
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

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Chapter 54: Ino–Shika–Chō Surrender, Armistice, And Siege Of Uchiha

If you could gather all the ninjas in the village.

Maybe it can hurt both sides, maybe it can make Uchiha suffer a little.If there are only three families, Ino-Shika-Chō, then don't even think about giving away their heads.Now, the ninjas in the village are divided into many kinds of existence.There are people who want money rather than their lives, people who are unappreciated for their talents, and fighting factions everywhere.Now is just the beginning. Uchiha will take the ninjas in the village for more actions in the future.Earn more money, plus the plan to increase the rewards for ninjas later.You can imagine how much support you can get.Now Uchiha is short of manpower, so he resorts to this method.Once there are enough people, the excess people will have to be cleared.I received a warning today, which means that the other party is almost ready.Sharing everything, Nara Shikaku recounted his conjectures and Uchiha's current actions.After listening, Akamichi Dingza and Yamanaka Haiichi also had complicated expressions.I didn't expect that Uchiha was so smart.Especially Akamichi Dingzao was a bit unable to react."So, we are going directly to the past now."I'd better listen to you, Lujiu. If something happens, let's fight together."Akamichi Dingzao is very direct and gives up thinking."Prepare a group of children and supplies, and send them away at any time if something unexpected happens."Others, support him with all your strength. Even if there are heavy casualties, your attitude must be shown."Nara Shikaku has also thought clearly, and now there is no way out.The noble daimyo can rule most of the people in the Land of Fire, and can also hire other ninja villages to come and fight.As for Uchiha's current high-end combat power, he knows about the three pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan and Nine Tails. There are even other Sharingans that should be retained by them.I heard that Uchiha's eyes can be used as long as they are inserted through surgery.When they really go all out, it is not impossible to have four or even five pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan's fighting power. The terrifying Susanoo is still vivid in my mind. What if five Susanoo make a big fuss in the capital of the Fire Nation? I don't even dare to think about it. think.If you think about it carefully, Uchiha's background is already very sufficient. If it weren't for other big countries and great ninja villages, it would be enough to cause trouble in the Fire Country.This is one of the reasons why Nara Shikaku has never dared to act rashly.Watching Nara Shikaku make his decision, the Akamichi clan and the Yamanaka clan also fully supported it.Ino-Shika-Chō are considered one, and their cooperation has started since the Sengoku period. The village and the ninja clan are more united than they are now.Now they naturally join the group together. Now that they have made their choice, surrendering is the best result.In the subsequent operations, they even took the initiative to leave traces. 877With the assistance of the Ino-Shika-Chō clan and the Hyuga clan, the operation in Yanyin Village went very smoothly, and there was even no shortage of manpower in many places.Let Uchiha Yunduan increase his efforts again, and the tendency of external expansion is becoming more and more obvious.The action is methodical, and time disappears as quickly as money.Two weeks passed quickly, and the impact of various ninja villages on the Country of Fire was obvious.Passing through various great ninja villages in small countries such as the Country of Grass and the Country of Sichuan, they entered the Country of Fire. Even the ninjas from small countries such as the Grass Ninja used the Country of Fire as a hunting ground.Now it's not just the border, it's moving inward. Ninjas from various countries have appeared in almost two-fifths of the Land of Fire, causing a lot of killing and plunder.Even many nobles died, and internally, Yanyin Village's various actions were more arrogant than other ninja villages. Other ninja villages would sometimes turn a blind eye when encountering nobles, but the target was still the same. Ordinary rich people and businessmen.Only when the killing goes crazy or when the spread of the disease is widespread, the killing blow will be carried out. However, Yanyin Village is different. They come directly for the nobles. The caravan and ordinary people have nothing to do with it. Some ordinary people are even waiting. Follow the ninjas of Yanyin Village to kill the nobles.A large circle of nobles in Yanyin Village were either dead or running away, and the management of the Country of Fire also entered a vacuum.Counting other war-torn areas, at least one-fifth of the Fire Country's territory is a very unsafe area.And this area is still spreading rapidly, heading towards the capital of the Country of Fire.If this rate continues, within a month or two, the capital of the Fire Country might fall.Although the Fire Nation's troops are also hunting ninjas and resisting, our external and internal troubles still make it a bit difficult for the Fire Nation.Facing the ninja troops, the army could only barely kill some ninjas by using bows, arrows, firearms, explosives and other things to besiege them. In fact, they even suffered a lot of damage every time they took action, which made the Fire Nation's army a little unstable.The hired Fire Nation ninjas, the Fire Temple monks, the underground gold exchange and the Daimyo's guardian twelve ninjas did