
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

Courting a Cat

You want me to what?" This was the one question that reverberated in the women's wing at the asylum as Naruto was sitting in front of Pam's cell.

He had come on over as usual to check on Pam and fill 'them' in on the recent developments in the whole 'outside world' kind of thing. Sure...'they' can know what's going on obviously with newspapers that come on by everyday and nabbing one while in the cafeteria. Either that or watching the news while in the lounge area, but 'they' sometimes prefer hearing it from 'their' beloved boyfriend/king.

With the meeting today, Naruto was telling 'them' of what events happened the other night on Gotham Insider with the reveal of Daggett's latest inhumane crime to Batman and Vanitas fighting against Clayface. 'They' were confused on who Vanitas was, but Naruto filled 'them' in being the person who 'they' encountered at the Grande Greenhouse last month. When hearing that, both personas seemed to go through a bit of a fit from Ivy cursing his name for harming her darling plants to Pamela trying to calm things down. It did hurt a little when Naruto heard Ivy curse 'him' but he was trying to do what he could at the time.

He was pretty much going to plant more flowers and trees sometime after this meeting, that's for sure.

Asides from that tidbit, Naruto had asked Pam on how 'they' were enjoying 'their' new book. 'They', of course, loved it immensely from the drama, romance and adventure of the three men who were sought out on a quest to find the fabled "Gift of the Goddess". Since 'they' had nothing much to do, asides from taking care of the plants in 'their' cell and in the asylum, 'they' read the entire book within a day and a half. 'They' enjoyed it so much that 'they' decided to read it again being one of those novels that must be read more often.

This eventually lead to the current topic of their conversation….

"'We' would like you todate/court Selina and Harley." Pam and Ivy respectively said to Naruto, who was currently wide eyed on the request.

"B-But why?" He said in confusion. "Why would you 'two' want me to date them? I-I mean it's just that-"

"Naruto." Pamela interrupted him mid-speech. "The reason why 'we' want you to go out with them is for a few reasons."

Hearing this, he wondered what 'they' were talking about. So he stayed quiet and let 'them' start 'their' explanations.

"One….'We' don't know how long it'll take us till 'we' get out of here and 'we' don't want you to be alone for that time without 'us'."

"But I can wait that long Pam."

"'We' know you do my Lord, but 'we' don't want you to suffer during the wait." Ivy stated before she continued where her 'sister' left off. "The second reason is that 'we' can tell that both Ms. Kyle and Ms. Quinzel have feelings for you."


"'Naruto…. though 'we' can see through the plants and see various areas through them. But due to the power dampener on 'us', 'we' are pretty much blind through that. Being blind to seeing how they look and react towards you, 'we' are not."

"Lastly…." Ivy said as she wanted to wrap up the explanations. "The reason why 'we' would even consider allowing this to happen….is because you have feelings for them as well."

This threw him off into a loop on what was just said. Him having feelings for Selina and Harley?...Sure he was very oblivious to the fact with women he interacted in the past in some random times in this world had a thing for him just because of his good looks. But back in his home reality that he eventually started to realize that several women, when he was in the current reality, were in fact falling in love with him.

There was the whole thing with Lady Koyuki after he saved her from her bastard uncle during the Spring/Snow mission and when he came back to the country during his trip with Jiraiya, she was sending him hints at the time that she wanted to know him better. During the Pein/Nagato invasion on the Leaf, Hinata confessed her feelings towards him when she tried to defend him, but of course he never really got the chance to tell her afterwards that he only saw her as a friend. There was also the time at the Blood Prison that he got to know Ryuuzetsu and realized later on that he wasn't dreaming that she told him she eventually loved him as she gave up her life for him. Not only that but towards the end of the mission at the Land of Demons, Shion had asked him to help her out in making a new priestess to help guard the land.

….Yeah he didn't realize, till he got to this world, that she wanted him to knock her up with a kid.

Lastly there was Sakura. She told him she actually loved him in the Land of Steel but he knew that was a complete lie since she still had feelings for Sasuke. Hell Naruto told her off on that since even after all that time with growing up, him leaving and whatnot, she still loved the duck butted asshole.

But the real question was…..was he developing feelings for Harley and Selina?

He did interact with them more often than he realized when helping each of them out in several ways from uplifting Selina's spirits while in jail and helping her out on several projects after the whole Daggett virus scare. In turn, she was there for him during his times of need and was a big support for him to hang onto. With Harley, he helped her get out of her shell more with her shy attitude that made her more fun to be around. In turn, she seemed to a fun bit of sunshine for him that he rarely got to see in the dark atmosphere in Gotham. So did he actually get the two women to become attached towards him on an emotional side of things? This was too confusing to really figure out.

*Snap* *Snap* *Knock* *Knock* "Hello.~ Anyone in there?" Pamela said as she tried to knock him out of his thoughts.

"S-Sorry Pam...I was just trying to come to grips with all of this."

"It's alright my king," Ivy said as she placed a comforting hand on the glass on a reflex as wanting to place it on his shoulder, "it's perfectly natural for you to attract others without knowing."

*Sigh* "Sometimes I now wonder if it's a blessing or a curse." Naruto said as he scratched his head to properly think straight.

"Probably both." 'They' said to him with a cheeky smile that caused him to twitch his eye.

"Anyways…. with it being Valentine's Day soon, 'we' thought it would be nice if you took one of them out on that day to make it even more special."

"You sure?" Naruto asked 'them' to receive a nod from 'both' of 'them'. "But answer me this one thing….why are you 'two' fine with this?"

"Well….it was more so with 'my sister' here wanting you to have more 'consorts'."


"Yeah…..it was odd for me too. Something about her 'king' or 'lord' should properly have consorts to be by his side or whatever." Pamela said with a shrug before Ivy took over.

"It was more among the lines that since I'm the Queen of Nature and you are my….'our' 'king', that you should be allowed to have several women to be with while in relations with 'us'." She explained to him.

'...That sounded a bit confusing if you ask me.' He thought as he tried to translate on what Ivy said to him. "So what you are telling me Ivy is that you want me to be with other women while we are together."

"Why of course." She said with a smile.

"And you're fine with this Pamela?"

"Yes I am. Though here was something of what I added into the agreement with 'my sister'. 'We' will only allow women into this open relationship of ours if you love them and they love you in turn, having our agreement of allowing that to happen, and you always come back to 'us'." Pamela stated to 'their' beloved boyfriend/'king'.

"And I couldn't help but agree more on this fact." Ivy said while nodding her head in agreement. "In recorded history in some parts of the world, some kings or lords would have several wives or consorts but things tend to go south when the king or lord shows too much affection over one consort over the other and even more so over the head wife. Let's just say that things don't go out all that well."

'Yeah no kidding.' He thought as he had to read through all that stuff back in his world in the academy with some daimyos going through that route and it didn't go all that well on various cases. Sure there were like one or two but couldn't remember, even if he tried.

"Well….if you 'two' say so with you giving me permission to be with other with other women that aren't you 'two'….I'll need figure this out on my own. Besides, I don't know if they would actually be fine with this even if I tried to start dating them at all."

"Just give it time Naruto. Don't rush into the whole process." 'They' said to him as he got up from his seat.

"Besides….I can only imagine what it'd be like to have more women join." Ivy said with a coy smile that made the publisher red in the face.


"What? You're thinking it too 'sister'."

"W-Well *Cough* I-I gotta get going you 'two' and we can discuss about this later if you want." Naruto said to them as he leaned to the glass barrier with them following suit to place a kiss on the same spot. "I love you and see you 'two' later."

"Bye." 'They said to him as he walked out of the women's wing.

"I hope this turns out well." Pamela said as she kept her eyes on 'their' boyfriend/'king'.

"Same here." Ivy said as she placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her 'sister'. "Now I think 'we' need to come up with some plans to be sure this could work out."

"Like what exactly?" Pamela asked and soon the 'two' started to discuss inside of 'their' mind on what to do and it mostly involved with 'their' doctor.

