
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

Tyger Tyger

t was a dark and chilly night at the Gotham Zoo. Many of the zoo's occupants, which were obviously animals, were sleeping in their prefered ways. Some liked the cool air around them while others had heat lamps above them to keep themselves warm against the cold. The only sounds that were heard were from the more nocturnal variety as they were mildly awake… and slightly annoyed when a spotlight came across their respective pens.

"Sorry." A night guard said in a apologetic tone. "Didn't mean to bug ya." The grave-shift security guard was making his rounds for the evening as he eventually made his way to the 'Tiger's Den'.

The guard walked up close to the railing and gazed below as he saw the steep incline which kept the tiger at bay and to get it from harming the onlookers. As if sensing someone approaching, the tiger momentarily stirred and looked upward. Growling at the guard, she protected her sleeping litter of cubs.

"You don't need to tell me." Said the guard as he held up his hands while walking away to check the next area of the zoo. "I only work here."

If the guard were to look back, he would've seen Selina Kyle peek out of the nearby foliage. She was currently wearing a pair of loose, flannel jeans; a grey sweater and a jean jacket as she wore one inch heeled boots. Selina checked if there was anyone else showing up before walking out. When she did, the ravenette got close to the the tiger's enclosure and gazed at the animals below.

"Hello gorgeous." Said the environmentalist thief, causing the mama tiger to upwardly look. "It's criminal to keep you like this. Hell… If I had my way, you'd be running free and the humans who did this to you and your cubs would be put in here."

You would be wondering why Selina is currently at the zoo after-hours to see the tigers in their present captivity. It's been a habit that she had over the years ever since she's been on her own. Breaking into any zoo in whatever city she was in at the time to just gaze at the felines kept in their cages.

Especially now with the mama tiger recently gave birth to her litter of cubs made the thief want to see them in person.

Selina never knew why she was fascinated with them in the first place as she was always drawn to them, and vice versa, for as long as the thief could remember. From the stray cats that would show up around her childhood home, on the streets and zoos for obvious reasons. Not much could be explained about it, but Selina never questioned it as she, her sister and their late mother thought the family had an odd affinity towards felines in the animal kingdom.

Looking at the tiger cubs, and with how their mother was protective of them, made the cat burglar remember her time as a child when things were simpler back then. Get up from bed, have breakfast, go to school, come back to relax and do homework, play with Maggie and mom around the family home; all before going to bed to repeat the cycle again with mommy dearest protecting her from the world's nastiness. Nothing really bad occurred for Selina as she got everything she could ever want…

Especially when your father was the head of a Gotham crime family.

You see... Selina's last name isn't really Kyle, as it was printed on her driver's license and passport. She and her sister, Maggie, took on their mother's maiden name after that fateful day when their perfect little world came crumbling down. It was the day their childhoods practically ended as a new chapter of their lives started.

Neither knew what their father did for a living; only their mother's career being a part-time museum curator, part-time environmentalist and humanitarian, full-time mom. All that they did know on their father was that whenever he talked, people listened. He always had his bodyguards around to keep himself safe and seem intimidating towards others, or make it more intimidating with him being vicious from the start.

It started out one night when Selina and her sister were out of their home and having a very rare sleepover at a school friend's place. Both were ignorant on what occurred throughout the night as the two had the best time in a long time. When morning came, the sisters waited for one of daddy's men to pick them up and take them home… only for the man to now show up at all.

The two waited and waited until having enough of it. They made their way back home by foot, which took some time with them getting lost along the way. Once they got home, they saw the police and ambulance vehicles parked outside. Both were confused on what was going on, causing the two to rush inside. What they saw next scared the two deeply as they saw their mothers defiled corpse lying by the stairs amongst others.

As it turned out, there was a civil war within the Calabrese crime family and it finally ignited on the night the sisters were away. Their mother was dead and their father was missing as it was soon revealed he ran away to save his own hide, leaving their mother all alone to be raped during the coup before getting shot in the head during the massacre. The sisters blamed him to this day for what he'd done and will never forgive him.

So to be sure the Calabrese family name finally died that night, the sisters discarded their father's name and took on their mother's as the last thing they could ever have of her.

Asides from the memories.

Selina never really talked about her childhood, asides from her sister during their phone calls, as it just hurts in the process. That changed when Naruto; her friend, her boyfriend and lover, came into her life she started to open up to him. Little by little, she talked about her past to keep conversations rolling. But after he revealed to her, and the shared lovers, of his past by literally showing it; Selina later revealed her past to him.

It was honestly hard to talk about, especially with how troubling the particular memory was of seeing her mother dead and hearing the disturbing details of the occurrence. Naruto's heart ached when hearing Selina's tale from her mouth, but he comforted her like what any normal person would've done.

"You know," muttered the thief to the mama tiger, "I've wondered what'll be like to be a cat from time to time. Reason why I tend to dress up as one when I go out on most nights. Whether it's stealing and protecting for the environment or helping out the less fortunate with my boyfriend as it's the closest I'll ever be to being a cat.

But… I wonder what'll be like to have a litter of my own one day. To love, care and protect with every fiber of your being. My mother clearly did that for my sister and I… possibly did more on that night of sending us away." Shedding a small tear, Selina wiped it away as she continued. "I truly hope I wouldn't be alone rai-"

The thief halted her little chat when she felt a stinging sensation on the one side of her neck. Widening her eyes, her hand instantly reached for it's location and felt something. Grasping it, she pulled it out, examined it and saw it was some sort of tranquilizer dart.

'The hell?' She thought before hearing something rustle in the tree branches nearby. Turning to the source, she saw a large figure fall down and land onto the ground before approaching her with a sniper rifle on hand. Selina backed up towards the den's railing, in hopes of protecting the tiger and her cubs, when her vision started to get hazy.

"Easy, lady." The figure said in a gruff voice. "Just relax and go sleepy-bye."

"I-I won't let you hurt... the tiger." She said as she pulled her cellphone from her pocket, in hopes of calling Naruto in the nick of time.

"I wasn't sent here after the tiger, lady."

It wasn't even a mere moment when Selina collapsed onto the ground and dropping both the phone and the tranq dart in the process.

Coming back around from the previous area, the security guard approached the tiger's den and saw some large figure in baggy clothes holding onto some ravenette chick. The zoo employee rolled his eyes as he figured it was some couple that snuck in here to check out the animals after-hours. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.

"Okay, Romeo, take it somewhere else. The zoo's closed." Said the guard as he shined his flashlight at them. The large figure wiped his head around and showed his gorilla-like appearance at the newcomer with a threatening growl, causing the guard to drop his flashlight.

"What in the name of-?!"

As the guard tried to pull out his gun, the gorilla man lunged forward with the knocked out environmentalist over his shoulder. Before the zoo employee could fire a shot, the gorilla man shoved the guard aside as he made his escape. This action made the security guard fall over the railing and landed into the tiger's den below.

Shaking his head from the fall, the guard soon heard a low growl. Wiping his head around, the employee saw the mama tiger rise up from the ground and stalked towards him, but not far away from her litter of cubs in case of anything.

All that the guard could do was shake in fear and wet himself on one of the most frightening experiences in his life. Possibly his end if he made one false move.

-Beret Rouge Club-

Sitting at one of the restaurant's corner room tables, Naruto leaned his head into the palm of his hand. He was currently bored out of his mind as he waited for the other two parties for the evening meal. The publisher was being asked every so often if he could be moved into a different table with how busy the business was tonight. But the Uzumaki was being persistent as he wanted the specific table so he, Selina and Bruce could discuss an opportunity together.

Selina pitched the idea to Bruce on making an animal-rights charity event. The billionaire was all for the idea as it could help bolster his company's image and help strengthen his relationship with the ravenette. Naruto was brought along for the ride as he wanted to support his girlfriend's joint project. So here he was waiting for the other two dinner party members so they could discuss the finer details of the event instead at some other place.

Taking a sip of his drink, Naruto looked at his watch and wondered what was delaying the two when his phone starting ringing. Looking at the ID, he saw Bruce was on the other end before answering. "Hi Bruce. Say, are you coming to the dinner meeting or not?"

"Sorry Naruto, but something suddenly came up." His friend said over the phone. "Mind if we could reschedule the meeting on another night?"

The Uzumaki merely sighed a little, knowing that Bruce was galavanting as Batman on some case or whatever and needed all of his attention towards it. "Yeah, I'm sure we can reschedule. When Selina shows up, I'll be sure to tell her the unfortunate news."

