
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

Life of croc part 2

-Gotham Sewers-

It took a while for the Siren pair to reach Killer Croc's lair, even with what navigation they got from the one thief. They did have to backtrack on some flooded passageways, once or twice. But they finally made it as they reached it once breaking the surface.

Shaking her head a little to get some excess water out of her hair, Harley muttered once taking out the portable bat oxygen tube from her mouth. "When this is all done, I'm probably gonna need to take several showers."

"You and me both, Harl." Walking onto dry land, the pair looked around before a pair of green eyes landed on a table loaded with cash and jewels. "Meow~ Kitty likes~"

"Catwoman… Remember… We're just here to stop the flood, not to pilfer what the thieves pilfered."

"...No one would know a stack or two of hundreds go missing… Or a few dozen jewels."


"Okay, fine."

Harley nodded before walking through Croc's lair to search for any clues for what's currently going on. If she were to look back at her ravenette friend, she would've seen Selina open up one of the pockets in her belt and poured a good number of jewels and diamonds in there. And before long, she unzipped part of her suit and stuffed two stacks of hundreds inside at a spot where they would feel comfortable in.

'Some won't hurt at all.' Selina thought as she zipped up her zipper. 'After all, it's for a good cause for nature itself.' Once done, she helped out in the search for clues before seeing blueprints laid out on a far off table. "Hey. I found something."

"What is it, Kitty?" Asked the masked blonde as she walked towards her friend. Once close, Harley peered over Catwoman's shoulder and saw what they were. "Schematics of Gotham's canals?"

Selina was going to respond back when an all too familiar voice called out from behind. "You sure got a lot of bloodhound in you, for a cat." The pair whipped around and saw Killer Croc walking out of a nearby pipe opening with his ever present, toothy grin. "What do you think? A dry little spot to catch my breath between heists."

"Right beside the overfl ow pumps for Gotham's canal system." Catwoman said, getting a nod from the crocodile man.

"They were designed to drain the canals into the bay... in case of flooding." Walking further out of the pipe and towards the water, Croc brought a clawed finger to his head. "But I did some thinking… If you reversed the pumps-"

"They draw water in from the bay." Harley finished off with realization in a dreaded tone. "The canals will overflow until they submerge any part of Gotham situated below sea level."

"Right you are, missy. And just about all of downtown, where the good shopping is."

"But tens of thousands of lives could be lost on what you're doing!"

Killer Croc soon brought a finger underneath his eye and spoke in mock sadness. "And I'll shed a crocodile teal for each and every one."

The Siren pair went into fighting positions as they prepared themselves to go against the humanoid croc. Said man just stood there, but lifted his tail up into the air. It was rather tense on the current feeling and before the girls knew it, Croc slammed his large appendage down onto the water.

What the two costumed women didn't expect, however, were a pair of large crocodiles coming out of the water and letting out a loud hiss at the females. Seeing the new arrivals by his side, the crocodile man spoke up. "And speaking of, my pets haven't had a decent bite since we arrived last night." Turning around, the man walked into the water said one last thing to them. "Now, if you'll pardon me, cat snack and blonde, I've got some more pumps to reverse."

As their master left the scene, the two large crocodiles ran towards the Siren pair. Said women had to jump back when the reptiles tried to take a big bite out of them. As one of the crocs got closer, Selina grabbed ahold of a nearby crate and swung it to break it against the reptile's head.

"Sorry about that." Muttered the changed thief as she saw Harley fire her guns at the one crocodile she was facing. "Don't kill them!"

"Well tell that to them, Selina!" Spoke back the pale woman. Running towards a crate, she leaped off it's surface to get on top of the reptile and started hitting its head with the butt of her weapons.


"Oh shut up, will ya!"

Not wanting to really harm the animals, Selina ran towards the pipe entrance. "Harley! Lead it over here!"

Seeing her friend at the position, Harley leaped off the crocodile and bolted to the pipe. The Siren pair quickly got inside, to which the large reptiles followed. Once they were in deep enough, the pair ran and evaded the reptiles from getting bitten by their mighty jaws. Once out of the pipe, Catwoman quickly pulled out an explosive she pilfered from the Batcave and latched it on top of the pipe entrance. And before long, it blew up and caused large debris to cover the opening, trapping the large crocodiles inside.

"Don't worry! I'll be sure to get the proper people to get you two out and into a good animal preserve!" Yelled out the Red champion. She then looked towards her friend and spoke up. "Come on, Harl, we need to stop Croc!"

Harley nodded as they ran into one of the nearby tunnels, with the canal map on hand, so they could hopefully get to the main pumps just in time.

