
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

A Past Told

It's been roughly a week since the breakout at Arkham and things have been rather hectic for the GCPD. The police and detectives combing the city, with the help of Batman, Robin and Vanitas, to capture a lot of the inmates and return them back where they belong. People like Scarecrow and Victor Zsasz were apprehended while others like the Mad Hatter, Two Face, and the Joker remained at large.

Speaking of the Joker; when the police had found his white vans with 'HAHA' spray painted on them, they couldn't find any of his gang members. They had heard reports that Vanitas had dealt with them before he left to try and find the hostage in the other vans. When arriving to the scene of each wrecked van, the gang members seemed to have disappeared. Probably went back into hiding until their boss came calling for them again.

Getting back to the asylum staff, there were a dozen or so casualties while the rest of the injured were sent to the hospital to get patched up. There would've been less of them sent if it wasn't for the hospital room being trashed to bits during the attack, hence all of the injured were sent to Gotham General. But as for deaths, lots of inmates died in the assault while several security details died from either immediate contact or on the way to the hospital. The only other person that died in the attack was Dr. Serrano when police and staff found her body in Dr. Harleen Quinzel's office.

After all that, the 'healing' process as it were was slow at best. There would need to be a mass hiring on security detail along with installations on new security systems. With the later, Wayne Enterprises was generous enough to donate a mixture of funds and some of their technology to do so.

With all that out of the way, let's focus on the lighter side of things shall we?...

We cut towards the women's wing of the asylum as Pam's cell was being opened up by one of the current guards of the facility. Once inside, we see the changed botanist in civilian attire consisting of a regular pair of jeans, shoes, shirt and jacket (one of her bland attires from her wardrobe) as she was having most of her affects packed away inside of a duffle bag. It was given to her by her beloved a few days ago just so things could be ready for her release today. As for the plants in her cell, she decided to have the staff transfer most of them to the Arkham gardens to 'brighten' things up while the rest go into Harley's office.

'Well today's the day.' Pamela thought with contained excitement as she walked beside one of the security guards of the asylum. 'The day that I'm finally out of here and can move in with Naruto at last.'

'Definitely sister.' Ivy spoke out in their mind. 'We finally get to be with our king after so long and could feel all of the joys being with him.'

'Of course. And I'll finally be able to use my powers outside of these walls after April Fools Day.' The botanist thought as she looked at some of the cleaned up wrecked areas of the place. 'Though I would've wished I didn't have to use my powers earlier prior to today, but had no choice when this place was attacked by the clown's group.'

During the attack by the Joker's gang, one of them had somehow blown the fuse of the security system. Thus caused all of the power dampeners to shut off due to the signals connected to said system stopped transmitting. Of course the only power dampener used at the asylum was Pamela so far, but let's not get into much detail about that.

Suffice to say, Pamela used this opportunity to break loose and try to help out as much as possible. After chatting with Harley for so long, she realized after her collar was shut off that the systems would be shut off as well. So with that, she used her powers to create wooden barriers for some of the panic rooms being used so the Joker's gang wouldn't harm the staff. Even from there, Pam helped the security out to confine the released inmates that hadn't escaped. It was an unexpected help, but the guards weren't complaining at all.

Though at the time, Pamela didn't know that Harley didn't make it inside of one of the panic rooms and was taken hostage by the Joker gang. If she did though, she would've raced after them to save her friend that she has grown quite fond of during her stay here. Of course she did get that bit of information the day after, causing the changed botanist to go into a panic attack and wanted to know if the intern was alright. She did calm down when she was informed that Vanitas saved her and had to take her to Gotham General to take care of certain injuries.

'At least Vanitas did a good job saving her.' The Green champion thought with a little scowl.

'Though we aren't going to forgive him for hurting our babies that night.' Ivy said getting her sister to nod in thought. 'It'll take a long time for him to earn our forgiveness.'

"Well you're finally out of here Ms. Isley." Dr. LeLand said as she met Pamela in the lobby.

"Thanks to you and Harley." The botanist said before looking around for any sign of her friend. "Where is Harley anyways?"

"Well she's not working for the time being."

This raised a brow from the redhead and voiced her thoughts in the process. "What do you mean exactly?"

"Well as you have heard, Harley was taken hostage. But from what we were told by Gotham General from her medical records, it appears that Harley was tortured as well."

"...Excuse me?" Pamela asked as her eyes widened on this new bit of information. It was hard to process as this started to scare her even more now than before. So in response, Pam grabbed ahold of the doctor's arms with a firm grip before speaking again. "Is Harley alright?! What did the Joker did to her?!"

Knowing where this might go to, Joan tried to calm the former patient down. "Pamela calm down."

"How can I calm down after what that monster did to my friend!" The redhead yelled out in rage. "I'm going to kill him for what he's done!"

"Pamela!" Joan yelled out getting the botanist to snap out of her triade. "I know what you're going through right now, but you need to calm down."

And the former patient did. It took a few little breathing moments, but she did. "Sorry about that Joan…. I-I just couldn't imagine what Harley has gone through."

"Same here, but I don't want to imagine in the end."

"So I'm guessing that's the reason why Harley isn't working here for the time being?"

"Unfortunately yes Pamela. We were told in the notice that Harley stating she was tortured by an electroshock therapy device we have here before she blacked out and was taken out of the facility. Of course with how she was rescued though seemed vague from what was told to us and it was a 'private' matter that Harley wouldn't want known quite soon." Joan spoke with concern in her voice that left Pamela with more questions than from answers. But the botanist had to take what she can at the moment before seeing her dear friend to get the answers out of her.

"When do you think she'll come back?" Ms. Isley asked.

"We were fine of letting Harley have a week off after she gets out of the hospital and that was two days ago. So she'll be coming back by the end of the week and hope that she is in better spirits by then to hopefully finish her internship here."

"That's good to know Joan." Pamela said before she started to walk towards the front door to the asylum. "Thanks again for all you've done here."

"Your welcome and be sure to check by every few weeks for status reports with your 'parole'." The doctor said with a smile as she walked back to get into her daily workload.

Ah yes… her 'parole'. Even though Pam was cleared of the charges of being mentally unwell, she still committed kidnapping and attempted murder for what happened earlier this year. So instead of her having to go through a parole officer, like with most criminals, she'll need to either contact a registered asylum doctor at the facility personally or off site. Pam was hoping that she could just go through Harley, but that would only work once her internship was done and over with to become a full fledged doctor.

Pamela took a deep breath as she reached the door. She wanted to calm her beating heart that was practically beating so fast, that it might as well burst out of her chest. Even though she was very excited into being out of this place, Pam was nervous as hell.

"Well here goes nothing." She muttered as she opened the door. The rays of sunshine peaked through the opening before it assaulted the botanist in it's warm light. When her eyes adjusted a little to the brightness, she saw that it was a gorgeous sunny day. Something that seemed rather appropriate for her release day.

"Hey! Pam!" A voice called out from afar making her turn her head to see her beloved in front of his car. "Over here!"

Her features brightened once seeing him as she awkwardly ran towards him with her duffle bag slung around her shoulder. When close enough, she quickly latched onto him with one of the tightest hugs she could ever muster. Naruto did stumble back a little, but he held onto her with one arm wrapped around her as he chuckled in the current moment.

"I've missed you." She said into his shoulder as she smelled his scent after so long.

"I've missed you too Pam."

Once separating, they looked at each other with joy and love dancing in their eyes. Pam was going to say something when Naruto pulled something from behind his back. Once it was in view, the botanist saw a bouquet of flowers in his hand. But the ones she saw were pretty much the same ones she had gotten on their first date together.

"I hope you love them Pam."

"Coming from you adds a bit more radiance from them my love." Pam spoke as she grabbed his face and brought their lips together into a searing kiss. It felt heavenly on what the two were feeling after so long. The last time they properly kissed was after their first meeting after Pam's first session with Harley. The botanist was sure going to make up for lost time in spades sometime soon.

Once they separated to catch their breaths, Naruto opened the passenger door for his first girlfriend before handing her the bouquet of flowers.

"After you my lady." He said with a gentleman's bow and accent making her giggle in response.

"Why of course my beloved."

Once situated in their seats, Naruto drove through the asylum's pathway to make their way off of the grounds and headed straight towards the city.

*Sigh* "Can't wait to get back home, our home, so I can unpack my things." Pam said with a small smile on her face. "You did have almost all of my things brought into our home right?"

"Yes I did honey. Though I couldn't bring in the furniture among other things, but a lot of your other things are already inside our place."

"Good to know." She said before pecking his cheek in response.

"But first," he said for added effect as they were at a stop light, "we are going to visit someone."