"Thanks for understanding Naruto and I'll be sure to make up for this, one way or another."

"No problem. Just do what you need to do since I have a feeling it's rather important." The publisher said before emptying the rest of his water glass. "Anyways, good night." Ending the call, Naruto rose from his seat and went towards the restroom. Drinking so much water in one day could clearly rush right through you without notice.

'Maybe tonight could be saved, in some way.' Naruto thought as he washed his hands. 'Selina and I could still have dinner together, but instead of a business opportunity it could be yet another date.'

Walking out of the restroom, Naruto pulled out his phone and called his girlfriend. It rang several times before his call was answered. "Where have you been Selina? I've been waiting at the restaurant for a while, all by myself. How long till you get here?"

Instead of hearing the voice of the ravenette he fell in love with, Naruto heard a male voice on the other end. "Uh… Sorry sir, but this isn't Selina?"

Instantly being on guard, Naruto spoke in an even yet demanding tone. "Who is this and why are you using her phone?"

"This is an officer from the GCPD sir. Something has happened to your friend."

-Gotham Zoo-

Naruto couldn't have gotten to the zoo fast enough in his car as he tried to get there as quick as possible. When he arrived, the publisher saw a police car by its entrance. Parking the car, Naruto got out and ran towards them to see a security guard being bundled up with a blanket around him.

"If you guys hadn't arrived, I would've been sushi." The zoo employee shakily said with tears staining his face. "That tiger was ready to-"

"We understand, sir." One of the officers said in a calming tone. "Thank god whoever did this tripped the silent alarm and got us over here just in time." The security guard could only nod in response and thanked any higher beings out there for him to see another day. "Now, about the woman."

"What about her?" Naruto asked as he approached the group. "Where is she?"

"Sir, this is police business."

"But I was the man on the other end of the phone." The publisher responded as he pulled out his cellphone and dialed his girlfriend's number. Wasn't long before said phone went off in one of the officer's hands. "See?"

"Oh. Sorry about that, sir." The second officer said. "Didn't know if you would've arrived so soon. But just in case, mind if we see some ID?"

Naruto couldn't have pulled out his wallet quick enough as he showed them his license before checking the phone's ID once again. Seeing as it might be good enough proof, the one officer handed Selina's cell phone to the publisher.

"Now, what happened to Selina? Where is she?"

"Kong took her." Replied the zoo employee. "I mean, we're talking primal here."

"...Excuse me?"

"The guy who took her looked like a gorilla. Teeth, fur, facial appearance, the works."

"And where did he take her?"

"Over at the tiger's den." Answered the guard.

Before Naruto could make his way towards the destination, one of the officers approached him. "Sir, we would like to question you of your relation to the woman who was kidnapped."

"Of course, officer. I just wanna see where she was taken. But I promise I'll come right back."

"You better." The second officer said before the pair turned their attention back to the security guard for further questions.

Making his way towards the tiger's den, Naruto inspected the area and tried to find a clue to who exactly took his girlfriend. He looked off to the side and saw a female tiger seemingly stare right at him. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle slightly on the moment.

"Seems you were the one that drew Selina's here, huh?" He rhetorically asked as his eyes landed on the litter of cubs. "You and your babies… Not that I blame you lot since Selina loves you guys to death."

As he kept searching, his hazel eyes caught onto a slight glimmer on the ground. Bending down for a closer inspection, he saw that it was a tranquilizer dart. The officers must've missed this as it was stuck in the crack in the ground. Using his phasing ability, Naruto easily pulled the object out and kept his hand away from the needle, just in case of anything.

"...Whoever took you Selina, I swear I'll beat him black and blue for this." Muttered the Uzumaki. "But first, I need to find the security room."

Quickly forming a clone, Naruto had it go to the zoo's entrance to give his statement towards the officers before driving his car back home; along with Selina's which he saw was a block away from here. From there, the publisher went into his hero persona before making his way towards the zoo's security room to find out who exactly took Selina. He will find answers, for sure, and prove that one should never mess with an Uzumaki.

-Unknown Location-

Selina groggily awoke as she wondered what the hell happened to her. Her head was throbbing and her limbs seemed stiff. When she tried to move either hand towards her head, as per normal reflex with her having a headache, Selena felt her arm was restrained. Not just that, but all of her limbs were.

Opening her eyes at her personal revelation, she tried to free herself but her bindings were too strong for her to escape. Either that or her body seemed too weak to do the task. With nothing else to do, Selina's green eyes gazed around her surroundings and saw that she was in some kind of lab. With many test tubes, beakers and mechanical equipment littering the room; the ravenette felt rather nervous on what's going on.

She then heard a noise inside of the lab, causing her to call out to the source as she thought it was another captive like her… or some lackie Selina could use to her advantage. "Hello?! Is anybody here?!"

From the corner of her eye, the ravenette thief saw a figure coming closer to her stationary position. As it entered her peripheral vision, Selina gasped when she saw a large, humanoid cat-creature. It clearly was male, due to it's highly muscular build that fitted with it's seven foot or so height, with it's dark grey fur and yellow eyes. Selina started to shake in fright as he growled and sniffed at her while moving around her confinement.

Just when the large humanoid cat-creature reached out and about to touch her with his clawed hand, someone spoke from the other side of the room. "Ah, I see you've met Tygrus. He seems to like you, Miss Kyle."

Turning her head towards the source, the environmentalist saw a man descending down the stairs with a cane for support. He had light brownish red hair with varied scars across his face. As for what he wore, he had a scientist's jacket that clearly screamed 'mad doctor' with a pair of black pants and boots.

Once reaching the bottom, the scientist turned his attention towards the humanoid cat-creature. "Go Tygrus. It's time for your exercises."

The now identified Tygrus nodded before jogging into another room. As the creature left the lab, Selina turned her head towards the scientist and gave the man a heated glare. Though the scientist wasn't even phased at all by her attempts.

"This is called kidnapping." The ravenette said with hate in her voice. "And last I heard, it was highly illegal. Now, who the hell are you? And why have you taken me?"

The scientist smirked before bowing a little towards his captive. "My name is Dr. Emile Dorian. But that doesn't begin to tell you who I am." Walking towards a nearby console, the 'good' doctor typed a series of commands which turned on the security feed. Selecting a particular feed, Selina soon saw what appeared to be a training room with Tygrus and the ape-man that took her from the zoo.

"Tygrus is my creation, Miss Kyle. And you've met my first attempt at altering human genetic structure: Garth, the ape-man."

"I'm somewhat acquainted." Selina said in a distasteful tone before going into a sarcastic one. "Though he could've been better when taking me."

Emile merely shrugged when hearing this before looking at the live training room footage. "A simple biform, crude, but serviceable." The feed then showed Tygrus dodging various projectiles fired upon him by Garth before coming in close to the ape-man and knocking him away. "But Tygrus, he is the pinnacle of my art as I designed him from scratch, so to speak."

Selina then saw the cat-creature bend and break the machine with ease with his arms before running after Garth across the room with speeds that would've gotten a cheetah to become envious. "I have given him the strength and speed of a cat and more."

'I can give this loon credit, but this Tygrus could back up his statements.' Were the environmentalist's thoughts as she kept watching the feed.

"For years, I've loved and adored cats." Dorian said with a far off look across his features. "Their independence, their power, their beauty."

"And I take it that you made Tygrus here to do what exactly?" Questioned the thief with a raised brow. "Use him as some sort of basis before making more like him. And what's next? Make your own rendition of the Cat's broadway musical?"

The 'good' doctor chuckled when hearing her remark. "You could say that."

"...Wow. I was actually joking about the broadway musical. You really want to have your own version of it?"

"No… I want to make more of Tygrus as a new species that'll become dominate against all others." Walking towards his captive, the scientist elaborated. "But you see, Miss Kyle, making a proper mate for my child would take years to repeat the same process that I've done before. And despite my son being the pinnacle of his capabilities, is still mortal and has the life expectancy as any being in the animal kingdom."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

Dorian didn't say anything at first before walking to the nearby lab table and picked up an injection gun with a nearby cannister. Said cannister had some colored liquid that was then loaded into the gun. "To become my next experiment, Selina Kyle." Looking back at her, said woman saw the madness racing across the scientist's eyes. "Or perhaps I should I say, Catwoman?"

Selina's heart skipped a beat or two as her blood ran cold with fear. This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening at all! This man, no monster, was going to turn her into a cat-creature?!

