
Naruto: Unchained Warrior(Hiatus)

A man who had now lived two lives finds himself in the world of Naruto trying to save a village that was destined to be destroyed. -Characters that aren’t OC belong to their author -Haven’t read or watched Naruto in a minute so I might get a few things wrong -Enjoy!

Godfather_ · Anime & Comics
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A child was born into the world without parents. The skies became colored with darkness and a chaotic force influenced the world.

Wrapped in a cocoon that soon began to hatch came out a small body.

No one knew exactly where this child was, only that something that should not have been born was released into their world.


The child was now five years old. His red hair reaching his lower back and strength unlike any child his age. His third eye was beautiful.

He swung holding onto natures glorious limbs as a smile donned his face.

A horse carriage, where had it come from? He didn't know what it was, only finding interest in the strange object.

A man in the carriage spotted him, gazing from far away and the boy could feel mist in the air. He turned directions and bolted through the jungle in one motion. Whoever or whatever was in there, he wanted nothing to do with it.

Thats what his instincts told him.

Grinning, the man in a tuxedo disappeared and reappeared blocking the young boy from further advancement. His aura wrapped around the boy.

"You look like an interesting kid. Mhm, I choose you. You will be my successor."

Not knowing even the most basics of the language he couldn't make out what the man was saying. But, the evil expression hinted that it was by no means lovely.

The man vanished and he lost sight of him, in the next moment the world began to spin as his vision darkened.


A god of war. That's what they told him he would become. It was his so-called destiny.

He didn't buy any of their crap. Memories of the twenty first century had plagued his mind, and that was how he knew he didn't belong here. Or anywhere for that matter, and that was because he should be dead.

He couldn't figure out how he had arrived here, but he did remember how he had gotten this "power." He had wished for it.

A power that would guarantee his survival regardless of the world he reincarnated in.

Forced to go through grueling training everyday he was improving at an alarming rate. At only ten years old with half a year of training he surpassed many of the kingdoms strongest knights.

Such potential, it was unheard of.

His fist itself had the power to move the wind behind it, and his speed unable to be seen by the naked eye. And he wielded all weapons as if it was second nature.

No doubt, he was their future. Their king on the battlefield. And he would lead their nation into prosperity. However, there were some who didn't quite like the idea of that.

They wanted the power to themselves. It threatened their positions, their history, and future generations. All because of one boy. And if they couldn't have it, they had to destroy it.

Although he was ten years old, one could mistaken him to be much older. He was taller than all of his peers and his detailed face as well as temperament gave the illusion he was older than he seemed.

He circulated the energy called "Qi" in his body underneath a heavy waterfall. A dim red light outlined his body as his face began to pale.

"Urgh!" He spat a creature reminiscent of a centipede from his mouth. Before it got very far a gravitational force descended upon it, killing it. "Just a few more years…"

He gripped tightly on the shark tooth around his neck. His third eye shot open, A black slit centered in a multitude of colors. "I wonder at that time… will you still be able to look at me the same."


War was soon to break out with a neighboring kingdom. Both Kingdoms military strength were evenly matched, and no doubt this war would be a gruesome one.

However, they had a secret weapon.


That was the name that had been given to him.

He stood upright at the edge of the Kingdoms walls. His black armor looked impenetrable and his gaze holding unparalleled confidence.

To his side was a girl a few years older than himself. Her blue hair danced to the breeze and purple eyes looked ahead with expectation. It was going to be her first war and she would be in participation as the head mage.

The youngest head mage in history and the god of war. What better match made in heaven?

"Are you nervous, Eve?" Shiva joked.

Eve shook her head, brushing her head to the side as her soft voice spilled out into the air. "Yeah… just a little bit. But I prepared a lot for this, you know?"

That's right, she had trained for years by killing prisoners. By this point she had become okay with the fact she would have to take lives. However, war was truly a different ball game.

Shiva's red pupils gazed at her affectionately, "Did you now? just don't overdo it."

He tightened the grip on his two black blades as he picked multiple presences up from a distance. He raised his hands, warning the massive army behind him of the impending danger.

It was time.

"They are here. Men, are you prepared to lay down your lives?!!"

""""For our great nation!! For our wives!! For our children!!! WE WILL SHED BLOOD!!!""""

The shouts resounded and the morale of these soldiers increased. Some of them would undoubtedly die today. This was the battle that would set this war off.

