
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

An Eventful weekend part 2

-Later, Unknown Location-

Ra's daughter groaned awake as the throbbing pain racked through her mind.

'What happened?' She thought. 'All I remember was chatting with Naruto and Harley and then…' As she tried to rub her aching head, Talia felt her arms were being held down. Looking at said limbs, she saw that not only them but her legs were bolted onto a metal table as it's set at a slight angle. Not only that, but she was completely in the nude with only large leather straps covering her breasts and nether regions.

"Ah~ Good… You're awake." Spoke an echoed voice. "I would've kept you mostly clothed, but I needed to be sure none of your clothes had any secret tools to help in your escape."

'That voice.' Looking to the side, she narrowed her blue-green eyes at her captor. "Hello, Qarrad Alfidd."

The monkey-themed assassin had a hidden smirk under his silver mask as he got closer to the Demon's daughter. "You look worse for wear. You clearly got banged up hard on that wreck we did on Uzumaki's car."

Talia heatley glared at the traitorous League assassin, realizing who'd done the act. But one question quickly came forward for her to speak it. "What the hell do you want?"

"Information, obviously." The traitor moved around her as she continued to look at him.

"On what exactly? The League's current operations? Have fun getting that out of me, Silver Monkey."

"Oh~ I intend to."

Without any warning, the HIVE assassin quickly produced his hand claw and slashed at Talia's exposed side. She widened her eyes and screamed at the pain. Talia didn't know why it felt worse than it intended to and wondered what Monkey possibly coated his hand claw in to make it worse. Looking at said weapon, there was no distinguished sheen of any added coating at all.

Not only that, but she was having an extremely harder time holding back the pain like she would normally do.

"Oh… You must be wondering 'Why aren't I resisting the pain?' or something along those lines." Monkey said with a chuckle in his voice. "You see, Talia, some of the R&D boys were able to concoct an interesting cocktail for torture interrogations." He then sliced on part of her stomach, making her eyes water. "It's purpose? Well it increases one's pain receptors quite a lot as it'll toss one's trained pain intolerance out of the window." Monkey sliced at her exposed shoulder next as she let out a pained gasp. "And I injected the solution into you some time ago so it's full effects would've worked by now, which it clearly did."

The League traitor started slicing at Talia as her pained screams filled the confines of the sealed room. Silver Monkey stayed away from the major arteries as he doesn't want to kill his captive right away as he needs the information his master requires. But that doesn't mean he can't have fun while doing so.

The monkey-themed assassin stopped his slicing as he brought his masked face up close to her features. "Oh and on the brightside, the cocktail will indeed burn through your system so things will go back to normal. Too bad you won't live long to see it."

"...Why?" She muttered out.

"Excuse me?"

"Why'd you leave the League?"

Silver Monkey rose a hidden brow. "Really? That's what you wanted to ask?"

Talia briefly nodded. "My father and I wondered why you left so suddenly and went to HIVE. No one really saw it coming as you were a good asset."

Deciding to humor her, he answered. "You can probably blame Shiva on that one. She's a complete bitch and didn't bother letting me in on the full plan on the Zephyr assignment."

"Really? Just that instance? I thought it would've been more than that."

"It wasn't just that, Warith. Afterwards, I had eventually met my new master and brought me an offer to serve him. It was honestly quite tempting on the offer and gave me time to think about it." He said as he paced in front of her. "As I pondered, I kept hearing the snickers and other assassins talking about me behind my back on how badly I messed up on retrieving the battery. For the first time in years, my record was shot and I was humiliated in the utmost way." Silver Monkey stopped, turned his head and glared at Talia's form. "So after several days, I accepted my new master's offer and joined him to become stronger and hopefully end the rest of you."

After this was said, Talia formed a small smile and stifled a laugh, despite the pain she still felt.

"What the hell's so funny?"

"Just your excuse." She said as she calmed down from her pained laugh. "First off, sure I agree that Shiva's a complete bitch but you don't see me complaining about it and going off the rails. Despite her little fault, she's utmost loyal to my family-"

Monkey scoffed. "Of course you'd say that."

