
Naruto: The Wandering Blacksmith

Ryu lives with his father, Haru, in a small village in the land of water where he helps his father with their blacksmithing business. However, the father and son pair are not as they seem. When Shinobi appear on their doorsteps looking to kill them, Ryu is forced to venture into the harsh world of Shinobi with only the Transformation Jutsu that his father taught him for blacksmithing. Watch Ryu as he hones his skill and becomes a legend the likes of which have never been seen in the multiverse. (By the way, the tag says OP for a reason, Ryu will end up so broken. Like OAA level. And there won't be any cheats, Ryu will discover the multiverse and explore it all with his own power. If you're wondering how such heresy is possible, especially in a Naruto fic, go read the fanfic. Honestly, I made it my personal mission to torment all the power scalers that will read this.) I don't own the image, I can barely write my name in an understandable way much less draw something like that, so if the original artist (TorinoGT from what I found on Wallpaper Abyss) wants it taken down message me. I also don't own Naruto, but I think that's obvious. I mean, if I did own it, I sure as hell wouldn't write fanfictions about it... I'd also be rich :-( One last thing, as of writing this, I'm on what's called in my country "Year of Service" where we go volunteer for a year around the country before going to the military. The workdays are 13~ hours and I live with like 7 other people in a tiny apartment so that's fun. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that my upload schedule will be awful and one chapter a week will be lucky, so be warned.

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

Chapter 98 - test

The first light of dawn seeped through the gaps in the bedroom curtains, casting soft rays of sunlight onto the rumpled sheets. The scent of spent candles still hung in the air, a gentle reminder of the night's intimate escapades.

Ryu awoke first, his eyelids fluttering open to take in the serene scene before him. His gaze fell upon Yoruichi, who was still nestled in the crook of his arm, her breaths slow and steady. Her dark hair splayed out over the pillow, framing her peaceful face. Ryu couldn't help but let a small, tender smile form on his lips, his heart swelling with warmth.

Careful not to wake Yoruichi, Ryu gently disentangled himself from her embrace and rose from the bed. He pulled on his clothes and made his way to the kitchen, intent on preparing breakfast as a surprise for his still-slumbering companion.

As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, Yoruichi stirred in her sleep, roused by the tempting scents. Her eyes fluttered open, and she stretched lazily beneath the sheets before sitting up and taking in the empty space beside her.

A soft smile graced her lips as she recalled the events of the night before she slipped out of bed and got dressed. Her feet glided softly across the wooden floor as she followed the delicious scents to the kitchen.

"Did you like the surprise?" Yoruichi said mischievously as she drank her coffee.

"It was amazing, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 were amazing. I'm not sure if my side of the bargain held up, maybe I should improve Raidenkyo a little more," Ryu smirked.

"Don't worry, you made up for it in strides last night. I wasn't the only amazing one," Yoruichi said with an alluring voice while dragging her fingers across the wooden table.

As the sun continued to rise, bathing the room in a golden glow, Ryu and Yoruichi sat in front of one another as they enjoyed their simple breakfast.

"Do you want to test out Raidenkyo now?" Ryu asked.

"What do you think?" Yoruichi asked as she smiled excitedly.


A vast open field stretched out before Ryu and Yoruichi, bathed in the golden light of the morning sun. The vast expanse of lush green grass rippled gently and hypnotically in the soft breeze, creating an almost mesmerizing effect.

Dewdrops adorned the blades of grass, glistening like tiny jewels as they caught the sun's rays, adding an ethereal sparkle to the scene. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying with it the subtle fragrance of earth and the sweet scent of wildflowers that dotted the field in vibrant hues of yellow, purple, and red.

But suddenly, a new voice surprised Yoruichi. "Ryu! You called?" Kettei said curiously as he entered the field.

"Kettei, how are your new spells coming along?" Ryu asked as he waved toward Kettei.

"Good. And they seem pretty effective. Too much, if I go by Soifon's complaints," Kettei chuckled as Yoruichi raised an eyebrow.

"You're friends with Soifon?" Yoruichi asked curiously.

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend. I take it you're Yoruichi?" Kettei asked, his gaze turning cold.

"Wow, from what Soifon told me about you I was expecting sunshine and rainbows, not a chilling gaze," Yoruichi commented in a lighthearted tone.

"Can you blame me? Do you even know how much you hurt her? Do you know what I had to do to help her heal and move on?" Kettei said with clenched fists.

"Yeah, I know that... But I made up with her," Yoruichi replied awkwardly.

