. The Media Queen was truly losing herself in what Naruto is doing to her. Her mind had been blown with several orgasms and losing track on how much time has past. Naruto unintentionally used her as a fuck doll, pushing his hips down onto hers, caressing her body with touches. The publisher exhibited the right combination of control and caring, which sparked her motor.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me like your little slut!" Cat yelled out as she lost her control. "I'm yours Naruto!"

Naruto chuckled as he got similar reactions from Selina and Pam during the pastimes with them. Of course he wouldn't really consider his girls his property. They are their own persons after all. He soon felt his release coming and it was going to possibly be a lot on what's about to come out.

*Grunt* "Cat! I'm cumming!"

After a few more thrusts, he soon emptied himself inside of her. Causing the blonde woman to loudly moan out as she felt his warm essence enter into the deepest parts of her. Cat felt his spunk fill up her womb and she truly enjoyed the feeling. Though she moaned out a little of feeling the slight vacancy inside of her once he pulled out and flopped onto the bed right next to her.

-Lemon End-

Both panted deeply as their widened eyes stared up at the ceiling with sweat covering their forms. Needing to control their breaths on the amazing romp they just had. Of course for the Media Queen, it was pretty much hands down the best sex she ever had. She briefly remembered all of the other times she slept around but they weren't as good as the man lying right next to him.

'Probably because I truly put my heart into it.' Cat thought with a smile. 'I never loved those men to begin with. Just 'toys' to get off back then and whatnot.' She turned her head towards Naruto as she scooted herself a little closer. 'But Naruto… he's so different from them and made me feel complete.'

She touched the side of his head and turned it so she could bring her lips onto his as their tongues encircled each other to keep up their feelings right now. Naruto eventually broke the kiss and smiled a little at her. Of course it wasn't just any smile, Cat realized it was a mischievous one, making her slightly worried for some reason.


*Panting* "Y-Yes?"

"You up for another round?"

She wasn't able to give him a proper response as Naruto grabbed ahold of her and flipped themselves over with her straddling on top of him. Cat widened her eyes of her feeling how hard he got after the intense love making they just had. She soon let out a chuckle before stretching out a little to pop a few kinks that possibly came up earlier. Cat even unclipped her bra and let them free from their confinement to get more of a rise from her lover.

"Ah what the hell. Another round wouldn't hurt. But only one round for me, not you, since I obviously can't go another round on your end." Was all she said as she got an understanding nod before they continued for just a little longer.

-Morning, CatCo Worldwide Media-

*Ding* The elevator to the main floor of CatCo opened up to reveal several people starting to walk out leaving Kara at the very back of it. She was currently wearing a purple sweater on top of a plaid work dress with black slip on shoes. Around her shoulder was a decent sized purse that had the majority of her feminine needs, along with several things like a copy of her resume just in case.

Kara was here for the assistant position that was currently available. Not just any assistant position for any of the department heads, but the assistant position directly towards Cat Grant herself. She was about to enter the main office area of the company when she ran into someone, causing the two to fall over. The two groaned out a little with Kara shaking her head a little.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to- Naruto?" She said in a surprised tone.

Rubbing his head a little, Naruto realized who ran into him. "Oh hey Kara." He said with a smile before a questioning look crossed his features. "Uh… What are you doing here?"

"Ah… Well I uh… Have this big interview with Cat Grant, actually."

"Really? What position?"

"Her assistant." She answered before the two of them realized of how close their faces were, along with their current positions as Kara was apparently straddling Naruto's waist. Realizing this, both tried to get back up with faint blushes across their faces. "S-Sorry on that. I-I didn't mean-"

"It's okay Kara. *Cough* Was just a simple accident." The publisher said while trying to advert his eyes. But they seemed to come back a little to the dirty blonde. "You look really great by the way."

"R-Really? Thanks!"

"Okay, next!" Cat called out, making Kara jolt a little on the suddenness.

"...Is that you?"

"Yeah... I think that's me." The dirty blonde muttered as she tried to control her breaths.

"Where's my 10:15?!"

"Any advice Naruto?" Asked the Kryptonian. "You're the head of a famous publishing company. Clearly you know what to do for this."