-Main Sewage Pumps-

Inside of the large room, Croc was turning the giant wheel with all his strength. His reptilian eyes briefly glanced at the meter that showed the arrow going from 'output' to 'intake' further and further in. And with a mighty grin, Killer Croc knew the city streets above were rapidly flooding like no tomorrow. Even the two men following him looked nervous as the ceiling shook from the current activity.

"Nothing like… good old… elbow grease… to work up one hell of a sweat." Spoke the crocodile man. As he kept turning the crank, two grapple hooks suddenly dug themselves into its surface. Without having to look, Croc snarled a deep frown. "You two are peskier than a fly in a-."

Just when he turned his head to the side, he saw Catwoman and Harley flying in as they were reclining back to their hooks. Quickly letting go, the Red champion came in and delivered a mean right cross at the man's reptilian snout, causing Croc to get knocked into the giant crank and stagger onto his feet. The Red champion wasn't done as she kicked the reptilian man onto the moist ground.

Before Croc's men could react quick enough; Harley came barreling in, threw a pair of bolas to tie them up and quickly swung her mallet across their heads to knock them onto the ground. "And stay down!"

Selina looked at her friend and spoke a question in mind. "Where the hell did you pull that from?"

All Harley did was spin her weapon in her hand before resting it on her shoulder. "Heh, wouldn't you like to know." She then ran towards the large crank wheel before pushing it towards 'intake'. "Help me out with this."

Catwoman nodded and was about to help when she saw Killer Croc charging in. Selina tried to hold him off, but his speed and weight alongside the muddy ground made it hard to keep him in place. When they contacted with each other, the cat-themed woman was suddenly slammed against the wall alongside Harley. Both tried to recover, but were grabbed by their shoulders and tossed across the room and into the water.

When the Siren pair got back up, they glared at the smiling Croc who was now protecting the wheel crank. "You best give it up. By the time they figure out what caused the flood downtown Gotham will be my personal swamp."

Getting really pissed off now, Selina dug deep into herself and channeled what Red power she could muster. Small changes could be shown as her canines and claws extended, her muscles grew and condensed and her emerald eyes slitted. Once done, both she and Harley charged forward to combat against the giant Croc.

Harley used her acrobatics to leap above their opponent and slam her feet on the crank to slowly get the wheel to go to 'intake'. Croc tried to stop her, but Catwoman slid on the ground before delivering an uppercut towards the man's exposed stomach. As he double overed a bit, he was about to retaliate when the Catwoman threw a handful of thick muck towards his face, temporarily blinding him in the process.

With this bit of distraction going, Catwoman channeled her rage and tackled Croc into the water before delivering a series of strengthened punches into his face. Getting fed up with the assault, Croc punched her hard in the gut with a following tail swing to knock her away. He then leaped towards her and slammed his hands into the ground with yet another tail swing to knock her off her feet. Not wanting to be beaten once more, Selina polvolted off the ground with her hands and delivered an upward kick towards his jaw.

Killer Croc stumbled back on the blow before adjusting his jaw. He was about to say something when Catwoman dashed towards him and repeatedly punched his sensitive underbelly with follow up kicks. And before he could retaliate, the masked blonde came out of nowhere and smacked her mallet hard across his snout.

Croc soon felt something loose in his mouth, causing him to spit it into his hand. There he saw it was one of his teeth caused him to hotly glare at the two. Especially since he saw the meter arrow all the way at 'intake', showing that his plans are probably foiled at this point. "You whores! You are beginning to stick in my craw!"

Croc then ran forward and swiped his claws at the opposing pair. So blinded by rage, the reptile man kept missing his attacks which was easily exploited by the Sirens. Punches, kicks and mallet swings were easily delivered as Killer Croc wasn't attempting to dodge any of their blows. At one point, however, the man punched Harley hard which sent her to the wheel crank.

Selina was about to rush over and check on her friend when her opponent took her into a massive bear hug. And without any warning, Croc dived into the water and swam deep into hopefully drown the Catwoman. She struggled to break free, but this caused her to let loose a few air bubble. Seeing them float away, something came to mind from earlier events.

'Wait a second… he's a literal crocodile and they need oxygen every so often after swimming.' Catwoman thought before an idea came to mind. 'First, I've gotta get free.'

Selina soon elbowed her opponent's stomach several times all before planting her feet onto a large pipe. From there, she used a lot of her strength in her legs to send them back into another pipe, causing him to let her go and open his mouth in the process. He tried to go after her, but a swift kick knocked him away which made him let loose more air bubbles.

