
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

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Chapter 62: The End, The White-Haired Man Sends The Black-Haired Man Away, Asuma Dies

At this time, Luo Sha felt so useless.It feels like my persistence in the first half of my life seemed to be on meaningless things.In order to control the tailed beast, he sacrificed many talented people in the village, including his own son.As a result, this tailed beast was just a little tabby cat in the eyes of others, and they were taken care of casually.The same goes for him. In the eyes of others, he is just a small digger with no resistance at all.Their Sand Shinobi Village, it seems, has become useless.Luosha collapsed weakly, and Uchiha Yunduan also saw the Fourth Kazekage that had lost its dream.I thought Luo Sha would just give up her resistance.But when facing Uchiha Yunduan, he still stood up and controlled Sha Jin.Perhaps, the so-called Feng Ying's name allows him to still stand here."Almost forgot about you.""You want to dance too?"With just a look, Uchiha Yunduan's Susanoo launched an attack instantly. The opponent did not give up dancing, but the resistance was powerless. There is nothing in this world that can be achieved if you work hard. .Seeing the attack, Luo Sha couldn't help but control Sha Jin to roll up layers of defenses, but these defenses were like paper and could not guarantee his safety at all.He was directly caught in the hand by a slap. This little thing was easier to catch than Shukaku."monster.""monster."Why are there monsters like you in this world?"After one battle, Fourth Kazekage Luosha's confidence was destroyed.He has never seen such a terrifying guy, the so-called tailed beast is like a toy in his hands.And he was playing cards.The legendary God of Ninja World, First Hokage, is nothing more than that, right?"It's just that you are too weak."Uchiha Yunduan didn't care and collected the seals first.I'll see if it has any value later. If it doesn't, I'll just kill it.According to the current situation of Sand Shinobi Village, with One Tail and Shukaku both here, it must have reached its limit."One more solution."Fourth Mizukage, Three Tails, Fourth Kazekage, One Tail.The troublesome guys will be dealt with one by one.Senju Tobirama looked at this scene and did not dare to stay here.I was afraid that this guy would beat him up on a whim."I'm going to help Brother 08."When Uchiha Yunduan looked at the two directions that were still fighting.Senju Tobirama spoke directly.And take direct action.This guy runs fast."This guy.."Uchiha Yunduan didn't stop either.There are Senju Hashirama and Namikaze Minato over there, and now that Senju Tobirama has passed, it's not a big problem.Head in the direction of Nine Tails, which is now broken.The people in Iwagakure had realized something was wrong and chose to run away.Deidara just unleashed his masterpiece, C18, which did not break Uchiha Itachi's defense, but instead killed many of his own people.Later, he was chased and chopped by Uchiha Itachi, and the death toll increased rapidly. Although it also caused some trouble for Uchiha Itachi, they could see that this thing was a dead man.They have no idea of ​​dying with a dead man here.Just pull Deidara and run away quickly, if you can escape from the ground, escape to the ground, and if you can fly, fly to the sky.I have to say that, not to mention combat effectiveness, the running ability of ninjas is still colorful and varied.Iwagakure collapsed completely, and the people in other ninja villages suffered heavy casualties and were about to run away.The major ninja villages had no power to resist Nine Tails. It would be difficult for Jōnin to destroy Nine Tails, let alone seal it.If there was a Kage-level, they might have enough Jōnin here to fight against them.However, there is no Kage-level existence to deal with Nine Tails now.Every one of them was either resisted or ran away.The people at the scene could only fly away when the disaster struck.It's easy for Nine Tails to kill people. As long as there is a head-on confrontation with him, Jōnin will basically die.But it was still a bit difficult for him to run away for these people to chase them.It continuously shoots out Tailed Beast Bomb like a catharsis, causing a wave of explosions.The people in each Ninja Village were not spared, and this visit to the Ninja Village was considered a massive hemorrhage.The number of people who died tonight was many times more than the number of people who died in the previous war with the Fire Nation.I don't know how long it will take to cultivate good people again. .There is still some resistance in the Country of Fire. Of course, there are also many people running away. It is their people who are the least popular.But they have the largest number of people on their side. Their number is equal to that of other ninja villages combined, plus there are hired ninjas like Kakuzu. Even if many people run away, they can still suppress Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō.But when the presence of Uchiha Yunduan was sensed, the battle line completely collapsed.This Nine Tails is difficult enough and scares away many people.Now comes another Three Tails, and another Uchiha Yunduan.This is a hammer game.They even discovered that Iwagakure and the other ninja