
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

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Chapter 55: Ninja Alliance, Ghoul Seal·Resolution

A temporary place set up by the Fire Nation.

At this time, ninjas from various countries gathered here, and some conflicts were inevitable.These people not only have grudges with the Country of Fire, but also with various other countries.The temporary alliance of the ninja world is really temporary. If it really wants to solve Uchiha's matter, it is really not certain whether they will fight."Asshole, that old immortal Tsuchikage can't move?""Are you afraid to come over?""Or is he afraid of me!!"The rough, dark-skinned man with a mustache and no lining pointed at a tall, honest fat man with exposed arms and wearing a tight red combat uniform and said.The dark-skinned man is very strong, with muscles all over his body, and two golden rings on his arms, which look like defenses and weapons that also look like weights.On the contrary, the other one is a bit honest and fat, but he also seems to have good fighting ability.Judging from their attire, they belong to Cloud Shinobi Village- and Iwagakure."Raikage-sama, my father is in good health, so there is no need to worry about him.""This time we should focus on the mission. I believe you don't want the daimyo to misunderstand anything.""After all, I have indeed become a bit sensitive recently."Huangtu said calmly, Iwagakure was the one leading the team this time.In addition to him, there are more than thirty Jōnin, more than a hundred Chūnin, and Genin, and there are only a few dozen special ninjas.Other villages are similar.The main combat forces are Jōnin and Chūnin, and even the shadow himself leads the team.Cloud Shinobi Village is where Raikage came in person, and the target is naturally Sharingan. If everything goes well, they will also want Konoha's Byakugan.The task is just a trivial matter, this is an attempt."Hey, you are just afraid of this and that, you are just afraid of not being strong enough."Out there, it is impossible for someone who is not strong enough to become a daimyo."Raikage Ai didn't know whether he was bragging or telling the truth.Anyway, even the famous name of the Kingdom of Thunder doesn't sound particularly annoying."That's not clear."Loess made a hahaha.He didn't intend to accept this, as his old father had specified it when he came.Don't cause trouble, just complete the task honestly.Sharingan brought it back by the way, it's best to bring a few Bloodline seeds."Everyone, let's put the mission first this time. If we start a fight now, it will only make those guys in Uchiha laugh.""Everyone came here after accepting a mission, and we don't want to ruin the reputation of the village because of this incident.Seeing their noise, the people of the Fire Country couldn't sit still.If there was any chaos and Uchiha started fighting first, it would be a big joke. .They want the people in each ninja village to die and the people in each ninja village to fight, but not now.Please kill Uchiha before you die."Uchiha, hum.""Hmph, I'll settle the score with you next time."Seeing the people from the Fire Country coming, Raikage did not continue to make any noise.It was enough to confirm that Tsuchikage had not come over. Without Tsuchikage, he would be even more sure.The ninjas in other places also looked at them warily.In the Kingdom of Wind, young Luo Sha brought people here in person, looking at the people around him with serious expressions.Among the four major countries, it can be said that they are the most miserable.The number of Jōnin was also the smallest, so he brought One Tail Jinchūriki with him.Although the current Jinchūriki are still small, it is enough for One Tail Jinchūriki to go berserk.Originally, he planned to ask Granny Chiyo who was hiding in the village to take action, but she was rejected by the other party.If the other party comes, what happens if something unexpected happens in the village???So I can only take One Tail Jinchūriki with me, and now he is hiding in the team, and will not let him do anything unless necessary.In the Kingdom of Water, the team is led by Three Tails Jinchūriki Fourth Mizukage Yagura. As a mature Jinchūriki, he can already fight on his own.Although he looks like a child, he is actually an adult and has a son. He has a thick black stick in his hand as a weapon.There is a long scar on the face spreading from under the eye, like a centipede, destroying the handsome and lovely face.He just looked a little dazed and didn't seem to be sane. He had been hiding and avoiding other people's actions. Even his own team didn't care about the secret management.It can be said that this is the most powerful team that has been formed by several countries. There are more people from the Country of Fire here, but they should not be as good as them.In addition to the gold exchange, there were more than a hundred ninja summoned in the name of the daimyo, and there were many powerful warriors. The number of Chūnin was even greater, and there were densely packed people everywhere.That's not all. If they were all summoned, the number would at least double or triple.The main thing is that they want people from other countries to be the main force to die, so of course they can't have too many people here.Not less. If you don't shock them, they will be looked down