Croc needed to get air at this point as he started to swim towards the surface. This was stopped, however, as he felt a massive grip on his tail. Turning around, he saw Catwoman have a little oxygen tube in her mouth before pulling him back down. Once brought down far enough, Selina started punching his head more and more to get the reptilian man to practically drown in his own environment. And before long, Croc was knocked out.

'Time to get him back up top.' Thought the Catwoman as she swam towards the surface with the crocodile man dragged along. Breaking the surface, she brought him onto the dry land and saw the astounded looks from the two tied up thieves and the recovered masked blonde, causing her to answer their thoughts. "Crocs may like water, but they're no fish… So either of you up for giving lizard-lips a little mouth-to-mouth?" The two men shook their heads 'no', causing the two women in the room to chuckle. "Yeah, didn't think so."

Putting the oxygen tube into Croc's mouth, Selina pressed the button to release the rest of the compressed air into his lungs. And before long, he quickly woke up and coughed out a lot of water before falling back down in complete exhaustion and defeat.

-Morning, Gotham City Hall-

"What are you looking at?!" Jim yelled out as several people were currently looking at the display in front of them.

With the flood now taken care of, the levels receded to their normal state to show how high Jim was currently at on the Gotham statue. It was not only him, but Freddy and Vic were tied up on the other statues in a similar state. And to top it all off, Killer Croc was wrapped in chains and thick vines at the main statue in front of City Hall as he snarled at the three women who ruined his plans.

"This ain't over!" Croc roared out as he struggled to get free from his bindings. "Gotham is gonna be my backyard bayou!"

All this did was cause the women to smirk before Harley spoke in a joking tone. "I won't hold my breath, Crocy."

As the three were swallowed up by a giant plant, which soon sank into the ground below, As the the police and news reporters were arriving onto the scene, Killer Croc roared out in fury and swore revenge on the three if it was the last thing he'll ever do.

-Evening, Pamela's Private Garden, Old Gotham Grand Greenhouse-

"Ah~ This feels so good~" Spoke the pale woman as she wore a red and black bikini with white frills along the edges.

Pam leaned back in her position while wearing a black bikini with green leaves seemingly growing from the cloth. "Glad you like it, Harley."

"I do admit, Pam, this is one hell of an interesting jacuzzi." Spoke the Uzumaki, who was currently wearing an orange and black pair of swimming trunks, as he gazed at their little surroundings.

Today has been rather interesting for the publisher once he got back to Gotham. He first heard about the flooding incident once he got off the plane and was about to quickly help out when he learned what happened over the news. Wanting to know more, he spoke with his three girlfriends to learn what exactly occured last night.

And he's gotta admit, he is extremely proud of them saving the day.

Details about what happened were on the news and Gothamites wanted to know who exactly the three costumed women were called. Sure they knew Selina/Catwoman and very vague information with Pam as Poison Ivy, but Harley was practically new. All that Naruto could figure that things were going to be interesting since their first little team up.

Asides from hearing the details of the Killer Croc incident, Naruto became a little concerned a little later in the day once Harley got off from work to enjoy her shared birthday evening. The Uzumaki learned that Waylon Jones (Killer Croc's real name) was being admitted to Arkham instead of Blackgate. The reptile man wasn't insane at all, yet he was sent to the nut house.

Though a silver lining was shone with Harley not being Croc's doctor. She slightly feared that with his animal senses, he could smell her and possibly figure her out as one of the women that screwed over his plan. But with the various showers she took, along with trying out different perfumes, Harley might get away to hide her identity on some degree. Selina already has that risk, with her being well known as the infamous thief that's becoming well known as some sort of hero. And Pam might have a bit of a problem with people in Arkham somewhat know her as the 'plant-lady'/Ivy from her time admitted there.

For now, who knows for sure if identities will get revealed or not. But if they do, Naruto swore he'll do what it takes to keep them hidden.

Now going back to the present time; Naruto, Pam and Harley were currently in their bathing suits in and enlarged flower with some bubbling liquid as an impromptu jacuzzi. Once they returned from their respective jobs, the three went out and enjoyed their evening while out on the town. They went to a jazz club to enjoy great numbers, went to a sushi bar and got a little hammered over at the Stacked Deck before ending up at Pam's greenhouse.

Selina would've tagged along, but she insisted the psychologist/botanist pair enjoyed their birthday evening with Naruto. Said man wondered why she didn't want to join in on the fun, but Selina brought up she should look after Rachel, Artemis and Jade for the evening. Plus, she figured the Crock girls would want to ask her on what happened last night with her being on the news since they were big fans of hers.