-Gotham Cemetery-

"You know Naruto, you didn't have to blindfold me."

"Well where's the fun in not doing so."

"Actually knowing where I'm going for starters."

The Uzumaki had parked his car outside of the cemetery and was leading his girlfriend along blindfolded. Along the way over, Naruto made her put it on for the little surprise. It did require some begging on his part just so that things won't get spoiled in the end, so she decided to humor him.

"Watch your foot Pam."

"Well how can I since I can't see where I'm walking."

"Eh~ True." He simply said before he came to a complete stop. "Okay Pam. We're here."

"So can I take this off now?" She asked in mild irritation.

"Yeah Pam… You can."

It took a second or so to slip the blindfold off of her head. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she ended up seeing what Naruto brought her to see. Something that made her smile and tear up a little….

Her mother's grave surrounded with flowers.

"I've been touching up the little garden here ever since you've told me where she was buried." Her boyfriend said with a smile on his face. "And I wanted to bring you here first when you got out so you can properly introduce me."

Pam didn't reply back as a few tears leaked out due to the sight in front of her. She had expected Naruto to just come on by every now and then and visit her mother, but he went out of his way to keep things in check with the garden. The botanist was so happy that she hugged her lover in a tight embrace before she spoke.

*Sniffle* "Thank you."

"You're welcome Pam." He simply said before turning his head towards the gravestone that read: 'In Loving Memory: Lillian Isley'. Anything else about the gravestone was covered up with the garden that grew around the stone tablet. Like with the little carved decorations and the date of birth and death. Though the later would've been fine covered up regardless.

Once separating from her hold, Naruto walked a little closer to Lillian's resting place with Pam's fingers intertwined with his. "Hey Lillian. It's been a while."


"Yeah I know that, but I'm finally here with your daughter just like I promised."


Feeling that her mother wanted to be hugged after these past months, Pamela carefully walked through the garden so she wouldn't step onto any of the flowers by mistake. Once close enough, Pam wrapped her arms around the tombstone in a loving embrace.

"Hello mother. Sorry I've been gone for so long." The botanist said before releasing her hold on the piece of carved rock. "I hope Naruto told you what happened to me."


"And I'm sorry about that as well, but I've gotten something out of it in return." She said as she held up her hand and the garden seemed to grow out a little. "You've told me during our gardening sessions that if I'm quiet enough, I can hear the flowers speak to me. Well I can actually speak with them now and I have an important role to help them out."


"I know that it's a big responsibility, but I'll do my best in my role right now." Pam said with strong conviction. She was going to say more, but then remembered her promise to her mother as well. This caused her to slap her forehead in response. "How can I forget." She then went back next to Naruto and firmly grasped his hand. "Mother. This is my boyfriend and the love of my life, Naruto Uzumaki."

*Chuckles* "Hello." He said as he wanted to play along on that since he remembered the details on the memory he saw when he first came onto Pam's Heart Platform.


"I know I've said this during all of the times I've come here. But I truly want to let you know, more than ever with Pam right here, that I'll do everything I can to make her happy." He said to her as he tightened his hand held by his first girlfriend. "She's moving into my loft today as a new step in our relationship and I hope one day that this will eventually lead to us having a family of our own."

Hearing this made the botanist fidget a little in both feeling nervous and sadness. With being nervous, it was just how Naruto was telling her mother on what's happening today. But with sadness, it's on how they won't have any children through the traditional way and one experience she'll never fully have.

Sensing the rise of emotions with his lover, he pecked his lips onto hers before turning back towards the grave. "We will have problems along the way, just like any relationship does, but we'll have our family one way or another. From adoption to something else. I promise you that ma'am."

Pam smiled at this and felt a bit more at ease. Of course slight curiosity came seeping in on the last bit of 'something else'. It was like Naruto knows something that she doesn't. She'll have to ask about this later, but for now she doesn't want to ruin the mood.

"And don't worry mother. No matter what happens, I'll always love him since he'll love me just the same and possibly more." She offhandedly said that seemed odd on how she said it. "I-I mean it's just that we'll be with each other side by side, along with some other people."


"Don't know if um… if Naruto has told you this or not but…." She nervously said as she was scratching her head on saying what was on her mind. "I've let him be with other women."


"Don't worry about it Pam." Her lover said as she faced him on this moment. "I've come clean with your mother about everything whenever I come and visit. Hell I told her what happened after that meeting we had when you gave me permission." He then scratched his cheek with his eyes drifting about. "Though I think she might've been shocked at this like of what me, Selina and Harley was like when they heard it. Hard to tell really because well… *Cough* Well I also told her all of the reasons about it and hoped she understands."


"...Yeah I have no idea what she might respond to this now."

"Me either." Pam admittedly said with a shrug since they were doing some guesswork through most of the conversation. "Well mother, I guess this is goodbye for now. I'll be sure to stop on by every so often now that I'm out of Arkham."

"Same here since I should visit my future mother in law every now and again to catch her up on things." Naruto replied back before he clapped his hands for a little prayer for her. "I wish you the ever lasting peace Lillian. Goodbye and wish us luck."

Pam chuckled a little before nudging his side for him to follow her back to the car so they can get towards their loft. As the loving couple was walking away, a figure approached the grave marker with a smile on her face. She gazed at the retreating couple before turning towards the person residing here.

"So…. Do you feel satisfied now Lillian?"

A little shift in the air soon followed as a woman appeared sitting on the tombstone with a small smile on her face. She looked like an older version of her daughter by roughly a decade, but still retained her beauty from when she was alive. Pamela's mother soon turned towards the person who spoke out and nodded towards her.

"Yes Lady Death." Lillian Isley said as she shed a few tears of happiness. "I feel better now that my daughter is with that sweet boy. She'll make her very happy. I'm sure of it."

"Good to know." The now identified Death spoke as she held out her hand. "So are you ready to go now?"

Once again, the ghost of Lillian Isley nodded. "I can't express how many times I've thanked you for not taking me just yet. I just wanted to see my daughter and try to comfort her as best as possible. The one thing that I've wanted to see so I can hopefully feel at peace was for someone to be with her and love her for the rest of her life."

*Chuckle* "That's quite understandable." Death said as the woman grasped her hand before the two of them slowly faded away for Death to take the late mother towards the afterlife. "He'll be good for her and for the women that feel the same way. You can count on it."

-Naruto's and Pamela's Loft-

Walking up to the door to their home, Pamela pulled out the key Naruto had given her on Christmas Day and she was finally going to use it for the first time. So with her anticipation, she ended up fidgeting the key over the lock before it properly inserted inside of the keyhole. Before she could turn the doorknob, Pam heard her lover chuckle at her current action. Ignoring him on that, she opened up the door to the seemingly darkened apartment with the blinds closed up. Pam was going to turn on the light when something leapt towards the botanist.

"PAMMY!" A female voice yelled out as it glomped the redhead from above, thus causing the two to fall onto the ground.

"Dammit Harley! You ruined the surprise!" A second voice called out from the darkness as she opened up the blinds to the loft. With the light now shining through, it revealed Selina by the windows. "Couldn't you have waited for Naruto to give the signal?"

"How can I since I missed Red so much." The intern said as she hugged the life out of the changed botanist. "And sitting in the dark waiting for her was practically killing me."

"C-Can you let go Harley?" Pam spoke out as she struggled in her friend's grasp. "I would like to give you a hug as well if my arms weren't-"

"Oh why didn't you say so sooner!" Harley said as she let go of her former patient.

"Well I was trying to recover from the fall obviously." Once getting up, she looked at her former doctor before she gasped in shock. "Dear Gaea! What happened to you Harley?!"

From what Pam was referring to, Harley seemed to have gotten a drastic change in her appearance. From what was once a creamy skin tone has become pale white that could've been the same as the Joker's. There was even an odd look of crazy madness in her eyes, but they were overshadowed by the kindness and happiness currently placed there. Also Harley's hair had went from sunny blonde to nearly platinum blonde with how there are some traces of yellow in there.

"Oh you mean this?" The intern gesture on her current appearance. "Yeah… Something that happened when I was kidnapped by the Joker. Took a dip in one of 'em chemical baths at Ace Chemicals." She then waved her friend off as she ignored the wide eyed look from the changed botanist. "Eh~ It's no biggy."

"No biggy! But the Joker did that to you and you-" "Yes I know Pammy and you'll have to get used to it. But if you're worried about me, work and the outside; I'm going to be racking up the make-up bill to cover all this up." Harley spoke out before a cough interrupted the two. Turning towards the source, they saw Bruce Wayne standing next to Dick Grayson, Selina and Shizune.

"As much as I would enjoy seeing this going on," Selina sarcastically said, "I believe that we should be congratulating Pam on getting out of Arkham."