Talia rolled her eyes before continuing. "Anyways, the other bit was rather dumb that you'd leave the League because of you being mocked behind your back. Well I got news for you, Monkey, people have done so long before that mission of yours and it will not stop."

Qarrad Alfidd glared at Ra's daughter harder than before. Raising his hand claw, he slashed down again on her leg. Talia gritted her teeth as tears leaked from her eyes once more.

"So… who's really incharge, Monkey? Odysseus or Darhk?" She asked as she tried to power on through. "I highly doubt they're ruling the organization together."

Qarrad Alfidd merely glared at his captive. "Like I plan on telling you that bit of information." Unfurling his hand, he massaged it's palm as he spoke again. "Now, this'll all end quickly if you tell me the League's current operations, Talia."

"And like I've pretty much said before: no."

"Hmm… Maybe a change of subjects is in order." He said as he looked away from her. "Who is Naruto Uzumaki...?"

This caught Talia off guard as she breathed out a response. "He's a renowned publicist for his publishing company that-"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way." Came his interruption. "I meant to say this: Who is Naruto Uzumaki… to you?" Turning back to her, Monkey saw Talia give him a harsher glare. "We wondered what brought you back here to Gotham and it was quite the surprise of you being quite… close with him." His lips started to curl as he saw her slow, growing reaction. "At first, we thought you were trying to seduce him for some game and throw him away afterwards. But then I really looked right past all that when I saw the small form of affection in your eyes. So much so that you clearly lowered your defenses while around him." Coming up close and personal, Talia could see the sadistic glee past the mask's eyeholes. "Who would've thought that you, of all people, became head over heels for that whiskered publicist."

As Monkey talked, Talia greatly berated herself on not noticing Silver Monkey sooner ever since coming back to Gotham. She had grown too relaxed ever since interacting with Naruto again. And because of this, not only did she captured by this traitorous assassin but said man found a weakness close to her very heart.

But then, Talia realized something was off from what Silver Monkey said.


"You thought I was assigned this task alone?" He asked with a mocked gasp before internally chuckling. "Asides from a good number of Ghosts, there's one person I believe that wants Uzumaki dead above all else. Well asides from Vanitas, of course." Coming up close to her again, his smile went wide underneath his mask. "With him bound and defenseless, the love of your life will die very soon.

The HIVE assassin soon saw the infamous Warith al Ghul shift through several emotions: shock, fear and anger among others. Before long, she struggled in her bonds in somehow hoping she can get free. But this was all in vain as glared with the utmost hate in her blue-green eyes.

"Tell me what I want to know and I might set him free. If not, then I'll have Minato kill your Beloved. Though I assure you he will be harmed."

Talia just laid there as she had an internal debate. Would she sacrifice League information? Or would she sacrifice her former student?

Her duty or her dearest friend?

Her 'family' or her companion?

...Her love…

What choice did she have?

And with the exhaustion and blood loss she's dealing with, Talia al Ghul gave her response.

"...What do you want to know?"

-Meanwhile, with Naruto-

The sounds of heavy boots stirred Naruto from his state of unconsciousness. His head was throbbing like crazy. In response, he wanted to hold his head and massage the sore spots.

Yet he felt his arm was constrained by some metal shackle. Tugging said appendage, Naruto soon felt it wasn't just his one arm, but all of his limbs. Things started to process through his aching head on what was happened to him.

He's been taken.



The ice cold water drenched his entire body as he was now wide awake at this point. His eyes wandered around to his environment in hopes of quickly finding out where he is and who took him. All he could make out he was in some barely lit cell with his shirt and sweater off while constrained to a stony wall.

But two questions quickly entered his thoughts: where is Harley and Talia? And are they safe?

"Ah~ Good~ You're awake."

'That voice…' Naruto thought as he turned his head towards the source. He soon heard a small clang of metal onto the ground before heavy footsteps grew louder when they came towards him. When the person responsible for this came closer, Naruto saw who it was by his typical hooded attire. 'Minato.'

"Been quite sometime, huh Uzumaki." Said the revealed Hiraishin with a cocky smile underneath his hood.

All Naruto could do was glare at his captor. "Afraid so." He then tightened his constrained fists. "Got a question for ya: why'd you take me? Wanted to pick up from last year?"