"So, Harley, Pam."

"Yes puddin/Naruto?" Said women spoke at the same time.

"Have you two enjoyed your birthday?"

Harley was the first to speak her response. "Hell yeah, I did. Today was something that clearly blew out all of my other ones out of the water."

"Not just because you helped fight against a crocodile man in his natural habitat?" He said as he referenced the little flood that happened last night.

"That too." She said with her wide grin. "It got me so pumped up that nothing else would've had the chance to ruin my day today. Especially since I got to enjoy it with you, puddin."

Naruto chuckled on Harley's cheerful attitude before turning his attention to Pam. "And what of you?"

With a small smirk, the botanist answered. "I do have to agree with Harl with me having a similar response."

"And why's that?"

"Well… It did feel nice helping out all those people while trying to keep up the dams stable. Though there have been moments my sister wanted to take over and let many of them drown in case any of them would harm the environment."

Naruto shook his head knowing Pam's darker half still intends to wipe out many humans that intend to go against the Green. His presence helped keep Ivy on track, but with him gone on his trip might've gotten her to go back to her usual thought process.

"Though do you know what else made this day extra special?"

"What's that, Pam?"

"I've got to enjoy my birthday with you for the first time."

Harley looked down and chuckled slightly as she voiced her response. "Funny… I was going to say the same thing." The botanist/publisher pair looked at the psychologist as she played around a little in the bubbling liquid. "The last few birthdays I really got to enjoy with someone was with my late boyfriend." She then lifted her head and saw small tears leaking from her eyes, which made Naruto and Pam's hearts beat a little harder on the sight. "But having my birthday with two of the greatest people that I deeply love makes things feel so much better."

Naruto and Pam softly smiled as they moved around in the flower jacuzzi to sit on either side of the pale woman before pulling her into a group hug. Harley clearly felt the love in their embrace to help make her feel better, even though she was shedding tears of happiness. Not that she minded it at all. Once their hug ended, Harley looked at the pair and gained a nervous expression on her face.

"Is something wrong, Harl?" Pam asked in concern, only to get a 'no' in response. "Then what is it then?"

"Well… I was thinking, puddin." Harley muttered as she twiddled her fingers with a growing blush. "If we could finally go all the way now..."

Naruto blinked when hearing this and wrapped his arm around his blonde girlfriend. "I don't see why not. After all, we've held this off long enough and I think we could finally go into the next step in our relationship."

The pale blonde smiled greatly as she would finally have the experience she's been dying to have for a long time now. She looked towards her friend, who seemed to move out of the way. Gaining a confused look upon her face, Harley spoke up. "Where ya going, Red?"

"Oh, I thought you two might wanna have some privacy." Said the botanist as she rose from the flowery liquid. Though she was held back as she felt Harley pull her back into the jacuzzi. "Is there something you need, Harl?"

"Yeah… That's the thing… As much as I'd like to finally go all the way with puddin, I'd like to share the experience… with you."

"Wha-" Pam tried to speak out before Harley placed her lips onto hers. The blonde deepened the kiss by holding the redhead in place and closed what little space there was between them. The botanist was clearly surprised on the action, at first, by closed her eyes and moaned on the feeling she was receiving.

Off to the side, Naruto widened his eyes at the scene before him. As much as he thought of seeing Pam making out with Selina in their past romps were hot, it seemed to be a whole other level when seeing these two going at each other. Even when they started to get a little frisky with each other.

Wanting to catch their breaths, Harley ended the kiss with Pam with a small trail of saliva connecting the two. "Mmm… That tasted nice."

Pam still had her eyes closed as she still felt on what just happened to her. The first time she kissed Harley was to be sure her little serum worked so the blonde wouldn't get killed by her toxic kiss of death on accident later on. Sure she teased Harley about it, resulting of her pale face turning red in embarrassment every so often.

But the kiss she just had seemed very unique on what she felt. Harley's kiss oddly held the right amount of hunger and passion with a lot of confidence behind it all. The action wasn't very wild, nor was it rushed or psychotic like the botanist thought it would've been with the blonde's unique mindset. It just seemed… perfect coming from the pale woman before her.

Not to mention right away it was making her body react in a certain way as Pam felt herself get hot and bothered, just like when Naruto initiates their intimacy.

Opening her eyes, the blushing redhead swallowed a little lump of air in her throat. "W-What was that all about?"

Harley giggled a little as she ran her hands through Pam's sides, which made her shiver a little in excitement. "Like I said before, Red, I'd like to share this birthday experience with you and I wanted to get you into the mood." She said before looking down to see Pam shifting her thighs back and forth. "And I clearly see I was successful."

