
Naruto: True World

A lazy guy reincarnates into Naruto world. What does he do? He waits for the tropes to kick in. Where are my advantages? Where is my cheat? I don't like to do hard work. I don't wanna. But there is no choice here. I don't wanna die in this dangerous world. it's do or die here. Story expectations: 1. There will be lots of elements that will be explored in the novel. 2. There will be Newer arcs as the story setting is at least 12-13 years earlier than anime. 3. MC will build his power bit by bit. All of his power will reflect the training he undergoes. 4. Although the Novel name is decided on a whim, Naruto's world will be explored thoroughly 5. The brutality and gore of the shinobi world will be displayed in its full glory. 6. There is a strong focus on personal relationships as well. Author Intro: I'm starting my first book for casual writing, and I welcome new ideas from the readers. This is my first novel so I may have some difficulties, but I am committed to improving as I am writing this book. Thus any feedback that can help enhance the book is highly appreciated. I am open to any suggestions that can improve the overall quality of my writing. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except for the original characters that I will Introduce in the novel) The cover isn't mine. If the original creator wants me to remove it. please write it in the comment section. Request: Please join me on Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=80097421 Support me with whatever you can. Thanks & please enjoy!.

Admirers_Quill · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Blackmail Touring

Shin was currently near the Ninja weaponry shop. He was standing a bit away from it. 

He could see a few people mainly ninjas going in and out of the shop, but no small children.

'How should I do this?'.

His eyes scanned the area, and suddenly, a group of kids, aged between nine and ten, approached him. With a bright smile, he approached the confident-looking leader.

"Wow, you guys are ninjas, right?".

The one in the lead puffed up his small chest proudly in front of him, "Yes, I am from the greatest clan in the leaf!."

"Oh really? I didn't know Uchihas are now calling themselves Senjus. How nice.", Unfazed, a girl from the back retorted with a smirk.

The Uchiha boy blushed, flustered, and stammered, "Shut up... Shut up, Hana. Nobody is talking to you."

The other three kids started laughing. 

Shin, a bit amused at the interaction asked again, "Oh big brother, I want to see the ninja tools, can you come with me, please?".

"Why should I help you?, They don't allow kids anyway. Beat it, kid."

Suddenly, he got smacked at the back of his head. 

"Cut it, Rei. Help the kid out. If you go with him, nobody is going to care. Or do you wanna another smackdown", the girl named Hana said with fists mashing against each other.

"All right, all right, jeez, would you ease up with the punches?". 

He then muttered in a soft voice, "Must be on her period."

"What was that?"A dark voice glowered in the back. 

"Oh, nothing... nothing. Hey, kid, let's go. I'll show you the shop," Rei said hurriedly, grabbing Shin's hand and leading him towards the shop.

"Big brother, Why are we running?"

"Be quiet, Kid. You don`t know what kind of danger we just avoided". 

'Well, It was your fault though'. Shin thought. Wisely avoiding this conversation, Shin pointed towards the shop. "Big brother, now can you give me the tour."

Rei sighed exasperatedly, "Brat, do you think I have that much time, to give a kid a tour of the shop? Beat it, I'm not giving you any tour."

"Oh, Okay, then". Shin replied nonchalantly. He turned around and spoke a bit loudly, "Well! Then I have to ask that nice big sister this time. She will give me a tour for sure"

"What did you say, kid? You got a death wish or something?." Rei said with malevolent eyes. 

In a cheerful tone, Shin replied, "Oh, nothing much. What was the name of that big sister? Hana right. I will just tell her that big brother wasn`t able to give me the tour. She will help me. I am sure". 

After another two minutes of a battle of wills, Rei finally surrendered, "Ah, fine, come, I will show you"

With a triumphant grin, Shin followed Rei into the shop.

They then moved inside the reception area, where Rei approached the desk to check them in. Shin observed the process with curiosity.

'Hmm, I see, ninja shops have to keep check of all the people going in and out.'

After checking in, they moved towards the Melee weapons section. 

"Go nuts kid. You can see them but don't touch any." Rei warned. 

"Yes", Shin replied obediently, his eyes scanning the assortment of swords before him.

A big tag of Kenjutsu was hung at the beginning of the aisle. There were all kinds of swords in the shop, ranging from short swords to twin swords, medium swords, katanas, and giant swords. The prices varied from 10,000 Ryos to a staggering 300,000 Ryos.

At the last price tag of 450,000 Ryos, Shin's knees buckled, his heart crying out, 'Would I ever be able to buy this stuff? Even if I do buy them, What`s the point, any jutsu at or above A ranks could destroy these swords quite easily".

'Well, it's not like those ninjas are very great in number. I probably would not have to face them for a long time. The Orochimaru incident was just a one-time thing, I`m sure', He consoled himself. 

Looking at the last sword, He asked Rei, "Big brother, Why is that sword a bit shining?"

"Oh that, it probably has 0.1% chakra metal in it.", Rei replied

Looking at the price tag on the huge display case, His eyes widened with disbelief. 