'When I said I wanted to be a cat earlier, I didn't mean that literally!' The thief frantically thought before speaking at her captor. "You're fucking crazy! You know that?!"

The scientist's grin started to widen as he got closer and closer to her. "Sticks and stones, Miss Kyle. Sticks and stones." Pulling back the injection gun's safety, Dorian grasped Selina's head and reared it back to reveal more of her neck. "You've been inoculated with the initial dosage when Garth shot you at the zoo. This next injection that I'm about to administer to you will further the treatment."

Soon the device injected its contents into Selina's neck, causing the thief to cry out in agonizing pain. It felt so much worse than from the time Pam injected her with that one serum of hers, back in May, on a whole grander scale. The thief's body started to spasm against the restraining table while her body started to madly heat up. All that Selina could recollect next was seeing things in a kaleidoscope of colors as one last thought crossed her mind before everything went black.

'Naruto… Save... Me…'

-Langstrom Residence-

Kirk Langstrom could say that sudden occurrences are a dime a dozen in Gotham. You would never expect them to happen, but they tend to be roughly the same given the circumstances. So when he went to use the restroom before going to bed with his lovely wife, he felt a presence in his home and expected the Batman to be there… but Vanitas was there instead.

Currently inside of the home's lab, due to the married couple bringing projects home from work, Kirk was helping the helmeted hero on something he was researching on. The former Man-Bat agreed in the request, with him remembering both him and Batman stopping him from causing much harm across the city… So a favor was owed to both heroes respectively.

Injecting the dart's contents into a sponge cube, Kirk then dropped it into a beaker filled with some chemicals that Vanitas couldn't make heads or tails about. But from what both men saw, the beaker's blue liquid rapidly turned purple as it foamed and overflowed. Vanitas didn't know what the results of that was, but Kirk did as he turned towards the masked publisher.

"And you said that you saw a gorilla-man in the zoo's security footage?"

"Yes and the only person that I could think of that had any knowledge with anthropomorphic animals was you, Dr. Langstrom. With your Man-Bat phase, I thought you were the best person I could turn to." Looking back at the beaker, Vanitas asked the question of the hour. "So doc, what am I looking at here?"

Kirk sighed as he rubbed his eyes before answering. "It's called T-99, the brainchild of Dr.

Emile Dorian."

"...And you would know him, how exactly?"

"He was a... former colleague of mine." Came the scientist's answer. "We worked well together as fellow geneticists in wanting to improve lives for the betterment of life itself."

Walking to a nearby cage, Kirk opened it up and pulled out what Vanitas assumed to be a cat… Well he was half right.

"What in the world?" From what the hero could tell, it was an odd cat/monkey hybrid. "Okay, I'll bite. What is it?"

"One of the good doctor's early experiments with his splicing agent." Kirk answered as he gently petted the monkey cat while it was still asleep. "Kept this little guy after Emile was forced to leave Gotham, due to his unethical experiments."

"So Dorian uses cats for his research?"

"In a way." Placing the cat/monkey hybrid back in it's cage, the geneticist explained. "He likes cats a whole lot better than people. Won't experiment on them. And when I worked with him, he used primates and monkeys to further his research by changing their genotypes with feline DNA."

Vanitas nodded and digested the information as a thought came to mind. "You said that he was forced to leave Gotham. But would you know where can I find him?"

"Last I heard, he lives on a private island he owns off the coast. Taking an early retirement after he was disgraced by the scientific community."

The hero shook Kirk's hand as he thanked him for the assistance before making his way out of the man's home. With his destination in mind, the masked Uzumaki zoomed into the air as he rode his Kazekage lance. All that he could do now was hope that he could make it in time before anything happened to Selina.

-Dorian's Island-

"Finally made it." The hero muttered as he soared slightly above the island's forest. "I really should've gotten better directions instead of going out blind earlier… Then again, rushing out before asking where exactly was not a good idea."

It took longer to get to the island than he would've imagined. Not that he could get there at a good speed with his wind lance, but there were several privately owned islands off the Gotham coastline. And without knowing which island was Dr. Dorian's, Vanitas ended up checking each one.

The first one he checked actually belonged to Kurama, which was a little interesting to note, as it was privately used as a storage facility. The next one belongs to one Killgore Steed and learning about him hunting down endangered animals on his property made the publisher grit his teeth as he saw the many 'trophies' the man littered his home with. If it wasn't for finding Selina right away, along with seeing proof the man was hunting animals at the present time, then the masked Uzumaki would've beaten the man black and blue.

And the last island was indeed the one he was looking for.

As he reached the end of the forest, Vanitas came to what he believed to be Dorian's residence as the 'good' doctor had set up shop inside of an abandoned castle. It was rather rustic with it's outer appearance quite worn out, but did have a modern take with the various electrical devices installed along the walls. And it appeared that someone was indeed inside as the lights were shining through the windows.

Reaching the lighted tower, Vanitas disbursed his wind spear before landing on its rooftop. Seeing the glass opening, he peered right through to see a man in a stereotypical mad scientist's jacket working on something in his lab. The publisher knew the real name of the scientist attire, but with the given situation Naruto didn't give a damn.

A shadow was then casted above the hero before the figure spoke. "The doc don't take kindly to uninvited guests."

Quickly turning around, Vanitas saw the same ape-man he saw on the zoo's security footage. Before he could react, the larger being lunged at him. Vanitas tried to pry him off, but the ape-man was persistent as they rolled around on the rooftop. Though it wasn't long before the two fell on top of the skylight, causing them to fall down into the lab below with the ape-man breaking the hero's fall.

"I was wondering when you would show up." Spoke the geneticist as he placed his lab equipment down. Seeing who the uninvited guest, Dorian had figured either Vanitas or Batman would come to save Miss Kyle. "That will be all, Garth. You may go."

"But doc," spoke the gorilla-man, "are you sure it'll be all?"

"Yes, yes. I'm sure." Looking straight onto his past project's eyes, Emile gave his direct command. "Now, leave us." Garth hesitated as he got up from the floor and moved his way out of his creator's laboratory. Seeing the ape-man leave, the 'good' doctor clicked his tongue several times as he shook his head. "Servants nowadays. Can't live with them, can't live without them I suppose."

Standing right up from the ground, Vanitas heatedly glared at the man before him as he spoke in a demanding tone. "Where's Selina Kyle?"

Dorian chuckled. "Temper, temper, Vanitas." Grasping his cane from the lab table, the geneticist walked to the other side of the room and motioned the hero to follow. "You shall see your Catwoman as you've never seen her before."

Standing in front of a large sheet of glass, Vanitas looked into the darkness before Dorian flipped the lightswitch. There the hero saw a room full of forestation that would've been seen in some areas in a typical zoo. He was going to question where Selina was at when the masked Uzumaki's eyes caught something moving across the treeline.

On all fours, Vanitas saw what appeared to be an anthropomorphic female cat walking on a thick tree branch to hold her weight. Her ebony fur slightly glistened from the produced light as her tail swished back and forth. The catgirl's head hair seemed to drape over her shoulders as it seemed curly on the ends, causing the hero to figure if she stood upright, the head hair would be slightly bouncy on it's past-shoulder length.

For a moment, the masked publisher was about to dismiss the catgirl until he saw her eyes… her familiar emerald green eyes. He knew those eyes very well as they belonged to a particular ravenette that stole a place in his heart. The same eyes that he saw the mischievousness, the strength, the love, the passion; but also the pain and sorrow that seemed to intensify with the confusion present in her gaze.

Vanitas stepped back in shock with widened eyes beneath his glass domed helmet. His hitched breath couldn't escape it's captivity all that well as a result of this revelation. All that he could mutter was her name. "Selina?..."

"A fine creature, don't you say?"

Whipping his head towards the doctor, Vanitas grasped his jacket and slammed him against the nearby wall as cracks were formed. The hero then growled at the man with the utmost hate in his voice. "What have you done to her, Dorian?! Tell me!"

Keeping a calm facade in his appearance, the geneticist chuckled slightly. "I've made her what she always wanted to be: an actual catwoman. I've given her power and grace beyond her wildest dreams."

All this did was make Vanitas ever more angry. "You've made her into a… a…" He couldn't say it as the word was stuck in his throat. He would never say it since Naruto could never place that title on the woman he loves and cares for so much.

"What? A monster? Is that what you were gonna say?" Emile questioned before his eyes looked towards the changed Catwoman. "I believe she would disagree. Hell… You can't even begin to imagine how it is for her. A whole new state of being, heightened senses, increased speed, agility, strength."