*Gasp* "That's right! I'll be right back!" The pale woman said as she ran up the stairs, only to slip a bit in her excitement before running again.

"Well… That seemed odd." Pam said as she was trying to process on what happened to her friend.

"You're telling me." Bruce said as he walked up to the botanist. "When I first saw her at the hospital, I had a similar reaction."

It was true. When he had come by at the hospital as Batman to check up on Harley and ask her on what happened, he was absolutely shocked to see the intern changed in such a way. It was easy for him to quickly compose himself when questioning her with as much as she could answer. Even afterwards when he stopped on by as Bruce Wayne, he couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling of seeing her like that. But it'll have to be something he'll need to get used to.

"Good to know." Pam mumbled before properly addressing her lover's friend. "It's good to see you Bruce after all these months."

"Same here Pamela. I was told by Naruto that you seem to be out of a job."

"Did he now?" She glanced over towards the publisher, who was scratching his head and chuckling nervously at this.

"Sorry Pam, it slipped out when I was chatting with him a few days ago."

"It's alright honey. No harm done."

*Phew* 'That's a relief.'

"Though you will be punished for that." She said getting a gobsmacked look from him. *Giggle* "I'm just kidding dear." When turning back to the billionaire, she responded back to him. "Yes I'm currently unemployed, but I plan to reapply over there."

"And if you don't get your old job back?" Bruce said getting a shrug from the botanist.

"Then I'll need to apply for other places that could suit my needs. Why you ask Bruce?"

"Well I was wondering if you would like to work for me." The billionaire said shocking the known couple while getting raised brows from Dick, Selina and Shizune.

"Really Bruce? You would want her to work for you."

Turning towards his friend, he nodded in response. "I know that what happened to her was unfair for her and I want to help her out as much as I can. Not only that, but her research could be invaluable and could save countless amounts of forestation down the line. So I want to help back her up if needed."

"I uh *Cough* Thank you Bruce. I'll uh think about it." The botanist said as she composed herself more. "But where would I work at exactly if I do work for you."

"At the branch located at the botanical gardens really."

"Huh… Didn't know you had one there Bruce." Naruto said as he racked his brain if there really was one over there or not.

"Technically it's more like I fund the operations there that it might as well be called a branch." The billionaire said getting nods from the two. "If you do want to apply Pamela, then you'll need to talk to the people over there first."

"I'll do that. Thank you."

"Pammy! I got your present!" Harley yelled out as she ran out before slipping and falling once again. "I'm okay!"

"Well that took a while." Shizune spoke out some of the other's thoughts. "Did you hide it deep in one of the closets up there?"

"Yes since I didn't want Isis to claw all over it." The changed intern said as she playfully glared at the cat up the stairs.


"Oh don't lie. I would know you would do that. All you cat's seem to play with boxes when you're bored." She replied back before turning back towards her friend. "Come on. Open it Red."

As the botanist opened it up, she smiled at what was inside. "Well ain't this lovely."

"I know." The pale woman puffed out her chest in pride at this. "Took a while to make it. Then again while staying at the hospital would get me soooo bored."

"So you used that time to make me a sweater." Pam said as she held it up against herself. It seemed rather slim; but with it being hand knitted, it'll stretch out a little if it was too small for her and that'll be just fine. Also it was green, so that was a plus.

"Yup. Also another reason why I had to hide it from Isis so she wouldn't ruin it."

*Meowr* *Meowr*

"I know you would definitely ruin my gift missy so don't have any funny ideas." The intern accusingly said with a pointed finger.

"She probably wouldn't do such a thing Harley." Dick said as he walked up to the pale woman.

"Yeah well you didn't see the look in her eyes Dickie."

"Uh huh." The Wayne ward said before he approached the botanist with an outstretched hand. "Names Dick Grayson. We haven't met before."

'Obviously.' Pam thought before she shook the offered hand. "So how do you know Naruto? Asides from him being friend's with your foster father."

"I first met him when I was barely a teenager." Dick honestly said with a smile on his face. "He was quite interesting when I ran into him at the arcades since he had just moved into Gotham at the time. Tried to beat him on a lot of the games, but he seems to get the better of me."

"And I still do Dick and it'll take years for you to reach my level." The publisher said in a cocky tone getting the Grayson teen to playfully glare at his older friend.

"Oh we'll see Naruto." He said before turning back to the botanist. "So I kept coming back to the arcade to beat him in his own games. One time though these thugs came in and started trashing the place for 'protection money' and Naruto wasn't too pleased when seeing it. He and I ended up beating them up real good."

"Yeah but that ended up getting us sent to the station. *Groan* Wasn't fun when that happened."

"Tell me about it. Bruce wasn't all too happy at first when he had to pick me up." Dick replied as he can remember that moment all too well.

"And that was how I met Naruto." Bruce added in. "The next time I met him was after he started his publishing company when he attended an event. Can't remember what it was though."

"Same here, but regardless things led to another that made us good friends."

Pam smiled at the interaction of seeing her beloved's joyful attitude that it seemed rather infectious.

Dick looked at his watch for a moment before he nudged his foster father. "I think we should get going Bruce."

"Is it already that time?" Bruce asked before he looked at his watch as well. "Huh, guess so."

"Where you heading off to Bruce?"

"I have a business meeting out of state that requires my presence." Bruce answered to his friend. "I'll probably be back within a couple of days max."

"Well have fun on your flight then." Naruto said before seeing Dick following Bruce out of the door. "You're heading out too Dick?"

"Yeah. Only wanted to stay till I got to say hi to Pam. Would've stayed longer, but I've got finals to prepare for and I need all the time that I can get."

"Ah gotcha. Well have fun with that and good luck."

Dick nodded before he closed the door leaving Naruto with the four women in his loft.

"Well it's finally good to finally meet you Pam." Shizune said as she introduced herself. "Shizune Kato, Selina's assistant and roommate."

"Good to finally match the face with the name. Selina and Naruto told me a lot about you."

"And same to you." The dark haired assistant said before bringing up a little topic in her head. "Though it was a surprise to hear on what Selina told me on you accepting her in your open relationship with Naruto."

"Yeah." Pam said as she winced a little on how Selina's roommate found out on the relationship. "And sorry that you had to find out through that situation."

"True, but I'm fine with it really. Only as long as I'm not at home, not in my room, and if I was at home they need to do it somewhere else."

"I said I was sorry on that Shizune." The environmentalist spoke out trying to defend herself. "How were we supposed to know you and Iruka were going at it in your room late that one night. It was really hard to tell honestly."

"Well it was quite awkward when our boys ran into each other in the restroom."

*Groan* "Don't remind me."

That night was not great to say the least. Sure things went pleasantly well for Naruto and Selina as they got back from a nice night on the town before ending back at her place. The two were rather frisky once they made it into the loft and had gone through a few rounds before taking a break. Though when Naruto went into the bathroom, he almost ran into this world's counterpart of his old academy teacher. He was equally naked as well with him freshen up after making love to Shizune.

Suffice to say, it was even more awkward when their respective lovers came in to have fun in the restroom.

"Could not get any good action after that." Selina said as she rubbed her head on the memory.

"Yeah…. Well I'm off." The assistant said before grabbing her purse.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Spending the rest of the day with Iruka." Shizune quickly said before heading towards the door. "You guys have fun in whatever!"

With her gone now, this left things a little quieter in the loft.

"...Well that seemed odd." Naruto stated.

"I know, but at least that makes things better for us now puddin." Harley spoke out as she ended up playing with Isis on the floor for the past few minutes. "Especially since you've got some things to say to all of us."

This got looks from the two other women as they had the same thought in mind before voicing it towards their shared lover at once. "What did she mean by that Naruto?"

*Sigh* "Figured this might come to that." He said before he walked over to the kitchen. "You girls might as well sit down since this will take a while to explain. I'll be in the kitchen getting some water."

The girls did as they were instructed before the two environmentalists looked at the pale woman with questioning eyes.

"Harley…. What is going on?" Selina asked as she saw Harley lift Isis above her for some little impromptu game of sorts.

"Well as you two must've heard by now, Vanitas saved me from the Joker last week. Also what you two specifically know is that I finally confessed my feelings to Naruto. *Dreamy Sigh* It felt magical in our first togetha." Harley said before going into a fit of giggles.

"Glad that you've fallen in love with Naruto and earned his love Harl, but there's something you're not telling us."

"I'm getting to that Red. Sheesh, you are so damn impatient."

This was probably going to another thing for them to get used to, asides from the new appearance. Normally Harley would be very well mannered and polite, but this change has made her seem childish and somewhat rude. At least it's not too much that would get in the way of things.