Pam gained more of a blush after hearing this before her eyes started to shift into her darker half. "Indeed you have." Ivy spoke as she gained a seductive tone as she moved her hands down Harley's sides, causing her to shiver on the feeling. Looking towards their shared lover, the Green champion ushered Naruto to come over to join the fun.

-Lemon Start-

Moving closer to the two, Naruto claimed Ivy's lips for a heated kiss for several moments before quickly switching to Harley so she wouldn't be left out for a lot longer. Seeing the exposed, pale skin on the psychologist's neck, Ivy went down and placed a series of kisses all over the region with occasional bites. In her seated position, Harley moaned on the feeling she was receiving, especially once she felt their hands caressing parts of her body.

As Naruto's hand caressed her clothed pale breast, Pam was caressing her stomach before the botanist's fingers started traveling south. Harley's breath hitched when she felt her former patient rub her digits around her bikini bottom covering her nether regions. This caused Harley to break her kiss as she also needed to catch her breath.

"You know, Harl…" Ivy coyly said as she rubbed her blonde friend a bit more to make her breath a little deeper. "My sister and I do have to admit that while in Arkham, we had fantasized about some doctor/patient time on a more... personal level."

'You don't have to tell her that!' Pam yelled out in their head with a maddening blush.

'And why not? We're going to be sharing each other, so why keep this secret from her and our beloved?' Thought the darker persona as she claimed Harley's lips with her own.

"Hmm~ Doctor/Patient relations… Kinky." Muttered the Uzumaki as he gained a smirk before he placed his lips onto Harley's neck to start leaving hickies in his wake.

Harley could practically feel like on Cloud 9, 10 or beyond that as she was writhing in pleasure. Her cheeks hot, butterflies were in her stomach and her pussy wet… Well wetter since she's currently in this flower jacuzzi. The blonde had heard their comments as many thoughts came to mind of various forms of foreplay started to form.

'I'll have to remember these later.' Thought the pale blonde as she kept switching mouths with her two loved ones. Though this changed when she felt her puddin pull down her bikini top and started pinching her light pink nipples. Harley mewled in pleasure once they ended their kissing activities.

Pulling away, Ivy and Naruto looked at Harley's milky white breasts as they were perfectly shaped for the blonde's figure. Briefly looking at each other, the two lovers shared the same thought as they dived right to Harley's valley and took a nipple respectively. The pale woman loudly gasped on the feeling as they sucked, slurped and bit her sensitive nipples. Not wanting the feeling to end, Harley held their head's closer as she felt Naruto caressing her stomach with Pam still playing with her clothed pussy.

After several minutes of them eating out the blonde's breasts, Naruto and Pam let go of her nipples to see them diamond hard. Looking at said woman, her blue eyes gained a lustful glint on her reddened face. And without any warning, Harley attacked the redhead by ripping off her bikini top and ate out her breasts. If that wasn't enough, Harley's hand dived underneath the botanist's bikini bottom and inserted her fingers inside.

Pam cried in surprise on her friend's actions but yearned for more. As she pushed Harley's head deeper into her breasted valley, Pam brought Naruto's face onto hers as they went into a makeout session. Though the Green champion started to squirm a little as Harley started to shake her pussy in a rapid succession in just the right way. She even thought that Harley's fingers must've grew longer since she swore one of her spots was repeatedly being hit down there.

"Oh~ Gaea!~" Pam cried out in her dual voice as she felt herself cum. It wasn't strong like the previous times she had sex with both Naruto and Selina, but it was still good on what she felt. "That felt great~"

"Glad you approve." Harley said in a cheeky grin before her eyes traveled elsewhere.

Naruto and Pam stopped their actions, which was a small series of kisses, when they saw the blonde's eyes looking at certain places on their bodies. Not only that, but Harley appeared to be drooling when she looked more so towards Naruto's groin, which gained a fully masted tent underneath the swim trunks.

"Wow… I can't believe I'm going to say this…" Pam reached towards Harley's chin and lifted it up. "But our eyes are up here."

"Oh, I know that, Pammy." Harley said as her hand went towards Naruto's groin and felt his hardening length before pulling the article of clothing down. Once his member was released into the damp air, the pale woman swallowed a lump of air in her throat. "Just… Can't believe it's finally here."

Pushing Naruto down onto the edge of the jacuzzi, Harley soon parted her puddin's legs before situating herself right in front of it. "Naruto's penis." She muttered as she felt the hot, wet member in her hand. "I want to lick and suck on it forever."