-Next Day, Naruto's Loft-

Sounds of grunts and flesh being smacked were the constant sounds going on inside of the former shinobi's loft….

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

*Grunt* "Ease up will you…..I'm starting to get sore from all of this."

"No pain no gain." Naruto said as he continued with the previous sounds filling the air.

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

"How can you have this much stamina and hardly break a sweat?"

"Years of training Selina…..Years of training."

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

*Grunt* "I can tell." She said while moaning a little.

…..as the two were having a sparring match.

What the hell is wrong with you readers? Get your heads out of the gutters.

"You don't have to hit that rough you know." Selina said as she walked around the room while nursing her arm.

This was one of their recent sparring sessions they had ever since their discussion on the idea to work out together. It was pretty productive on things were fairing that both were able to blow off some steam by actually fighting someone else instead of empty air. While he was wearing one of his usual workout attire of a black wife beater with gym shorts and shoes, she wore a black sports bra and yoga pants with shoes.

The two had been sparring this morning for about an hour now and they were actually having fun while doing it. The first bit was just a plain old spar to see how the two fought well against each other. In Naruto's perspective, this Ted person did one hell of a good job teaching her and with Selina improvising the rest of the way on adjustments. With Selina, in her perspective, thought that it was hard to get a readout of her silver haired friend and things were quite unpredictable with him.

They were currently fighting each other with rubber sticks that Naruto had with weights in them to help with exercises on certain forms and whatnot. Things were fun when trying to block each swing and parry while trying to land a hit on each other but things started to get more intense.

"Well you did say to try and not hold back." He said with a cheeky grin as he swung his weighted tonfa at her.

"And I was just joking." She said back as she dodged and was able to land a few strikes at him.

*Smack* *Smack*

"Oww...But it does help a little on pain tolerance."

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

"You know…." Selina said as she ducked a few of the swings. "One of these days….You should tell me where you learned most of this."

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

"Maybe." He said before swinging around her and smacking one of the sticks on her lower back, which ended up hitting her ass. "But not today."

'Oh god….it hurts so much...but why did it feel so good on the ass.' Selina thought as she had to walk off the pain while rubbing her backside a bit.

Soon a thought came across her mind as she threw the rubber sticks at Naruto before attacking him with her 'cat fighting' techniques with more ferocity. Several punches and kicks were blocked by her sparring partner while some were evaded by millimeters. He even threw several which she was able to block and evade as well.

The environmentalist soon found an opening and took the chance by grabbing his wrist from a wayward swipe. She pulled him forward and flung her around her shoulder to land him on the ground onto his stomach. Selena held Naruto's wrists behind his back while trying to get her free arm around his neck. He reacted and was able to flip them over with her back on the ground and him hovering over her with her hands grabbing ahold of her wrists.

"What was that all about?" He curiously asked as he was trying to catch his breath a bit there as he stared into her jade green eyes.

"Wanted *Breathe* to get that info *Breathe* out of you." She responded as he chest kept on rising up and down as she gazed into his strong, hazel eyes.

The two soon realized their current positions from their faces being so close that they can practically feel each other's hot breath.

"...I-I think we are done for the day." Naruto said as he got up before holding a hand out for her to grab onto.

"Y-Yeah I think so as well." Selina responded as she looked away from him with a blush on her face once she got up from the floor.

*Groan* 'Why can't I think straight with her anymore?' Was the thought running through his head right now. Ever since that chat with Pam yesterday, he kept on thinking about Selina and Harley in a different light. He tried to distract himself with the spar with her but after seeing her sweaty form….with some droplets going down her- 'Focus!'

Even Selena isn't faring any better as she kept having a mental debate with herself.

'Why can't this be easier for me?' She thought to herself. 'I like him as a close friend and nothing more.'

'Then why do you yearn for him?' A voice called out inside of her mind. 'Yearning for his attention…. his compassion…. to be near him for his warmth?'

'I-I don't know what your talking about!' Selena yelled in denial towards the voice. 'And I'm not yearning for him at all!'

'Then why go through such lengths to deny your affection for him?' The voice replied back like a whisper in the woman's ear. 'You know you want to be with him and have him love you. It can be easy…. Just steal his heart from Pam like what you have done in the past with all those shiny jewels and riches.'

'I'm not listening to you.' The environmentalist said as she mentally put her hands to her ears. 'La la la la! Not listening! Not listening! I can't hear you inner me! Fingers in my ears! I can't hear YOOUUU!'

At this, inner Selina/Catwoman couldn't help but scoff at this while rolling her eyes before receding to the back of the mind. 'Deny all you want, but sooner or later you need to realize your feelings for him or be hurt in the process.'

'I'm sorry….were you saying something inner me?' Selina thought back as she waited for a reply with her inner self but got nothing back. 'Good…. And I'm not denying anything at all…. Am I?'

"Hey Selina?" Naruto asked, getting Selina out of her thoughts.


"You have any plans later today?"

"No….why?" She asked as she grabbed her towel and started to dry herself off from the sweat.

"Well….I was wondering if you would want to go somewhere and hangout or something?" He said to her, getting a slightly confused look in return. "I realized we haven't spent much time together and done anything else really asides from the spars here or at your place….or even the few times you came here, unannounced, with you proclaiming you were 'bored'.

"Yeah….I guess you're right." She responded back in the slight realization.

The two really hadn't done much to actually hang out for a change outside of their lofts. She would've considered the times at Arkham but those were just meetings with Pam and Harley to be friends with them. The only person she really hung out with was Harley, during some of her off hours and days off, and she turned out to be a nice girl to be friends with when Shizune isn't around.

"So where would you like to go exactly?" He asked for a suggestion. "Anywhere is fine with me….As long as it's not too demining."

"Drat." She said in a joking fashion. "And here I was going to think of something fun out of your uncomfortableness."

"Yeah yeah."

She chuckled at the small response with his eyes rolling. "Hmm...well maybe we can go out for drinks? I know a pretty nice bar that I go to quite often."

"Eh sure….why not. I'm good for several drinks."


"So where's this bar anyways if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's called The Stacked Deck and I'll meet you there….shall we say 6?"

"Sure." Naruto responded with a smile. "Sounds like a date."

"Then I'll see you later." Selena said as she headed out of the publisher's loft.

Once she left, Naruto had to facepalm and muttered a few things. "Sounds like a date. Come on Naruto, it makes it seem you're trying to lead her onto something…. Which is clearly not what you're trying to do….But you want to…. Kami dammit this is frustrating."

In the hallway, Selina felt happy at this that she could have some good quality time with Naruto. Just the two of them hanging out and whatever. It wasn't a date or anything of the sort….why did she think it was a date? Possibly because he said 'Sounds like a date.' and it could imply he thinks it's a date or unintentionally said that outloud.

Regardless, this might turn out to be a fun night after all.

-Evening, The Stacked Deck Bar-

Dusk had settled upon Gotham as street lights, neon signs, billboards and various other things around the city started to flicker on. The lively evening was starting to work its magic as the nightly events were going to go underway with crime being more active at this time of day and so does police work. If you mostly take those two factors away, then this city would probably be a boring place to be in like a small town or something of the sort.

Naruto was walking up to the designated bar Selina had selected for their 'get together' this evening since he parked his car some blocks away in a security parking garage since trying to park in this area of Gotham would probably have it stolen or broken into. It wasn't a chilly day, or night in this instance, at all so he wore a short sleeve button up shirt underneath his tight, yet loose leather jacket with a pair of boots and jeans.

When the publisher opened up the door, he was greeted with the site of several pool tables lined up around the center of the establishment with graffiti and typical bar decorations covering the walls. There were several people around the place from a couple of guys playing some games of pool while others were at the bar drinking their sorrows away or chatting it up with the bar keep. When looking around for Selina, he came across a jukebox and decided to take a look at the selections asides from what was currently playing.

'Okay… we got tunes for dancing, drinking and fighting….Not necessary in that order.' He thought as he was scrolling through the listings.

He decided to check the bar keep to get a few drinks for him and Selina when he bumped into one of the guys at the pool table.