"Well after I was saved, I found out something really interesting that possibly nobody else knows."

"Which would be what exactly?"

Harley was going to answer Selina's question when heavy footsteps came towards them. The two environmentalists were expecting Naruto with a tray full of water, but they didn't expect to see….

"Vanitas!" The two yelled out in shock and looked towards the kitchen to expect Naruto there, but he wasn't. They soon put two and two together to realize… "You're Naruto?!"

*Chuckle* "Yeah." Naruto answered as he sat down after placing the tray of ice water onto the coffee table. To reassure that it was really him, he dispersed his helmet to reveal his face towards his girlfriends. "Surprise~"

They gained baffled looks as they tried to process what was going on. That was before they heard Harley giggle like a loon before it went into a full laugh.

*Laughs* "Oh god, you two should see your faces!"

"Harley?! You knew?!" The two environmentalists yelled out before they saw her nod in response.

*Chuckles* "Found out when Naruto saved me." Once she calmed down she started to explain. "I fell into the tank of chemicals and when Naruto got me out, I wasn't breathing at all. So he had to perform CPR on me to do so, thus I saw his face."

"And when did this start?" Pam asked as she realized that her beloved boyfriend was the one that had cut down her babies when they had fought earlier this year. The botanist didn't know now if she could forgive him or not on that particular detail.

Even Selina was in a similar boat as Naruto was the one that saved Isis on Christmas and saved her specifically during the Red Claw incident.

"Well I found out of these powers shortly after our first date Pam and I was figuring things out afterwards. And before you two ask, I didn't want to tell you I was Vanitas since I didn't want you in danger." He said as he partook a glass of water.

"What else aren't you telling us?"

Hearing Selina's hurtful tone, he sighed before he hend out his hands. "If you want the answers, hold onto me since this might be a bit of a doozy."

Seeing as this was odd for them, their curiosity got the better of them as the two environmentalists grasped each of his hands respectively. This was before Harley leaned her head onto his shoulder with Isis in her grasp. Before long, all of them blacked out.

-Naruto's Mindscape, Insert Destati Extended-

When they came too, the girls present seemed rather groggy from their current positions.

*Groan* "What the hell was that?" Selina asked as she rubbed her head as the other two women mirrored her action.

"I have no clue."

"Holy cow!" Harley yelled out as she gained the attention from her friends. "I look awesome!"

This gained perplexed looks from the two before they saw what Harley was referring to with the intern examining the ground. It appeared to be of stained glass design with what they could tell before examining the edge of the ground. Selina almost fell over into the endless darkness below if Pam didn't grab ahold of her arm to make them realize they were on a platform of sorts.

It was mostly a kaleidoscope of bright blues, reds and yellows that covered the entire appearance with varying circles framing an image of Gotham's landscape in the twilight hours. With the smaller circles, they saw different images switching between medical equipment and butterflies of all things. Towards the top of the platform image showed another set of circles with portrait images of Pam, Selina and Naruto. But the main focus, to what Harley was mostly interested in was herself in an unusual attire.

It an odd fusion of a nurse's outfit with a biker chick one with the color scheme primarily red and black. There was a black neck choker with a metal loop connected towards leather straps around her arms and shoulders. Her sleeves and collar were white while wearing a leather quilted corset connected to a black and white combat skirt of sorts. She had leather armbands with laces around her wrists along with red and black tights that had diamond patterns on her thighs and knees. The appearance also showed a pair of high heeled boots that alternated colors. Her hair was put into a pair of pigtails with each end died with a different color from one side red and the other black. To finish off the look, the image showed Harley having a different weapon on each hand, a giant mallet and a baseball bat in the other.

"Whoever had designed this thing should be praised since it truly captures my fantastic appearance." The intern said as she kept examining every bit of her appearance.

"Whatever you say Harl." Pam responded but couldn't help but marvel on how beautiful this platform seemed to be and Selina had similar thoughts as well.

"I know that stained glass works are amazing to look at, but I think this could take the cake."


"What the… Isis?" Selina called out as she saw her precious baby on the edge of the platform. "Get away from there!"

The cat seemed to ignore her master's order as she ran across a stained glass path that seemed to light up underneath her feet. This caused the ravenette to run after the feline with her friends following right behind. Once Selina seemed to have catched up on the pathway, another platformed appeared to show that it was one with the cat thief as the focus.

"Huh… I take back what I said." The thief said with a smirk on her face. "This one might be the best one ever."

"No fair Selena!" Harley pouted with a stomp of her feet. "You're only saying that since this one has you in it."

"Obviously." The ravenette simply said with a smirk causing the intern to run after the laughing woman.

'Ugh. This is going to be annoying.'

'It's like dealing with two children at the moment.' Ivy spoke inside of their shared mind for their small agreement.

*Meowr* *Meowr*

Hearing Isis call out to them once again made the three women end up following her. After following through the stained glass pathway, they ended up on a darkened platform that soon lighted up in a bright light. Once it died down, it revealed Pamela's platform causing the three to inspect it well.

'It has... Us?… Both of us?' Pam thought as her other half was stupefied with what they were seeing. 'But how?'

'I'm in much of a loss as you are sister.'

"This looks really pretty Pam." Harley commented in little awe. "It has both you and Ivy in it."

"This is nice and all girls, but there's one thing that's missing here and that's Naruto."

*Gasp* "You're right Selina. But where is puddin?"

As an impromptu answer, a door started to form out of nothing not far from them. They really didn't know how to respond this at first, but something about the door seemed to draw them towards into opening it. Of course Isis started to head towards it seeing as there was a kitty/doggy door there, but her 'mother' grabbed her before taking the chance.

"Nah uh. You're not running away this time Isis." The thief said as she held her precious baby in her arms. "You're staying with me until we get out of this place."


"So… Who wants to be the one to open the door?" The botanist asked before her darker half took over. "I will. I just want to see our 'king' right now."

Once Ivy twisted the knob, the three were caught into another blinding light like before. Only this time though, the group saw they were standing on a plain white platform. Nothing extraordinary about it was displayed here, which confused them. With how they saw the previous platforms being very beautiful and intricate on the details, this one seemed off to them somehow that it needs to be completed.

"Seems you girls finally made it." Naruto called out getting the group to see their boyfriend not too far from them lying on the ground. "Took you long enough."

"I guess, but what was all that back there and where are we exactly?"

Hearing Selina's question, the Uzumaki briefly glanced at her before answering. "Those were the representations of your hearts, minds and souls…. Or so I have been told."

"...By who exactly?" Pam asked as several thoughts were running through the girls' heads.

"Yggdrasil." He simply said getting the changed botanist to freeze up on this. "He told me very little about this place since he was curious about the same thing in a later chat we had. But regardless it was something we both agreed on."

"I'm sorry, but who's Yggdrasil?" The pale woman asked.

"He's one of the leaders of the Parliament of Trees." Ivy said towards her former doctor. "And they were the ones that made me who I am."

"Good to know I guess." The ravenette simply said as she scratched her head at this. Parliament of Trees? She'll be asking questions about that she figured.

"I can tell you girls have a lot of questions right now and I would be more than happy to tell you them." Naruto told them from his spot on the platform. "But can you guys come over here and lay down with me? It's all I ask of you right now."

Seeing as they weren't going anywhere from this, they complied. Once getting over to his position, they took their places by surrounding their beloved boyfriend. Harley took up his right side while hugging his arm, Selina took up his left with Isis lying down on Naruto's stomach, and Pam lied down just above his head with her head right next to his.

When things were settled, light and dark sparks descended from the void above causing Harley to stare at them in childish wonder.

"Oh~ Pretty."

"Mind telling us what those are Naruto?" Asked the ravenette.

"Those…. Those would be my memories." He said getting odd looks from the girls. Knowing what they were sending him without even looking, the Uzumaki just spoke to them. "Just watch."

And they did as the light and dark sparks seemed to come together and before long, it formed an impromptu movie screen of sorts up in the void like sky.

"I might as well start with my earliest, remembered memories and go on from there. But before I get into that, I might as well tell you girls something really important. I'm not actually from this world… Or for that matter, this reality…."

And so he regaled them the story of his life, to the best of his ability. It was hard for him to do so on certain moments with how disturbing things were in his early childhood. Of being left alone, being socially abused and being a true outcast in his home. This, in turn, made the girls comfort their love on what they could for the time being. They wanted to talk to him and ask him things, but they seemingly couldn't as they wanted Naruto to finish before they could speak out.

So once he got through the generalized 'rough' parts of his early childhood, he started talking about the various things in that time as the girls watched things unfold before their eyes. They laughed and giggled when they saw Naruto pull the various pranks around his home village. Even ones that truly made Selina green with envy with how things were successfully pulled off. Sure she learned a lot of them from him when he visited her in prison, but seeing the full scope of things was something else entirely.