"In a way, yes." Was the response. "I was originally here for a different purpose, but you being near my target was too hard to pass up."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Why the dark haired bitch, of course."

Naruto widened his eyes and growled at the hooded assassin. "Leave her alone, asshole!"

"Ohh~ feisty~" Hiraishin chuckled darkly as his one hand sparked to life. "I LOVE IT!"

The assassin punched Naruto's exposed stomach with his lightning encased fist. With his wet skin, the blow was harsher as he felt the electric currents across his body. The Uzumaki gritted his teeth before the pain subsided when Minato stepped away.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this so very much." Spoke the meta-assassin. "And if your wondering, no. This will not be an interrogation." He walked further away, leaving Naruto to his thoughts while his body was healing from the recent attack.

'Ok Naruto, let's see how you'll get out of this mess and find Talia.' Naruto thought as he heard the sounds of rickety wheels with Minato's footsteps. 'I could get out of this easily, so I won't have to deal with his creepy sadistic arousal. But I need to knock Hiraishin out before finding her since he'll most likely stop my attempts. And if memory serves, he can be easily provoked.'

When the rickety sound stopped, the publisher got an eyeful on what the meta-assassin brought forward. Naruto looked back and forth between his captor and the object nearby.


"...Why the fuck would you need a golf-cart battery for? Don't you already have your electrokinesis?"

"First off it's a go-cart battery, Uzumaki."

"Really?~ So less power going through that thing and has a shittier job for it's recharge. But honestly, why the hell do you need that for?"

"Because normally I wouldn't need such a thing." Minato snarled as he pulled back his hood to reveal… "But because of a certain someone, this and my arm are eating up my power!"

Naruto looked at the cybernetic eye grafted into Hiraishin face as it gave out a menacing, yellow glow. It wasn't long before the Uzumaki looked to the arm he lopped off back in Starling and figured Hiraishin couldn't save his detached appendage and was forced to get the latest in cybernetic implants.

Looking back at Minato's face, the whiskered man snorted. "If your trying to do an intimidation tactic, then you're doing a crappy job at it."

The meta-assassin glared at his captive while baring his teeth.

"Oh~ I'm so scared~" Drawled out the Uzumaki. "So, you said that you need that shitty little golf-cart battery-"


"Same shitty battery family, same shitty battery life for torture and interrogation, asshat. Get a regular car battery for crying out loud. And since your just going to be draining that thing like some knockoff vampire, then I'm assuming my taunts from last year are really being proven right now."

"Now listen here, you little-"

"I mean, there was the performance issues I mentioned with some bit on you being slow on the uptake." Naruto said, all the while ignoring Minato's growing rage with sparks rolling off of his body.

"Shut up!"

"So if your implants are just eating up your power to just stay active, then it just proves your power levels are not all that great then to begin with."



With a lightning encased fist, Minato roared and shot forward to impale the man before him. But much to his surprise, a barrier was quickly formed around the whiskered Uzumaki and stopped the lightning attack. And if that wasn't enough, Naruto quickly phased through his shackles before forming a Rasengan in his hand.

"Nighty night." Was all Minato heard before he was sent flying across the room and was buried deep into the concrete wall. Naruto grinned a little as he rubbed his wrists. "Serves him right."

Forming his Vanitas attire around his body, the masked publisher walked towards the now unconscious Hiraishin and placed his hands onto the man's head. 'Now to get rid of his memories of the past day so he'll be at a complete loss.' With a faint glow around Minato's head, the deed was done.

The price: exhaustion across his hidden features as wiping the memories of the past 24 hours from someone is rather taxing.

With nothing else holding him back, Vanitas ran out of the room and through the corridors in hopes of finding Talia…

And hopefully in one piece.

-Somewhere else-

Things were rather quiet in the temporary HIVE base. Ghosts were patrolling both the railed floor and the bottom floor while their two superiors were doing their respective roles with the prisoners. The underlings knew not to ask questions who they were unless given permission. Their role was to keep the area clear from any intruders.

Whether it was from the homeless, curious civilians or any of the costumed heroes and villains that reside in this city.

Without any warning, the room started to shake. The Ghosts went on alert and wondered who was attempting to raid their temporary base. The shaking escalated when the ground in the room's center burst opened as giant vines shot out and started swiping against the armed HIVE men.