Vanitas threw the doctor to the side before turning to the glass panel before him. He slammed his fist onto the glass as large cracks were starting to form. With one last punch as a dark aura surrounded it, Vanitas broke through the barrier as it's glass shards fell onto the forested room's floor.

The Catwoman widened her eyes before jumping down onto the room's floor with such grace. Hesitantly moving forward, Selina took careful steps so her feet wouldn't get cut by the glass shards. Stepping out of the forested room and into the lab, the Catwoman's eyes looked onto the black/white themed man before her.

"Selina, do you know me?" Vanitas hopefully asked as he held out his hand towards her.

Her emerald eyes started to widen as she opened her mouth. She tried to speak his name, but couldn't produce a good enough sound as her voice was rather horse. All due to her screaming during her transformation. "...N… Na… N-Na…"

"You'll only confuse her, Vanitas." Dorian said as he used his cane to get back up from the floor. "She's no longer the woman you knew. No longer even human." He even smirked at the hero as he felt the heated glare at him. "In fact, she needs only one more injection to complete-"

The geneticist didn't finish what he was saying as he was harshly grabbed once more. "Reverse the transformation or I'll-"

Before the hero could make his threat, a clawed hand grabbed his helmeted head and easily tossed him to the other side of the room. Vanitas' back harshly impacted against some machine, leaving a massive dent into it before the hero fell onto the ground. This resulted in the masked Uzumaki groaning as he tried to get back up.

Tygrus came to his father's aid by helping him up from the ground, as Dorian fell down from his earlier assault. Leaning onto his cane, the 'good' doctor smiled at his creation. "Good lad, Tygrus."

The cat creature soon gazed at the Catwoman as he felt drawn to her. Feeling Tygrus' gaze, Selina looked at her odd male counterpart for a brief moment before glaring at him. She did not like Tygrus for what he did to the man she loves.

Regaining his balance, Vanitas looked at his assailant and saw what appeared to be roughly a seven foot cat-creature as it easily towered over the 'good' doctor. "Another example of your genetic tinkering, Dorian?"

"Well, nothing so crude, Vanitas." Came the geneticist's response. "Tygrus is the ultimate life form. Superior to any human." As the helmeted hero approached, Tygrus stepped forward and defended his creator. Neither one gave ground as they started to circle each other. "Doesn't he remind you of Blake's poem? 'Tiger, tiger, burning bright. In the forests of the night.' Practically gave me the little inspiration to create my child."

The cat-creature hissed and growled at his opponent as he walked on all fours. Stalking Vanitas like he was prey for assaulting his father. But before he could lunge at the hero, Selina ran forward and stood in front of her lover.

"Tygrus, no!" She yelled out, causing the cat-creature to stop his advancement."

Seeing that this seemed to have gone long enough, Dorian called out to his 'son'. "Enough, Tygrus, stand down." Turning his attention towards his newest project, Dorian gave her an order. "Go back to the enclosure, Catwoman."

Selina didn't know what to do as she held her head. The pain, she tried to fight it but didn't know what to do. All that she could do was cry a little. "W-Who...? What am I?"

"You're Selina Kyle." Vanitas answered as he clasped his hand onto her shoulder. Turning towards him, Selina could feel his soft gaze towards her underneath his glass domed helmet. "Come with me. I'll find some way to help you, I promise."

Not liking where this was going, the 'good' doctor gave his child an order. "Take him outside, Tygrus."

He didn't need to be told twice as he lunged forward and swiped at Vanitas. Not wanting Selina to get hurt, the hero was forced to push her away as he took the blow across his helmet. Vanitas was surprised to see deep gashes were made across the glass dome, making the masked Uzumaki realize the creature's claws were sharper than he thought.

The hero then dodged the incoming swipes by either moving towards his sides or ducking as each attack were surprisingly fast. Wanting to get a bit of an upper hand, Vanitas landed his back onto the floor before upwardly kicking Tygrus' chest to send him high into the air. The cat-creature landed a good distance away, on all fours, before dashing forward with the intent to kill.

As the two fought, Dorian looked towards his ape-man and gave a silent order. Garth understood what his creator wanted as he pulled out a small bazooka launcher and aimed it at the helmeted hero. Selina was able to notice Garth's current actions while the cat-creature and her lover didn't as they kept up with their scuffle. Not wanting her… mate, from what her mind was telling her, to be harmed by the rocket; the Catwoman ran forward.

"Look out!" Warned the changed environmentalist, but it was too late as Garth fired the bazooka. Selina was able to knock her lover away as she assumed the ape-man fired a rocket. Instead, what Garth really fired was actually a net launcher as she got wrapped up in metallic netting.

"Selina!" Vanitas was about to come to her aid, but was quickly held back by Tygrus' massive bearhug… or is it cathug in this case. Either way, the strength behind the hold was painful with how tight the cat-creature was making it to be.

Seeing this display made the 'good' doctor stroke his chin. "Interesting, perhaps your bestial side is not as dominant as I thought." He then looked towards Garth and gave him an order. "Get her back into the quarry room."

Garth walked over and grabbed the captive Catwoman and dragged her across the laboratory's floor. This surprisingly resulted in both Vanitas and Tygrus to growl at the gorilla-man's action. Before anything else could be done, Dorian came towards his child and spoke in a calming manner.

"It's all right, Tygrus. It's for her own good."

"Let her go, Dorian! Or I'll-"

"Her fate is in your hands, Vanitas." Interrupted the geneticist as he faced the hero. "I want to test Tygrus' reflexes and feral instincts." Dorian then smirked. "And who better to pit him against than you."

The 'good' doctor then ordered Tygrus to bring Vanitas outside of the compound. The cat-creature complied as he carried off the hero in his arms, while squeezing him a bit more so he wouldn't escape. It took a handful of minutes getting outside as Vanitas was fidgeting in his confinement, but the hero used the opportunity to survey the area for any means of escape.

As the three made it outside, Tygrus tossed Vanitas some distance away. Landing in a recovery roll, the masked Uzumaki straightened himself out to pop some kinks that Tygrus gave to him. Once done, the hero turned around to see the 'good' doctor standing alongside his creator.

"I'll give you a generous head start before releasing Tygrus." Said the geneticist. He then placed his free hand into his pocket and fished out an object. "If you've managed defeat him, I shall relinquish this." Holding up a vial, Vanitas saw a particular purple liquid that shined from the castle's lights. "The antigen to reverse Catwoman's mutation."

"How would I know that's not the final injection to make Selina's current appearance permanent?" Asked the vigilante in an accusing tone. "And how do I know you'll keep your word?"

"You don't." Came the doctor's response. Pulling out a pocket watch, Dorian glanced at it before addressing the hero. "The clock is ticking, Vanitas. Good luck… You'll need it."

The masked publisher gritted his teeth as he turned around and ran into the island's forest. He'll play Dorian's game, whether he liked it or not. But he'll do whatever it takes to have Selina come back to him from this mess.

Looking back at his watch, Dorian saw that barely a minute has passed before he spoke towards his creation. "He's all yours, Tygrus." The cat-creature gave him a confusing look, making Dorian simplify things. "He is prey to you, my boy. Of no more concern than a rabbit is to a wolf." The 'good' doctor then smirked as he walked into his home. "And when he's gone, nothing will stand in your way of having Catwoman as your mate."

Tygrus growled when hearing this before running off into the forest on all fours. He sniffed around at some point to pick up the hero's trail, but couldn't get anything from him. This made him resort to finding him the old fashioned way.

Back with Vanitas, he was jumping through tree branch to tree branch as he wanted to get as far from Dorian's compound and to make things difficult for Tygrus in finding him. Even as he was forced into doing this, the hero wasn't going to make this fair at all. Using tactics that he was possibly known for as a former, unpredictable shinobi.

When he made it to a certain tree line, Vanitas heard a low growl and hiss. Turning to the source, he saw a winged-cat situated on a higher tree branch. As if threatened, the winged-cat took off into the air and soared through the sky to find another tree to rest at.

"...You don't see that every day." Muttered the masked publisher as he jumped down from the tree. "But if I see a flying pig, I might wanna prove a point one day that a pig could indeed fly. Hell, Langstrom said that Dorian also experimented on monkeys like that ape-man." Running through the opened area, Vanitas continued. "If I didn't know any better, I think Dorian would've wanted to make flying monkeys-"

His self-chatter ended as he heard the sounds of running coming closer and closer. Turning around, he saw the growing figure of Tygrus about to enter the opened area. Getting ready, the masked Uzumaki formed several Fair Play cards in his hands.