They saw the best parts of his childhood that he cherished well, despite some of the shortcomings he had to deal with back then. The girls were surprised to see some faces they recognized at the time like Selina seeing Shizune's boyfriend as Naruto's academy teacher while Harley saw her adopted sister as Naruto's childhood friend. Of course they saw Naruto interact with others at his age that were better friends than from what he could possibly get, despite his circumstances, through hard work on earning that relationship.

Things soon progressed when they saw Naruto graduate from the academy after defeating Mizuki with an army of shadow clones (even with how Naruto successfully stole the Forbidden Scroll). After his graduation, Naruto met Konohamaru and ended up teaching him the Sexy Jutsu (something that gained twitching eyes from the girls). Then things went on of the day of the team assignments and the horrid image Naruto wanted to gouge his eyes out on: him and Sasuke accidentally kissing. Although Harley and Selina got a good kick out of that on how that happened, Pam was pissed that Naruto's first kiss was ruined because of that boy and patted his head consolingly.

Events went on as the team first met Kakashi, the events of the bell test, and on the varying chore missions that went on after the team was officially formed. Soon things transitioned when they saw Naruto's first real mission outside of his home and the difficulties he had to face in that time. They saw him fight against several mercenaries, learning the truth of what was happening in Wave and helping out the people there as best as he can at the time. Though they ended up seeing Naruto interact with Haku, to which Selina remembered on the small discussion when he saved her from the Daggett incident, and him adopting the philosophy that he'll become stronger if he protects those that are precious to him.

Things went on with how the Wave mission ended and Naruto got a bridge named after him in the end (Naruto barely caught onto what the bridge builder said as the team walked away). After that, the girls saw events that went on with how their boyfriend went through the Chunin Exams. From the difficulties presented towards him in each of the parts, the people he interacted and faced; all of it. Even though it seemed unfair that he didn't get promoted, he got stronger by the end of it all after he defeated the person he truly called a brother named Gaara.

Soon they saw Naruto attending the funeral of the man he considered his foster grandfather after he sacrificed his life to save his home from his former student. It was rather rough for them to see, but it was an important part of his life to not ignore. He then explained on the events of him going onto a mission with the Toad Pervert Jiraiya (they truly wondered how he had put up with him at that time and at the exams) to find Tsunade and get her to become the Hokage. They did see on the first time Naruto gambled and it was nice to see his surprised and happy reaction out of that before seeing him pissed off at Tsunade dismissing the Hokage title like it was nothing.

Events went on as Naruto learned the Rasengan within the week as he interacted with the Shizune he had known, to which Selina was shocked to see on the varying differences. His training soon paid off as he had fought against Kabuto and assisted the others by summoning the Toad Boss before he passed out from his pain he endured. Later learned that he was actually dying, but Tsunade saved him in the end. As a good result in the end, Naruto was successful in bringing Tsunade back to take on the Hokage mantle.

Things had passed as they were briefly shown what happened afterwards as Team 7 went onto another high profile mission in protecting a movie actress, later revealed princess of a country. All of the fighting, the information and revelations, and the ending confrontations. Naruto had earned Koyuki's respect and friendship in the end that made him appreciate it to this day with how things turned out.

Though things went to a turn for the worse when they saw the events of Sasuke's Retrieval mission. With how Naruto's emo teammate had left in search for power in revenge against his older brother (whom Naruto met during the Tsunade mission), who had killed off his entire clan years ago. Showing the struggles Naruto had to endure leading up to the fight at the Valley at the End and how he had lost due to him holding back so he can hopefully bring Sasuke back for Sakura's sake. The girls were horrified though when they saw Sasuke plunge his hand through his chest and wondered how he survived though. He did console them and he thanked his former tenant in helping him stay alive that day. But after all that, Naruto showed on him leaving the village with Jiraiya for a training trip in hopes of making him stronger with what's to come.

Things in that time were briefly shown as how his training went. There were some ups and down, but they were relatively well. Except for when Naruto could only remember bits and pieces when Jiraiya messed with the seal to gain access to the Kyuubi chakra. The end result was not all that great with Naruto almost killing Jiraiya for his actions thinking Naruto could control the power right away.

When Naruto came back from his training trip, he got acquainted with a handful of people he cared for. After a fighting test to see how things had went with Naruto's training, things seemingly went relatively smooth. That was until the day Naruto was going to do missions again with the remnants of Team 7 that Gaara was kidnapped by the Akatsuki, a terrorist organization that was targeting Jinchurikis (which Naruto was one of them). Details on the mission were explained and on what went on further in their boyfriend's perspective. Even though Gaara was saved in the end, with the help of Team 9/Guy, there were several costs like Elder Chiyo giving up her life to revive Gaara back from the dead.

Once he and the teams got back home, Naruto learned of what was supposed to happen within a week at the Tenchi Bridge in Grass Country and they needed to prepare. The introductions to the replacements in team 7 happened and they were rocky at best. Though it was rather interesting on Pam's part when learning of Yamato had variant powers of the Green in his control, even though he was experimented as an infant at the time for the results. Being experimented on with the cells of the First Hokage, who could literally make the man worthy of being a champion of the Green if he was in this world.

Though Naruto couldn't show all of the events that happened at the Tenchi Bridge, due to him going into the 4th Tailed State and going on a rampage. But when he came to though, Sakura was pretty scared of him for what he was at the time. Of course the chase went onto Orochimaru's base where Naruto learned the truth about his new teammate Sai and his mission given by his boss Danzo that he would try to kill Sasuke when given the chance. The little reunion was not as best as it could've been, but the results were not as pleasant as well.

Once coming back home, with the mission being technically a failure, Naruto wanted to get stronger and requested Kakashi and Yamato for help. They complied but before they went into training; Naruto was sent out with Sakura, Rock Lee, and Neji to protect a Shrine Maiden in Demon Country. As the events of the mission unfolded, it was interesting to say the least, in the girl's perspective, on Naruto going on more that he defies 'fate' and makes his own as he is protecting Shion from a horde of demons. In the end, Naruto helped Shion defeat the demon Moryo. Although the girls were surprised on Shion asking Naruto to impregnate her to continue the priestess line and he obliviously accepted. In their boyfriend's defence; he didn't know at the time and Pam is the one that he shared his very first time with, to which the other two girls looked at the botanist's pleased face in victory.

Things didn't settle after that as Naruto was sent out once again and this time in Sand Country to track down a wanted criminal. They ended up at the Rouran Ruins, a kingdom that was built on top of a Nexus of Chakra Ley Lines, and the criminal seemingly accessed it and traveled to the past with Naruto and Yamato caught in the blast. Although things seemed relatively normal after the blast disbursed since neither Naruto nor Yamato could remember what happened. All that Naruto could say at this was that he somehow interacted with things in the past as a nomadic girl came on by and gave back the Uzumaki a weapon he seemingly left behind on accident and it aged 20 years in the process.

After all that, Tsunade gave Naruto some well deserved time off and he used this time to train. He requested Kakashi's and Yamato's help once again, they complied and took Naruto some distance away from the village to train by getting the Uzumaki to know what his nature affiliation was. After it was revealed to be wind, Naruto went through a long training regime on how he can fully control its capabilities. Even Asuma, leader of Team 10 and Konohamaru's uncle, had come on by to help out for a short with him having the same chakra nature and showed what he can do with it on weapons. Time has past that Naruto had learned his Rasengan was originally half done and by the end of his training, he was able to incorporate his wind nature with his Rasengan.

But when Naruto was about to fully integrate the wind into his main technique, he learned that Asuma had died when Team 8 and the Eternal Chunin confronted the Akatsuki. After some time for mourning with Asuma's funeral, Team's 7 and 10 went out to avenge his death. Confrontations were made fought over the Akatsuki team, the Zombie Duo, and things were difficult at best. So as while Shikamaru fought against Hidan, by himself and won towards the end, Naruto and the others fought against Kakuzu; a man who prolonged his life by stealing the hearts of others to replace the damaged ones. Naruto was successful in defeating and killing him in the end with his Rasenshuriken, but during his recovery period he learned the consequences of his technique.

It was sometime after this when Naruto and the rest of the Rookie 11 learned that Sasuke killed Orochimaru. They were soon sent out to find Itachi, which Sasuke was going after, and in that time they ran into Kabuto. The girls soon learned that he experimented on himself and practically made himself a new Orochimaru by infusing himself with his old master's remains (which sickened the girls greatly).