Wasn't long for a large flower to rise from the freshly made hole. It's petals started to part away when a figure dash jumped out and came towards a HIVE agent on the upper floor.

And said man saw a skin white blonde clad in red and black clothing swinging her large mallet across his head.

"SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS!" Cried out the Harleyquinn as she smacked the Ghost across the metal floor. She spun her mallet around and knocked another HIVE agent away before dashing forward for more action. "COMING THROUGH!"

As several expendable Ghosts were distracted by the clown-themed woman, the others were preoccupied by the sentient plant laying down the hurt on them. Bullets flew in hopes of taking out either of these threats. But the attempts failed as Harley was too fast for them and the attacking plant's hide was too thick.

"Now now." Came a voice from the flower pedals. As they finished parting ways, Poison Ivy stepped out as she glared at the attacking Ghosts. "That's not very NICE!"

Whipping her arms around, more vines shot out and grappled the HIVE agents and flung them around like ragdolls. She then summersalted away from some Ghosts trying to get her from behind. Ivy then rebounded back by kicking and punching them away before her 'baby' finished them off.

Coming down from up high, Harley broke her fall by using a Ghost that was about to skewer the Green champion from her side. "Man this place is getting rather hot!"

"You don't say." Rising her hands into the air, more vines shot out of the ground as they went to take care of the rest of the Ghosts. "Now c'mon, we need to find Talia and our love."

"And are ya sure they're here?"

"Positive. The plants residing in this building told me they spotted them."

Harley nodded as the pair dashed away in hopes of finding their boyfriend as the alarms were now going off.

When Harley woke up earlier, she was having a panic attack on what happened to her puddin and new friend. She tried contacting Selina in hopes that she could assist, but she wasn't answering her phone. Harley though was able to reach Pam as she left the Crock residence when Jade and Artemis' parents returned back from paintballing.

The moment the redhead heard that both Naruto and Talia were taken, the champion of the Green grew worried and went into action. So after nabbing both Harley and their boyfriend's car via large plants, so no one would spot the damage on the later, the pair went into action.

'Don't worry, puddin, we'll find ya and Talia.'

-Moments earlier, Back with Talia-

"...Is that all, Talia?"

"Yes…" She panted out.

There were some information she tried to keep away from Silver Monkey, but he was able to detect some of her lies. The cost: more painful cuts and her bleeding out a whole lot more. She feared that if she didn't get medical attention soon then she might die.

"Good to know, Talia." He chuckled out. Pulling out a walkie talkie from his belt, he pressed the receiver and spoke into it. "Hiraishin, you know what to do."

Talia widened her eyes and spoke. "But you said-"

"Did you really think I'd let him live? If so, then you were more naive than I thought." Pressing the walkie talkie button again, he spoke once more. "I repeat, you know what to do."

Silver Monkey expected to hear Minato's sadistic cackle on the other end with some screaming soon after. But all he met was silence and this worried him.

Suddenly, alarms were heard, causing the HIVE assassin to snap his neck around with widened eyes. "What the hell is going on?!" Silver Monkey growled out. Soon a pair of Ghosts bursted into the room as the alarms blared across the base. "Report!"

"We're under attack, sir!" One of them said.

"By who?!"

"Some plant lady and some clown-looking chick!" Said the other. "Not only them, but Vanitas is here as he's taking out many of the guards!"

Silver Monkey tightened his fist with anger that his radio broke apart. "How the bloody hell did they find us?!"

"I don't know, but we need to leave!"

Before either of them could act, a figure burst into the room and quickly knocked the expendable men out. Seeing the source, Silver Monkey growled as he saw the helmeted black and white themed hero that bested him twice now.

As Vanitas placed his attention on the monkey-themed assassin, the hero paused and stared at Talia's cut up body. He growled and quickly formed a large Rasengan. And before Silver Monkey could process what was going on, he was sent flying through the air and slammed into the concrete wall with his armor shredded and a large spiral mark placed on his chest.

"I've got no time for you." Vanitas said before rushing towards Talia's bleeding body. "Are you alright?"

"...No… I'm not." She answered.