'Seems faster than I thought, I can give him that.' Vanitas thought as he threw his exploding playing cards. As they came close to Tygrus, they exploded to leave a large cloud of smoke obscuring the cat-creature's vision. It coughed and wheezed a little while rubbing it's eyes before giving the hero a deadly glare.

"Welp, that just pissed him off." Was all Vanitas could mutter before Tygrus lunged and tackled him off of the nearby cliffside.

-Meanwhile, Quarry Room-

'How in the world did things come to this?' Selina thought as she looked at her reflection in the pool of water. She kept expecting to see the humanistic reflection staring back at her, only for her feline appearance to remain in place.

All that she could remember after being injected by Dorian's formula as waking up in this quarry room. It was strange for her waking up inside of a forest with no idea how she got to the place at all. As she moved around, Selina felt oddly incredible as she felt stronger and better than ever before. And here she thought the serum Pam gave her months ago was great as it seemed miniscule now or just being added into what she was given.

Though when her emerald eyes landed on the reflective pools, Selina remembered what that doctor injected her with. The environmentalist was absolutely terrified on what her current appearance was as this wasn't her at all. It took some time for her to somewhat appreciate the beauty her feline features while crying on what has become of her.

Things changed when she saw Naruto at the lab as his appearance made her heart soar that he was finally here to rescue her. But then again, she couldn't really be saved with what has become of her. Selina could never be seen out in public like this at all. Never again having those moments being with the love of her life ever again made her trapped with no way out.

Her thoughts ended as she sensed Dorian and his ape-man assistant, Garth, come walking into the room. Selina went on guard as she saw the gorilla-man holding a sniper rifle and loaded something into the chamber. Realizing what it is, she jumped into the nearby tree and hissed at them.

"Don't be difficult, Miss Kyle." Said the geneticist. "It's for your own good." Taking careful steps towards her, she moved away and jumped into another tree for cover. "Think how wonderful it will be once this final inoculation takes effect. You'll be so much more than human."

Garth then aimed the sniper rifle at Selina's position and was ready to fire. But before he could pull the trigger, the Catwoman called out as she moved across the thick tree branch. "Wait!"

"Oh~ Is something the matter, Miss Kyle?"

Selina swallowed a lump in her throat before answering. "Th-There's… no need to do it that way… I… I won't fight you."

Dorian smiled as he pushed Garth's sniper rifle away before pulling out his injection gun. "You've made the right decision, my dear."

As he walked just a few steps, his ape-man assistant called out to him. "Don't trust her, doc." Noticing a certain look in the Catwoman's eyes, Garth quickly aimed at the changed woman and fired. Selina quickly moved out of the way, jumped out of the tree and landed onto Garth before taking off as fast as her feet could take her.

"She's getting away!" Garth cried out as he scrambled onto his feet. Before he could get the chance of going after her, his creator stopped him. "Doc?"

"There's no need, Garth. We'll find her… This is an island after all."

-Back with Vanitas and Tygrus-

Vanitas groaned as he got back up from the ground. Turning around, he saw the unconscious Tygrus broke his fall from the cliff's edge. The fall was rather deep, but it somewhat served a purpose as it helped take care of one problem on the hero's list this evening. Though it did cost him a little as his glass dome helmet broke from the two hitting the rocky wall several times. There was no point in having his powers repair it right away as his current opponent was out of commission.

'And my real one is Dorian.' Thought the publisher as he walked away.

If he were to pay attention, Vanitas would've noticed Tygrus starting to come to. His eyes landed on the black/white themed hero as he slowly got up onto his feet. Balancing himself, Tygrus then charged forward in hopes of taking down his prey.

But it was the last mere moment when Vanitas realized the cat-creature was coming right at him. So he made himself intangible so Tygrus would end up going right through him. This left the cat-creature in a small state of confusion before he felt a powerful blow across his back, resulting in him flying into several trees before lying against one.

With an outstretched arm, Vanitas powered down his Rasengan before running forward and formed several grappling scarves in his grasp. The hero started to tie up the cat-creature against the tree as fast as he could. When he was done, he saw Tygrus realize his predicament and tried to free himself before doing something unexpected to the costumed Uzumaki...


Tygrus spoke.

"...You can talk?" Asked the former shinobi.

"Of course I can." Tygrus growled out in a deep voice. "My father taught me."

"And your mother was a test tube."

This pissed off the cat-creature as he glared at the man before him. "My father told me to destroy you, and I will." Struggling in his bindings, Tygrus continued. "And when you're gone, Selina will love me!"

"I highly doubt that." Walking away from the scene, Vanitas heard Tygrus growl as he kept trying to escape. "It'll take much more than that for you to get out of those bindings… Have fun though."

Not wanting to hear a response, the costumed publisher ran away before jumping into the nearby trees to cover his tracks. He didn't even bother looking back as Tygrus kept up with his attempts of freeing himself. But the cat-creature did get the idea of using his claws to cut through the binding material before going after his prey.

In another part of the island's odd jungle, Selina was searching for her mate… sorry her boyfriend. She was searching high and low for him, but there was no sign of him anywhere. Given the time that it took her into leaving Dorian's residence left a wide window for Naruto and Tygrus to practically be anywhere on the island.

But the Catwoman couldn't give up on her search as she wanted to see him again.

'Where are you Naruto?' She thought before something drew her attention. It wasn't a sound she picked up or something visually… It was his scent. This left her confused, but realized that her nose became more sensitive than when she was a human. Not wanting to lose the trail, Selina ran in hot pursuit.

With Vanitas, he came across a typical rickety broken-down suspension bridge connecting two opposing cliffsides. Looking down from the wooden planks, the hero saw the deep fog down below as it would be a miracle if something survived the fall down there. He shook his head as he trekked forward until he made it halfway through before hearing Tygrus' growls in the air.

"I wonder who that would be." The hero sarcastically said before he saw the cat-creature's form at the bridge's end. "Oh~ I taught I taw a putty tat!" Vanitas braced himself as Tygrus leaped from the cliffside and landed on the suspension bridge. This resulted in having the rickety bridge violently shake as the hero balanced himself. "And a pissed off one at tat!"

Just when Tygrus was getting closer and closer, Vanitas grasped one part of the bridge's rope before forming Lunar Rose. With a quick swipe of the white blade, the suspension bridge broke in half as both sides quickly went to the opposing cliffsides before violently slamming against the rocky walls.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Cried out the cat-creature as he fell into the chasm below.

"Aw~ the poor puddy tat!" Came Vanitas' sarcastic remark as he dismissed his scythe before a Fair Play platform card formed underneath his feet. "See you never! Have a nice fall!"

Once reaching the opposing cliffside, the hero disbursed the card platform before landing onto solid ground. Looking around, Vanitas moved forward so he could make his way back to Dorian's compound. With Tygrus seemingly defeated… and dead… the 'good' doctor would have no choice but to get Selina back to normal.

But before he could move any further, he heard something rustling through the nearby foliage. He assumed, at first, that it was probably one of Dorian's other experiments on the island that were running loose. That changed when he heard a familiar voice from behind him.


Turning around, he saw Selina in all her anthropomorphic glory. He widened his eyes and before he could give out a response, he soon felt her weight hitting his chest. Naruto then heard her sobbing as she buried her head in the crook of his neck, causing him to wrap his arms around her and held her tight.

"It's okay Selina. I'm here." He said in a hushed, calming tone. The costumed Uzumaki brushed his hand across her head before it moved towards the side of her face.

Knowing what he wants to do, Selina easily moved her head and kissed his lips. Naruto clearly felt the passion behind it as he returned it as well. Despite her lips feeling different and strange, they were still Selina's as he didn't let go of her. Though the moment had to come to an end as the two needed oxygen in his lungs.

Looking right into her eyes, Naruto spoke the obvious question that came to mind. "How did you get away from Dorian?"

"He didn't try to stop me, Naruto. He knew I wouldn't be able to escape this island by myself."

"...Did he inject you with the last inoculation?" She shook her head in response, causing him to breath out a relieved sigh. "Thank Kami. We still have a chance in fixing you-"

"From being a monster?"

Her lover widened his eyes when hearing this before responding. "No. You are not a monster. You never have, you never will be Selina."

She smiled a little as a few tears leaked from her eyes. "Thanks… It means a lot hearing that from you."

