
Naruto: Unchained Warrior(Hiatus)

A man who had now lived two lives finds himself in the world of Naruto trying to save a village that was destined to be destroyed. -Characters that aren’t OC belong to their author -Haven’t read or watched Naruto in a minute so I might get a few things wrong -Enjoy!

Godfather_ · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

•[MC Ability]•

Name: Yuudai

Age: 20

Ability: Eyes Of Sin

-Eyes Of Pride: Specifically, the Eyes of Pride allow their users to exert their force of will upon the target(s) in the form of pressure. This can be done in a number of different ways, which could be anything from increasing the intensity of gravity for specific individuals to just amplifying the force of the user's strikes. Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected, though it is not impossible that an exception could eventually manifest.

-Eyes Of Envy: Specifically, the Eyes of Envy allow their users to effectively "become" any person that they choose to or "transform" another person in the same way, which can happen in terms of their body, abilities, or both. When activated with the intent to become someone physically, the user/target will have their body shapeshift into theirs, while also replicating their voice and any other factors (such as unconscious gestures) that person has. When activated with the intent to become someone non-physically, the user/target will gain all the abilities/weapons of that person at the cost of sealing their own for the duration. However, should the latter application be put into effect, the user/target will retain their true level of power, meaning that they won't become as strong as someone stronger than them (and that any copied weapons would be inferior to the originals); they might also have to hold back to keep things believable if they become someone weaker than them. Each of the aforementioned applications can be activated and dispelled at will by the user of these eyes, which is a must in terms of non-physical replication if the user(s)/target(s) want to use their own abilities. Lastly, similar to the Eyes of Gluttony, it is also possible for a user of the eyes to potentially retain the ability to use the powers of their target even without the Eyes, as long as said powers are not exclusive to certain bloodlines or beings with vastly different biology. Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected, though it is not impossible that an exception could eventually manifest.

-Eyes Of Gluttony: Specifically, the Eyes of Gluttony allow their users to absorb energy-based attacks in order to refuel their own reserves/power up their own attacks. While there is in fact a limit to how much energy users can contain, that can vary from person to person, as well as be improved with training. Depending on one's own proficiency with these eyes, they may also be able to make use of the various forms of energy that they have absorbed; whether or not they will retain the ability to make use of them after expelling the initial absorbed energy (not unlike the Eyes of Envy) depends on how well they comprehend it, but even so most who possess these eyes never reach that level. Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected. But, unlike the other varieties, the Eyes of Gluttony can allow users to absorb energy through their hands.

-Eyes Of Lust: Specifically, the Eyes of Lust allow their users to make targets feel immense amounts of pleasure to the point that they become unable to focus on anyone else and will eventually die if it lasts long enough. The only ways for this to be avoided or countered is for the intended target to have never experienced the "forbidden" pleasure (doing anything below the belt, if you catch my drift), or if they inflict enough physical pain on themselves to counter the effects (though this is merely a temporary solution in most cases). Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected, although for these particular eyes, it is possible for their ability as an area-of-effect power. The user can opt to turn this ability into one that affects a wide area, though this has the drawback of affecting allies who may be otherwise qualified to be affected. Alternatively, this ability can be directed on a small group of people (even if they don't meet the requirements), and overload them with pleasure regardless. When using the power of these eyes like this, the ability takes the appearance of tentacles of "light" that grab the targets, but the tangible nature of this kind of attack also means that the tentacles can be severed, thus allowing those attacked to be freed. Alternatively, it could instead take the form of what appear to be blades of "light" that the user can launch towards their target; these blades are as sharp as any normal sword, as well as physical off-white strands that can wrap around the target to inflict the same potency by those who haven't experienced the determined human pleasure. When a victim is overwhelmed by the pleasure of this ability and dies, their body is left with no blemishes, and their souls are described to have simply left their bodies.

-Eyes Of Wrath: Specifically, the Eyes of Wrath allow their users to transfer their own anger to someone else, which could be good or bad for either person depending on the situation. It is also possible for the user to amplify their own anger, which if it isn't done to make someone else even angrier, is likely because the user has enough control over their own anger to have it benefit them rather than the reverse. Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected, though it is not impossible that an exception could eventually manifest.

-Eyes Of Sloth: Specifically, the Eyes of Sloth allow their users to transfer/store kinetic energy between themselves and various targets to use however they see fit. The most common use of these eyes is for the user to take kinetic energy from others during combat to slow them down and use the stored energy for themselves in an emergency. Alternatively, this stored kinetic energy can also be transferred from the user(s) to others in order to support them during combat, as well as into objects for any number of purposes. Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected, though it is not impossible that an exception could eventually manifest.

-Eye Of Greed: Specifically, the Eyes of Greed allow their users to "rob" objects and the physical abilities of other creatures, without making any actual or direct contact. "Robbing" objects seems to have the effect of stopping the particular object's motion, and also allows the wielder to grab and pull it; such an ability can be used to stop the usage of equipment during a battle. One drawback is that while the weapons themselves become unusable, techniques that do not require motion are not restricted. Users are also able to basically steal the physical abilities of their opponents, including speed, stamina and raw strength, and add it to their own, thus strengthening themselves, and weakening their opponents. The amount of strength users can steal is limited, though this limit can be improved with training, as one's body can only contain so much before they reach their maximum capacity. When comparing these eyes to Divine Dividing, they have the edge in terms of ease of use, but the aforementioned Sacred Gear remains superior due to how it can keep draining power while removing the excess from its wielder. If a user of these eyes were to learn the sensation of "giving" instead of "taking", theoretically allowing them to become capable of giving their own power and strength to others, healing and strengthening them as a result. Like all Eyes of Sin, the target(s) typically have to be within the user's field of view in order to be affected, though it is not impossible that an exception could eventually manifest.