He slowly nodded as he carefully placed his hands on her arms. "Let's get you out of this then."

The masked publisher phased Talia out of her confinement and realized she was naked and still bleeding. Momentarily lying her on the ground, he looked around for something to cover her with. Didn't take long in his search in finding a white sheet.

As he wrapped her up in the now bloodstained cloth, Vanitas looked back at Silver Monkey's unconscious form. Quickly forming a clone, he made a silent order. The clone nodded before making its way to the HIVE assassin.

"What… is 'he'… doing?" Asked the Demon's daughter as she eyed the action taking place.

"Erasing his memories." He answered. "To be more precise, the last 24 hours. Furthest I can do so he won't come back for you or Mr. Uzumaki on whatever he had planned."

Ra's daughter felt rather impressed on this skill of his. Yet another skill she has learned and it seemed valuable to have. And this proved useful on several fronts. From Qarrad Alfidd no longer knowing the League's current activities to not knowing her connection with the love of her life.

Talia then saw Vanitas' clone clench the traitor's head as a glow surrounded it. Took several moments before the clone disbursed into smoke as she soon heard the helmeted hero pant in exhaustion soon after.

"And… what of his partner?" She asked as she didn't want to reveal her knowledge on the other League traitor.

"You mean Hiraishin? I already took care of him when I saved Mr. Uzumaki."

"And… And where is he?" She panted out as her eyes were getting droopy. "Is… Is he-"

"He's safe outside waiting for you." He quickly said. "He wouldn't leave without you, Ms. Talia." This brought a small smile across her face before passing out in her helmeted savior's arms. 'Now to get you out of here.'

As Vanitas ran out of the room as he carried Talia bridal-style, he formed several more clones to help take care of the Ghosts that so happened to come their way. When they were knocked out, the clones wiped their memories and disbursed away before the process was repeated again and again.

As much as he'd like to kill these bastards for this, he had pressing matters to attend to.

When the hero rounded the corner, he almost ran into-

"PUDDIN!" Cried out the Harley Quinn. "YOU'RE ALRIGHT!"

"Wha- HARLEY?!" He cried out as he barely dodged the blonde missle from hitting him. "WHAT WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!"

When she landed from a last second front flip, the blonde looked back with a pout. "But why- Oh…" There she saw Talia's form wrapped in a staining sheet with her own blood. "What the hell happened to her?"

"I don't know, Harley, but we need to get her to safety." Looking over to see Ivy, he spoke. "Can we use the Greenhouse?"

"Yes. But why not take her to a hospital?"

"I can't risk it if she's still being targeted." He answered as they moved through the corridors. "Hiraishin said he came here to target her and I don't know why. I was merely collateral."

"I see."

It took several minutes for them to reach where Ivy's plants jotted out of the ground in the complex. As they got near the plant structure, several more Ghosts appeared as they fired upon them. Ivy commanded her 'babies' to take care of them as they saw fit.

Neither one in the small group cared on what happened to the expendable HIVE forces now as the giant flower swallowed them whole and shot back down into the earth.

-Pamela's Private Garden, Old Gotham Grand Greenhouse-

A hole opened up within the grounds as Ivy's flower rose afterwards. It's petals quickly opened as the helmeted Uzumaki carried his old friend to the nearby medical table. After carefully placing Talia down, he disbursed his attire while going to the nearby cooler where they've kept spare blood packs.

"Harley, Pam, mind stitching up Talia's cuts?"

"Sure thing, puddin." Came the jolly response with a nod from the botanist. When the psychologist unwrapped the dark haired woman, both Harley and Pam reeled back a bit on the sight. "Damn… whoever did this made really bad work on her."

"No kidding." Pam said as she pulled out the needles and threads before handing some to her girlfriend. "Well… Let's gets started."

It took some time and effort for the two women and the returned Uzumaki with some blood packs to get Talia stable and patched up from what happened to her. Each were glad they kept the spare blood on hand in case of any dire situation, whether it was their blood or some pilfered from the Blood Bank. If they didn't, then this situation would've been harder to save Talia's life.

"Man, I'm beat." Harley yawned out. "I'm gonna hit the sack." She walked over to the side where a comfortable flower bed morphed into an actual comfy bed. "It's been one crazy day."