"...I've been meaning to ask this, but why weren't you at the restaurant earlier?" He asked as he saw her flinch slightly. "You could've called me and said you were running late. Why didn't you? You had me so worried, Selina."

"I'm sorry Naruto, I really am." Looking away from him with shame across her features, she continued. "I should've, but I heard that one of their tigers recently gave birth before closing time I just needed to see them."

The costumed publisher sighed as the glass dome formed around his head. "I would've been fine seeing them tomorrow with you… But it doesn't matter now. We need to get back to-"

Vanitas was then interrupted when Tygrus climbed up from the cliffside and growled at the man holding onto his 'mate'.

"Seriously?! I thought you wouldn't survive the fall!"

Tygrus merely growled out his response. "There was a tree growing out from the cliffside, which saved me from certain death."

"...Of course there was."

The cat-creature stalked forward as he growled at his prey. He then stood up to make his full height seem intimidating before continuing their previous bout. But he was stopped when the Catwoman got between him and Vanitas in a defending manner.

"Stop, Tygrus! Don't hurt him!"

"Why?!" The cat-creature demanded.

"Vanitas has done nothing to you. There is no point."

"He's my enemy and my father's enemy. When I prove I'm best, you'll be mine." Was Tygrus' argument.

"No, I can't be won like that. I never have, I never will be."

Tygrus was confused at this point as he tried to figure things out. All that he could do was try to tell her what his father told him. "B-But my father said-"

"He's wrong!" Selina yelled out before going into a calmer tone. "Search your feelings, Tygrus. You know he's wrong."

The cat-creature narrowed his eyes as he was now uncertain on what to do now. All that he could do was growl and howl towards the sky above. And without warning, he ran off into the forest and return home so he could find his answers as he left his 'mate' and 'prey' behind.

-Dorian's Lab-

As he returned to his home, Tygrus explained to his father on what happened in the forest. Various emotions ran through the geneticist's features before anger took over. The man screamed and yelled before looking right at his creation with Garth not too far away.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Tygrus!" Dorian yelled out before he backhanded his creation's face to the side. The sudden action left the cat-creature shocked as he went onto all fours to cower before his creator. "I am ashamed of you!"

"F-Father, please!"

Dorian was death towards Tygrus' plead as he walked away. "Twenty years of work in jeopardy! You should have killed Vanitas. Torn him limb from limb!"

"Why? He's not food, and he is not my enemy."

"He's right. I'm not his enemy." A voice called out from the stairs, causing the three occupants to look towards the source. There they saw Vanitas and Catwoman descending down the steps. "All I want is the antigen… And you, Dorian."

Soon Garth went into action as he ran forward and tried to take out Vanitas by himself. This attempt failed as the masked publisher clocked the gorilla-man's head hard enough to have the creature fall down the stairs. Once reaching the bottom, Dorian's experiment was knocked out cold.

Seeing this happen, the 'good' doctor stepped back as he adopted a worried look across his features. "Tygrus, stop him! He'll take me away from you!"

Hoping this would be his way in redeeming himself towards his father, Tygrus got up and stood in front of his creator.

"This is out of your hands, Tygrus. He's broken the law, committed crimes against nature."

As Vanitas tried to go after the geneticist, Tygrus moved and blocked the hero's chance in taking Dorian. "It doesn't matter. He's my father. He gave me life."

From her spot on the stair, Catwoman looked for the man that changed her. Soon, her eyes widened and called out towards her lover. "Vanitas!

Looking behind the cat-creature, the masked publisher saw Dorian hold up a shotgun and aimed it towards Selina's position.

"You bitch!" Dorian yelled out as he pulled back his weapon's safety. "This is your fault! You've ruined him!" When he was about to pull the trigger, Tygrus snatched the shotgun and pushed it away as it fired off the one round in the chamber. The cat-creature harshly glared at his creator on what he was about to do to his 'mate'. "No! Let go! I won't have this insolence, Tygrus! I made you, and I can unmake you!"

Not liking the sound of his, Tygrus pried the armed weapon out of his father's hand and tossed it to the other side of the room. As it fell, the second round was fired and it's ammunition damaged some of the nearby equipment. Sparks flew from the damaged hull as a result.

"Stop, Tygrus!"

Ignoring his father's orders, Tygrus continued his little rampage as he picked up a large, metallic barrel and tossed it towards the damaged machinery. With the force of the throw, the barrel cracked as it's liquidy contents spewed onto the floor and broken machinery. With the sparks flying, they came into contact with the liquid before going ablaze.

"Tygrus! Stop!" Vanitas called out before an explosion was set off in the lab, making him stumble back into the staircase behind him. Selina quickly came down the stairs as the two saw the cat-creature toss and destroy other objects in the burning laboratory.

"NOOOO!" Dorian cried out as his life's work was literally being destroyed before him. All that he could do now was to hopefully stop his creation from continuing his current actions. "I only wanted you to be strong! To show no weakness! No pity!"

It was then Tygrus picked up a hazardous barrel and harshly glared at his creator. "As you wish, Father!" He then tossed the barrel with all his might into the fire as the barrel broke. With the contents freed, another explosion went off as the castle's foundations started to come down.

"Tygrus!" The Catwoman yelled out over the sounds of destruction around her. Not paying attention to her surroundings, she was pulled away by Vanitas as large pieces of ceiling came falling down with one of them crushing and killing Garth the ape-man instantly. She was then pulled away by her lover and out of the burning lab as she struggled to get free. "Naruto! We must go back!"

"There's no time!" He yelled out as she was forced to run alongside him.

The fire was spreading like wildfire because of the continuous explosions. Nothing could be done about it as the couple had to run for their lives. Just when they exited the burning castle, one last explosion was made as the two were sent flying and fell onto the ground.

The two groaned as Vanitas slowly got up from the ground before pulling up his girlfriend. Seeing the destruction, Selina looked away as she spoke. "Tygrus didn't deserve this."

"...No need for tears yet, Selina."

She was confused on why Naruto said that, until she looked back and saw a large figure stepping out of the burning castle. There the Catwoman saw Tygrus walking towards them with an unconscious Emile Dorian in the cat-creature's arms. He placed down his creator before looking at the two.

"My father… My father needs help." Tygrus then looked at Vanitas with a bit of hope in his eyes. "You will help him, won't you?"

"Yes, we will." The hero had every intention of bringing this geneticist to justice for what he's done and he can't serve his time if he's dead.

As this went on, Selina soon widened his gaze and went to Dorian's unconscious body. She searched and searched for what she needed but it wasn't there. "NO! The antidote! It's gone!... I'll be stuck like this forever."

"Would that be so bad?" Tygrus spoke as he came up to her with further hope in his gaze and tone. "You could stay here, with me."

All that Selina gave him was a negative answer. "Oh, Tygrus... I can't live like this. I have to be human again." Looking at the cat-creature's eyes, she spoke from the heart. "I have a life. Friends. Family… I can never give those up."

Hearing her response made the cat-creature adopt a downcasted look. As the rain started to fall to slowly quench out the fire, Tygrus grasped Selina's hands. "Goodbye, Selina."

As he let go and walked away, Selina felt something in her hands. Curious as to what it may be, she opened it up and saw it was the antigen vial. She brightly smiled before it died down as she called out to Tygrus.

"Wait... Won't you come with us?" Offered the changed environmentalist. "We could find someplace for you to live and live a normal life. There's nothing for you here."

Selina somewhat expected Tygrus to accept her offer as he stopped and turned. But all that she got was him giving her a sorrowful gaze. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing for me... anywhere."

The Catwoman could only look away on the turned down offer as Tygrus ran off into the island's forest. As the cat-creature's form slowly disappeared from their view, Vanitas remembered the poem Dorian mentioned earlier this night and spoke it's closing lines. A poem William Blake wrote for the Songs of Experience collection.

"Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?"

-Selina and Shizune's Loft-

It was a rather quiet ride for the couple to return home from Dorian's island. Naruto had a clone transport the 'good' doctor to the GCPD and inform them on what the geneticist has done. It was a little hard to believe, at first, but Gordon asked the hero to ask Selina to come to the station in the morning to give her statement. As much as he would believe Vanitas' case, he still needs things to be official for the record...

Once she's ready, of course, due to her tragic ordeal.

Speaking of the changed thief, she clung onto her lover on the ride back to her loft. So many things happened this evening that she was rather exhausted as a result. All that could be done to raise her spirits from such a dark time of her life was Naruto calming her down with his mere presence.