The search continued and Naruto confronted his target, eventually found out that it was a clone, and Naruto learned on what Itachi thought of the former blonde at the time as Sasuke's brother. At the end of the meeting, Itachi shoved a crow down his throat and it was really not pleasant on the experience. Even the girls winced on that. So after that occurred, the group tried to track down Sasuke, but was confronted by Akatsuki member Tobi. He was not fun to deal with but he was there to stall time for Sasuke to battle against his older brother. They learned of this when Zetsu, Pam and Naruto guessed had qualities of the Green inside of the man, appeared and stated that Sasuke had successfully defeated and killed his brother. Things were a failure once again as the group tried to reach Sasuke in time, but Tobi and Zetsu got away with both of the Uchiha bodies.

During a little recovery period, Naruto was called into Tsunade's office and learned of Jiraiya's death from Fukasaku, one of the two Great Sage Toads. The girls sympathised and comforted Naruto at this since it was a harsh blow to him of losing someone who was a foster uncle of sorts and it was later revealed that Jiraiya was his godfather. But Naruto got better in the end after some encouragement from loved ones and a good lesson from Shikamaru about the old masters dying so the students can become new ones to teach newer ones.

Soon Naruto was sent to Mount Myoboku in terms of Reverse Summoning so he could learn how to become the new Sage of the Toads. It was quite interesting for Pam and Selina to hear about all of this with Naruto being apart of nature as his training went on from there. But Harley seemed to have dozed off in a childlike manner. Not like any of the two other women noticed with how engrossed they were in their own ways. Even with all that training, Naruto figured out ways how to fully use Sage Mode and perfect his Rasen Shuriken technique.

Just in time too as Naruto received word that Konoha was attacked by Pein. So after quick preparation, Naruto and a variety of toads got back to see Konoha in ruins. It was at this point that Harley woke up from her small nap and cheered alongside the girls of seeing their boyfriend fight off against five of the six Peins. Naruto soon confronted the final Pein and words were exchanged on ideals and views of peace since both of them were students of Jiraiya. The younger Naruto was defeated near the end and the Akatsuki leader was going to take him away if it wasn't for Hinata coming for the rescue. It was there that she confessed her feelings for the former blonde and died protecting him. This caused him to snap and wind up in his mindscape to drown in his sorrows while going over the ideals of Pein's way of peace.

It was hard for the girls to handle as the younger Naruto went to remove the seal of the cage. Before he could do so, the Fourth Hokage appeared to stop this. After the short reveal of the man being Naruto's father, the girls were shocked to see his younger self punch the man in the gut and in the face. Minato took the blows since he felt like he deserved it before stating that he was sorry on what happened to his son for those past years. He even apologized of putting the Kyuubi inside of him since he wanted to, at first, protect the village. But in the end he was happy that he was able to protect his son in the end and wished for the best out of him. So with one last goodbye, Minato fixed the seal and sent his son back out to finish off the fight.

The girls were teary eyed at most of this and Naruto gave them comforting hugs that it was alright in the end. From there their boyfriend continued on of showing how he was able to defeat the last Pein before he confronted the real Nagato with his partner Konan. After some convincing, Nagato used up the last of his life to perform a technique to revive those that perished in the attack on the village. Konan went away with the bodies of her dead friends before Naruto went back home. He was revered as a hero towards everyone there and celebrations happened afterwards.

That happiness didn't last though as Danzo was named Hokage due to Tsunade being in a deep coma. Not only that but Naruto learned from a team from Kumo that Sasuke and his team had taken Killer Bee, the Kumo team's teacher and 8th tailed Jinchuriki. So with some convincing, Kakashi and Yamato accompanied Naruto to the Land of Iron so they can confront the Raikage A, as the man went over there for a Kage summit, to talk to the man about Sasuke. Things didn't go all that well in that discussion as it made Naruto think over more if his former teammate should be spared or not.

It was at this time that Tobi appeared to the three Konoha shinobi and revealed the truth on the Uchiha massacre that they were planning a coup and Itachi spared his brother in the process since he loved his little brother too much to do such a thing. Even revealed that Naruto truly inherited the Senju clan's Will of Fire philosophy and that would lead him to truly fight Sasuke one day. The man left with Naruto knowing all of what the masked man said was the absolute truth due to him, not known at the time that he somehow gained emotion detecting skills. This was even proven even more when Sakura arrived and lied to his face that she loved him.

Harley commented as she remembered Naruto talking to her about this that this was how Naruto ended his friendship with Sakura and the girls couldn't fault him on this. A friend Naruto has had a crush on for years and even fought for her during past times and this was the end result with Naruto knowing back then that she still loved the emo bastard. With his past self actually stating that to her face, she left heartbroken that she possibly made things worse between them.

Naruto got to the summit to see the aftermath of Sasuke and his team wrecking the place. He didn't say much as his head was still swimming with the thoughts that has happened within the day. Even more so when Gaara talked to him about his dream of being Hokage and what is to possibly be done with Sasuke. Things led to another after that and Naruto ran after Kakashi to properly confront Sasuke. Just in time too as he saw Sasuke was about to kill Sakura and he came in to save her at the last moment.

It was at this time the girls were shown of the reunion of Team 7 and a small fight occurred before Sasuke and Naruto clashed. As things died down, their boyfriend stated after seeing Sasuke's heart (it was odd for him back then on how that worked) that in their next confrontation, he wasn't going to hold back and kill the emo bastard. This surprised the girls and the others present in the memory before Tobi took Sasuke away. Naruto explained that at the time, of him passed out after chatting with Gaara, he was finally going over things on his resolve and knowing what needed to be done.

From there, Naruto told the girls as they kept viewing the memories on what he learned during the Kage Summit meeting and the further truth of Danzo manipulating things from the dark so he could become Hokage. This got the man stricken from the record as Tsunade got out of her coma. Shortly after Tsunade was back into office, things went down further in the drain as Naruto was arrested for the attempted murder of Raikage A.

This shocked the girls more as it was unfair and he was framed for this false charge, but he was sent to the Blood Prison regardless. As the time went on with his misery, Naruto talked about how he first met and befriended Ryuuzetsu after his attempt on escaping the prison. After learning the truth from her on what the warden did to her childhood friend, the two of them planned a prison riot. It was rather interesting on Selina's end on how this went and commented on how it could've gone better in her perspective. Of course that changed as the Box of Enlightenment was revealed and the demon inside was released. In the end of that event, Ryuuzetsu traded her life for Naruto's in order to save him in the end. After all that, Naruto learned that the framing was a hoax to get him inside of the prison to figure things out. This information made the both the younger Naruto and the girlfriends pissed off and made Naruto not trust the others all that well after a heated argument.

When Naruto was recovering from his wounds from the whole prison debacle, his younger self was summoned to Mount Myoboku. Though with how that happened made the girls queezy of him eating a bowl of worms and insects without noticing until the very end due to how hungry he was. Of course he did throw up rather harshly after that and made him feel very weak while he chatted with the Grand Elder Toad Sage. Naruto was given the key to the seal on his stomach and awaited for how it'll be inside of him. That however wasn't pleasant as the girls cringed again seeing the younger Naruto have the giant scroll shoved down his throat and caused him to nearly pass out from that. It was an odd miracle he didn't die from it along with him emptying his stomach contents earlier.

Eventually things went on from there as Naruto was sent to Turtle Island so that he could train and control the Bijuu power as his own. It was rather interesting on how Naruto had officially met and befriended Killer Bee despite both of them badly rapping with each other. The older Jinchuriki lead the younger Naruto to the Waterfalls of Truth, where the later met and confronted his darker half named Yami. It didn't go all that well; but after chatting with Motoi, the Hachibi and the odd customary fistbump Naruto currently inherited, his younger self went back and confronted Yami. It was at this point Pam really paid attention to as she and Ivy saw their beloved accept his darker half since he is apart of him and has to accept him to fully feel whole. This would need to accept all of the pain and suffering he had endured throughout his life up to that point. In the end, Naruto felt better and proceeded with the next part of his training.

Said part though was not easy as the younger Naruto had to fight against the Kyuubi and play the ultimate game of tug-of-war to take the Bijuu chakra as his own. The fight was intense and when Naruto seemed to have lost the tug-of-war, it was there that Naruto had finally met his mother for the first time. It was really sweet on what the girls saw and couldn't help, but shed a few tears (though Harley was balling her eyes out when seeing this in comedic fashion).

Kushina explained on how his parents first met and how she fell in love with her father, with how her future husband liked the color of her hair. Even present day Naruto commented on this as he told Pam that he really liked her hair and it was very beautiful when he first met her. The botanist blushed at this and played with her hair as a result while Selina snickered and Harley wanted her puddin to compliment her hair as well. But after some good conviction, with his mother's help, Naruto was able to defeat the Kyuubi and take his chakra in the end.