"Then why don't you?" Naruto asked in a deeper tone. "Take your time, my angelic Harley Quinn, it's not going anywhere."

Swallowing another lump in her throat, Harley moved her hand up and down his shaft. She soon took tentative licks around the crowned head and it's sides. Seeing this happening, Pam grew a bit more hot and bothered and wanted some action. So cupping Naruto's face, she brought the man in her life into a searing kiss as she used her free hand to play with her drenched garden. The botanist would join Harley down there, but this was the blonde's time to enjoy Naruto's cock, not hers… for now.

'I can't believe I'm finally doing this.' Thought the blonde as she started slurping all over her puddin's cock. 'After all these nights of fantasizing about this and keeping my erotic dreams hidden from him is finally coming to life.' Looking up from her spot, she saw Naruto moan into Pam's mouth from her actions. 'Time to take it up a notch.'

Without warning, the blonde slowly took the entirety of her puddin into her wanting mouth. It surprised Naruto on the added, feeling, causing him to stop kissing the redhead to see his blonde lover in action. After moving his cock all the way through several times, Harley took it out to show his spit covered member.

"This tastes great." Said the pale psychologist as kissed his balls before inserting one into her mouth while jerking him off.

"Damn…" He breathed out as he leaned further back in his spot.

Pam was clearly enjoying the site and started to salivate a little from her position. Butting her lower lip as she inserted another finger into her burning garden.

Once letting go of his balls, Harley spoke in a whisper. "Go ahead puddin, fuck my tight little throat. I know you want it so bad."

Naruto wasted no time as he grasped her blonde hair, immediately burying his cock to the hilt into her mouth and used it as a cocksleeve for a few moments. In a quick instance, he realized what he did and pulled back in thinking he would've hurt her.

"Oh kami. I'm so sorry Harley." He said as he leaned down and checked if she was fine.

Harley looked up at her boyfriend and saw the loving concern in his gaze. She smiled softly to know that he cared for her safety; like Pam, Selina and Cat Grant over in National city. She knew that with regular sex, you can give in to that sexual side of yourself and things tend to go rather crazy. Harley heard several of her co-workers complained the awful things their partners did during sex.

Point is, they should sometimes abandon reason and go fully carnal on each other. But there usually needs to be some form of communication to see if things are completely fine with going in certain directions in both love making and sex. Just to be sure both/multiple party members are safe, fine, etc.

'Should've talked to Naruto about this a little more.' She thought as she nodding 'yes' to him before taking his member into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat.

"Do you not have a gag reflex?' He grunted out as he started to thrust into her throat. The pale woman made a gurgling noise the Uzumaki took as a no. "Oh god! This feels great!"

Harley, meanwhile, was happily slurping and swirling her tongue along the underside of her boyfriend's member, humming as it descended deep into her throat. Harley's hand had found its way to her bikini bottom and pulled them down so she could have better access to her moist pussy. Before she could play with herself, she felt a pair of hands holding onto her butt cheeks.

"This looks absolutely delicious." Said the redhead as she spread Harley's cheeks to see the pale pussy and puckered rosebud. Pam didn't say anything else as she dived in and started to lick and slurp Harley's nether regions. This caused her former doctor to loudly moan, which caused vibrations to happen around Naruto's tool.

These actions continued for quite a while as the botanist paused her actions before slipping in a few fingers into Harley's pussy to get it wet and lubed. As she did this, the redhead moved a bit higher and gave a lick at Harley's cute little asshole. This caused Harley to jolt on the feeling and ring her butt around before feeling Pam eat her pussy again before inserting her middle finger into her puckered ass.

'Oh god!~ This feels incredible!~' Thought the asylum doctor as she was practically humping Pam's face into wanting more. She soon used one hand to keep herself supported while the other fondled his balls in hopes of making him cum sooner. She wanted her extra birthday gifts and she wanted them now!

"Fuck Harley, I think I'm going to cum." He slightly shouted. The erotic sight of Harley orgasming from being eaten out while deepthroating him already made him hard and horny for quite a while. He wasn't surprised that this hadn't lasted as long as other times. It was however, one of his most pleasurable times though with many more to come.

Instead of pulling off, Harley just upped the ante, bobbing even faster as her head was guided along by Naruto's hand. "Oh fuck, Harley!" He finally said, shoving her onto his cock and releasing his seed into her. As he shot stream after stream of cum into her mouth, Harley came, riding out her orgasm with her spraying her juices onto Pam's face.