That and him petting her at just the right spots.

"Seems you're really enjoying this, Selina."

"How so?" She asked before realizing what he was referring to by hearing herself pur. "Oh… right."

He chuckled as they made it back to her loft. As he disbursed the floating card platform, Naruto bridal carried her into her home as they phased through the patio door. It wasn't long before reaching her bedroom as he sat down with her still in his arms.

Sitting her upright, Naruto brought her face to face with him as he briefly kissed her lips before pulling back with a small smile. He then formed an injector gun in his grasp before pulling out something from his utility belt. Once loading it, he placed the device in her arm and injected its contents.

"Was that the antigen?"

"Nope, that was sedative. Didn't want you to feel any discomfort with the antigen that's about to run through your veins."

She nodded as she watched him pull out the antigen in question from his utility belt and loaded it up. Before long, he injected the serum into the same arm and felt nothing in response. With there being no pain, Selina figured the sedative was working it's magic.

"So… Are you going to miss it?"

"Miss what?"

"This." Ushering her current appearance. "You have told me that you wondered what it would be like to be a cat."

"True, but I didn't expect it to go like this… But I am going to miss the strength and agility that came with it though."

"Yeah, but do you know what I'm going to miss a little about the current you?"


He placed his hand on her cheek and rubbed it, which caused her throat to rumble in a pleasant way.

"I'm going to miss hearing you purr like this."

Selina was glad or not for her fur to cover up her cheeks since she was definitely blushing on the response. She swatted the hand away, which earned a chuckle from her boyfriend. Wasn't long afterwards as he stood up from the bed and started to walk away. Before he could make even a few steps towards the door, he felt Selina grasp his wrist.


Selina threw him onto her mattress with a small bounce. He tried to get up before she crawled on top of him and pinned his arms with her knees. Selina then leaned forward and stuck out her tongue before licking his chin all the way up to his nose in one stroke. From there she placed her lips onto his as her tongue entered his orifice so their tongues could taste each other.

It was a rather interesting feeling of the texture of her tongue. He knew cat tongues tend to be rough so they could help clean their respective furs, but feeling her tongue against his own was quite the experience. Even when he had a few moments of brushing his tongue against her slightly sharp teeth. After several minutes in their make out session, Selina pulled away and gave him a genuine cat-like smile.

"What was that for, Selina?"

"Just wanted to know how it felt like." She coyly answered before rubbing her furry cheek against his, causing both of them to slightly pur. "And while I'm at it, I really want to try something else."

"...And what would that be?"

As her tail swishing back and forth in a pleasant fashion, Selina started rubbing her furred pelvis onto his clothed one. "We had played around in my catsuit several times, with me acting like a cat." She said as she moved her hands over her furry form in a sensual manner. "But what do you think of actually mating with me as a big~… bad~… pussycat~"

Naruto blinked several times before a smile slowly grew on his face on the idea. "You know, I agree." He said as he brought his hands up to her silky, furred breasts which made her moan slightly. "We shouldn't waste this opportunity if we wanna know how it feels like."

-Lemon Start-

Selina didn't say anymore as she leaned back down and kissed her 'mate' before inserting her tongue back into his mouth. They moaned and mewed respectively into each other's orifices as they started grinding into each other. In this process, Naruto brought his hands up to her thighs and petted her to hear the slight purrs coming from her throat.

Feeling the hardening length underneath his suit, she ended the make out session. "How about you get out your body suit armor and clothes so we can get things underway."

Naruto obliged, but only after he flipped his lover onto the mattress before moving away from her. He switched out of his Vanitas attire and took off his clothes in a sensual manner that made his catwoman look at him with lust filled eyes. Once he was fully in the nude, Naruto saw her walk towards him on the mattress with her tail swishing in excitement above her perfectly shaped ass.

Seeing this happen made him reminisce about their first time together of him being cornered by a predator. If he didn't feel that way back then, it was surely happening now. With the growing cheshire-like grin across her face, he felt he was going to be eaten by Selina… well, not all of him really. And judging by the way she was staring at his cock and licking her lips, Naruto knew what she wanted to have right now.



"Sit on the bed."

Following her command, he sat on the foot of the bed as she got off in a similar way a cat would do by slightly jumping off. Once on the ground, she turned towards him before facing her little prize. She then grasped his appendage and stroked it, causing him to moan with how soft her hand is.

"Mmm~ This looks so yummy~" Selina said, panting slightly as she inhaled the scent coming off from him. Opening up her mouth slightly, she gave his head several licks before looking at Naruto's worried face. "Oh don't worry, Naruto~ I'm not going to bite… unless you want me to, nyah~"

"I think that might not be a good idea, Selina." Naruto said as he gulped slightly on the thought. Sure they enjoy biting each other in the past times they made love, but it might be safer for her to not bite him that often with her current fangs that she was showing… but more so on his hardened member.

Getting the idea on what he meant, she kneeled before him with his legs spread as she lifted her furred breasts with both hands and wrapped them around his erected cock. As they brushed all around his member, Naruto moaned a little before he saw her hard, perky nipples poking out from the fur to show how turned on she was.

The feeling of his hot, stiff cock against the sensitive flesh of her breasts sent a jolt of pure lust through the catwoman. Selina clenched her thighs tightly together, biting her lip as she moaned. She opened her mouth and started licking the tip of his penis, covering with her spittle and watching happily as it grew even harder and seemingly hotter before taking most of it into her mouth while giving him a titjob.

"Damn, you're good at this." Naruto breathed out as his voice seemed a little lower and raspier like normal as his arousal grew in the past times he had sex. Her licks and kisses were getting longer, her lips and tongue lingering on his hard pole longer and longer.

Popping out his slathered cock, Selina gave him a sly look."You know how much cats love cream~ Well, I'm going to drink all of yours up, nyah~ And while I'm doing that, you can decide whether you want to fuck my hot, wet pussy, or my tight little tail hole." She mewled out, getting a wide eyed look from her 'mate'. "I would love either one, so don't worry about that~" She darted her head forward before he could properly reply as she deepthroating his cock as much as she could, feeling it fill her mouth as she sucked and slurped on it.

Groaning loudly, Naruto leaned his weight back on his arms, watching with rapt attention as the beautiful creature before him sucked and worshiped his cock like her life depended on it. Leaning back up a little, he reached out his hand and placed his fingers across her scalp before massaging not only that but the cat ears that were poking out from her long hair. This resulted in her purrs to grow louder and stronger, causing his member to feel better from this than before.

It was hard to think, but the Uzumaki did his best to consider what part of her he would fuck next. He had a small feeling she was going to be extremely tight in her pussy (pun somewhat intended) with her current changes, but hearing her want him to fuck her asshole made him a bit concerned. The last and only time he ended up fucking her there was an accident, which she didn't mind at first but it was still painful at the time.

Seems now Selina has changed her mind.

Before he could give her a response with how great the pleasure was, he quickly felt a load shoot out of his cock, causing several shots burst into her warm mouth. She moaned and purred in contempt as she savored the entire treat that her lover provided as she swirled the remaining cum all around her mouth. Before long, she swallowed the last of it that didn't go down her throat before.

"Mmm~ That's some grade A cream right there~" The catwoman mewled out before gazing at the lust field gaze her mate was giving her. With a coyish tone, she spoke. "Would you like to play with me now or-"

She didn't get to finish as she was brought onto her bed before Naruto leaned onto her chest and assaulted her mouth. Selina felt extremely excited when this happened as a large part of her really wanted to be dominated now by the love of her life. His cock was rubbing against the wet fur surrounding her moist pussy as it was starving for the hot appendage.

"Come on, Naruto~! Give me your cock~!" She cried out once he broke off the kiss.

"Only when you call me master, my pretty pretty pet." He responded in a husky tone. His fox-like grin started to match the one his lover now had as a playful gleem appeared in her emerald eyes.

She chuckled before responding "Oh master~ Will you give this pussycat what she desires, nyah~?"

Naruto smirked before he grasped his member and aimed it into her furred pussy, entering all the way in to the base of his cock. The two loudly moaned on the feeling they were both experiencing as they felt his cockhead possibly touch her womb. The publisher was right on target on what he guessed on her tightness while the changed thief felt something else. Even more so when she started shaking a little and rolled her eyes back a bit.

The former shinobi blinked in surprise on her reaction, causing him to voice his thoughts. "Did… Did you just cum?"