With that out of the way, Kushina told Naruto the events on the night of his birth. It was hard to swallow at the time, especially with his mother apologizing on helping place the Jinchuuriki burden on her son. But to her and the girlfriends' surprise, he accepted it with no bitterness that it wasn't her fault at all as it was Tobi's fault to begin with. After the meeting with his mother, things went crazy from there as the island group confronted the hidden Kisame to which the man eventually committed suicide to escape interrogation in a grotesque fashion.

Training commenced for the young Naruto to try and master his newly gained power. It was after a day's worth of training, while in Chakra Mode as he called it, that he sensed something was off. Wanting to confirm what was going on, he tricked the older Jinchuriki into letting him out of the training area before making his attempt to escape the temple. After getting past the Waterfall of Truth, Naruto sensed what was going on in the outside world and demanded to know what happened. So Iruka decided against the wishes of the team of Konoha shinobi present told Naruto the truth that the 4th Shinobi War was currently taking place and the Allied Forces needed to keep the two Jinchuuriki away from the action. It was even more disturbing as the enemies that Tobi was using against the Allied Forces was the very dead themselves. But after a brief discussion on his younger counterpart and revealing his Chakra Mode, he and Kirabi escaped their confinements and joined the war effort.

On their way towards the first section of the war, the two were confronted by Tsunade and A. It was difficult for the two to get past them, but it got a bit easier after convincing the Hokage to let them pass despite A's insistence to keep them out. It was even harder for the Raikage to keep the Jinchuuriki down once Naruto used his clone technique to create thousands of clones and spread them out the Elemental Nations to help things out. The main Naruto and Kirabi eventually ran into the Edo Tensei Itachi and Nagato and a fight commenced. Naruto did explain to Itachi on what he had to kill Sasuke and there was not backing out from his conviction to the point Itachi had to surrender and possibly let it happen.

Soon after, a large influx of memories went passing through and Naruto had decided to skip a lot of what happened since it was generally the same of Naruto helping defeating the Edo Tensei forces. That was until their boyfriend stopped and showed them something that shook his very core from one of his clones' memories: the reveal of Madara Uchiha and the Edo Tensei decimating several hundred shinobi on his own. What was more scarier for not only Naruto, but also for the girls was when Madara had summoned two fucking meteorites from the sky to possibly wipe out the battalion of Allied forces. It was at that point, after the five current Kage arrived to confront Madara, that the Naruto clone in the area dispersed to let the main Naruto what was going on.

Just in time too since at that moment, Naruto and Kirabi were confronted by Tobi, the false Madara, with the other Edo Tensei Jinchuriki two-seven. The Jinchuuriki clashed with each other with Naruto hoping he could get rid of the hidden chakra rods inside of the bodies so the dead could finally be at peace. Things escalated as the Edo Tensei Jinchuriki went into their version 2 cloaked forms that made things truly difficult at first. But what the girls experienced could only be something that could be called a true clash of titans once the controlled Jinchuriki went full Tailed Beast and it was truly a sight to behold. Even Selina couldn't help but be at awe when she saw the Nibi in her full flaming glory while Pam and Harley viewed the other Bijuu.

Things led to another when Naruto was swallowed whole inside of the giant monkey known as the Yonbi. But when Naruto went into Chakra Mode, it was then that Naruto ended up in his mindscape and chatted with the Yonbi himself with chains holding him down. After some little chatter, Naruto learned of Son Goku's name and his request from being free from the confinement. He complied and after some effort, the younger Naruto was successful in destroying the chakra receiver that was controlling Son Goku before he got sucked up by the large statue in the distance. But if Naruto wanted to take care of the other controlled Bijuu, he needed help from the Kyuubi.

It was difficult at best on the discussion that took place inside of the seal. But Naruto expressed his feelings on wanting to save the other Bijuu and would do anything to do so as he opened Kyuubi's cage. It was there that Naruto learned the fox's name was Kurama and the two went on full force against the false Madara and the remaining controlled Bijuu. Suffice to say, it was really epic on the girls' parts as they felt the rush going on as Naruto faced them in his Tailed Beast form.

Naruto won in the end and before the other Bijuu were taken like of what happened to Son Goku, the former blonde wound back up inside of his mindscape. There he saw the two tails to the seven tails with their respective Jinchuriki present as he chatted and befriended each of them. Once he fist bumped with each of them at once, more like a giant conjoining of hands on Naruto's fist, the Uzumaki learned each of their respective names of both the Bijuu and their respective hosts before he went back out to fight.

"And after that, I went out to stop Tobi once and for all." Naruto spoke out as he was wrapping up his long discussion with his girlfriends. "But the guy pulled a move at the last moment and things went downhill. Last thing I knew, I was dealing with the greatest amount of pain I could ever experience before I wound up in this world. From there I parted with Kurama, who now has a body of his own and we went our separate ways. And that was how I got here girls."

After all that discussion, Naruto felt a little exhausted with his mouth feeling a bit of pain from talking for so long. Although they were in his mindscape so it was hard to tell once he and the girls woke up. As for the girls… Well…

"...Damn." Selina simply said as she tried to process everything she just learned from the love of her life. "That's a lot to take in."

"Well I did want to tell you the truth on where I came from Selina."

"And what did you do after that?" Pamela spoke out as she asked what was on the other's minds.

"Traveled through Eurasia (the combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia) for two years on my own till I came to America eight years ago." He said before standing back up and stretched out a little. "Well... I think that's enough discussion for one day and I think it's time for us to get out of here."

"But how puddin?" Harley asked when sitting back up as Isis seemingly sat perfectly on her head. "We don't know how to get out of here."

"Don't worry about that Harley." He said as the platform below started to glow in a bright light. "We'll be out soon enough."

And with that, the light consumed them all.

-Waking World-

The three girlfriends groggily woke up as they held their heads with what could possibly be the biggest headaches they could ever have.

*Groan* "I hope that was all real or else I'm blaming someone for that trippy moment."

"You and me both Selina, but that was all real." Pam stated as the two women grabbed a glass of water nearby and chugged it all in one go.

"So are you girls okay?" Naruto asked from his placement on the couch, gaining varying looks from his girls.

"If you can make this headache go away, then I'll be very chipper Naru-poo." Harley said getting a chuckle from her love before he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Feeling better."

*Giggle* "Yeah."

"Well it's going to take more than that on our parts Naruto." Selina pointed out as she walked over to the kitchen to grab some ibuprofen for Pam and herself.

As the thief was doing her thing, Pam glanced at the clock nearby and couldn't help but comment about it. "Mind explaining why only half an hour or so has past while it felt like hours in that place we were at?"

"Dreams tend to run 1/100th the speed of reality. So if it felt like a year while you were in a dream is in reality, six or so hours." The intern spoke out getting varying looks from the others. "What?~ I know I'm cooky right now, but I still know my stuff about the brain just as a reminder."

Accepting this bit of knowledge, the others went onto other matters. "So… What do you three think about me now?"

*Sigh* "It's a lot to take in Naruto." The botanist said as she was handed some pills from the thief. Once swallowing them with water to wash them down, she continued. "But you did come clean to us on what you were like before coming here."

"Even with my mind right now, it made things seemingly clear from what I've read from your 'Ninja Storm' book and other facts you told each of us." Pointed out the intern.

"I agree with Harl and it does make sense on how you pulled off some of your pranks you told me back when I was in jail."

"But do you forgive me?" The publisher asked as he looked at each of their faces. "Do you forgive me for keeping this from you? I can understand if you don't, but I wanted to tell you at some point. I just didn't expect it to be so soon."

Nothing was said as the girls silently looked at each other. With a subtle suggestion from the ravenette, the two other women stood up and walked over to the kitchen to discuss things. Soon the former shinobi felt a weight on his lap and saw Isis staring up at him.

"So… I hope you enjoyed the show in my head Isis." He said as he scratched her head. She purred in response with how well he was hitting the right spot. "I probably guess you liked the big bad, Matatabi."

*Meowr* *Meowr*

"Well don't worry girl, you're actually the best feline I've interacted the most. *Chuckle* Way better than that demon Tora." The purrs seemed a little louder than before making Naruto realize that Isis was rather pleased with his response.

"Well Naruto." Pamela spoke out to gain his attention. "We've come to a decision."


"And… We forgive you."

'That's a little relief.' He thought before he noticed that there was more to be said.

"But that doesn't mean you are left unpunished from what you've kept from us." Selena added in getting their boyfriend a very confused look.


"So we decided that you're going to have a punishment from each of us." The pale woman said as she and the others were growing a smile that seemed to unsettle the whiskered male.

"...Which are…. What exactly?"