"Don't worry about it." The man said he looked at the publisher closely. "Hey...Don't I know you?"


"It is you! Ha I knew it." The man said as he went back to the pool table and pulled out something from his inner coat pocket. "You're the guy that wrote this right?"

Taking a look at what he's holding, Naruto thought the man was holding either one of his Icha Icha works, Ninja Storm or Gutsy Ninja. But in fact he saw it was a regular copy of his latest Loveless story. One can tell that it was a regularly copy of his book that was sold in stores with the light blue cover with the graphic of a woman in the background with three silhouettes in the foreground with the title towards the bottom.

The public copies of his Loveless novel had come out recently, several days before Valentine's Day. From what Naruto had gotten from reports of revenue and reviews back at the office was that it was a major hit amongst fans and other readers alike. It will pretty much be very popular in the times to come and who knows what might occur next because of it. This means though that he'll need to schedule for a book signing event or something if the fans demand it.

"Why yes I am." Naruto said getting the man to hold it out for him with a pen getting the former shinobi to take it from his hands and autographed it before handing it back.

"Thanks." The man said as he put the book back in its previous spot. "Now my wife will get off my back saying that I need to stop going to bars often."

"Glad to be of some help..."

"Frank. The name's Frank." The now identified Frank said he kept on talking. "Funny seeing a guy like you in a place like this. Shorter in real life as well."

"Okay…then." The publisher said as he didn't know on how to respond to that. Frank then grabbed his things and left the bar, probably going home and showing his wife the autograph like what possibly intends to do.

Once that was settled, Naruto went up to the barkeep to order a few drinks while he waited for his friend to arrive….or was she here already? Need to be sure on the later.

"Excuse me ma'am."

"Yeah." The barkeep asked as she looked up from her duties.

She seemed to be a lovely woman with straight brown hair, blue eyes, with slightly pale skin with faint pink blush, black and red eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Her attire, from what he can only see the top portion, consisted of a purple button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to show it had white and black stripes on the inside with the buttons unbuttoned to show off her *cough* assets. She also wore a black vest that hugged her body nicely and seemed to push up her cleavage more to possibly distract others. The notable features on her were her eyes seemed to scream out danger to those who messes with her and the heart tatoo on her left breast.

"Has Selena come in recently?"

"Like today or on a previous day?" She asked with her features getting a little stern.

Telling it was a question for what someone shady or someone of the collar would sometimes end up asking, he decided to rephrase it. "Sorry, I meant to say: Has Selina arrived yet or not? She told me she's a regular here and I'm meeting up with her for drinks."

After hearing this, the barkeep softened her features a bit before replying back. "Why didn't you say that in the first place? Well she's just using the little girl's room to freshen up. Said something about meeting a cutie, but I didn't expect the guy to be you. Hmm… You do seem to be her type."

Telling from the look she was giving him made him know she was practically undressing him with her eyes. Wasn't the first time a woman did that to him and she won't be the last.

*Chuckle* "Yeah that would be me." He said as he took a seat at the bar.

"So what can I get ya sugar?" The barkeep asked with a seductive grin.

"I'll just have some scotch on the rocks. I just want to have a pleasant night with her and don't know how long we'll be here."

"I hear ya."

Didn't take long for the drink to show up along with another one, probably Selina's prefered 'poison', next to his. Naruto pulled out his wallet and paid for the drinks before pulling out a hundred and put it in the tip jar near the barkeep.

"For the fine lady of the establishment." He said to her that made her smile a bit more.

"Why thanks for the tip and how did you know I owned the place?"

"Actually didn't know that till just now and you're welcome. Didn't want to be rude to a nice woman, such as yourself, and make her feel unappreciated for her hard work."

"Seems that I'm liking you a whole lot more now."

"Good to know."

"Also don't mind me asking, but didn't I hear Frank say your name was Naruto Uzumaki?"

*Sigh* "Yeah."

She ducked down behind the counter and came back up with each of his works along with the recent Loveless novel. Having done this hundreds or thousands of times, his hands went on autopilot and signed them before handing them back to their current owner. From there, she ducked back down before coming back up to show she pretty much put them in a safe place.

"A tip and a signing from one of my favorite authors. This night is turning out fine so far." The woman said with her usual smile. "Also I hope you don't mind me asking again…."

"Which would be?" He said as he took the glass to his lips.

"Have you and Selina fucked yet?"

*Cough* "W-What?! *Cough* *Cough* No!" Naruto replied as he tried to get himself under control after the sudden question.

"Really?~" She said with a surprised look. "Well I just wanted to be sure on that."

"What gave you the idea?" He said in slight curiosity.

"After getting out of the joint she couldn't stop talking about her friend, realize that being you now, on how great a guy you were. How you made her feel very special, appreciated and all that fun stuff. Of course during the past few times she was here, she got drunk off of her ass and started proclaiming her love for you and whatnot."

"I-I see."

"The way I see it, she has it in for you deep. I should also let you know that I have a keen sixth sense in spotting those who desire to get laid. During the past several visits, I could practically tell that she hasn't gotten laid in a long time and if left alone for much longer then things might not turn out pretty."

"I'll… keep that in mind…"

"So I suggest you settle things with her soon sugar, like within several days soon."

"Thanks." He somberly said as he thought over what the barkeep said to him. Even she knew that Selina has feelings for him, even though he didn't want to hear on how sexually frustrated Selina was. He took out his wallet again and pulled out a twenty and put it in the tip jar.

"For the advice."

"It was actually free advice to a friend of a loyal customer, but I'll take it. How about I'll give you and Selina the next few rounds on me?"

"I'll take that offer. Also I didn't catch your name."

"Oh how rude of me. The name's-" "Hey Moxxi! Has Naruto….Oh you're here."

Selina was by the bar when she saw Naruto sitting there while chatting it up with the now identified Moxxi. She was currently wearing a white shirt underneath a brown leather jacket with a pair of tight jeans and boots. From what other details he saw Selina in was the fact she had put on some light makeup to enhance her features and that her short hair was tied back to a small ponytail.

"Yeah I was just waiting here and talking with Moxxi here. She offered up several rounds on her for us."

"Well that's nice of her." Selina said as she skeptically looked at the bar owner on what they were talking about.

"Now you two got sit in a nice booth on the far side so you can have a nice, private chat."

"Planning on that."

Not long after Naruto grabbed the drinks to find a better seat, Selina looked back at Moxxi for a few moments before following her friend.

"She was right in those drunk moments." Moxxi said with a seductive grin. "He does have have a nice ass."

"So what were you two talking about while waiting for little old me?"

"Just wanted to know who I was and ended up wanting me to sign her copies of my books." He said to her while withholding more details on that conversation. Luckily she bought it as the two got situated in their seats before they started to talk on various things. With several glasses changed out, things started to shift gears a bit.

"...So why is Shizune flying out to Russia of all places?"

"There's an area in Eastern Russia where an area of Siberian Tigers reside." Selina answered as she took another sip of her drink. "It's supposed to be one of the few remaining, forested areas where the refugee felines take refuge in and I want to be sure it stays that way."

"I'm guessing she's there to be sure the request gets forwarded well….with bribes I take it."

*Sigh* "Yeah…. Only thing really that can make it happen these days and it's not great."

Seeing her discomfort, he reached for her hand on the table and grabbed a hold of it before speaking in a reassuring tone. "Don't worry Selina, things will go well. You'll see."

"I hope so as well."

Soon the door to the establishment was roughly opened as several thuggish like people came walking in with lead pipes and started pushing people out of the way….towards Naruto's and Selina's direction. By the bar, Moxxi rolled her eyes as she knew what was going to happen and grabbed her things before ducking down. Of course the two friends were able to hear her say "Don't wreck my bar!" over the commotion.

"Wonder what those guys are here for?" Naruto asked the obvious question.

"No clue."

"Selina Kyle…. The Penguin says 'allo'."

"Selina…. What did you do?" He asked as he recognized that particular name from one of his previous chats with Kurama.