When coming down from her little sexual high, Naruto saw the faint coloring that somehow was shown from her dark furred cheeks. "S-Shut up! I-It's just because you thrusted it all inside so suddenly, nyah~!"

He chuckled as he pulled himself back before slamming his pelvis onto hers. "Well, Selina, we're gonna go at it harder."

This went on for several minutes as he kept thrusting into her hard and fast as her velvety walls massaged his hot member. The changed thief was yelling out in glee as her mouth hanged opened wide enough for her tongue to hang out with drool seeping out. Naruto soon brought his head towards her cat ears and started to nibble on them to get a little rise out of her as he tweaked her diamond hard nipples.

"IT'S SOOO GOOD~" She mewled out loud as she brought up a clawed hand up to grasp her lover's hair and hanged onto dear life while clawing through her bed sheets slightly. "IT'S SLAMMING INTO MY WOMB THIS WHOLE TIME~! KEEP THRUSTING INTO ME MORE, MASTER~!"

Not wanting to turn down her request; he turned the catwoman slightly, lifted up her leg and placed it onto his shoulder to go at her in another angle. Selina seemed to have love this as she was tightening up quite a bit as he kept thrusting into her. For several more minutes, he heard her cries of ecstasy when she was brought into her orgasm before he ejected a load of sperm into her wanting womb.

"It's inside me~" She rasped out as she felt his warm essence fill her up. "Your sperm feels so good~"

"And your walls feel good as well."

Not wanting to be outdone, Selina wrapped her legs around him in an awkward angle, due to her one leg over his shoulder; before using her strength to flip them over with her now on top. "Now it's my turn, nyah~" She said as she lifted up her hips before slamming her pelvis down hard for several minutes.

'I'm so glad I have this healing factor of mine.' The Uzumaki grunted in thought as he thrusted up his hips to meet with Selena's in a steady, pleasurable rhythm. 'If not, then I might end up with a broken pelvis and temporarily handicapped.'

With every thrust inside of her tight snatch, Naruto's cockhead collided with her cervix, sending electric pulses of lust throughout her feline body. The Uzumaki felt the squishy entrance to her womb give in more and more, until one final thrust was met with both parties, her cervix finally allowed passage for his member to enter her greedy womb.

"Oh god! I can literally feel you inside of my womb, nyah~!" Not wanting to let go, Selena somehow felt her cervix close up right behind his cockhead, holding it firmly in place. "Now cum for me, master~!"

He nodded as he continued with his thrusts. Wanting a bit more of a reaction out of her, Naruto brought a hand up and slammed it down onto her furry ass, getting pleasurable yelps in response. Smirking, Naruto repeated this action several times to get the mixture of yelps and moans to make her tighten her walls even more.

Before long, the former shinobi felt his testicles contract before finally releasing yet another load into her hungry 'second' stomach, causing Selina to once again moan in ecstacy. "Hy-nyah~ I can feel it all the way inside me again~!" Letting out a grunt, the catwoman lifted herself up to free his cock with much of his sperm spilling out. "Oh, you let out so much, nyah~ But I'm still not satisfied quite yet."

Naruto narrowed his eyes on the little challenge as he figured the added endurance she gained from her temporary transformation is keeping her up with him than from their usual sexual confrontations. Feeling a little pissed off, he pushed her onto the bed and flipped her over so she would assume the kitty-position. Naruto was about to re-enter her wanting snatch when he saw her blinking rosebud.

'She did say that she's fine with me using her asshole.' He thought with a smirk. Bringing both hands onto both of her silky soft butt-cheeks, she spread them further to give him better access to her back door. He was about to insert his hard cock when his eyes landed on her swishing tail. 'This thing is going to drive me nuts if it's going to move all over the place.'

Grasping her ebony black tail, Naruto saw Selina stiffen before yelping out loud on what he was doing. "HA-NYAH~! W-WHAT ARE YOU-!" Before she could say anything else, Naruto pressed his cockhead into her asshole before sliding right through with surprisingly less difficulty.

"Huh, would you look at that." He muttered out loud. "Seems easier to insert in your ass if I grabbed your tail. Now let's see how easy it'll go when I pull it."

Naruto soon pulled back before thrusting forward into her assas he used her tail like impromptu head hair in past sexual romps. Selina moaned out as she looked back at him with a face out of ecstacy. "Don't pull on it, nyah! I'll feel too much of it! I'll go crazy!"

"Well that's the idea, my pretty pussycat." He said as he kept up with his actions while hearing her pleasure filled moans and slurs. "Besides, you did tell me to use your asshole earlier. So that one's on you~"

Selina didn't say anything at all as she was more focused on how great the feeling was for her. She never felt this way before in their past romps together as it was absolutely fantastic. Despite how this was going, the catwoman was definitely going to miss this once she returns back to normal.

But for now…

"MORE~ MORE~ GIVE ME MORE, NYAH~!" Selina yelled out as she felt herself tighten around his hot cock. Her whole body was shaking again as she experienced yet another great orgasm. Her eyes were rolling back as her arms went slack, causing her to fall forward with her head falling onto the pillow. With her furry ass in the air, Naruto went in deeper as he kept pulling on her tail to drive himself further in.

This went on for a bit longer than either one of them would've thought as Selina went through another orgasm or two with Naruto having a few more before becoming spent. Pulling out from her twitching asshole, his cock spurted one last load out before finally going empty. Naruto's eyes gazed on Selena's form as her fur was not only wet from their combined sweat, but also with their mixed juices that seemed to land on her. From what he saw, their mixed essences seemed to contrast her dark fur to make things even more erotic.

-Lemon End-

Falling onto the bed, the Uzumaki tiredly pulled the bed sheets over them as he phased them from underneath her. Once covered up and by instinct, Selena lifted up her body and laid onto top of his firm chest before bringing their mouths together for a long and passionate kiss. From there, Selina gave out a massive yawn before curled up to him. And before long, she was out like a light.

Naruto chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He figured the antigen was starting to finally work it's magic after their lovemaking that she would be tired out so the changes would fully work. With her soft purrs and growls, Naruto started to slowly succumb to Lord Morpheus' influence.

"Good night, Selina… I love you and I hope you have pleasant dreams tonight."

All that Selina could've heard, if she were capable at this time, was Naruto's steady heartbeat as it drifted her into a deeper sleep.





-Unknown Location-





Selina Kyle woke up with a startling start as she heard loud heartbeats… everywhere.

"What… the hell?" She muttered as she held her throbbing head in momentary pain. Once it was gone, she reopened her eyes before looking at her hands. They seemed normal to her as she thought she had returned to her humanistic appearance. She then noticed something odd in her peripheral vision as everything seemed to be tinted slightly red.

Selena thought things were wrong with her eyes before looking up and saw what appeared to be a red sun in a reddened sky. Not only that, but there seemed to be blood-like veins shown in the sky alongside regular clouds. She soon heard thunderous, heartstopping roars and clicking, mewling purrs from everywhere. Looking where she the sounds originated, Selina stepped back in shock as she was almost ran over by amalgamations of different species roaming all over the place in all shapes and sizes.

"...Okay…" She muttered as she tried and failed to calm herself from certain death. "Whatever was in that antitoxin is clearly tripping me out more than the time I tried out pot laced with LSD some years ago." Selina then looked around once again and voiced her thoughts. "Where the hell am I exactly?"

"You're in the heart of the Red Place." Spoke a feminine voice, causing Selina to almost jump out of her skin. "The template, the morphogenetic field, the lifeweb. A place where all animals live when they die."

"...Who said that?"

"That would be me." The feminine voice answered. Before Selina could respond about it, she heard loud steps coming from behind her. Turning around, she saw a giant Sphinx cat that had to be at least fifty feet in height. Asides from the beautiful feline's height, Selina noticed it's interesting eyes as they appeared to be the fusion between a cat's eye and that of a toads.

"...W-Where you the one talking to me?" The environmentalist nervously asked.

"I have, little kitten."

Forgetting her nervousness, for a brief moment, Selina made a little correction. "Okay, compared to you I am indeed little. But I'm not a cat… you beautiful, gorgeous work of nature."

The giant Sphinx cat chuckled as she gave the thief a cheshire-like grin. "Why thank you. But I have referred you as such since that is what you are to me, Selina Kyle."

"...How do you know my name? More importantly, who are you?"

"Ah~ Of course. How rude of me." Spoke the giant feline as she lied down on the ground so she would be face to face with the ravenette. "My name is Stopgap and we have much to discuss."

-End Chapter-