"From me," the botanist first spoke, "you won't be getting any action until I say so. And that means no sex and kisses."

'Bu-But sister! That's not what I agreed on! I wanted to have a good pounding from our king when we got back!' Ivy yelled out inside of the botanist's mind making her wince slightly.

'Hush and settle down Ivy. I just want to see how long he'll last.' Pamela thought as she saw their beloved squirm in his spot in an fidgety manner. 'He'll burst and ravage us in untold pleasure when the time comes.'

'...He better.' Pouted the darker half before she briefly took over and spoke out. "And that means you can't do any of that Selina."

"...Fine." The thief grumbled in agreement with a twitch of her eye.

"As for me, since we are now dating, I want you to take me out on a shopping spree!" Harley said in an excited manner.

"...Okay." He could understand on Harley's request since she probably wants to exploit the little shopping habit most girlfriends get their boyfriends to do for them. The publisher might as well get used to this. 'At least Pam and Selina haven't requested such a thing so far in our relationship.'

Naruto soon turned his attention towards the last woman in the room as she stalked him with a predatory look in her eyes. He slowly backed away from her on the couch since his senses were screaming to get away from her. He couldn't do so since it might hurt things with his second girlfriend.

"Saving the best for last would be me." Selena said as she climbed onto the couch. Pam and Harley didn't know what the thief was planning to do, but they hope it was rewarding in the end. "And all I want you to do for us is… not do nothing."

"Huh?" Was the surrounding thought shared between the others.

"And let us do this." The ravenette then placed her hand against his cheek and started to rub it.

"W-What?! No do-O-O-Ooooooo…" He called out before the sounds of purring rang throughout the loft. The other two women gained surprised looks

"D-Did he just-?" "Yup!" Selena said to finish off Pam's thought. *Chuckles* "He apparently purrs."

"I-I-I do no-O-O-Oooooo…"

This caused Harley to squeal in absolute delight before making a mighty bound to land onto the couch, knocking Selena off in the process, before she started petting Naruto's whiskered cheeks.

"This is so adorable!" She spoke out while petting the cheeks without stop. "Artie was right! You are a catman!"


"I'll tell you who I'm talking about later Selena. But now, whisker time!"

And so Naruto laid there helplessly as the three girls took turns playing with his whiskers. He purred and purred to their delight as it felt like torture with how humiliating it was. But he had to endure so his three lovers would feel happy. So after some time of the three having their 'whisker time', Pamela spoke out.

"You know girls;" she said gaining their attention, "to possibly commemorate our new found relationship with our lover, I want to give you two something that'll help your very being out a lot."

"What do you mean Red?"

*Sigh* "Well Naruto, do you remember what happened when I went all 'environmentalist crazy'?"

"...Yeah." He said with a hint of a downcasted tone. "How can I forget?"

"Especially when I kissed you and almost died."

"Wait! What?!" The other two women yelled out as they looked at the first couple in questioning.

"How can I forget Pam?" He said while sitting back up. "I really felt that I was about to die."

"And what about the next time we kissed?"

"...I didn't die?" Yeah how didn't he die.

"At the moment of you dying, I injected you with a vaccine that made you immune to not only my poison; but other poisons and toxins brought from other sources in the known world. And just so you know, my kiss alone is considered the most toxic on the planet."

This gave the other three occupants in the loft an interesting realization on what Pamela concocted. There was another thing that came across Naruto's mind and he decided to address it. "But there was something else in there, wasn't there?"

"...What do you mean love?"

"Well I knew I was strong before after I got my current powers, but I felt that something else was added after I woke up in that abandoned greenhouse. Like I felt stronger, faster and had better reflexes than before."

This made the botanist to adopt a thinking pose in this prospect. "...Huh. Interesting… Possibly my serum had some other side effects that I didn't know before."

'Stronger, faster, better reflexes? Hmm, I like the sound of that.' Selina hummed in thought before she rolled up her sleeve and held out her arm. "Well give it me Pamela."


"You did say that you wanted to give us what you gave Naruto. So lay it on me."

"Yeah, me too!" Harley said with her present giddiness. "It'll make me more awesome than before."

Ignoring the changed intern, the botanist went towards the nearby bouquet of flowers she was given earlier that day. She picked up two of the flowers and crushed their head before focusing her powers to morph them into her liking in each hand. Once opening her palms, the others saw how different they are now than from before.

"Now these carry the exact same formula I made at the time. So prepare yourselves you two since this will be a bit painful."

And without warning, the changed flowers lept out of the botanist's hands and landed onto the women. The plants reared their heads back before slamming into the women's necks. The two then felt a painful, stinging sensation in their necks before it slowly dissipated and the flowers withered and died in the end.

"What the fuck was that Pam?!" The ravenette yelled out as she held onto her neck. "That hurt like hell!"

"Naru!~ Please kiss it better!" The changed blonde whined out with little puppy dog eyes aimed at her love.

"Alright Harley." He said while holding her close before placing his lips on the sore spot.

"Better?" All he got was a pleasant hum in return.

"Now then," Pam spoke before walking towards Selina, "time to see if this really worked or not."

"What do you-MMMPH!"

Suffice to say, Harley and Naruto saw a very hot sight as the two saw Pam kissing Selina on the lips. Even seeing some tongue for a few moments. It made Naruto feel uncomfortable down below as he had to adjust himself from what he was seeing. With Harley's mind, it seemed to shut down on what she was trying to process.

As for Selina, she was extremely shocked in what she was experiencing. Sure she has kissed women in the past and those weren't all that bad. But what she was feeling right now felt so much more than that. It was like very euphoric on both the smell and taste coming off from Pamela. So much so that she had to hold onto the botanist and brought her closer to taste more out of her.

The kiss soon ended, making the thief have a briefly glazed look in her eyes. Once they returned to normal, her eyes turned towards Harley and Naruto with blushes on their faces. Selina was going to say something, but saw the botanist walk over towards the pale woman.

"Come here Harl."

"N-N-Now wait Red. I-I-I don't know if that's a go-MMMPH!"

And once again, Naruto saw a sight that would forever be burned into his memory. It really made him adjust his pants a little more. So much so that Naruto had to get up and get away from the kissing girls.

"I-I'm going to use the re-restroom." He said as he stumbled in his step.


"Well today was interesting to say the least." Naruto commented as he and Pam walked into his bedroom for the evening.

"And I thought it was fun."

"You say that since I had to watch you kiss Selina and Harley several times throughout the day." He said with an accusing tone making her giggle in the process. "It… It wasn't something I was expecting to just happen."

"I know honey, but I wanted to be sure the serum was fully working… At first." She said with a small smile at his reaction. "Then it felt interesting and I wanted to feel it more. Not like Selina and Harl were complaining."

After the whole 'testing' moment earlier in the day, the thief and intern stayed at the apartment and hung out for the majority of the day. Cooking up lunch and dinner between the four as they watched movies to pass the time. Every now and then, Pam would sneak several kisses at the other two girls to get funny reactions out of their shared boyfriend. Soon things were getting late and the two women decided to call it a day and head off to their respective homes. But not before the two women kissed Pam while Harley kissed Naruto since he wasn't getting punished from kissing the pale woman.

"You three just wanted to have fun at my expense." He said as the two were changing into their sleepwear for the evening.

"True, but you should realize that possibly at some point all four of us would be sharing you at the exact same time when we would have our fun~."

And she was right. He should expect that he might be sleeping with not just one of them at the same time at some point. So he should try and get used to such a thing.

So shaking his head in little defeat, he finished changing before seeing his first girlfriend in a pair of flower printed sleepwear. The two slipped underneath their covers before Naruto turned off the nightstand lamp. They got in close and held each other in a loving embrace as they smelled each other's scents.

"...I missed this."

"I missed this as well my love." She said with her snuggling in closer into his warm embrace.

"There's something I wanted to tell you earlier, but I felt that it would've been better if it was in private." This got the botanist to look up at her lover with a curious look, getting Naruto to explain. "You remember that I've told you that I've been in contact with Yggdrasil right? Well I talked to him about your problem with having a child."


Seeing the hope slowly appearing in her eyes, he decided to tell her. "Even though we can adopt a child, I should let you know that there is a possible way for us to actually make one of our own. It'll be difficult, but he said that you'll need to talk to him more about it on the details since some of what he told me flew over my head."

This made the redhead start shedding tears and choke a little on her sobs in happiness. Naruto held her closer and rubbed her back in a comforting tone with a smile. He was happy to see his first girlfriend feel better on the whole idea on children. They might finally make one of their own one day, but it won't be an easy task. But until then…

"But no matter what happens Pam, I still love you." The Uzumaki softly said as the two slowly succumbed towards their slumber.