
Naruto: The will of fire

ever since he was born he could barely use chakra, But that won't stop Cujo Ishi from reaching his dreams. oh and ten ten doesn't exist, R.I.P

Alex_Anderson_4701 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 2

"Today you will fight hand to hand, it's time to use your taijutsu skills, and remember students, I'll be grading you on your performance, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, just try your best"

Cujo sighed [ at least I stand a chance now]

"First to go is. . . Cujo and sasuke"

Everybody looked towards sasuke then Cujo, some smirking, Sakura walked up to Cujo "You might as well just give up, there is no way you can beat sasuke, let alone land a hit on him"

"Ok," Cujo said walking past her, Angering her greatly, he stood in the circle which was in the middle of the hall, at one side was sasuke and on the other was him.

the other students were sitting down on the benches on the side

Iruka sensei walked towards the middle, He grabbed both their right hands and placed the back of their hands against each other

"Remember to try your best, you have five minutes" he backed up, cujos heart raced, He breathed deeply in and out, He looked sasuke in the eyes, In his deep emotionless eyes

"3. . 2. . 1. . fight"

sasuke with his left hand slapped away cujos right hand to the side and with his right hand he tried hitting his face with the back of his right hand, Cujo quickly backed away but sasuke jumped in the air and spun around

with his right leg, he tried hitting Cujo in the head but Cujo quickly blocked it with his hands leaving his chest open, Sasuke seeing this opportunity, balanced himself in the air, and while falling to the ground, with his left leg he kicked Cujo in the chest sending him flying backwards almost falling into the ground

Sakura cheered along with ino,

"COME ON CUJO, SHOW HIM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF!!!!" naruto yelled at the top of his lungs, echoing the words of the walls,

Sasuke ran towards Cujo trying to punch him in the face, Cujo remembered his breathing techniques and footing

Cujo was swatting away Sasukes punches, he started to walk backward faster, drawing sasuke towards him faster and faster, Cujo saw his chance and pounced forward, he spun around Sasukes punch and elbowed him in the mouth, tearing a part of his lip, blood leaked out

he heard sakura yelling, ino swearing, and naruto laughing, But sasuke. . . sasuke wiped away the blood from his lip with his thumb and faced Cujo,

this time Cujo knew he pissed him off [oh boy]

Cujo ran towards him, he tried punching him but sasuke kept on dodging, quickly, Cujo stepped on his foot and palm fisted him in the chest sending him tumbling to the floor

Naruto laughed while sakura tried shutting him up

Cujo looked towards sasuke who plunged off the ground, He ran to Cujo who raised his hands ready to defend,

Sasuke threw punches at Cujo who was trying his best to defend, but when every time Cujo raised his hands to defend himself from a punch another came from the other side

He was too focused on the punches that he didn't see the kick that sent him to the ground,

he quickly got off the ground ready to attack, Cujo threw some quick punches, quickly he spun around gaining speed, he faced sasuke and raised his leg ready to kick, and For sasuke, it seemed like he was going to kick him in the ribs, Sasuke got ready, and when Cujo was closing in on his ribs he backed his leg and lifted it into the air and with one swift move brought it down onto his neck, Fast and swiftly ready to dig his foot in but before he could Iruka sensei grabbed it

" That's enough"

Cujo lowered his foot And raised his hand "That was a good spar sasuke" he wanted sasuke to shake it but all he got was just a glare.

They both sat down and watched as the rest of the students sparred after class ended everyone headed home,

Cujo was excited, yesterday something happened in the forest, He unlocked something inside and could finally control chakra

Cujo headed outside passing by Mizuki who was late, He stepped outside and stepped into the muddy ground, He raised his hand to block the rain and ran to the orphanage,

he went inside the orphanage and saw the caretaker, mother mina an old woman, With blue eyes and a warming smile

"Ah Cujo how was your day," She said helping Cujo take off his shoes,

"It was alright," Cujo said " I've got it, mother, do not tire yourself," he said, taking off his shoes by himself

"Mother, could you give me my sword and kunais?"

She led Cujo to the basement where she kept his sword which he bought and his kunais,

"Thank you for looking after these mother," Cujo said kissing her on the cheek

he ran upstairs and went to the bathroom to change, he wore white shorts and a white shirt, he cleaned the places he dirtied and wetted

He waved her goodbye and went outside without any shoes, it rained heavily,

He approached the trees and entered inside, half an hour later he found his spot,

Cujo shook a tree and a hundred leaves fell off, Cujo unsheathed his sword and closed his eyes, [listen]

with one swift move, he spun around cutting a few dozen leaves in half, Then another dozen, and before his fourth strike He had cut all leaves except for a few,

He opened his eyes and looked around him, [hopefully I can cut them twice next time]

He got into his position, The sword held out in front of him, He kicked the tree and dozens of leaves fell, And every time the came with they same height level as Cujo they were cut

Cujo did this a few more times, making sure that his form wasn't sloppy, After being satisfied, He started to focus on the rain

He cut almost a hundred raindrops before his sides got sore from shifting around all the time, Cujo wiped the water away from his face and sheathed his sword putting it back down

He picked up his kunais, 8 kunais and 4 of them on each side, Cujo looked at a leaf on a tree a few dozen feet away from him and Threw the kunais at it

The 4 kunais he threw with his left hand two which he threw at the ground curved up and two which he through high in the air curved down, While the kunais he threw with his right hand, two which he threw to the right Curved to the left, and two which he threw to the left curved to the right

all kunais hitting each other and it's target,

Cujo kept on training his kunai skills until he was satisfied,

Cujo fell to the ground and got into a good pushup position, with his hands wide, he started slowly, he wanted to do a few hundred, It took half an hour to do it with maximum performance, after finishing His chest felt numb along with his biceps.

He started to do squats every time getting up he would jump in the air and do a spinning kick, he did this until his balance was at utmost perfection along with his posture, It took him almost a hundred times and he was not satisfied with the amount of soreness in his legs.

Cujo looked around and found a big rock, The size of his belly, He picked it up and was maybe a few dozen pounds.

He started to squat and every time he came up he jumped, he did this until his legs could not support his weight, Maybe a few hundred squats later his legs finally gave up, him dropping straight down to the floor,

He laid on the ground, letting the raindrops hit him, He rested for a few minutes and sat up, He took off his shirt, got up and started to walk, He tried his best not to fall but the only thing he could do was walk a few steps and fall straight down, after approaching a nearby tree with a lowered branch that was strong enough to support his weight

he stood up, his legs wobbling, he quickly wrapped the shirt around the branch and climbed using his upper body, He hugged the thick branch got on top of it, and turned sideways, using his shirt he tied his legs onto the branch, letting his upper body dangle off the branch he start to do sit-ups. again and again.

Almost an hour and every time he got up his core trembled, He untied his shirt, and he dangled off the branch, falling to the ground

He sat in front of the tree, His back towards it, He closed his eyes and started to clear everything in his mind, he started breathing slowly and slowly until it seemed like he wasn't at all

He emptied his mind and focused on his stomach, After a few minutes he had it, He found his chakra, He willed it to circulate and distribute all of it around his body, Cujo was familiar with tenketsu, He had it circulate all over his 361 points throughout the body, he had the chakra help and repair his damaged muscles. He got up and his body still hurt but not that much,

he thought of Iruka sensei, Cujo started to do the hand signs


'Transformation Jutsu'

Cujo looked at his hands