upon.It's just that among this group of people, there's a bit of a mixed bag. Everyone has different strengths and represents different people.Everyone has their own little thoughts, and there are many people like Kakuzu."Everyone, please come over here.""The Daimyo-sama's agent has arrived."The people from the Fire Country invited ninjas from various countries into the temporary tents.There are many strong ones among them, and Kakuzu is among them.Looking at the shadows of the villages, he mentally calculated the bounty for each person at the money exchange.In addition to this there is also the possible success rate of the task."Everyone, I am Kazuma, the guardian of the Twelve Ninjas of the Land of Fire. This time, I will cooperate with you on behalf of the Daimyo-sama, and I will also temporarily serve as the commander. I hope that you will complete your work well after accepting the mission.""Everyone knows the purpose of inviting everyone here this time. There is only one.""Then make all the Uchiha disappear.""No matter what you do during this period, we will support you, but there must be no Uchiha ninja left in the Land of Fire."The guardian of the Twelve Ninja and Kazuma can be considered proud of standing on the high platform at this time. Now he represents the name of the Fire Nation.Those so-called shadows also have to listen to him carefully. Even Asuma was suppressed by him and now he can only listen to him on the other side.After Jiraiya's "betrayal" and Tsunade's neglect, Asuma's status with the Fire Nation's daimyo has gradually become smaller. This is the reality.Kazuma finally surpassed Asuma and gained the recognition of the daimyo. Now he can be said to be at the top of the Fire Nation.Unfortunately, dreams will always wake up, and there will always be people who like to interrupt other people's dreams."Stop talking nonsense.""Just tell me when to act.""What kind of trash dares to come out as a commander."The grumpy Raikage doesn't like hearing this nonsense at all.He is still a ninja with little reputation in the Fire Country.Unless you come up to conquer him, you'll just have to give him a hammer.The interrupted words made Kazuma's expression turn sour.These villages just shouldn't exist.I was thinking about how to trick them to death.He did not provoke these people on the surface. Although the Daimyo did not say it, he still knew that the Daimyo must have paid a lot of price to end the war and not continue to expand.He quickly explained the action plan for this time, which roughly included everyone's action location and target persons, mainly marking the key figures in Uchiha now.And of course, there are Nine Tails.But this is not something they can take away.This is also an important mission for the ninjas of the Land of Fire, and they must not be allowed to take it away.They are even ready for war just in case.Nine Tails must stay in the Fire Country, this is the daimyo's request.When talking about Nine Tails, many people's eyes reveal greed.In this era, they all know what kind of benefits a tailed beast brings.Even Sand Shinobi Village is like this. Although they can't use it, if it can be used for trading.Even if you threaten the Fire Nation, you can still get a good harvest.Here, the temporary coalition forces have determined their mission and are preparing for action.The destination is Yanyin Village, although Yanyin Village has not received the news yet.But the Daimyo of the Fire Country and other countries have reached an agreement, and they have received news of a temporary truce.Even Uchiha Yunduan temporarily stopped his activities and stopped plundering those nobles.Part of the reason is because all the nobles nearby have been killed by them.No more leeks will grow in a short time.The nobles who could run away would naturally have gone to a safer place such as the capital of the Kingdom of Fire.At this time, Uchiha Yunduan was also busy and was no longer in the Land of Fire.Because I received the good news, I rushed to the Kingdom of Whirlpool on the same day.This guy Orochimaru is actually willing to see him.He didn't care if there were other means involved."It's really fast, Mr. Yunduan.""Almost slower than you."Arriving at the Uzumaki Country, where the Uzumaki clan's ancestral hall was.A figure emerged from the darkness first. It was Orochimaru. I originally thought that this guy was the real person, but it turned out to be a substitute. This made Uchiha Yunduan a little disappointed.I thought that this time I would deepen my cooperation with the other party. When I met the real person, there would be two after one. Even if there were differences one day, he would have almost finished the CD of Izanami or Distinguished Heavenly Gods.Now it seems that Orochimaru is still too cautious. Can't he be brave like him?Behind him was another shorter figure, whose face was that of a child's. He looked lifeless and lifeless.This place was originally a very prosperous place, but after experiencing ninja plunder and wars from various countries, everything valuable was taken away.The Uzumaki clan's ancestral hall was also ransacked many times, leaving behind what they considered to be of little value.Part of it is because they have no vision."Lord Orochimaru.""Thank you for your hard work this time.""But do we have to come to a place like this? Can't we just go to Yanyin Village directly?"Uchiha Yunduan also said politely."Where's what you're talking about?"Recently, the cooperation between them has been getting better and better, mainly in the research of ninjutsu.He also specifically asked Uchiha to set up a research department to connect some of Orochimaru's things.Not to mention Impure World Reincarnation and Ghoul Seal, this is the focus of both of them.Now, he can perform Impure World Reincarnation, although this is partly due to his own talent.