And they had no intention to lose it. Not with him at their sides.

Shiva nodded his head and raised one sword pointing it forward. The army charged ahead. Their marches and shouts scaring off even the birds in the sky.

Shiva didn't waste anytime either. The enemy was there ahead, charging like their own army.

"Be careful," The young woman said.

"Thanks, I will."

Lightning crackled around the young warriors body. He disappeared in a red blur, landing right in the middle of the enemies ranks. The ground beneath him cracked his presence became the only thing that was focused on.

His arrival caused fear and those who were closest didn't know what had happened before their heads detached from their bodies.

They found their movements limited from an unknown force. Their physical strengths were being sucked away and the morale they had forcefully taken from them, transferred to the army behind Shiva

With each person he slayed, Shiva absorbed their stats. Strength, speed, vitality, stamina. All of it.

What was originally intended to start as a small evenly matched battle between both sides had turned into a one side massacre.

The enemy was mysteriously unable to gather motivation to fight. Fireballs were shot into their army charring their bodies and reducing them to rubbles and ashes.

Others had it worse, drowning to death by oversized water bubbles.

Blood stained the frail grass as the metallic scent filled the air. The battle was over quickly. Obviously, this wasn't close to the enemy's full strength, but Shiva's kingdom had gotten the momentum in this war.

The soldiers shouts once again filled the atmosphere.


He had made a name for himself. Slaying the enemies famed general after only a few seconds of engaging in the battle.

A war that lasted five years. Many had been killed, lost loved ones, friends, and even lovers.

Still, it was their victory. Celebration was only right.

Shiva attended a banquet with the king, his gorgeous wife-to-be right at his side. He had grown even taller and received envy from many of the young men from different noble families.

A god on the battlefield, handsome, money, power, and status. What more could a man have?

Eve smiled gazing around as she held onto his hand. It had been a long five years, but they were finally home.

"Welcome, everyone!" The gold tooth King grinned. "Before we start this celebration, I would like to thank everyone here and beyond for their sacrifices. I would also like to ask for Shiva Chas Arden to step forward."

Eve glanced at him as he rose from his seat. Just before, he whispered two words in her ears that caused her expression to scrunch.

"I'm sorry."

The king patted his shoulder. "You've done well. Exceptionally. This war could not have been won without your efforts. So, for this I would like to reward you something. Is there anything you may want?"

Shiva stood still, seemingly in deep thought. Of course, this moment was what he looked forward to his whole life. At this moment he wanted...

"Yes. I would like your life."

It was as though he was chatting to an old friend about the past, so casual in fact, that many failed to process what he said.

"Your majesty!"

They were too late.

The skinny blade embedded in his heart as the king stumbled back, in disbelief as he grabbed the object.

"H-how you were s-supposed to be-"

"Your slave? Not anymore. And you," Shiva glanced at the fearful golden-haired prince. "I recall you tried to kill me once."

He grinned the squirming prince by his neck. Crushing it as the noble families finally came to their senses.

Was their hero going to commit treason?!

The Queen backed away crawling from the crazed man, and the black-haired prince watched from the sideline, exchanging a glance with Shiva.

'I'll leave the rest to you.'

"Quick, catch him before he escapes!"

A noble man said. He looked around and noticed the guards bodies crashed into the ground.

"Escape? Me? Haha."

This was power.

Power he wished he had as a child when the man whom he had built a bond with was ruthlessly murdered and backstabbed by his own people.

Power that he needed when this rotten king leashed him like a dog.

Power has gotten him this far. He didn't need to run. Who could stop him? Everyone here realized this.

No one could.

It was suicide.

Eve was unable to gather her thoughts. Her brother and father were murdered by the man she held dearly in her heart. What was she to think?

"All this time, did you only use me?" She looked at him, a smile donning her face. But it was obvious the bridge of tears was close to breaking. "Did you love me?"

Shiva said nothing.

Sometimes silence was the best answer.

He stopped in the middle of the shocked crown, no one daring to move under his gaze.

A portal formed in front of him, and out of it came a robed man. His beard reached down to his chest and his eyes the soft look of a father to his son. "All finished?"

"Let's go, somewhere far… far away from here."

Eve reached out her hands, but her voice couldn't make a sound. Her pupil eyes soiled with mist. Only able to watch as Shiva entered the portal. Forever gone.