Naruto could only chuckle a little at her little desperate moment. "Just be yourself Kara and you'll do fine."

"...Right. Myself…. Okay." Was all she said as she left the whiskered man behind her.

"Well good luck Kara." He said to her, in which she smiled back to him. 'You'll need it.'

Walking through the desk islands, Kara made it towards Cat's office. All cleaned up after what happened the previous day of the earthquake. When passing through the glass doors, Kara saw Cat Grant herself sitting at her desk as she went over various documents.

"Ms. Grant?" Kara said getting the blonde woman to glance upwards. "Hi I'm-"

"Oh for god's sake. I thought I told them to not send me any more graduates." Was all Cat said before swerving her chair around to look at the various TV monitors on her back wall.

"...I'm sorry?"

*Sigh* "You are the ultimate example of what is wrong with parenting today…. All that god-awful self-esteem building, everyone is special, everyone gets a trophy, and you all have opinions that you think deserve to be heard. And yet the truth is you need to earn the right to have an opinion in the first place." Cat stated before swerving her chair back around to get a good look at Kara, who was adjusting her glasses. "So, my 10:15, tell me why you're so special."

"...I'm not special, actually." Kara said, getting a raised look from the 'Media Queen'. "I'm not special. There is absolutely nothing special to me." The spectacled woman then sat down in the available chair in front of her as she continued her response. "I'm totally, completely, 100% normal."

"Yes. You are."

"Absolutely. And I am nothing, if not average." Kara said to back up Cat's statement. "Average strength, average hearing, less-than-average vision. *Chuckles* There's… There's nothing out of the ordinary about me."

"Okay, I get it." Cat said in a bored tone as she looked at her workload once again.

"Except, except that I am extremely committed." Stated the Danvers girl as she stood back up. "I care. I'm a hard worker… I just want to help."

Cat glanced at the interviewee before having a hint of a smirk on her lips before it died out. "Hmm… That's refreshing."

"I… I could, uh…" Kara tried to say before glancing about and used her x-ray vision. "I could make pharmacy runs for you, pick up your prescriptions."

Hearing this, Cat have Kara a face that was a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Mostly curiosity in wondering why she brought that up. "...Funny that you should say that."

"Maybe getting you a new pen." The Kryptonian added in, getting a curious look on her face once more. "I think your pen's out of ink from writing all day."

Being cautious now, Cat picked up her pen and used it to write onto her document in front of her… Only to realize that it was indeed out of ink. She was about to grab one of the other ones on her desk before Kara picked one up for her.

"I just wanna be useful. To somebody… I wanna be worthwhile."

"And you're not worthwhile?"

"I haven't done anything to prove it Ms. Grant. Not yet that is."

Cat only folded her fingers as she briefly focused on Kara for a few moments before getting into her personal thoughts. After a few moments, the 'Media Queen' spoke up. "I think you should know that I expect complete and utter devotion to this job." Cat started out, gaining Kara's complete and additional attention. "Are you willing to sacrifice everything in your life to be my assistant?"

Possibly realizing that she just got the position, the spectacled woman responded with a smile. "Yes. Yes of course Ms. Grant."

"And what was your name again?"

"It's Kara Danvers ma'am."

"Okay then Ker-rah... I expect you to be here tomorrow morning around eight and don't be late." Cat ordered making the dirty blonde to smile a little, despite the slight name mistake there. "Though I do need you to grab me a venti Chai latte every morning, unless I say otherwise on anything else, and it'll be compensated towards your paychecks. Is that clear?"

"Of course Ms. Grant. You won't regret it." Was all Kara said before she reached her hand out for Cat to shake. The 'Media Queen' paused for a moment or two before she took the new employee's hand and shook it.

"You may go." Was all Cat said as she shooed her new assistant away. Kara smiled and left her office with a slight spring to her step. When she was gone, her new boss rummaged through her workload and found Kara's resume and before pulling out a red marker and wrote on it.

"Mispronouncing names huh?" Naruto spoke out, making Cat jump a little in her seat. "I thought you got out of that phase when we became friends." She soon glared at him, in which he chuckled a little more. "I mean you called me Ruto or Narita for instance."