*¥tt.....But a lot of it is because of Orochimaru's pointing speed.Although it is not enough to allow people to exert the power of their heyday, it is enough.But even so, Orochimaru still didn't step into Yanyin Village. I don't know if it was because of him or Jiraiya.It made him want to drive Jiraiya away."The things are still in there, justWaiting for you to come over.Orochimaru spoke directly and explained."Besides that, I have important news for you.""But we can finish it quickly here, and we'll tell you later."oh?"Uchiha Yunduan glanced at him unexpectedly.Do you want to give him news? Is there really some other reason why you are here?Maybe he also found some clues about Ōtsutsuki.That's why it's so mysterious.I wanted to ask more questions, but Orochimaru had already walked towards the inside of the building.The short boy followed him without saying a word.The two walked in front to lead the way for Uchiha Yunduan.Uchiha Yunduan followed closely behind, watching the situation around him.The three of them quickly went deep into the ancestral hall of the Whirlpool clan, which was now ordinary.There are some damaged Bloodlines and the like in many places, which have dried up and I don't know how long time has passed.On one wall, there are many strange white masks, which look like ghosts and are a bit ugly. There are many such masks in this village. No wonder they didn't notice them.Find out how special this thing is."Fortunately, this thing was not taken away, otherwise, it might be even more troublesome.""This should be the mask that seals the Third Generation and the Fourth Generation."0....A snake crawled out of Orochimaru's arm, he quickly selected an ugly ghost mask, and then threw it to the child next to him.The child looked neither happy nor sad, and Uchiha Yunduan also felt something."Are you planning to make him a sacrifice?"Every time the corpse seal is used, someone will die. Even if it is to be lifted, the life of the caster will definitely be in trouble."Yes, I spent a lot of effort in order for him to use this move.""You don't have to be kind. I've made a good deal with him. After all, you can't force this thing. He must use this trick voluntarily."Orochimaru licked his tongue and promised the other party specifically, but did not say it out loud.And these words also made Uchiha Yunduan frown. He was so kind-hearted. He was just surprised that the other party could let a person who learned the sealing technique die like this.In this world, people are dying all the time, how could he be so kind?His kindness is reserved for his own people. If he had a kind heart, he would not directly evacuate the ninjas on the border of the Land of Fire and let ninjas from other countries invade."What to do now?"There are some things in Uchiha Yunduan's memory, but she doesn't remember them very well. After all, it has been so many years."Just watch it.""I'm just asking you to come here to prove it, and I'll take you to see something else."Orochimaru had a slightly malicious smile on his face.But Uchiha Yunduan doesn't care, as long as the corpses are sealed away, there will be no problem.And even if there were any problems here, he could leave quickly. After all, he had left a lot of Flying Thunder God marks throughout the journey.As long as the Chakra is not exhausted, you can run away at any time.To say that Uchiha can be destroyed now, there must be people who can destroy Enigakure Village.But if you want to kill him, you have to find the Sage of Six Paths.Orochimaru gestured to the expressionless child next to him.The opponent also formed the seal very directly, and the Chakra that burst out was quite powerful, almost at the level of Jōnin at such a young age.Soon, his Sharingan could see the feeling of the Shinigami coming and going. The huge power made Uchiha Yunduan wonder if he could also control this thing.Then he watched the boy stab himself directly, causing Shinigami to be injured, and then a large number of souls were released."If you use Impure World Reincarnation directly, you can leave them behind at this time.Orochimaru watched this scene with intense eyes, especially when he focused on Shinigami.Recent research has taught him a lot more.He is very interested in the underworld, Shinigami and other things in the spiritual realm of death.Maybe this is also some kind of immortality."Is it over?"It was indeed a boring thing, Uchiha Yunduan asked.It's no surprise that he is just a theatergoer.He insisted on calling him over just to show off his skills.Orochimaru shouldn't be such a boring person, right???"Calling you here is just to prove it to you. Apart from that, it's mainly another matter.""I can also find some materials for you, Impure World Reincarnation Fourth Hokage."Orochimaru smiled evilly and looked straight at Uchiha Yunduan.talent???"Uchiha Yunduan nodded.He didn't ask any questions and just watched what Orochimaru was going to do.