1 million Ryos. 

'What the fuck', Shin screamed in his mind

He questioned Rei, "Big brother, Why is its price so high and... and what is Chakra metal?." 

"You ask a lot of questions kid?" Replied Rei in an annoyed tone. 

Shin innocently pointed outside the shop, "Hmm, So Sister Hana is that way, right?"

Glaring at Shin, Rei replied, "Grr, I`ll tell you, Chakra metal is a very unique and famous metal. There are very few mines present in the world. That is why it is very expensive and any weapon that has a bit of chakra metal shines even without sunlight. If you become a ninja, then you can read more about it in the library."

"Big brother Rei, you're from the Uchiha clan right? You would know a lot. Why don't you just tell me, please?". 

Rei a bit embarrassed, said in a fluster, "Oh... I... haven't been to that section yet. Anyway, what does it matter? When you get to the academy, you can learn more about it. Now hurry up, kid, and stop wasting my time."

Turning away, he made it clear that he didn't want to talk anymore about this. 

After this little debacle, They toured other areas of the shop and saw a myriad of weapon types. Wooden staffs, those carried by the Akimichi clan, chains, batons, and spears. Shin just skimmed through these types as he didn't find these weapons all that amazing to look. 

'Wow, that is Hanzo`s weapon, right'. Looking at a big Kusarigama, He tried to touch it with a bit of fascination. Rei moved in quickly and batted his hand away. 

"Kid, I told you, You can't touch them. The owner is a bit crazy. If he sees a little kid touching it, then he will charge us because he knows that we are just here for looking not buying the weapons.", Rei said in an instructing tone. 

"Yes, big brother." 

Moving to the ranged weapon section, He saw bows and arrows and wondered, 'Wow, these are here too. Does anyone even use them? I don't remember any ninjas using bows and arrows in the anime, except in Sasuke's flashback scenes.'

Finally, they arrived at the Shuriken Aisle. There were many types of kunai and short blades like Senbons, and Shurikens, those kunai used by Minato as well. Shin pointed to the Kunai with the attached paper. 

"Big brother, What do these papers do? Won't they get ripped easily?"

Fed up with his antics, Rei replied in an annoyed tone, "Those are explosion tags. When a ninja throws them, and activates the chakra in these lines, they create a small explosion. It's very good and these tags are very expensive. It costs about 1000 Ryo per tag"

"What are these lines on it?",

Wiping Shin`s hand away from the tags again, Rei replied, "Those are called Sealing Jutsu lines. Many seal masters in our village create these tags for ninjas. Don't touch those lines."

"Why can't I touch these lines", Shin innocently questioned. 

"Because, it's dangerous, kid. If you touch them without buying, two things will happen, either the tags will explode because the Sealing lines are not right and we will die, or that worker at the end of the aisle who has been eyeing us ever since we got inside, will make us pay for them."Rei replied, clearly annoyed.

Trying to make the best puppy dog eyes, Shin said,"Why can't you buy them, Uchihas are so strong and rich. Big brother, won't you buy it for me, please?. I want to see the explosion outside?."

Backing away Rei replied in a flustered tone, "Hey.. hey kid hold on. I can't waste my money on this. My clan doesn't give me the money for it. If I need it then they directly give me the explosion tags. and only if, I need it."

With artificial tears, he continued, "I only receive like 2000 Ryos every month and I use them to buy snacks and other stuff." Rei crouched down, clearly downcast. 

Thumping on Rei`s back, Shin empathized, "Don't worry, Big Brother, it will get better for you."

"Don't patronize me, kid. I don't need it. Anyway, I gave you your tour. now beat it."

With that said, Rei moved towards the exit but stopped in the middle. He turned his head back a bit and asked, "Oh, kid, I never asked, What's your name?"

"My name is Shin Hoshino. I am three years old" Shin replied. 

"Wow, Really, You are a bit bigger than your age. I thought you were about 4 or maybe 5. Where do you live and where are your parents?". Rei replied a bit amazed. 

"Oh, I don't have any parents... I live in the orphanage building near the Leaf Stadium." Shin replied in a serious tone. 

'Rather they are in another world' Shin thought

"Oh! ...Ah I am sorry Kid", Rei offered, "If you need any help again, come to the Uchiha clan near to the Old Lady Shop. You can ask anyone about me, they will guide you. It's very near to the library. Okay Goodbye" 

Rei left the shop, leaving Shin alone. He just stood there. He hadn't thought of his family ever since he came to this world with all the things happening all around him and new memories.

Now, remembering his parents, brothers, and sisters, His heart started to tear up all of a sudden. 

'I may never get to see them ever again'. Tears welled up in his eyes at the thought.

Wiping away the tears, he left the shop. 




Author Note: 

Thank you dunkinB, ParadoxMind, serzh_ghazaryan, loalola, and DarkApple for your power stones. 

If you like the story so far, please review, and comment, and yes please send power stones. 

Please share your thoughts in the comments or reviews. 

The chapters 1-3 have been revised.

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