temporarily control the situation, but it was only temporary.As the great ninja villages were killing people, they were all on top. Thousands of ninjas were sent to the field, and the total number of foreign ninjas exceeded 10,000.Coupled with the internal affairs of Yanyin Village, the Fire Country has reached its limit and cannot get back its previous areas. And if those territories cannot be taken back, they will definitely become hunting areas for ninjas from all countries. Even if they are taken back later, people And all kinds of resources must have been taken away. .The Daimyo of the Fire Country did not expect that without Konoha, they would enter such a passive state, which made them hate the Uchiha clan even more.Even Kazuma, one of the twelve ninjas who was very arrogant (chdi) before, is now a little powerless. He wants to drive these ninjas out, but it is still a little difficult.This is still the reason why there is no shadow to take action. If there are Kage-level beings coming over, they will probably fall apart immediately."So many people have died again. Is this what you're telling me?""What a bunch of rubbish."Summoned back by the Fire Country Daimyo again, Kazuma knelt on the ground with an ugly expression.Above him, the face of the Fire Country Daimyo looked even more ugly.These are not only bad news on the battlefield, the so-called Jiraiya of Konoha Sannin went directly to Yanyin Village and there was no news.Then Tsunade just ignored him. He asked her to go to the war to help many times, but she just ignored him.He didn't show any respect at all, and he just stayed in the Country of Yu and never came back.The daimyo of the other four countries were even more abominable. They actually took the opportunity to plunder. If it weren't for the fear that their village would become too rich and leave them, they probably wouldn't be allowed to go back now.Being bitten hard, the Fire Country Daimyo was very irritated.There are also those areas that have been breached. Although most of them are remote areas, if they are remote, there will be no good things.It's definitely not as good as the capital city, but it still has some value."I'm sorry, I didn't expect that ninjas from those countries would send so many people.""In addition, Yanyin Village has been operating internally, and we have sent many people to stop them. We are seriously short of manpower."Kazuma was a little embarrassed, this was indeed beyond his imagination.This is almost a ninja war.Even more exaggerated than most of the Ninja War.And this is the battle between the Fire Nation and the five major ninja villages plus some small ninja villages.This is still too much pressure for them.Especially Yanyin Village inside, the full strength of a great ninja village is here, and they have to defend it."Yanyin Village, you are not allowed to mention this name.""Konoha, those guys..."The Fire Country Daimyo gritted his teeth."The battle with the ninjas of the major countries has ended, and they will send some of their elites over in the future."You are responsible for receiving them and leading them to deal with Uchiha when the time comes. The people from the Fire Temple ask them to come to the capital to rest, and the people from the money exchange negotiate a price with them and let them take action.""Tell them that they can plunder whatever they want after getting rid of Uchiha, even if it's just that Sharingan is willing to do it.He was so angry with Uchiha at this time that he must destroy them all this time and make the so-called Uchiha history.In order to get the four major ninja villages to stop, he also issued a big mission.Not only did they pay a large price, but they also promised to let them take away Uchiha's Sharingan, which allowed them to take action, which finally calmed down the war.This time, these bastards in Yanyin Village made him a little distrustful of these ninjas. On the contrary, the masters of the Fire Country performed well.There is also the guardian of the Twelve Ninjas. If he didn't really perform well, he would definitely drag this guy out and behead him now."yes."It was finally time to deal with Uchiha, and Kazuma was a little excited.He also hates these guys.He kept plundering nobles, and he was criticized every time.Moreover, every time they take action, they will lose a lot of people.Even two people who guarded the Twelve Ninja died, including Jōnin who met Uchiha.You know, in their other battlefields, only one of the twelve guardian ninjas died.One person died in the external war, and two died in the internal battle.Still trusting him, this made him want to eat Uchiha's flesh and blood."Don't let me down again, Kazuma.The Fire Nation daimyo stared at him, losing his usual composure."It's better to let them both lose."Finally, he exhaled slowly.He has not forgotten what the ninja villages in other countries did to them.After this time is over, he will not let go of other Xiao Ninja Villages.Hire the big ninja villages to attack the small ninja villages and let them consume some of their strength.He also has time to train more people. This is how the daimyo of various countries deal with ninjas.Even if it is your own ninja, you have to spend it when it is time to spend it.After all, he is just a tool man.This time, the incident in Yanyin Village also reminded them.The tool person must control it well, otherwise it will be bad if it bites the master.Not only the Land of Fire, but also the daimyo of the major countries began to pay attention to their own protection, and they all developed forces similar to the protection of the Twelve Ninjas, and even expanded a lot."yes,"Kazuma lowered his head and accepted the task.Already