"Yeah~ You go do that, Harl." Spoke the redhead.

Harley nodded before she slowly succumbed to her slumber.

Looking back at Naruto, Pam saw he sat next to Talia's prone form. His hazel eyes appeared heavy to her. She came up to him and placed a comforting hand onto his shoulder.

"Are you alright, Naruto?"

"...I would be lying if I said I did." He answered with a sigh. "This… I should've gotten to her sooner and maybe…"

Pam sighed as she hugged him from behind. "It's alright, my love, you got to her and saved her. That's all that matters."

"...Yeah… I somewhat wish I could know why she was targeted."

"Both you and her said her father was important, right? Could be related with that."

"Maybe." Naruto brushed a stray strand of dark hair away from Talia's face before tightening his hand. "I just wish she wasn't placed in this position and not harmed like this."

"Everyone wishes for that and it's hard to avoid."

"I know, Pam. But when I saw her earlier, bleeding and all cut up, I was briefly reminded of what happened to you."

Pam tightened her hold on Naruto on the life changing event as it was truly hard for the both of them.



"When Harley called me earlier, I was so scared from what she told me. I didn't want to lose you as I feared my heart wouldn't take it."

The Uzumaki turned around and looked into her worry filled eyes. He stood up and gave her a comforting kiss as he gave her hands a comforting squeeze. "It's alright to be scared, Pam. I would've been scared if it was the other way around."

"But not like this. Not now." This left him confused and curious on what she exactly meant by that. Catching onto what she just said, Pam sighed as her green eyes went to another part of her garden. Looking back at him, she spoke. "N-Naruto. I… I need to tell you… something."

He looked at his first real love as she gained his utmost attention. "What is it, Pam?" She didn't answer right away as his girlfriend dragged him along to a different part of her greenhouse. "Pam, is something the matter?"

She sighed while closing her eyes. "Do… you remember Yggdrasil telling you to tell me about there being a way for us to… have children?"

The details on that particular conversation with the Parliament of the Tree member came to the forefront of his mind. "Yeah, I do." He tilted his head in confusion. "Why'd you bring it up?"

The pair eventually came across a certain corner of the greenhouse which Naruto noticed a whole lot of security guarding something. From the venus fly traps to various forms of poisonous plants. With a wave of her hand, the plants moved out of the way to reveal a small tunnel with something glowing on the far end. He kept his silence as Pam escorted him further in but couldn't hold it any longer as he saw the large large pool of glowing green liquid with various plants encircling and growing out of it.

"Pam. What is this?"

She sighed. "This is something I've kept secret from you and the others." Vines started to recede from the pool as she continued. "Something that I've been working on for a long time now." Wasn't much longer on the wait as several large flower buds came out of the liquid. "And after a few attempts, these are finally stable."

"Pam… What are these?"

Pam formed a small smile on her face. "Something we hoped on having, Naruto."

"...What are you saying?" He asked with a heavy feeling in his chest. His heart seemed to have dropped into his stomach while beating so fast. It was as if time has gone to a crawl.

All the red haired beauty gave him was a smile with tears running down her cheeks. "What I'm saying is that I'm technically pregnant." Her smile turned into a widening grin. "And you're going to be a father."

-End Chapter-


Sorry for the long period of no update on this story. Been focusing on 'A Dragon's Guardian' and dealing with the February bullshit. Not only that, but the writer's block on this story sucked ass and couldn't get a good idea on how to properly get things to work on what I had in mind for this chapter.




I… also have some bad news on my end as it happened quite recently.


I lost my job at a workplace I enjoyed being at for two years. I will not talk about the specifics, as to the reasons why are very hard to explain. But to simplify things, I got the pink slip with a handful of others so the workplace can save money.

If you go onto my profile page towards the top, you'll find the link for the Pa-tr-eon page I had set up. I am new to that and I'll need money to help me by while I'm searching for a new job. Any amount will be appreciated.

And for those that don't want to get onto my profile page here on Fanfiction, the link is pa-tr-eon Jebest4781. (Just get rid of the spaces and dashes)


Please… I need the help. Writing fanfics might not only become just something I do for fun and kill boredom but also something that might help pay the bills. I admit I'm scared as I don't know if I'll find a good paying job soon.