The Penguin, aka Oswald Cobblepot, was a crime lord who originated here in Gotham from the esteemed Cobblepot family before moving to the UK. Years pass and Oswald eventually started his criminal business there with black market dealings before moving his operations here in Gotham. Once settling in, he opened up Gotham's hottest nightclub, The Iceberg Lounge to present himself as a reformed businessman. But after hours, he would do all his usual dealings of smuggling, black market works and other ruthless professions.

The question running through the publisher's mind is: Why is Selina involved with him?

"Promise you won't be mad at me when we're out of here?" She said with some worry in her tone towards her friend.

*Sigh* "I promise."

As this was going on, one of the thugs that was near the jukebox slipped in some money and selected a song that possibly seemed appropriate in the current situation.

-Insert Hitman Absolution: Welcome To Hope-

"Beat it. We're here for her." One of the thugs said towards the publisher. "If you care for your own skin, you'll get the hell out."

"She's with me." Naruto said in a stern tone before looking at the thugs. "Though I think you need to leave."

With a snap of the fingers of the head thug, one of the underlings grabbed ahold of Selina. This ended up giving him a punch to the face by the woman and then spun kicked him onto the table before punching his head hard to render him unconscious. One thug came up from behind and was going to smash Selina over the head with a beer bottle if it weren't for Naruto grabbing ahold of his wrist. The publisher then punched the man across the face, nabbed the bottle and swung it back to hit one thug on the head before kicking the man Naruto was holding to the side of the room.

Another thug didn't take too kindly to this as he charged right at the silver haired male. Seeing this coming, Naruto grabbed the man by the collar and hoisted him up so Selina can kick him in the face. Once the current set of thugs were down, the two friends looked at each other with smirks on their faces as they were ready to face the next round of goons.

The two charged at them as Naruto had to dodge to the side from a knife stab before grabbing the knife wielder and slammed him onto a nearby table, breaking it in the process. He soon grabbed another thug that tried to tackle him to the ground and slammed his head to the nearby pool table. When he didn't see any other thugs nearby, Naruto looked over to see if Selina was okay, only to see her standing over a couple of downed thugs. She looked over to him and flashed him a smile before seeing more thugs coming their way.

"Seems we aren't over yet." Selina stated as they got ready for more. The environmentalist grabbed the nearby pool stick and slammed the one end over a knife wielding thug's head before the former shinobi punched the man across the jaw. Selina then jabbed the stick onto one man's stomach as Naruto elbowed the man to the face. Things were starting to wrap up as another thug ran towards the two but Naruto did a sweep kick to knock him down and slammed his foot onto the man's head for good measure.

"You know Selina….this song and dance number here is going well so far." He said to her as they went back to back with each other.

"I agree and I think they want more." She gestured as several thugs were getting back up.

"Then let's give it to them."

Naruto grabbed ahold of the pool stick in her hands and swung it around hard like if he was wielding Lunar Rose as Selina ducked down to avoid the strikes. The results were soundly proven as loud smacks were given off as the pool stick hit each of the surrounding thugs' heads hard to end up having them knocked on the ground. With what remaining thugs that were coming their way, Naruto decided it was time to wrap things up. So he slammed the pool stick down onto his leg to break it in half to use as escrima weapons to hit the thugs in quick successions.

"Head's up!" Selina called out as she ran towards his direction and quickly saw who was some feet behind him. He turned around and grabbed her arm to swing him over his shoulder to get her to kick the remaining thug over the head.

"You know….this was really fun." Selina said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Same here." Naruto responded back before going over to the bar and looking over to see Moxxi still ducked down. "You can come out now Moxxi, it's over."

"Thank god. I was wondering when it would end." The bar owner said as she got up and looked around to see the damage to the place. *Sigh* "This is the reason why I hate bar fights. Always takes money out of my tip jar."

The publisher soon gestured to the downed thugs before speaking to her. "Can't you just get these guys to pay for all of it."

"Oh I plan on that sugar. Now skidaddle before any cops show up."

"I can be fine to help pay for any damages if you want."

"It's fine now go." Moxxi said as she shooed them away. Once they went out of the back door to the place, the bar owner looked at the thugs with a small, sadistic grin. "Now to take you boys' wallets. No way in hell am I gonna let any of ya'll get away scott free from this."

-Selina's and Shizune's Loft-

It took them a bit to navigate their way back to the parking garage where Naruto's car was parked at due to the police. There weren't any coming by soon enough, but they were pretty precarious. Especially since Selina was still on her probation and she didn't want to get caught after being in a bar fight that could send her back to jaill. Once inside of his car, it was a quiet ride till they reached back to the towers. It was pretty uncomfortable with what was running through their respective minds but would've been better to say it all once they were in either one of their lofts.

When they got to Selina's loft, that was when Naruto broke the ice.

"So mind telling me what was going on back there?" He asked her in a neutral tone. He wanted to understand what was going on, but didn't want to raise his voice in the matter.

Selina complied and told Naruto the truth. It turned out that a while back, she took out a loan from the crime lord to help out on an environmental issue. She would've paid it back due to her getting some money back to pay off the loan by thievery. But due to her being on probation, she couldn't be able to get back into stealing to pay back the loan on time.

"You could've asked me for help on this Selena."

"I know, but….but I didn't want to get you involved."

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

They heard the phone for the loft go off as Selena went to answer it. She sent Naruto the still present, worried look before picking up the phone. "Hello, Kyle and Kato residence."


"Oh Shizune, good to hear from you. How was the flight?"


"Yeah I bet….half a day's worth of flying can do that to a person. So have you contacted the officials yet on the details?"


On this part of the conversation, Naruto saw the look in Selina's face that made him realize something did not go all that well. It was very similar to what happened when she couldn't get the reserve outside of Gotham last month.

"That forest is the last refuge for the Siberian Tigers in the whole region of Eastern Russia. I can't believe they're going to cut it down just because we can't afford the cost of a few bribes for local officials." She said in a stern voice to remind her friend on what's what.


"Can't we do something with the world press then? Put some sort of pressure on them?"


"I know, forty thousand is a lot of money when you have to get it honestly Shizune."


"I know, but keep after them. We can't give up on this."

Selina then ended the call with a tired sigh as with so much stress on her shoulders now. "You know, sometimes I miss the communists over there. They would've been cheaper to bribe."

He would've said something in response on this, but a voice answered from the dark parts of the loft.

"Money problems Ms. Kyle?"

The two turned towards the source and saw it was Batman.

"I told you that I'd be coming for you the next time you stepped out of line."

"What do you mean? She hasn't done anything of the sort since getting out." Naruto told the hero. 'Unless she did something without telling me.'

"She was seen by witnesses tonight."

"Seen? Doing what? Where?" She asked in surprise since this was all too sudden right now.

"The police are on their way. I thought it would be best if you-" Batman tried to say but was cut off.

"Whatever this is about, it wasn't me!"

"You have an alibi?

"She's been with me for the past hour having drinks." Naruto said to help back up Selina's innocence.

"And where was that exactly Mr. Uzumaki?"

"The Stacked Deck. You can ask the bartender over there if you have to. She's been serving us drinks for that whole time."

Silence filled the air for a few moments before Batman finally responded. "I'll be sure to tell Gordon on this then."

With that, the hero went to the patio door and exited the loft via grappling hook.

*Scoff* "Of course…Whenever there's trouble involving theft in Gotham, he would naturally come to me." She muttered under her breath before feeling Naruto's hand on her shoulder in a comforting fashion.

"Selina…. Don't worry….Whoever this copycat thief is, they'll catch the guy I'm sure."

There was nothing more than she wanted to do and try and be closer to her friend. But with recent events made her shrug off the shoulder and walk towards the door to her loft.

"Where are you going?"

"Searching for some answers."

Once she closed the door to her loft, Naruto ran out to try and catch her….only to find the hall empty. He looked in every direction to end up seeing the air duct above the door was slightly ajar to make him realize that she escaped from there. He sighed before going back inside of her loft so he can look for Isis and bring her to his place for the night so she wouldn't be worried in what's to come.