"What are you doing here Naruto?" She asked in a stern voice. Even though she was happy in seeing him here right now.

"Wanted to hand you this and see how your day was going so far." Said the publisher as he placed a thermos on the table with a little note attached labeled 'Bulletproof'. He soon gazed at the resume in Cat's hand and was a little surprised on what was written on it. "Reporter huh? She gave you that impression, didn't she?"

She smiled at her old friend and gave him a little explanation before pouring out some of her secret favorite coffee into the attached mug. "She gave me a little impression Naruto. Something that you've clearly left on me since you left Metropolis all those years ago."

"Huh… So I rubbed off that little trait huh?" He questioned as he sat down on the corner of her desk. "When will you give her that position?"

"In a few years when Ker-rah fully adjusts into her position and whatnot. Just don't want her inspecting that I'm making her my assistant and end up having a different position instead on her first day. Made that mistake once when I first started this company and it was rough afterwards on the recovery."

*Chuckles* "Don't worry Kitty Cat. It was just an honest mistake."

"True, but asides from that, I guess I saw a bit of myself in her."

"Yeah… I think so too. When we first worked together Cat."

"But not with the strip mall outfit she was wearing." Naruto could only chuckle at her response as he remembered that Cat's wardrobe back then were outfits that were designer labels to some degree. "Though I do wonder if she'll decide to take the plunge when the time is right."

"Yeah... And I think that's good advice for all of us Catherine." Naruto said as he grasped her hand before their fingers interlaced with each other. She didn't say much from there, causing Naruto to show signs of concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah… I will be… It's just that last night…"

"We took the plunge ourselves." The publisher said, getting a squeeze from her. "I don't regret what happened Cat and neither should you."

It was an awkward morning for the two of them, once they woke up. But things soon went well afterwards once they showered together and had breakfast. They both chatted about their new possible relationship, but more on why Cat did what she did. She confessed that one of her biggest regrets was not doing something in making him stay in Metropolis about five years ago. Regretting on not telling him back then that she was in deeply in love with him. She wanted him to stay with her and raise Adam with her as possibly his father.

"Maybe… But you're with Pamela and-" Cat was silenced by a small kiss on her lips, held for several seconds that felt like an eternity towards her before Naruto pulled away.

"I know Cat and if you want, this can be more than a one time thing between us." He said in a calm tone. "I told you on what happened with Pam and me trying to see other people this morning. I still admit it's odd for me to do this, but… but last night felt right. Right?"

"Yeah… It did." She bit her lip in response as she took a deep breath to cool herself off from the memories last night. "Though what about us Naruto? I don't think we could really be together. My career and reputation would get hurt in the process."

"Then we could maybe be… friends with benefits?" Naruto said in making the 'Media Queen' to think on it a little as they let go of their hands. "Possibly whenever we visit each other, we can meet up and-"

"I know what it means Naruto… and… and maybe I can be fine with that. But I'd like to explore more if we have the chance to do so." Cat said with a small smile before Naruto got off from her desk and helped her out a little in the office. Spending time together for the day before Naruto headed out to grab his possible lover her lunch and later dinner after getting off of work.

-Unknown Location-

*Sigh* "What a day." A pale, dark haired woman said as she walked into her apartment. "So many souls to deliver as of late."

Life and Death is a universal concept, no matter when and where, in any reality or dimension; it always happens. With Death of the Endless, it's her literal job occupation since the very first mortal being came into existence. Being there when any soul is brought into the world and being there when the person dies.

Her main role is to guide the departed souls into the next plain of existence. Whether it be Heaven, Hell, Limbo or the Well of Incarnations with the former three dealing with their respective Pantheons. It tends to be quite confusing with how many religions and groups there are, so just leave it be. Though Death tends to leave certain departed souls on the mortal plain so she'll come back to some of them once her workload lightens up. Some are even left alone, depending if they catch Death on a good mood, until they want to see their 'unfinished business' fulfilled.

People are a mix bag in terms when they are greeted by her. They can be accepting, fearful or somewhere in between. Death has accepted this in the countless years of her existence. Though she tries to greet each of the souls with a pleasant smile to help ease them when going to their next destination.