villages in their area were basically finished.I have given up this fight."I didn't expect you guys to be such trash.""You'd better go and play by yourself.""You still want to deal with Yanyin Village, haha."Kakuzu, who originally planned to kill Shimura Danzō, saw this scene and didn't even want to run away.Invisibility plus ground evasion, he walked straight away without looking back.He didn't notice Senju Hashirama's existence, otherwise he might have left long ago.It's just a pity for him to leave now. Uchiha Yunduan's strength exceeded his expectations. He didn't have time to send out invitations or make money, so he had no choice but to give up and leave.It seems like no tasks have been completed. .He was originally the main force against Shimura Danzō, but his departure gave Shimura Danzō a chance.A Wind Style directly broke through the defense of the ninja alliance and killed many people."Come on, the monster is coming.""Raikage, they are all dead, run."Many people ran away and shouted, releasing their inner fears.The battlefield was in chaos, and those who could move naturally disappeared quickly, leaving only those who were unable to move.Even the leader has fled."Dad."The people of the Fire Nation were focused on escaping.But Asuma is being hunted by Sarutobi Hiruzen.Asuma now wants to recognize his father, but unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot recognize him.Maybe Asuma himself didn't expect that he would be chased by his father.As for Kazuma, when he showed Honkai just now, he just left them and ran away. He couldn't fight, so he was the first to run away."Allah.""What a wonderful scene."While they were fighting, Uchiha Yunduan also entered the battlefield.He could see from a distance just now that these guys were running very fast when he was moving.Even though he frightened them, he didn't care. They were just a bunch of bastards anyway. If they could be killed, they would be killed. If they couldn't be killed, they would be killed next time.Controlling Three Tails added some pressure to them. Susanoo swept a few times and directly penetrated the battlefield, making people run fast."A group of ants just want to invade Yanyin Village.""Die."Vent the attack and kill the living beings.At this time, Uchiha Yunduan also discovered an interesting scene."Uchiha!!"When Asuma saw the enemy who killed his father, he couldn't care about anything else and his emotions broke out.It's a pity that Sarutobi Hiruzen soon learned about him as a person."A little monkey and an old monkey, you can play with yourself.""Will of Fire, let this old man interrupt it himself."Uchiha Yunduan laughed and attacked with abandon on Three Tails.Still thinking about whether to let this Sarutobi Hiruzen regain consciousness.Let him experience the feeling of killing his own big son.Like letting Uchiha Itachi kill them.What is role reversal?Action is worse than a heartbeat, and he plans to wake up Asuma when Sarutobi Hiruzen kills him."It's really pervert."Nine Tails, who was constantly struggling on the other side, also noticed Uchiha Yunduan who was laughing wildly. It felt like it was inherited, and Uchiha all had this problem.Now he is also releasing his malice, venting his pain, which makes him feel a lot more relaxed.The battlefield was quickly cleared. Except for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Asuma, everyone who could escape had already escaped.The only ones left here were the dead, who were quickly killed by Nine Tails and Uchiha Itachi.Only Jinchūriki and Kage-level exist.Maybe they still have value.The battle is basically over, Three Tails turned directly into a little turtle, and Uchiha Yunduan also lifted the Susanoo.Now Three Tails has fallen into the hands of Uchiha Yunduan and turned into a small toy.The battlefield here can be said to be over, Uchiha Yunduan was thinking about Senju Hashirama's side.As soon as I had an idea, someone came running over."Sorry.""The guy was very fast and had a big octopus to help him, so he ran away.Senju Hashirama has already rushed over, with Senju Tobirama beside him, and his tone is a little embarrassed.That Raikage is fast, strong, and has strong defense. With his body, he really can't be defeated.This made Uchiha Yunduan frown. He just believed in the power of Senju Hashirama and did not go through it.And there is Senju Tobirama in the past.Is this still running away?"It's not my brother's fault. It was Eight Tails who suddenly appeared and used a Body Replacement Technique.""If you don't believe me, you can ask Fourth Generation."Senju Tobirama wears a giant octopus tentacle.Apparently Eight Tails had already prepared and directly fished Raikage away."Fourth Generation gave me a little chase, but I feel like I never tire of opportunities."As soon as he finished speaking, Namikaze Minato's figure appeared here."Feel sorry.""They just ran towards the border without even fighting.""If we continue to pursue him, we will reach the border."Namikaze Minato scratched her blond hair and said sheepishly.His battle ended very quickly, and the movie's special forces simply couldn't withstand his pursuit.Especially when the movie is in a tough battle, he kills them all in a hurry."It's okay, it's just a Raikage."Uchiha Yunduan scanned a person and didn't pay much attention.Namikaze Minato said so, and it was impossible