"Just be safe Selina."

-Next Evening-

"I hope I'm right of her being here." Naruto muttered as he wore a black on black suit that made his features pop out. He looked in various directions to find his friend and possible love interest in the crowds while avoiding varying looks of single women giving him hungry looks.

One might ask where he is at and why he is there. To simplify things, Naruto is currently at a party event where a man named Thomas Blake was throwing a big society bash and anyone noteworthy was invited to come without an invitation. Naruto thought that seemed to be quite the security risk having anyone at all slip in and possibly steal something from under the man's nose. He was going to pass it up when he saw the article in the newspaper this morning, but when he saw a photo of the man's collection with a solid gold statue of Bast Naruto knew that Selina and possibly the copycat thief might be there.

So to kill some time for the day, Naruto had went out to search for Kurama to ask for a few things. The publisher's sensing skills were improving as of late so it was starting to get a bit easier to find his former tenant. When Naruto found the hybrid, he asked if he knew who the copycat was. Much to his dismay, Kurama didn't know who the man was since it was just a small time thing and didn't focus on the subject at all. Though while he was there, Naruto had asked Kurama to talk to Penguin about the loan Selina still owed to the man and possibly take care of it in any form of fashion. The bijuu hybrid compiled on this, but he told his friend that there can only be a handful of favors he can do after taking care of the loan. After those, then Naruto will need to do some things for him on a later date.

So here he was, a worried friend looking out for a possible love in his life. It took some time of searching but when he got around a certain grouping of people he thought he found her. As he got closer to the woman, he saw she was standing in front of the Bast statue while shoving off a few men trying to distract her from inspecting the feline statue. Of course after the last man left, Naruto saw that the woman had long, blonde hair while wearing a slim dark blue dress that ended just above the knees while having a pair of arm length gloves and heels to match with stockings.

Taking a chance at this, he went up to her but not distracting her from her focused gaze at the work of art. As if feeling a presence near her to possibly ruin this moment, she turned around without looking.

"Will you leave me alone, I'm busy here."

"Not even for a friend."

When hearing his voice, she opened her eyes and saw Naruto smiling at her. "Naruto?"

"Hey Selina….Nice disguise by the way." He commented on the wig, necklace and the glasses with the edges look sharp to appear catlike. "Surprised no one has noticed you yet."

"Then I'm doing one hell of a good job." She said in a confident tone.

"I can tell why you're here. The copycat and the possible target being this little kitty." He said while pointing to the Bast. "But you do remember that there are police here. One slip up and you'll get detained."

"I know Naruto but I need to catch this person and clear my name. Even if I turn myself in, this will keep on going and my name could be dragged through the muck."

"I'm just looking out for your safety Selina. I don't want you to be hurt again."

When hearing this, she bitterly chuckled at his before responding to his comment. "What is it with you men thinking you can solve my problems?"

"A friend that deeply cares for you." He said under his breath. He hoped she didn't hear him say that but she did and looked at his hazel eyes to see he was telling the truth.


Soon the band by the dance floor ended the one song before starting to play another one that seemed to resonate with the two.

-Insert Assassin's Tango-

"….How about I take your mind off your worries with a dance." Naruto said to her suddenly as he pulled her towards the dancing couples.


Once the two were on the dance floor with the two in their positions, Naruto took the lead and made Selina follow. Even though she didn't want to dance at the moment, it slowly drifted away with her being in such a moment with the man she started to grow feelings towards. Just the way he moved her around on the dance floor made it harder for her push those feelings down.

"I didn't know you could dance."

"You can thank Cat for the lessons." He said to her as he spun her around. "We had an assignment at a gala event one time and she wanted me to learn how to properly dance. So she took it upon herself to teach me a few dances just in case and the tango was one of them."

The dance kept on going between the two as everything around them started to fade away with only the music remaining. It felt as they were in their own little world to dance until who knows when but it didn't matter now. Both were captivated with the other and hardly took their eyes off of each other as they moved in their hypnotic dance with each other. There was one thing that came to the forefront of the publisher's mind that he needed to address to his possible love interest.

"You don't need to worry about Penguin anymore."

"What?" She asked in a slight haze with her mesmerized in the current moment.

"I said you don't need to worry about that loan to Penguin anymore."

This time she heard him and looked at him in shock. "B-But how….what did you…"

"I asked a friend of mine to take care of it. Got a call from him earlier saying that it was all sorted out and you no longer owe Cobblepot anything."

When hearing that, she knew there were no lie threaded into what he just said. She smiled at him and went up and placed a peck on his cheek before saying 'Thank you' to him.

"You're welcome."

The music seemed to build up to its climax as both realized that their little world was starting to crumble before them. So they kept on dancing on what they could to savor each remaining moment like it could've been their last. But as soon as the song was done and over with, there were some clapping from the viewers for both the band playing and for the couples dancing but it was mostly focused on Naruto and Selina. With how close the two were, the two could've practically kissed but the pressure seemed too much for her and she broke the hold with him.

"I-I'm sorry but I have to go." She apologetically said as she walked away from him.


It wasn't long until he saw her bump into Bruce Wayne, who was in the crowd, as the two started to talk. He could barely make out on what was going on before she started to argue with him about turning herself in or something of the sort. He wanted to intervene but several people were coming up to him to chat. He tried to excuse himself to get closer to Selina, but one thing was called out ended up filling him with dread.

"Yoo Hoo! Mister Police Officer!"


With the surprised moment that occurred, Naruto was able to get out of the way from the crowd and saw a red headed woman on the floor drenched with drinks while Bruce was attending to her. That didn't matter now as he saw a few officers run after Selina, making him go after her while trying not to be spotted by the other guests.

It took him a little searching until he saw the security run towards a different direction after chatting with the host of the party. He was going to follow them until he saw a certain smirk on his face before closing the door. This made the former shinobi realize that his friend was in there but what was the man hiding. So he fazed his way into the room after hearing something loud come from the room to end up seeing it was empty. He would've looked harder to search if he didn't see the bookcase finally close up on itself.

When fazing through that one, he had ended up finding out the truth that the host of the party, Thomas Blake, was the copycat thief. He listened from the hidden entry way to listen on the details and learned that he considered Selina his hero because of her taking risks and seeking danger and sought out to get her attention. Of course he ended up being caught in his last heist and the one victim mistaken him as Selina in the cat themed outfit. There was some scuffle going on and didn't know what occurred, but in the end Thomas proclaimed that he'll steal the priceless Ming Tiger at the Peregrinator Club tomorrow for her.

There was nothing else to listen too as he fazed himself out of the hidden area of the estate and quickly left so that no one would know where he went to.

-Next Evening, Peregrinator Club-

"...And this takes care of the caterwauling alarm system. *Laugh* Caterwauling...I kill me." A man said as he was hanging upside down while adjusting the alarm system. He was currently wearing a suit that looked pretty similar to a feline fatale, yet entirely not. It was primarily grey with black gloves and boots with a utility belt around his waist. He had a pair of goggles on to be able to see in the dark while working on the security system.

"Now for the next step to make Selina fall for me." He said while giggling like a school boy.

The man in the odd cat themed outfit was none other than Thomas Blake, millionaire with a former big game hunter hobby turned thief. After working to capture various felines around the world and get them to zoos and circuses, he started to get bored with his profession. That was until the string of robberies were committed by Catwoman and her saving Gotham from the infamous terrorist Red Claw. He was so inspired that he decided to take up a life of crime and hopefully earn his idols love with him thinking they were meant to be together.

So here he was, attempting to steal the priceless Ming Tiger and present it to Selina and hopefully win her over.

After cutting through one of the glass doors of the building, he had to sneak past some of the other security measures. From laser grids, motion sensors and various other means that were in the way for his 'ticket' to Ms. Kyle's heart. After getting through all that, he came across the goal for the evening.

He pulled out a spray can from his belt and pressed down on the nozzle to see the laser grid.