This can be tiring for her, even back then, hence she had many Aspects of Death to help out in her workload. From the different pantheons in existence with a personification of Death, like the Thanatos and Set of the Greek and Egyptian religions respectively. To the Death of certain elements that could be hard to truly take care of; like the Black/Rot of Nature, the Black Racer/Black Flash of the Speed Force and the Black Lanterns of the Light Spretrum.

In the words of her younger brother, Destruction, she isn't the personification of Death… She is the concept of Death. Death is Death. But an interesting thing about her concept is this: Death brings Life and Life brings Death.

In her long existence, she has seen realities and 'Earths' die and be reborn time and time again. She was even stuck in one of those 'Earths' when this happened and in that time; Death was alone, went crazy and came to acceptance of being alone until she felt things start back up again. Existence came knocking on her apartment door on those times and like every other time, she was curious on how this happened.

Especially since this recently happened with one of the 'Earths'. But unlike the first time of being trapped, she got out just in time. Now Death just has to wait for her little 'Existance phone line' to go off for said 'Earths' and she'll get back to work in those realities, just like several other ones.

Death flopped onto her couch and rested for a moment before setting her gaze at her pet goldfish. "Well Goldie, I think I've got a few free hours for myself? What should I do until I get back to work? Read a book? Watch a movie, TV show or stage production? Or should I check on some people?"

This is the usual set of questions Death asks her little companion every so often. With her constant workload, she rarely has time just for herself and in those times, Death gets easily bored. So she tries to find some entertainment or do some little personal chores.


"Oh yeah…" Death drolled out as she massaged her head in slight frustration. "I completely forgot to talk to him/her on that. Thanks for reminding me Goldie."

Getting off the piece of furniture, she made her way towards a particular room of her apartment. She entered the room and flipped the light switch to see a small gallery with six portraits with pedestals in front of each of them. And on top of each pedestal, there's a particularly unique item that symbolizes each of her siblings of the Endless. A chain bounded book for Destiny, a mirrormask for Dream, a dagger for Destruction, a glass heart for Desire, a claw-like ring for Despair, and a kaleidoscope colored butterfly for Delirium.

Reaching towards the glass heart, Death picked it up and sat on the nearby chair before speaking into it. "Hello sister/brother. It's me, big sister Death. I'm standing in my gallery and I hold your sigil… I'd like to talk to you."

There was a slight hum coming off of the glass heart before a masculine, yet feminine voice (or a feminine, yet masculine voice) spoke from the object.

"My oh my. Why if it isn't you dear sister. This is certainly a surprise to hear from you… Almost an event I dare say."

"With how rarely we talk or interact, it's quite understandable."

*Chuckles* "All so very true… So why are you calling me in the first place? I was about to watch the latest episode of All my Children when you decided to speak to me."

Death could only shake her head a little on one of her little sibling's hobbies/interests that is sometimes shared with his/her twin sibling: soap operas. Romance, tragedy and melodrama scenarios rolled into one. Something that both Desire and Despair sometimes enjoy watching together that isn't happening in real life… or is actually happening in a different reality.

Desire is everything you have ever wanted. Whoever you are. Whatever you are. Everything. S/He has loads of interests and hobbies that works well with his/her occupation. Like going to a variety of clubs for instance to sate his/her 'appetites'.

"Reason why I'm calling Desire is that just the other day, I came across something while I was on the clock in National City."

"Really?... And what pray tell is it Death?"

"I saw a particular couple having a pleasantly nice dinner when I saw someone with your mark flaring up."

For those that are not in the know, the Endless can bestow their marks on people of interests. Whether they be people who caught one of the siblings' attention or someone of great importance. But when marking certain individuals, it varys on how it is given like Delirium asking permission to give her mark or Destiny silently marking someone that has a grand role to fulfill.

Desire hummed in thought on his/her end of the line before speaking up. "Well it could be anyone honestly. I mean, I've marked a lot of people and it's hard to keep track at times."

"Then I'll help you out on the name sister/brother. The woman's name is Catherine Grant or Cat Grant for short."