to lie to him at this time.If it was Eight Tails, he would pay more attention.Raikage, just keep it to shock others.It's just Raikage, maybe it's just a matter of one sword to kill him next time we meet."Is this, Asuma?""What are you???"When Minato gets closer, you can see the battle between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Asuma.Others don't know him, but he knows Asuma."That's almost it."He spoke with a slight frown.He is also prepared to kill Asuma or something.But this allows Sarutobi Hiruzen to do it himself, even if it is controlling."At first, they expected Uchiha Itachi to kill our entire clan.Uchiha Yunduan touched the little turtle in his hand and glanced at him."I just used what he wanted to do on him."Namikaze Minato shut up immediately after hearing this. He didn't think about so many bells and whistles.But obviously, the other party refused to let anyone go.I still don't know what's going on with the First Generation and Second Generation next to them.I saw Sarutobi Hiruzen over there already bursting out with a scorching Fire Style.Directly a Fire Style, burning his big body.Although Asuma resisted violently, he was restrained by Earth Style.Still he could only scream, everyone around him was dead or ran away, and he was restrained by Sarutobi Hiruzen.The suppression is tight, not to mention the gap in strength.Directly burned to death by Fire Style here. ."Uchiha, you deserve to die...In the end, only angry roars were left."You don't have the final say whether you die or not."Uchiha Yunduan is not angry about this.One seal to release Sarutobi Hiruzen's control.Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to normal immediately, and was still a little at a loss when he came to his senses.But he quickly realized that this was a battlefield, and he also thought of the situation in which they had been manipulated before." Uchiha Yunduan."What else do you want to do?"Turning around, I saw various Hokages and Uchiha Yunduan.He instinctively felt something was wrong."The purpose of bringing you back to consciousness is to give you good news.""It's not me you have to pay attention to now."While speaking, Uchiha Yunduan pointed to the location in front of him.It was a hot and black corpse, and I have to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen's Fire Style was quite powerful.It kills instantly with one hit, and the meat smells delicious.I just don't know if Sarutobi703 Hiruzen knows the scent of his son."This is.."Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened.Want to identify something.It didn't take long for him to react.This Uchiha Yunduan definitely didn't do anything good for him to regain consciousness."Asuma?"Although he could no longer see his appearance clearly, he still recognized the weapon made of Chakra metal that fell nearby.His whole body froze, a little in disbelief.Originally, he was a little happy that Asuma was not in the village in the end.I didn't expect that I would have to face this kind of thing even though I was dead.A white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift?Or send it off in person?That high temperature, that Fire Style, if it was done by the evil Uchiha, there would be no need for the other party to do this.He must be manipulating himself to do whatever he wants.Sarutobi Hiruzen is a bit broken.To this point?This made the old man a little twisted."Evil Uchiha, I regret not killing you sooner."Now he doesn't have the strength to resist, otherwise, he will definitely kill this guy.This is what he regrets most now.Even if he is killed, even the family will not be spared. Now even Asuma has died in his hands."Yes, yes, that's the look in my eyes, hahahahaha~~""Sarutobi Hiruzen, this is all for the will of fire.""The current Asuma is the evil Asuma, and he is coming to attack my Hokage.""So, we can only let him sacrifice.""You, the former Hokage, personally sent him on his way. You deserve it."Uchiha Yunduan raised her head and looked at him with a smile, her expression full of joy. Seeing the other person in pain was the happiest thing.Every word struck a chord in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.It made him vomit blood immediately."The greatest tragedy in the world is that people destroy valuable things for others to see."Sarutobi Hiruzen, did you see that?""How does it feel to kill your own son? This is your tragedy.""I've already written a script for you."Regardless of this guy's meltdown, Uchiha Yunduan's cheerfulness was fully demonstrated.This made Sarutobi Hiruzen open his mouth and didn't know what to say."Sure enough, this is Sarutobi's child.""You are indeed an evil Uchiha."When these words came out, even the two Moyu Hokage next to him knew what was going on.Staring at him."Why are you doing this?"Senju Hashirama is a little helpless.I wanted to say something, but I also thought of what Fourth Hokage said just now.Is this considered karma?For targeting Uchiha, now being targeted by Uchiha.With hatred spreading like this, it was completely impossible to understand each other. He also thought of the past and Uchiha Madara.'Am I really putting the cart before the horse?'He thought of Uchiha Madara's last words to him.He said that he was putting the cart before the horse and that there would definitely be problems in the village in the future.