"You know," a voice called out from the darkness, "when a cat starts to spray, you have to get them fixed."

The copycat was then punched onto the side to show that it was Batman all along. The thief then recovered as he used his hands onto the ground to bounce upwards and land back onto his feet. "Cat's also land on their feet Dark Knight. Now come at me, face me, try me and you'll see that I won't be that easily captured!"

"Really?~" Another voice called out. "Then challenge accepted."

A volley of cards and knives were soon thrown out as they were aimed towards the copycat thief. Thomas had to move out of the way with his 'cat like' reflexes as he dodged as many as he could but a few cards scratched him onto the side. This was all a distraction as Vanitas jumped out of the shadows and tackled the man onto the ground.

"Ah yes! Another worthy challenger indeed!" The man said in glee as he faced the two strong opponents. "Now I can prove that I'm more than just a lion but the king of beasts!"

The thief then came at them while swiping his claws at the two heroes as they dodged his strikes. Unfortunately for Batman, one of the swings landed on his cowl, leaving a few bloody cat scratches.

"Look at what you did." Vanitas said as he moved out of the way from another strike. He then summoned his escrima sticks and smacked one of them across the man's head. "You ruined the drapes. Bad kitty. Bad."

The thief kicked Vanitas away, who ended up hitting Batman in the process, as he ran over to the nearby sword display.

"Claws aren't the only weapon in my catalogue of weapons." The man said as he pulled out a sword from the sheif. "Not while there's a japanese katana sword nearby."

"Oh my god, will you shut up with the stupid cat puns?" Vanitas said as he rushed towards the man and blocked a sword swing with one of his sticks. He quickly swing his weapons at the man's hands to disarm him before latching onto his head and brought it down onto his knee to knock him out.

"Huh...Seems this cat ran out of lives….or something…" The black and white themed hero said while trying to think of something. *Groan* "Dammit, the guy ruined cat themed puns and I can't think of any good ones now."

"Why are you here Vanitas?" Batman said as he came up from behind the other hero.

"Just wanted to clear Ms. Kyle's name. That's all." Naruto said as he started to walk off. "Have fun sending that bad cat to the pound. Bye.~"

Batman tried to grab Vanitas' shoulder, but it seemed to slip right through him before the other hero ran through the wall and out of the Dark Knight's site. With things now taken care of, Batman had to haul the copycat thief over his shoulder and left the building to turn him into the GCPD.

-Selina's and Shizune's Loft-

Selina, currently in her Catwoman attire, landed on her patio with a bag full of some items in Thomas Blake's collection. She had it planned out after meeting with the man at his party. While Thomas tried to steal the Ming Tiger, she went back to his home and stole not only the golden Bast but several other items in his collection that weren't reported stolen. It was the only way that she can be able to get the bribe money for the Siberian Tigers along with a future endeavor when the time comes.

Once she got what she needed and hiding the goods in a safe spot, she called the police as an anonymous source on what is going on. From there, Catwoman headed straight towards the Peregrinator Club to inform Batman on what she knew on the man along with the location of the stolen items. Selina had a hunch the Dark Knight would be there but she didn't know Vanitas, originally went by Nobody, had been there as well with him wanting to help clear her name. She wanted to thank him on what he was trying to do and wanted to meet the man ever since their last encounter from the Red Claw incident.

Once she got back into her loft, she went straight towards her phone and dialed the number Shizune left for her while staying in Russia as she pulled off the head portion of her outfit.

"Come on pick up, pick up." Selina said while tapping her foot onto the ground. Didn't take long for her friend to finally pick up. "Hey sorry if I'm waking you up Shizune."


"Wait so it's lunch time over there?"


"Sorry, sometimes hard to remember foreign time zones at times."


"Oh that? I was able to clear it up an hour ago. The cops are actually happy about it and off my case."


"Anyways….the main reason why I'm calling is that I want you to contact those officials. I was able to get the bribe money needed."


"Stealing? No Shizune, this was actually an anonymous donation from a wealthy animal lover."


"Really and he did say that he was thrilled to give it to me."


"I'll wire you the money tomorrow on my end once the banks are opened. For now I need to go to bed."


"Later." Selena finally said to end the phone call. She was going to head off to bed when a light turned on by her couch. The sudden action caused her to freak out and go in a fighting position on who broke into her loft.

"Had a fun night Selina?" Naruto said as he was sitting with his legs crossed with Isis on his lap. He was petting her gently enough to not really disturb her but not enough to make her fall asleep.

"W-What are you doing here Naruto?"

"I was just waiting up on you since I had something to talk to you about. But the one question running through my mind now is: What were you doing?"

"I was out doing a public service by catching that copycat thief." She replied with her arms crossed.

"I believe you on that. So next question: What's in the bag?"


"...I believe that as well." He said to her in a deadpan tone that ended up surprising her.


"Yeah, you did tell Shizune that Thomas Blake practically gave it to you willingly."

"Well that's good." She said as she let go of the breath she unknowingly held. Then she realized she never told Shizune she got it from Thomas but an anonymous donor. "Wait...how did you-"

"Know his name?" Naruto finished off the sentence as he slowly got up from the couch and gently placed Isis down to not disturb her rest before explaining to her in detail.

"When you ran off at the party, I went to follow you and hopefully get you out of trouble. Of course I knew something was up when I saw the host's smirk on his face and I checked the room if you were there but only found the hidden entrance slightly ajar. I ended up hearing quite enough on what was going on and I wanted to inform the police on my findings." He stated to her as he walked around her for a bit before coming in closer to her.

"But why didn't you?"

-Insert Mass Effect: Reflections Extended-

"Because you told me that you wanted to take care of this situation yourself, to clear your name. That's what I did since I wanted to respect your wishes."

She felt happy when hearing that and he trusted her to do this on her own and couldn't help but voice it. "Thank you Naruto….for trusting me."

"Your welcome."

"You know…. This makes it a few times now that you practically saved and helped me." She admitted as she sat on the other couch in the living room. "You just keep adding things to my list, don't you?"

"How so?"

"First was helping me out on the reserve outside of Gotham to help secure the land. Second was you visiting me in prison, asides from Shizune, to help keep my spirits up. Getting the DA to take my case. When….When I was literally dying and you stayed by my side the entire time." As she said the last one, he sat next to her and placed a hand on her's and gave a comforting squeeze, which she didn't mind.

Once she repressed that experience, she continued with a small smile. "And recently with you getting Penguin to get off my back with the loan. And just so you know Naruto, I don't like owing people."

"I know that Selina and I think you might've forgotten a few."

"How so?" She asked in curiosity as she wanted to know what he thought was additional to that list of hers.

"Nevermind. Forget what I said." He responded as he was referring to the times of her helping and saving her when he was Vanitas. "So are you going to try and make a fresh start with you trying not to steal that often?"

When asked this, she had to stop and think for an answer, but couldn't think of anything. "Honestly….I don't know for sure."

"Why's that?"

"Because there's no such thing as a 'fresh start'." was the response in a slightly bitter tone.

This made him curious on the statement since most people have said it often to start a new part of their lives. Having a clean slate… A new life... A new beginning.

"Would you mind telling me on why there's no such thing as a 'fresh start'?" He said while repeating her question. "I'm just curious, that's all."

*Sigh* "Well….Even though you try to start in a new location and try to change your life for the better. There will be things from your past that seems to creep up at you. Showing up unexpectedly and ruining your new life. We all have something to hide Naruto….There's always something…"

"I….I can actually understand that well and I'm starting to see that for myself." Naruto told her that she was practically right. There were people back in his home reality that he met that clearly had that happen to them. One of them was Lady Koyuki. Having her life flipped upside down when her uncle killed her father and started the coup. Having to flee the only home she knew and having a 'fresh start' as an actress, only to have it come crashing down when having to go home during a movie shoot. Sure things turned out well in the end, but that was only an example out of many he knew about.

"Even you have your secrets Naruto. Those things you hide from the world and won't let anyone else see…."