With a resounding pop, Harley pulled back before swishing around the salty liquid within her orifice in an erotic manner. She then presented her little present to Naruto and Pam before swallowing her load. "Hm, not bad, not great either, but I definitely wouldn't be opposed to drinking this every day."

"Every day?" Naruto said in surprise, staring at her with wide eyes. She just stared back at him lustfully and gave him a wink.

Moving away from Harley's ass, Pam savored the taste and thought the juices was pretty sweet, just like the blonde before her. She then waved her hand and had the jacuzzi drain the bubbly liquid before making the large flower morph and grow many flowers inside of it into a very comfortable bed for the three to lie on.

Propping herself on a slanted part of the flowerbed, Pam spread out her legs to her two lovers. "I believe it's my turn now to be eaten out, Harley." Said the botanist before looking at their boyfriend. "Wanna join?"

Naruto oddly looked at Pam on figuring out how the current action might actually work at the current moment. Harley, on the other hand, nodded before crawling towards her former patient. Instead of just going directly to the redhead's snatch, Harley went all the way to Pam's breasts, grabbed the tip of a rose colored nipple and gave her teasing licks before inserting it into her mouth.

The botanist let out a pleasant hum and bit her lower lip once more as she held her friend close to her breast. And it wasn't long before Naruto came up to Pam and took the other breast into his hands and played with it as well. Practically mirroring the actions earlier when the pair assaulted the pale woman's breasts were now happening to the plant woman.

After some time of sucking and biting the rosy nipple, Harley let go before giving Pam a kiss on the lips with a small biting tug on the redhead's lower lip. From there, the blonde started a trail of wet kisses around her neck all the way down back to her breast, her stomach and then Pam's sacred garden.

Taking an involuntary sniff, Harley thought on the odd fragrance she wifed up. 'Huh… roses.' She shrugged a little at this. 'Figures with her being a plant lady and all would choose flowers for her flower. But like any flower, Pammy's got thorns.' Looking up, she saw the warm gaze her gal pal gave to her as it was filled with trust and want.

Before long, Harley slowly ate Pam out. It was a pleasant feeling as the blonde's tongue rolled around into the redhead's petals and nub before inserting into her small hole. Pam was enjoying the feeling as she let out several moans before she was silenced once Naruto inserted his cock into her wanting mouth. There Pam was being taken care of on both of her lips as she enjoyed the experience.

After several minutes of their current actions, Naruto came into Pam's mouth as she finished enjoying the current serving of the only meat she'll ever enjoy partaking. As she released her hold on him, she motioned Naruto to do a certain action towards Harley. Knowing what she's implying, as they've done this several times with Selina, the Uzumaki made his way towards Harley's backside.

Not knowing what was currently going on, all due to the pleasant tastes she was partaking from Pam's pussy, Harley was seemingly oblivious to anything else. Well… that was until she felt something long, hard and hot brushing against her nether region. Turning her head around, she saw her puddin rubbing his cock against her folds in getting ready to go all the way with her.

Harley smiled when seeing this, causing her to voice something she wanted to say for a very long time. "C'mon puddin'~… don't ya wanna rev up your Harley?~" She asked as she held up her hands and motioned of reving up a motorcycle engine. "VRROOOOM! VRROOOOM!"

He chuckled with a mirroring smile while Pam merely rolled her eyes at the bad pun towards her name with the Harley Davidson motorcycles. "Of course you'd say that, Harl."

Harley playfully glared at her girlfriend and pointed an accusing finger at her. "Hey! At least I have something fun and sexy in our playtime with my- SHIIIT!" Reason why Harley yelled out in the end was her feeling the sudden entry of his cock into her vagina. "Oh god!" She panted out as his large girth stretched her open and his length pressed against her cervix. He was filling her up completely, a feeling she had never experienced before with her last boyfriend.

In fact, it was hard for her not to cum right then and there.

"Damn." Naruto hissed as he felt her velvety wall tighten around him in a vice-grip kind of tight. With her abstinence on sex for years, why wouldn't she be this tight with how she was milking him. And he didn't even moved yet.

So the feeling alone was even more amazing when Naruto did start moving in a slow pace before speeding it up along the way. Harley couldn't contain her moans, grunts, huffs or pants inside as the feeling of him pounding away at her with such strength, speed and rhythm was too much for her to stay wanting to waste the moments, Pam grasped Harley's head again and brought it down to her garden so she could continue eating her out.

As the minutes went by, Pam felt she was about to cum from just Harley tending to her snatch alone. Even Harley felt the same as Naruto was groping and squeezing her ass only spurred her pleasure even further. Before long, she felt Pam squeeze her thighs around her head as she eventually orgasimed.