thinking about how to complete the task perfectly.At a certain point in time, the entire ninja world began to become peaceful.At least this was the case for the major ninja villages. Only some people from the smaller ninja villages had not received the news and were then wiped out.But now the people of the Land of Fire have no time to deal with them, so the ninjas from Xiaonin Village who destroyed the country are recalled.They have bigger goals.All the summoned ninjas moved towards the depths of the Fire Country.Together with some foreign ninjas, they quickly crossed the border, with ninjas from the Country of Fire taking them with them.Rain Shinobi Village.Xiao organizes meetings."Chief, do you have any special mission?""I've been very busy lately."Kakuzu used his magic lantern body Technique to contact the leader Pain.His tone was a bit impatient. There had been a lot of tasks recently, and there were many targets for plunder.He is very busy. He has already made many small goals and does not want to take on other tasks at all.After all, his leader's mission is not to pay.sighNot much. ""Recently, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire sent a mission to deal with Yanyin Village. You should take it."Pain Rinnegan looked at him directly, which put some pressure on Kakuzu.It also reminded him of the days when he was defeated.He spoke honestly."Yes, I have already picked up Wu Ke"With his strength, he directly offered 300 million taels, and the Fire Nation directly agreed.He was even allowed to take away the loot, which was a huge profit. Although Yanyin Village was definitely dangerous, there were so many people and it didn't take much time.Maybe it can be solved in one night.This made him see that 30 million Asuma let him go temporarily.Let's wait until this mission is over.This mission was worth ten Asuma after all.He couldn't wait to take action now."Invitation to Uchiha Yunduan.""If he agrees, try to help him solve the problem.""If you can't solve it, contact me."Payne spoke directly and was not polite at all.When I asked Orochimaru to invite him before, he only replied that he was considering it.He was not in a hurry, after all, people could not join in just a moment.And the other party's actions are indeed very convenient for them, because of his actions, they have indeed made a lot of profits recently.This time, it can be regarded as giving the other party one more chance.If you are sure, keep him and keep him."ah?""My mission is to kill him, which costs 300 million."Kakuzu said dissatisfied.This is a big task.So much money, 300 million.Are so many small goals really unprofitable?"Kill him? Or destroy Yanyin Village?"Payne spoke coldly, as if he had seen through the other person."Ahem, cough, cough, he should be the one who killed Uchiha, so he is included.Kakuzu saw the look in his boss's eyes and knew that he was unhappy."I don't care what the task is, just listen to me."Payne said in a cold tone, directly over Kakuzu."It looks like I have to ask them for more money first.""I know what to do, but what if he doesn't agree?"Although he was reluctant to part with money, he was still reluctant to part with his own life.They have already joined the Akatsuki organization, and he doesn't want to defect and be hunted down."If he refuses, it's up to you.""But you know the price of cheating on me.Payne is not worried about being cheated.It looked like he was already prepared to watch the battle.This also made Kakuzu's heart skip a beat."How can a mere three hundred million taels be compared with the chief's?"He patted his chest and said, but it was a pity that Payne couldn't see it.After confirming the mission, Kakuzu was relieved.Although it was a bit unpleasant to be interfered by the leader, I could only make up for it elsewhere.He doesn't want to be hunted down or killed by his leader just because of these 300 million.A person can make money as long as he lives, he cannot just die."He leads Yanyin Village and is the leader of Uchiha. He should have some money.""It only costs you a billion or eighty million to save you, right?"When he thought of this, Kakuzu's eyes lit up.I feel like giving up on the mission of the Fire Country is not so bad.The Uchiha family should have a lot of money, but even if they don't, those Sharingan and the like are still valuable.The prices on the black market are quite high, just buy a few more pairs.I heard that there is also Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Madara relied on these eyes to become famous.This is good stuff.Thinking of this, he was no longer anxious. This time he might gain more than he thought."Are you looking for a helper or something?"He felt that it would be a lot of trouble to face so many people from the Fire Country.But if you think about it carefully, there are so many people in Uchiha, so there should be quite a few civilians.When the time comes, he temporarily rebels and gets rid of some people, which saves him from looking for other people to help.After all, if someone comes to help, he still needs to share his money.Well, money is still important.'Well, that's it. "'Get in touch with Uchiha when the time comes.'If they know how to be human, help them. . .Kakuzu thought a little excitedly.He also acted quickly, and he couldn't wait to go to Yanyin Village.It will also take some time to meet up with those guys from the Country of Fire, plus the support from various countries.Arriving at the designated location in the Country of Fire.When he arrived at the scene, his expression became a bit solemn, although he didn't pay much attention to it at first.Is it too late to call someone now?He suddenly regretted his decision not to call for help.