*Sigh* "I-I wish I could tell you everything about me Selina." He said in honesty in his voice. "Even Pam doesn't know all about my past and it hurts sometimes when I can't be fully honest with her."

Now this got her curious on that fact. He hasn't told his girlfriend everything about him! His girlfriend, who had told her a few times whenever she visited her in Arkham, knows everything about him.

"You know, I have practically heard that statement in over a thousand ways and a thousand times. But you're actually the first person that I have met to actually mean it."

"Thank you Selina. It means a lot."

"You're a good man Naruto….but….but good men don't lie with thieves." She said in frustration that made him worried on what she meant.


"I know what I am. No one of true noble intentions...just the thrill of breaking what they say can't be broken. Knowing there is no safe I can't crack. No fortress I can't infiltrate."

"But what about the wildlife and the environment?!" He said to her as he made her face him. "You told me you had stolen in the past so you can help flora and fauna whenever possible. Following what your mother was and loved to do in life."


"So I don't believe for one second that's all you are. That's what you keep telling yourself in what others end up labeling you as." He told her as memories of his previous life was like. Of being scorned by the villagers, being ignored, abused, mistreated…. all because of what he was…. being Kurama's container, his Jinchuriki.

"You really have put a lot of faith into someone who doesn't truly deserve it." Selina responded to his statement as she leaned back in her seat. "Sure...I've stolen from those that deserved it, but I've taken plenty from good people too."

She ended up chuckling a little before saying more. "And for what….Some nice stuff to make my life more comfortable. And before you say anything, yes I've also stolen for the environment but it's only temporary."

He kept being silent since he knew there was more to her explanations than she let on."

"It's like a drug now that I think about it. The high is nice, but it wears off. Then when things settle down, you look around and see….nothing. So you get back out there and try to chase that feeling down all over again…. But it never really amounts to anything."

*Sigh* "I know it's not the same Selina, but I know what you mean. There were things I just...kept running towards and never could grasp. I tried and tried to reach it, but it kept moving farther away from me. After everything I've done, everything I was capable of, after coming back home felt….disappointing."

Once hearing his thoughts, she threw caution to the wind and scooted closer to rest her head on his shoulder. He tensed a bit before encircling his arm around her to bring her even closer, which made her feel happier. They sat there like this for a bit, just enjoying the feeling of having a better connection with each other than before.


"Hmm." She responded as she didn't want to move from her comfortable position.

"There's something I….I need to tell you." He said with some slight hesitation with a hint of nervousness.

"Which is?"

She didn't get a verbal response right away as she felt his hand lift up her chin. She was confused on what he was doing before feeling his lips on hers. Selina opened up her eyes in shock at this and looked towards him as he pulled away. Even after his lips left hers, she could still feel the tingles as it slowly faded away.

"That I think I'm starting to fall in love with you."

That one sentence, just that one sentence, made all hidden self doubt Selina had about her feelings towards her friend be thrown out of the window. It was overwhelming to the point that she practically exploded in joy and happiness. She grabbed ahold of his face and slammed her lips onto his. Everything she kept hidden was finally released as she claimed his lips again and again and again.

'He loves me! He loves me! Oh thank god he loves me!' She yelled out in her mind as she kept kissing him. It even made her happier when he wrapped his arms around her to hold her closer onto him as he returned his kisses towards her. It was light a fire was ignited between the two and they needed to do this to extinguish the flames.

The two then separated as they had to catch their breaths to see the love in their eyes towards the other. It felt so right on what they were feeling, that they started to forget everything else in the outside world. With Selina, it was mostly Naruto's relationship with Pam. While with Naruto, it was him wanting to tell Selina of what Pam told him. The next action that was made was when Selina got up from her placement on the couch and straddled his lap before kissing him again.

-Lemon Start-

She parted from the kiss as she rested her forehead on his before leaning back and stretched to get a rise out of her love interest. It was clearly working as she felt a reaction from down under.

"Do I have to do all the work myself or are you going to undo this for me?" She asked as she gestured towards the circular zipper that she was playing with her finger.

"Let me help you."

"Yet another thing to add onto my list." She responded with a cheeky tone.

He chuckled at this before grabbing the zipper and started to pull it down slowly. It felt excruciating for her on what felt eternity for him to even pull down all the way.

"Are you trying to tease me?"

"Is it working?" The publisher asked with a smirk.

'Oh you cheeky bastard.' She thought before smacking his hand away and pulled down the zipper all the way down to release her chest from it's leathery bindings.

From there, Selina got up from her seat and walked away as she beckoned for him to follow. He complied as he came up to her and slammed his lips onto hers again. A squeak of surprise escaped Selina and she stiffened slightly as Naruto's hands ran over the small of her back, shooting sparks of pleasure down her spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. Naruto grinned into the kiss as one of his hands made it's way further down to her rear and squeezed it softly. This made her open up her mouth from the action before it was assaulted by his tongue, which fought for dominance.

Their tongues dueled desperately with each other, vying for supremacy and dominance. They kept the connection as they awkwardly walked back to where Selina's room was at before she fumbled the doorknob to get it to open. They didn't break the kiss as they kept walking towards the bed before falling upon it with Selina on the bottom and Naruto on the top.

Naruto then broke the kiss as he separated with his current lover as a string of saliva kept things connected with the two. Once it broke, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off to show Selina what she was getting for part of her meal for the evening. She came up and surprised him by throwing him onto the far side of her bed as she crawled towards him with predatory eyes.

"I have to admit Selina, that looks very hot right now." He said to her as he kicked off his shoes off to the side.

She didn't say anything as she kissed him again with her hands placed onto his sculpted chest for support. Her hands then roamed around to feel the compacted muscles and with every twitch she felt made her more excited than before. They soon reached their destination as she then unbuckled his pants before one of them went into his boxer shorts. Once feeling his member, her eyes widened in surprise when she felt the hot member in her hand.

'A-Are you kidding me?' She thought as she tried to guess the size. 'I can barely wrap my hand around it!'

She then let go as went down towards his lower half and pulled his pants and boxer shorts down to release his member out of it's trapped confines. The size of his full masted penis was actually bigger than the men she had slept with in the past to relieve stress. Roughly ten inches in length and like her previous thoughts, thick enough for her hands to barely wrap around it. She then gazed downwards to see his ballsack being plump and full of his life batter.

'It looks like it's about to explode. He must not have done it since….she had her accident.' She thought as she stared at the globes in awe and wonder. 'It must've been a miracle for him to be sane after all this time.'

Just the thought of this….beast being inside of her made her hot and froffy. She inhaled deeply to take in its musky scent as she got closer to breath hot air onto his tool. He shuddered on the feeling before he started to moan when she started to move her hand up and down slowly. Her hand started to speed up in a pumping motion making him fidget slightly. Once it was truly hard enough, she brought her tongue to the base and licked upwards before licking the crown making him jolt upwards a bit on the sudden feeling.

"Oh you poor baby." She cooed to him as she tugged on him more. "Let me take care of this for you."

Selina then took his member into his mouth and held it there as she slowly took each inch by inch down her throat until her nose barely touched his public hairs. She was glad she doesn't have a gag reflex or else this would've been harder for her to do. The thief would've wanted to take her time and tease him but she has been repressing her urges for too long and wanted the main course out of this baby.

She then started to bob her head slowly as to savor the taste of her lover and it made it more sweeter when she heard Naruto moan loudly. Selina picked up the pace as she tightened her mouth around his tool while she caressed and fondled his family jewels. She wanted to fully taste him and have his batter now!

'O-Oh Kami….Th-This feels so good.' Naruto thought as he started to breath rapidly with his eyes glazing over a little. 'P-Pam has never done this before.'

With the new experience he was having, he grabbed ahold of Selina's head and started pumping his cock inside of her mouth in rapid successions. It went to the point that the sounds of gurgling and spit like sounds filled the air. The environmentalist seemed to actually enjoy it with her not resisting of her mouth being his cocksleeve as she slipped her fingers into her panties and inserted them into her wanting cunt. For what seemed like forever, which in reality was several minutes, she kept fingering herself like a piston without stopping.