*Sigh* Anyways, be sure to review this story guys! Would like the criticisms. Please and thank you!



The couple were just about to leave the park when the redhead spoke up to the love of her life.



The changed botanist fiddled around with the hem of her clothes. "I… I don't know how to say this but…"

"But what?"

"I'm… I'm pregnant."





"Naruto?" She asked as she didn't see her boyfriend respond… or even move for that matter for several minutes. Pam reached out and was about to touch him as she spoke his name once more. "Naru-"

He suddenly took in a large intake of air as his eyes suddenly became completely white. "I'M GONNA BE A FATHER?"

Pam recoiled from the outburst and tried to get him to quiet down. "Naruto! Quiet!"


*SUSH* "What are you doing?!" She yelled out in a hushed tone.

"WE'VE GOTTA TELL EVERYONE!" Quickly getting onto his feet, he started running and oddly leaving a dust trail behind him. "EVERYONE! MY GIRLFRIEND IS GONNA HAVE A BABY AND I'M THE FATHER!"

Pam was left behind with a twitching eyebrow before having to call forth her plants to help her in her chase to stop her boyfriend from embarrassing themselves.

-Wayne Manor-

Bruce was enjoying some of his simpler relaxation moments in his parlor room while sipping a nice cup of tea and reading a nice book for his pleasure. Even Alfred was enjoying the nice pot of tea beside him.

When the billionaire was about to sip a new cup of tea, Naruto suddenly barged in unannounced causing Bruce to spill the hot beverage onto himself.

"Naruto?! What are you-"



"PAM'S PREGNANT AND I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!" Yelled out the publisher with the biggest smile he could muster. "GONNA GO AND TELL THE OTHERS! BYE!"

Without warning, Naruto ran through the nearest window and continued running while leaving a blinking butler and billionaire behind. Before either of them could properly respond to what just happened, another figure came into the room. Looking at the new arrival, they saw the panting form of Pamela Isley barely hanging onto the doorframe.


"Where'd he go?" She asked as her legs were shaky. "Ran all the way here from Arkham, just to barely hear him tell Harley and Victor the news before running off."

"Which I'm so excited for!" Harley announced as she came running in soon after. "Oh I'm so happy, Red! I can't wait to have little Naru's and Pammy's running around!" She then gasped out loudly before shaking the redhead like a loon. "OH! WHEN WILL HE GET ME PREGNANT AS WELL?! I WANNA SEE MY BABIES RUNNING AROUND WITH YOURS AS WELL!" Quickly letting go of Pam, who fell down on the ground with swirls in her eyes, the pale woman continued. "And let's not forget about Selina! The readers have speculated that Naruto got her pregnant on the whole Tyger Tyger chapter, but who knows for sure if the writer wants that to happen by now!

Rising from the ground, while feeling nauseous of being treated as such, she looked to see the confused looks of Bruce and Alfred. "I'll ask again. Where'd he go?"

Didn't take long for them to point to the side to show the broken window. Pam and Harley ended up following the growing dust trail with them needing to use some of Pam's plant transportation to help them out.


Enjoying her day off, Lois was in her bathtub while taking a nice bubble bath. Everything has been so stressful lately because of work. All she wants to do now was to relax while reading her copy of Loveless.

Suddenly a large bang was heard from inside of the bathroom, causing the reporter to jolt in her bubbly spot.

'That must've come from my front door.' Lois thought as she tried to get out of her tub in a little frantic state. 'Who the hell is it?'

Before she could really get out, another large bang was heard as Lois screamed on the sudden arrival. Looking at her home intruder, she saw it was Naruto. If it wasn't for his abrupt arrival, she would be glad to see him.

But now…

"NARUTO?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She yelled out as she covered her modesty in the bubble bath.


The Daily Planet reporter blinked several moments and before she could respond, her old friend disappeared on her with an odd dotted outline. With a twitch of her eye, the dark haired beauty screamed out at the top of her lungs. "YOU OWE ME A NEW DOOR, WHISKERS!"

Just as she said this, Harley and Pam came into the Lane residence as they wondered where their boyfriend went off to. And it seemed they had lost track of him. Thus causing him to groan and go back out in searching for him.