As the torrent of fluids ended, Harley crawled up closer to her botanist friend, with Naruto still inside of her. Once close enough, the pair shared a heated kiss as the sounds of slapping skin joined the song of their pleasurable moans. The blonde's chest meshed with the redheads as each time their boyfriend thrusted without any restraint.

Whenever separated, Harley could only speak in babbling tongues as her own tongue was hanging out of her mouth with drool. She was clearly enjoying herself with her insane grin that promoted a fucked silly expression. Both Pam and Naruto could barely make out was she was saying as they were among the lines of 'cum' and 'fuck' every so often. Even when he pushed past her cervix and entered her womb made her become even more crazy in bliss.

Feeling his balls tighten, Naruto knew his time was near now. "Harley! I'm gonna cum!"

"Ghauve mii zhe cum nhow, poudan!" ("Give me the cum now, puddin!) Was all the blonde spoke out before Pam brought her back into another kiss as their tongues dueled each other. And before long, he finally came inside of her and filling her to the brim, causing her to loudly moan in utmost pleasure as she reached her own orgasm.

But it wasn't just a normal orgasm, mind you, as it was a painfully blissful one which shook her entire body. Something to show how satisfied she was as she squirted while cumming on her puddin's groin.

Naruto didn't bother pulling out once he was done as he enjoyed the tightness and warmth Harley provided him with. The psychologist collapsed onto the botanist as the publisher landed on Harley's side as the pair caught their breaths. Even Pam had to for a little bit as she was trying to come down from her sexual high. During the entire encounter since Harley left her snatch, Pam had been fingering herself like crazy to keep up with the pairs thrusts.

The three stayed there for minutes on end as Harley's womb greedily soaked up Naruto's baby batter with him cumming a little bit more from just being inside her cunt. Harley did have a mini-gasm as Pam was able to reach down and feast on her pale breasts while Naruto tried to hump her even more to keep his sexual high as long as possible.

-Lemon End-

After a good ten or so minutes lying there to steady their heartbeats and breathing patterns, Harley properly spoke with a blissful glow. "That… That was amazing..."

"I'm glad you loved it Harley." Said their boyfriend as he planted kisses alongside her neck.

Once letting go of Harley's breasts, Pam brought Harley into a kiss before speaking to her. "I enjoyed it as well."

"Yeah… it was one hell... of a transformative experience." Naruto and Pam shared a confused look on what Harley meant by that, causing her to explain her thought process. "I think I might've become a… vegetarian… cause I ate a veggie and I liked it." At this point, Pam and Naruto buried their faces in their hands for a facepalm on what Harley was referring to. "Get it? Ate a veggie… Eh~ Eeeeh~"

"Harley… We love you and all, but your puns are really hit and miss." Said the botanist as she saw her friend's face scrunch up in playful annoyance.


After a few more minutes, the three looked at each other and didn't say anything else as they kissed each other again. After slipping out of Harley, Naruto went into Pam as they started up their love making once again. But this round was of smooth, passionate sex for the three of them before it went into one dealing with raw, rough, brutal sex involving entrapment vines and void clones.


'That was truly enjoyable.' Pamela thought as she looked at Naruto and Harley spooning each other in a blissful sleep. 'I am so glad to have this happen between us and I can't wait to do that again.'

Standing in the flowerbed, she moved her hands to create a grass-like blanket to keep the pair warm for the time being. Pam would be joining them soon in the Dreaming or just a dreamless sleep as she had something else to do right now.

Making her way off the flowerbed, the Green champion stepped out and walked through her garden one corner she had various forms of security stationed by her lab. Mostly containing a lot of venus fly traps and various forms of poisonous plants. Once close enough, the hidden entrance opened up to reveal a small tunnel with something glowing on the far end. Coming into the secret room, Pamela stared at a large pool of glowing green liquid with various plants encircling and growing out of it.

She waved her hand, causing a vine to appear from the ceiling. It soon morphed into a suction like tentacle that was reminiscent to a turkey baster. And with another wave of her hand, the tentacle moved to her nether regions and inserted itself into her as it extracted Naruto's seed before pulling out.

Walking to one part of the room, she opened up a series of beakers and tubes before pouring them into several flowers as they closed up into buds. Once done, the 'turkey baster' vine injected the sperm into each one before the flower buds sank completely into the green liquid in the room's center.

"I hope this works." Pam muttered as she saw the flowerbud silhouettes lying dormant. "And all I have to do now is wait and see if they'll stabilize within the next few days. If not, then I'll have to try this again and again until I make this right."

-End Chapter-