'Come on. Give it to me baby. Fill my mouth with your-'

Her thought process came to a sudden halt as she felt hot cum squirt into her mouth. It came in rapid successions as it started to go down her throat. Just the feeling, the smell and taste made her eyes roll backwards as a result of her successfully cumming for the first time in god knows how long.

Naruto kept her head still as he unloaded some of his ammunition down her throat for about a minute or so. Once he let go and freed his spit covered tool from her orifice, she loudly gasped for air and heavily breathed in with drool and his sperm leaking out of her mouth. Feeling her 'cream' escaping her mouth, she brought her drenched fingers and started to 'wipe' the cum off of her suit and around her mouth. Selina then started to clean herself up as she sucked her fingers each time she wiped his essence off of her before sucking her fingers dry with a satisfying moan.

The display presented to the publisher made Naruto's cock return to full mast. In her current high, he came up to her and used his phasing ability to pull Selina's suit and underwear off of her. He didn't know nor cared if she saw him use that ability on her or not. The former shinobi felt something click inside of him that made him pounce on her like some sort of large cat. Ravishing her breasts and nipples with his tongue as he licked and bit; causing Selina to gasp and arch her head back against the mattress in passion.

Her sexual high was kept on an all time high as the trail of his teeth and kisses trailed up to her neck, where he bit her again while his other hand trailed down to first cup her buttocks and pull her against him. Selina's instincts started to kick in as she too bit, licked, and sucked on his neck and lips before gasping to match his growl as she felt her wet lips rub up against Naruto's hardening length.

Mewling and purring, she rocked her hips to slide up and down his throbbing member, making him groan as he felt her wetness hitting the most sensitive parts of his penis. They continued to devour each other's lips while rubbing themselves against the outside of each other, until their timing got messed up and they ended up seating his penis to split her dripping lower lips. Both groaned their eyes got so large as she felt the first three inches of Naruto's thick cock slide into her while he felt how tight she was.

Naruto not being with a woman for the majority of his life until New Years and not having sex afterwards. While Selina hasn't had anyone to 'pet' her pussy in several years. The current feeling alone was incredible, and like a dying man in the desert who just got a small drink from an oasis, they wanted more.

With their conscious minds still working as best as possible, they looked into each other's eyes as Selina had to slowly come down and adjust onto his tool. He brought his hand onto her face to make her know to take all the time she needed. Once things were settled for a few moments, she started to move slowly before picking up a rapid pace.

Their instincts took over again as they thrusted deeply against each other with Naruto's entire length diving into her to plunder the depths. He then growled and bit the side of her neck to stifle his yell. As a result, Selina clawed her nails up her lover's back; scratching him and drawing blood before his powers quickly fixed the problem.

The pleasure and pain, passion and heat joined as their pace picked up as meaty wet slaps were heard as his thrusts met her humps. She rode him for all she was worth as she sat back and smiled darkly down at him as she ground her clit against his lower pelvis with every thrust and slide; causing a deep purring sound to come from the environmentalist's chest.

Unbeknownst to either of them due to their sexual high, Naruto's hazel eyes seemed to glow into a bright yellow as his hands rested on her hips and helped to drive her up and down his length; meeting every time with a slap as they took passion from each other. His instincts then took over more as one of his hands left it's position before it slammed down hard and fast onto her rear. It made her squeak in her current action before she felt the pain, turned sensation, being repeatedly made onto her ass. Part of her conscious mind that wasn't focusing on riding him took note and filed away for later of enjoying being spanked.

Growls were met with pants, purrs were met with groans, and then the publisher felt he was going to come to his release so stopped spanking her and grabbed her ass. In one motion when she was coming down, he slammed his hips upwards, getting his penis to hit against her womb and caused a spike of pleasure and a bit of pain as her eyes got large at the realization that he unleashed his next load inside of her.

"O-Oh god." Selena barely said as her mind felt like it was going blank from the pleasure she just had with her cumming once again not long after Naruto came inside of her.

"S-Selina?" Naruto called out to her with a haggard breath. "A-Are you alright?"

She brought her eyes down upon him as the two looked into each other's gazes to see an odd mixture of love, worry, and satisfaction. Her mouth started to widen and smile greatly that could've been in leagues with the infamous Cheshire Cat.

"I-I've never felt better in my entire life!" She yelled out in joy as she started to gyrate her hips. This made him loudly groan on the feeling on his sensitive member.

Not feeling outdone, Naruto grabbed ahold of her waist and flipped them over with him being on top and her on the bottom. He then spun her while still inside of her to make her feel herself churn before he held her hips up as he plowed into her from behind doggy style… or 'kitty' style in this case. Selina's surprise was short though as this new position allowed Naruto to reach untouched depths of her sheath with every thrust, and the angle was just right to be almost too intense but oh so fantastic.

The two groaned and moaned deeply as they started to feel their pleasure rising once again. Bending forward, Naruto used one of his hands and grabbed Selina's head before turning towards him and gave her a soul-searing kiss. It felt so damn good on how the two were feeling right now as they started to reach their end.

"Selina…..I-I'm about to…" He growled out as he was ready to finish things off.

"T-Together….Please...J-Just a little longer." She pleaded as she kept on panting.

He kept on thrusting in hopes of getting her to cum one last time and he even spanked her rear quickly in hopes of getting the desired results. His hopes were answered as he slammed his hips onto her rear one last time as both of them came. Her eyes widened as she let out a silent scream as his warm essence was buried in her depths. Naruto finally released his grips on her as he fell to the side of the bed while Selina collapsed forward to end up releasing his member from inside of her.

She struggled as she crawled forward to his position with their mixed essences were leaking out of her. Once the thief got close enough, she fully collapsed onto him. Fully turning onto his back, Naruto pulled his friend closer to him as she rested her head on his upper chest. They huffed and puffed as they caught their breath. The sound of their rapidly beating hearts joining with their quest to pull oxygen into their lungs after their athletic escapade.

-Lemon End-

"Well….that….that was…"

"A mistake." Selina finished off as Naruto looked at her in worry while her face tried to stay away from his.

"No...of course not Selina." He said to her in defence. "It was just….unexpected. I just mean….what are we doing?"

"I thought it was fairly obvious..." She said as she tried to put up a smile. "Sometimes, sex is just sex Naruto. Two friends helping each other out and it's better to go to someone I trust…than to try and hook up with some random asshole at a club, isn't it?"

"Of course but that's not what I meant." He brought his hand to the side of her face as she tried to look away again. "Sure it was great but…"

"But what?"

"I had thought….that there was something clearly between us." Naruto said to her as he rubbed his thumb on her cheek that made her want to lean into his hand more. "I was completely honest with you that I have feelings for you….actually thinking that I love you."

The environmentalist wanted to say something but felt that he had more to say.

"I admit….I can be very oblivious to women around me." Selina snorted a little on the obvious statement causing Naruto to smile at that. "But being told by someone that I love that my friend loves me as well, along with being told that I was unknowingly felt the same way….it made me question if that was true."

"W-Who told you?"

"At first it was Pam." This brought her to a shock on hearing that his girlfriend told him she had feelings for him. "'They' told me that 'they' were fine with you being in love with me and vice versa….I was hesitant on this, but I grew to accept it as I realized that 'they' were right. Hell even Moxxi knew."

"She what?!" She yelled out in a strained tone as she realized that not only Pam knew she loved her but Moxxi as well!

"Yeah...Sorry that I lied about that but I didn't want to make things difficult when I was being with you."

He soon brought her into a kiss that seemed to take her breath away yet again, as she place one of her hands on his chest while the other on his neck. It wasn't long before the publisher broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers.

"What I'm trying to say Selina….is that I would like to see if this is true….if we can work this out." Naruto said to her as she looked him in the eyes with possible hope and a tear escaping her eye. "Please, lets give us a chance at this."

"I….I would like that as well." She said as she brought him into a kiss before the two slowly drifted off to sleep.

-End Chapter-