
Naruto: The will of fire

ever since he was born he could barely use chakra, But that won't stop Cujo Ishi from reaching his dreams. oh and ten ten doesn't exist, R.I.P

Alex_Anderson_4701 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 3

Cujo looked at his reflection in the river near him, "amazing" Cujo said, Suprised when his voice sounded like Iruka sensei

[now how do I transform back]

Cujo cleared his mind and thought of transforming back, he opened his eyes and looked at his hands, [that's easy]

Cujo decided to walk back to the orphanage not trying to stumble over, After heading out of the forest he followed the road, Enjoying the city, suddenly his stomach growled

[ichirakus ramen it is] smiling he walked to the shop which wasn't far away, walking down the road leading to the shop he looked towards the lake, seeing sasuke sitting down on the small dock

[damn. . .]

He looked ahead and found the shop sometime later, "bummer" Cujo said when he found it closed [this early?]

He found another shop, He looked at the menu and was about to order a good big bowl of ramen until he thought of sasuke sitting alone on the dock,

remembering what happened to his family he looked at the amount of cash he had, [should be enough for two]

he bought two onigiris, placing each in a separate bag, He headed over to the lake and found sasuke, Still on the dock having not moved an inch

He headed down not trying to slip from the wet ground, "Hey sasuke" Cujo said approaching him,

"Get lost" he replied, Still looking out towards the water,

"Hungry?" Cujo said, Holding out the bag towards him,

sasuke didn't reply, it was an awkward minute,

" cmon sasuke I spent all my money, Just take it alright"

sasuke turned his head, yanking the bag away from him,

"so.. no hard feelings sasuke?"

"for what"

"for alm-"

"you think your kick would've hurt me?" sasuke said, "I would've easily deflected it, defeating you would be like swatting a fly, Our purpose was to spar and spar I did"

"Damn sasuke I didn't mean to o-"

"SASUKE-KUN" Cujo turned his head, Finding sakura quickly walking towards them holding what presumably was a lunch box "Well nevermind I'm gonna let you two be, And make sure you eat what I bought, Or give it to sakura, just don't waste it," Cujo said walking past sakura who gave him a nasty look

[what's her problem]

he walked toward the orphanage with an onigiri in his hand eating slowly savoring the flavor,

Cujo stopped hearing something, He closely listened


He raised an eyebrow and followed the noise, as he kept on getting closer and closer he heard insults and a familiar voice

he arrived at the end of the road, peeking his head out to the right he saw Hinata, with someone

"Please Neji. . just le-leave me alone," she said looking away from him, Cujo narrowed his eyes and looked at the other figure, [ Neji, that shit bag]

Cujo walked up towards them,

"Hey Hinata" Cujo said cheerfully "How are you doing, I was looking for you"

Hinata tried to say something but couldn't, Neji gave them both a hateful look, as he was about to walk away he said

"pathetic, you can't even look at me Hinata let alone say a word, do yourself a favor and kill yourself"

cujos smile faded,

"Hey Neji," he said in a tone of seriousness,

Neji turned his head


Cujo slammed his fist against his nose breaking it, Cujo quickly spun kicking him in the head Neji wobbled backward

Cujo wanted to use his sword but knew that would escalate things too much, so he leaped towards him and thrusted his knee forward smashing it into his face which was covered with his hand

Neji almost fell, He realigned his nose, him making a small grunt, Cujo threw a punch at him, Neji this time with a fully activated byakugan swatted and grabbed his arm, Cujo sensed the chakra forming up in his palm

[well shit]


Neji palm fisted him in the jaw with his chakra at great speed,

Cujo felt his jaw moving, breaking and un aligning, He sensed his muscle-freezing due to the chakra, the blood flow slowing down

his eyes became blurry, He was about to go unconscious but before he could he used all the strength in him to twist his hips, he swung his right leg hitting him under the jaw, in a specific area, Neji stumbled back rubbing where he hit him

Cujo fell to the ground unconscious

Neji adjusted his kimono shirt, giving Hinata one last glare before heading off,

Neji while walking away from them his eyes began to blurry a little, he squeezed them and headed off

Cujo awoke to Hinata trying her best to heal him, standing behind her was naruto with Shikamaru and choji to his side

"Cujo. . ."Hinata said, "i-"

Cujo raised his hand, He got up and while doing so his jaw dangled a little bit, Hinata fell back shrieking a little

Shikamaru, naruto, and choji made painful faces, Cujo lifted his jaw and are realigned it, pain ran through his head, Him shedding a small tear

"it's all right Hinata, but anyway thank you for trying to heal my jaw," Cujo said getting up, he almost fell back down but Shikamaru caught him,

"Easy Cujo" Shikamaru said,

"What happened Cujo why would Neji do this to you?" choji said slowly putting a chip into his mouth

"He insulted Hinata and was bullying her, so I tried to teach himself a lesson"

"Hinata you need to stand up that bastard, you can't let him treat you like that"

"i-ill try naruto-kun thank you," she said blushing

"so.. you guys wanna go and get something to eat?" naruto said, in a cheery tone

Cujo got off Shikamaru " I'm going, you guys enjoy yourselves"

he headed back to the orphanage, seeing it in his view he saw a figure in a tight green suit with a green vest, he had orange weights strapped onto his legs, he was knocking on the door until Cujo approached him

"Need something?" Cujo said, the man quickly jumped around,

[what the] Cujo looked at his face, he had big bushy curved eyebrows, his hair shining

"AHA," he said loudly, in a cheery tone "so you must be Cujo ishi!!!" his smile radiated

"I am, may I ask who are you"

He got into an awkward pose, smiling he pointed at himself

"I am Konohas noble green beast, MIGHT GUY!!!"

Cujo couldn't believe how white his teeth were

"What do you want from me might guy," Cujo said tiredly,

"Well I'm here to apologize for my student's behavior"

"Your student?"


"It's not me who he should apologize to, it's Hinata," he said "if you would, I would like to go to bed, I'm tired," he said going around him and opening the door

"you must be quite talented to punch Neji,"

Cujo turned around "Should've done more"

when he closed the door might guy said "If you're interested in another round with him meet me by the third training ground after class ends and bring your sword!!!" shouting the last few words

Cujo walked past the orphans and gave his gear to mother mina who hid it from the others, he grabbed new clothes and took a shower, after showing he headed out of the bathroom and saw that the sun started to set

he laid onto the bed and put the blanket over himself, he straightened his posture and breathed in deeply

"Hey Cujo wanna play shogi," one of the orphans said,

Cujo didn't respond he concentrated on the chakra flowing through his body to go faster and faster,

He felt his body becoming hotter and hotter, He stopped and decreased the flow, embedding the chakra to melt into his muscles and tissue

willing it to heal, forcing it, He felt the muscles repairing and getting stronger than last time, bigger as well

He wanted to do more but he was too tired, he closed his eyes and thought about what might guy said

[third training ground eh. . . . .