
Naruto: Unchained Warrior(Hiatus)

A man who had now lived two lives finds himself in the world of Naruto trying to save a village that was destined to be destroyed. -Characters that aren’t OC belong to their author -Haven’t read or watched Naruto in a minute so I might get a few things wrong -Enjoy!

Godfather_ · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

•2-Uzumaki's intruder•

The land of eddies was soon to be under attack. Shinobi carrying large scrolls on their backs bustled about. Their expressions battle hardened as they are prepared to lose their lives.

It had been made known to them that they would probably not win this war. That was okay. They just wished for their bloodline to continue to live on.

Men, women, and children all worked together in order to defend Uzushiogakure from those that lay in wait beyond the border. They knew allies would not be arriving. Of course, that was because Konohagakure had abandoned them.

The population of red heads would have never thought in their entire lives that three of the most powerful villages would come together to wipe them off the map. And for what?

They were a loving village and disliked conflict. However, the threat their Fuinjutsu posed to the other villages could be said to be great. That is why they were feared.

All of the Uzumaki could do now was pray for a miracle to happen.

Mountain ranges and large bodies of water surrounded Uzushiogakure. Whirlpools would often form where there was water. Because of conditions like this, it was often hard to find, and even harder to navigate as the Uzumaki scattered their Fuinjutsu seals and created innumerable traps in the surroundings.

One needed the guidance of an Uzumaki to enter the village. However, how could all of that possibly stop the combined might for three powerful villages?

It was not possible.

The materialization of a black portal caught the attention of all of the Uzumaki running through. Instantly some of them clutched at their shuriken and kunai, others at their tools and scrolls.

Their enemies couldn't have possibly found an alternative way into their village, right?

"Everyone get behind me and be ready!" Said Uzumaki Kou.

His breath quickened to the beating of his heart. He hadn't expected an attack so soon and out of the blue. But as an Elite Jounin he had to show leadership.

Going through a series of hand signs he created five identical clones.

The wait wasn't long.

A leg first came from the portal and the followed the rest of the body. A tall man, nearly two meters looked around as the portal behind him closed.

"State your business!" Kou commanded while carefully observing him.

The unknown man raised his thick arms into the sky, prompting their nerves to intensify. A soft smile painted his face, "I come in peace."

Kou sure hoped that was the case, still, one could never be too careful.

The man's short red hair that seemed to be recently cut off made him seem as if he were an Uzumaki. However, different from any Uzumaki Kou had seen, or any clan for that matter, the man had an unknown doujutsu.

This came in the form of a third eye above his brows. The eye had a black draconic slit with a sclera of a mixture of colors. It was both beautiful and dangerous.

'What kind of doujutsu is that? What does it do? Who is this man? Where does he come from?'

Too many questions, not enough answers.


Shiva arrived in this strange world. The first thing he came to see was a group of ninja ready to attack. Oddly enough they all had similar red hair. One thing was for certain, he definitely was no longer in his old world.

The energy he cultivated in his old world instantly left his body.

'What's going on?'

A moment later, a new and foreign energy came to replace the one that disappeared. It was different, but yet the same. While Qi was like a furnace, this one felt more soothing. As if he were a child being cradled by his mother.

The only problem, he didn't know how to use it.

This new energy seemed to be connected to the use of his eye, as the longer he kept it open the more it would drain in his body. Although it was miniscule amount it made him quite curious.

"What seems to be the problem?" Spoke an elderly man.


He walked through the crowd of shinobi as they made way and parted for him. Shiva gazed at the new presence and the man gazed at him as well.

"Ashina-sama." Kou bowed. "We have an intruder in our village."

Ashina stroked his goatee, "Yes... that seems to be the case."


"He claims to have no harmful intentions towards the village, but we are unsure as to his background. What should we do?"

Ashina's wrinkled old eyes squinted. His hand stopped as he set it on top of his cane. Looking at Shiva from top to bottom he couldn't but exclaim, "That's quite the body you have there youngster. Hmm, yes, young and full of strength. What do you go by?"

Shiva stopped himself mid-sentence. By coming to this world, he had essentially started over. However, that didn't mean that he would sever all ties to his past.


His original name.

Nodding, Ashina replied. "In that case if you could follow me back to my office to answer a few questions, that would be appreciated. You see, we are treading on thin ice right now, so we have to make sure you are not an enemy."

Yuudai saw no problem with it. He was an unknown man in their territory, and by the looks of it they were preparing for something big to happen. If he was in their position, he would have forcefully detained him and then asked questions later.