-National City-

Over in Catco Worldwide Media, Cat Grant was watching one of her various TV monitors in her office. Reason being, there was a national wide news report that was scaring many of its citizens.

"...Seismic activity and unusual wind patterns have occurred across the country." Spoke the news anchor as he read off from the prompter. "No one knows for sure what the cause of this phenomenon, but-"

Suddenly, the power went out as she felt her building shake. Worrying it was yet another earthquake, like the one months ago when her secret lover came into town, she started calling out towards her employees to evacuate the building.

But before she could actually give out the order, a rush of air came through the stairwell as Naruto Uzumaki stood right before her. And before she could properly register his arrival, he scooped her up into a tighening embrace. Her employees blinked in confusion on what was going on exactly.

"KITTY CAT! GREAT NEWS! I'M A FATHER!" He yelled out as many of the window panels shattered by the volume of his voice. Even off to the side, Kara had to hold her ears as she felt some blood leaking out of it from the pain.

"I… I…"

Placing her back on the ground, the publisher gave her a cheeky grin. "Well I'm gonna go back home now, bye Kitty Cat!" Naruto spoke out loud as he disappeared in a trail of smoke. If he were to look back, he would've seen several people looking at the odd spectacle such as Kara Danvers and Cat Grant.

Even hearing a pair of groans coming from the stairwell as they turned their attention to the source. They soon saw a pair of women stumbly climbing up and neither bothered trying to get up once back on the top floor.

"Where… Where the hell did puddin… get all that energy?!"

"No… clue… Harl…" Came Pam's strained voice. "But I'm gonna kill him for doing this in the first place and going out of control." She then saw the group of people looking at them. "Say… Where did Naruto run off to now?"

Kara was the one to answer. "Apparently he's going back home, I think."

"...Thanks." Said the botanist and psychologist before crawling to the elevator and going to the bottom floor. Once there, Pam will use her plant transportation to fully get them back to Gotham City.

Let it be known that an extremely excited Uzumaki is a dangerous Uzumaki. For they unknowingly and unintentionally cause destruction in their wake when they find out their gonna have a child. For it was this reason why many feared them back in the Elemental Nations.

Oh sure~ there's the bit of their dangerous techniques and whatnot. But it's merely that factor on them becoming a parent is the most frightening event of all. Unknowingly and temporarily tapping into powers beyond their comprehension to cause much destruction in their wake.

And it's part of this reason why many nations sought to destroy them in the second shinobi war.

Though Kushina was one of the remaining Uzumaki and she reignited that fear once more, years later when finding out she was pregnant with Naruto.

Oh… Speaking of…

-In the afterlife-

An unholy squeal could be heard throughout the heavenly paradise as many of its residents had to cover up their ears.

The source of it all is the Red Habanero, the second Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and mother of Naruto Uzumaki: Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze.

"I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMA!" She bellowed out as she ran across the cloudy streets of paradise. "MY BABY BOY HAS FINALLY PUT ONE IN THE OVEN!"

Part of her excitement ended when Lillian Isley, Pamela's mother, ruined the moment. "You do realize Pam is doing an odd form of artificial insemination right?" This caused Kushina to trip and crash land into an afterlife tree. "Not really doing things the traditional way because of Pam's complications."

From her spot on the ground, Kushina sniffled in a comedic fashion before turning to her friend and fellow redhead. "How could you ruin such a perfect moment by being stingy, Lillian?! Our precious babies are going to have babies of their own!"

Lillian merely sighed as she grabbed her friend and put her into a choke hold. From there she started digging her knuckles into the energetic redhead's scalp. "I am excited, Kushina, but I'm not one to fucking go nuts when hearing this bit of information!"

She then dropped the red haired Uzumaki on the ground before walking away

"MOU~ YOU'RE SO MEAN!" Kushina yelled out as she started blowing raspberries at the retreating Isley before going into her own little world. Hoping to meet her grandbabies in the mortal realm.

'Maybe I should try and sneak out of this place or ask Lady Death for some favors so I can at least meet them when their born.' Came the Uzumaki's thought as she got up from her place on the ground and tried to search for the ancient entity of Life and Death itself.