"...Oh yeah… I forgot I marked the Media Queen of National City. I think that was about seven years ago if my memory serves correctly. So why are you bringing her up Death?"

"It's because of who she was with exactly that goes by the name Naruto Uzumaki."

"Really? Huh... didn't know she was into him." Desire stated with surprise in his/her voice. "He wrote a good set of porn and his recent epic poem that I seem to enjoy."

"Don't lie to me Desire." Death stated in a stern voice. "I know some of your methods and I do not like how you toy around with people. So tell me the truth."

*Sigh* "There's no escaping you, is there?... No matter the method, no matter how one hides it, the truth will always come to you in the end."

"It's what I Desire right now little sister/brother: answers. And I'd like them now."

"...Ask away…"

"Why have you marked Cat Grant in the first place and you better not lie to me or else the results will be unpleasant."

"Well~ I wanted to pay Naruto back for what he did by getting dear brother Destruction to come back from his self-exile of his, that's all." Stated the younger Endless sibling. "Saw them together the other day and I thought that Cat would've been a nice edition to his little love-shape relationship."

It was a couple of months ago when Destruction and his faithful companion, Barnabas the Dog, decided to come in contact with Delirium, before being dragged by the youngest of the siblings to meet back with the others. It was a nice little get together when Delirium borrowed Destiny's gallery to call everyone that their long lost brother came back home. It was quite pleasant to say the least. But during the little get together, Olethros told the family that he won't be taking up his previous occupation since things are still moving forward without him being apart of it.

Things were a bit expected in the results with Destiny and Dream since both wanted Olethros to get back doing what he did best, but he shot them down hard. Delirium, Despair and Death were fine with Olethros' decision since they were just glad that their brother was back. And as for Desire, s/he was neutral on the whole situation.

"I don't think that's the whole truth Desire."

"...How so?"

"Because roughly seven years ago, when I came to collect Joe Morgan, I saw your mark on both him and Cat Grant. Joe's was obvious with him desiring a legacy and would've done anything to secure his unborn child. But the mark you gave Cat is old, not freshly made. I can tell the difference on how long one's mark has been placed onto people."

"...I forgot about that."

"So tell me, dear sibling, why did you mark Cat Grant?"

*Groan* "I just wanted a good drama to watch and when I came across the reporter at the one bar, she was quite interesting once I heard her tale." Answered the young Endless sibling as s/he felt that s/he was backed into a corner now. "How she was confused on her feelings on her closest friend and I decided to give her a little push… with an interesting flare into the mix."

Death was not pleased when hearing this from her younger sibling and spoke out in a tone of voice that would've scared many if they'd heard it. "Listen carefully Desire and listen well. We of the endless are the servants of the living, not their rulers. We exist because of them. We don't manipulate them. In fact, they can actually manipulate us. Each of us of the Endless should know of this."

"W-What are you talking about?" Despair asked in a frightened tone as s/he never heard his/her sister speak this way to anyone before. "I-I don't understand."

"...Then let me tell you something that will make you understand Desire. Do not interfere with the lives connected with Naruto Uzumaki, since he has a much bigger role to play since he came here. If you do, then I might possibly bring Hell upon you… And don't think that you have enough power to go up against Dream, Destiny or I. You are not that strong to go up against the three eldest, much less each of us on our own."

Death was about to end the call when Desire spoke up with a curious tone to his/her voice. "Why are you so interested in him in the first place Death? This isn't like you at all."

"There is nothing to talk about Naruto Desire." The second eldest sibling said as she rose from her seat to place the glass heart sigil back onto its pedestal. "We are done."

"We are not done, dear sister. You are clearly defending him all of a sudden. Someone that you never took any real interests in since I've known-" *Click*

Death had let out a frustrated sigh once she ended the call. Her mood was ruined on what to do for the rest of her free time for the day. So she went towards her apartment door and opened it to head back to work. Once exiting her residence, she muttered her little mantra as she locked the door. Something to remind her on what she is and why she does in a daily basis.

"I'm not blessed, or merciful. I'm just me. I've got a job to do and I do it."

-End Chapter-