He was led through the village behind Ashina by Kou and another Jounin of the village.


Ashina smoked as he watched the village from the Uzukage tower. He hated seeing children so young being sent to war, but he didn't have a choice in the matter.

It was either killed or be killed, and he doubted his people would rather sit idly as they are being slayed.

Yuudai stretched his arms on the wide sofa. The feeling of being free was unrivaled. In this world no one knew who he was or what he had done. His mind felt as though light as air.

"So... Yuudai-san. Where do you come from?" Ashina asked, the curiosity unable to be hidden from his eyes.

"A land far far away. It's unlikely that you will ever go there," Yuudai said. "A land filled with corruption and the people's greed for power. War ravages the land. It's a place one can only survive if they are strong. Both mentally, and physically."

Kou frowned. 'A sketchy answer.'

"I see. Well, do you know where you are? How you got here?"

Yuudai shook his head and Ashina carried on further to explain.

"This is Uzushiogakure, or some call it the land of Whirlpools. Very soon we will be plunged into war and as a stranger I'm sure you don't want to involve yourself with this villages problem. It would be wise for you to take your leave sooner than later."

War, huh? War again. Yuudai cracked a smile.

"What is funny?" Ashina asked.

"Do you have any hope of winning this war?"

Ashina gazed away. "Truthfully, no. However, this is our last stand as a clan. Even if we are all wiped out, we'll make sure to give those bastards hell."

Yuudai admired the old man's spirit. Even near his deathbed his aura was still that of a warrior on a battlefield ready to strike at whoever may come.

There was no hesitation in his words, and it was clear he was ready to die for his people and his village.

"In that case I will help you," Yuudai crossed his arms over, "In return I would like you to help me with control over this energy in my body and information on a few things."

Ashina raised an eyebrow, unsure of the thoughts racing through his mind. Had he not heard what he said, or just chose to ignore it? Perhaps that was just the type of man that he was.

A man who acted on his whims.

'He called chakra 'energy'. That is odd.'

"We're fighting a losing battle youngster. I carry the lives of all of my people on my back. I can't possibly add another life to that fire," Ashina tried to explain.

"It's fine, as long as it's my choice you don't have to feel responsible. I don't have the intention of participating in the war to die. I need to recover some lost strength, and there is no better solution."

"...Fine. Suit yourself."

For a person whose life has been riddled with wars and battles, it was impressive that Yuudai had not gotten sick of it yet. In fact, through fighting and violence was the only way he got stronger.

He loved it.

He was a machine that would become finer tuned and more advanced with each battle. To call him a battle maniac would not be wrong, but he also preferred peaceful solutions.

Figuring that he lost all of the skills that came with Qi, Yuudai decided to use this war as a way to gain techniques and skills from this world.

"Ashina-San, what are you going to war for?"

"It is complicated," Ashina looked out the window as he prepared to answer the expected question. "In short, they are fearful of our prowess in the art of Fuinjutsu."

Fuinjutsu? Yuudai thought on the word, nothing coming to mind.

"They fear our power… the power to seal even a god."

Ashina's grin stretched as he envisioned all of the potential of their clan's Fuinjutsu. To seal a god, chakra beasts, space, perhaps even time.

It was no wonder they were so feared. That type of power… it shouldn't be allowed to exist.

'The power to seal a god… interesting.'

"Something has been bugging me for a while Yuudai-San," Ashina spoke, gathering Yuudai's attention. "What kind of doujutsu is that?"

"Doujutsu? I'm not sure I follow."

Ashina face palmed. "I apologize, let me explain. A doujutsu is…"


"I see." Yuudai nodded as he understood.

"This… is indeed a doujutsu. And you want to ask me what it is capable of?"

He stayed silent on the matter. It was clear that was all he would say and Ashina acknowledged that.

"Alright, I won't ask anything more. All I will do is ask for your help in this upcoming war, although your chakra hovers around only Jounin level I'm sure you have many cards hidden underneath your sleeves."

Ashina would surely say so. He was a Kage level ninja and the threat the man across from him released sent chills down his spine. There was definitely more to him than just his chakra.

A strong body that seemed to be filled with power, yet his feet steps softer than any assassin. He had noticed all of the shinobi hidden that were carefully watching him despite not knowing how to utilize his chakra.

Was it instincts? Or something else?

"As for controlling your chakra and things of that nature… I shall help you."