"...Ryu, what did you call me here for?" Kettei turned to Ryu with an impatient tone.

"Well, I wanted you to fight with Yoruichi so she'd be able to test some stuff. I didn't know if you'd agree, but I take it you're willing to be part of this experiment?" Ryu asked with a smile.

"I'll enjoy this. Let's begin," Kettei smirked as he flicked his wrist and activated a Kido spell that teleported him to the other side of the field.

"Let's do this," Yoruichi smirked with excitement as she got into the unique stance of her new sword style.

Yoruichi got into a low posture, mimicking a cat on all legs. Her knees were slightly bent, and her back was kept straight, with one hand gripping the sword near her hip and the other held out for balance. This stance kept Yoruichi low to the ground, allowing for quick and unpredictable movements while maintaining a minimal profile.

Kettei, on the other hand, adopted a relaxed standing posture as he held out his hands with his palms open.

The fight began with Yoruichi lunging forward, her sword slashing through the air like a pouncing feline. Kettei anticipated her opening move and reacted swiftly, casting "Bakudo 74, Temporal Anchor!" The air around Yoruichi's limbs seemed to solidify, momentarily slowing her movements.

Utilizing Yoruichi's slowed movements, Kettei immediately cast another spell. "Hado 70, Scarlet Storm!" Blood-red energy swirled around him, forming razor-sharp tendrils that lashed out at Yoruichi.

But despite her slowed movements, Yoruichi danced around the whirling tendrils, her nimble footwork and fluid movements keeping her a step ahead of the deadly energy.

"This is annoying," Yoruichi exclaimed as she let out a burst of spiritual energy, dispelling the Kido that affected her.

In the blink of an eye, Yoruichi reached Kettei before executing a series of unpredictable, lightning-fast slashes, each one changing direction mid-swing in a wild manner. Kettei struggled to keep up with her relentless assault, his body contorting as he dodged and weaved through the storm of steel. Sensing an opening, Yoruichi spun around, her body generating momentum as her sword carved a powerful arc through the air. Kettei narrowly evaded the attack, his robes slicing open as the blade grazed him.

Refusing to be outdone, Kettei retaliated with a combination of spells. First, he chanted, "Bakudo 78, Prism Barrier!" A shimmering, multi-colored shield materialized before him, blocking Yoruichi's continued assault. Then, he followed up with "Hado 89, Soul Drinker!" A torrent of ghostly figures surged towards Yoruichi, their ghastly hands grasping for her very essence.

Unfazed, Yoruichi leaped into the air, using the flat side of her sword to reflect light Kettei's shimmering shield radiated into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. She then plunged towards him like a comet falling from the sky, her sword aimed at his chest. As her Zanpakuto clashed against Kettei's barrier, sparks flew in the air and a turbulent wind swept through the field from the force of the impact.

Using the fact that Yoruichi was temporarily immobile, Kettei immediately chanted another Kido. "Hado 72, Elemental Symphony!" Streams of fire, ice, and lightning erupted from his palms, creating a cacophony of destruction that threatened to engulf Yoruichi. But with her quick thinking, Yoruichi quickly pushed herself back by using Kettei's shield as a counterforce.

"Those are some powerful spells you got there, I suppose I outta return the favor," Yoruichi said playfully before adopting a more serious expression.

In an instant, Yoruichi vanished, her movements so fast that she seemed to teleport. Kettei's eyes widened as he struggled to keep up with her blistering speed. Before he could react, Yoruichi reappeared behind him, her sword slashing through the air with the ferocity of a wildcat.

Yoruichi's barrage of attacks was relentless. She darted around Kettei, her Shunpo leaving afterimages in her wake as she struck from every conceivable angle. Each attack of her sword flowed into the next, her movements untamed and unpredictable.

Kettei desperately attempted to counter Yoruichi's assault, casting a series of defensive Kido spells which Yoruichi broke one after the other. He managed to conjure "Bakudo 79, Steel Cocoon," a protective barrier of hardened energy that enveloped and hid him. However, Yoruichi's feral strikes shattered the barrier, her sword cutting through the energy as if it were paper.

But as Yoruichi peered into the cocoon, she only saw an empty space. But her confusion didn't last long as a shout could be heard from a dozen meters behind her. "Kido 84: Vacuum Pressure!"

A powerful vacuum formed around Yoruichi, the air pressure within it dropping drastically. Yoruichi gasped for breath, her body suddenly deprived of oxygen as the vacuum's effects took hold.

Kettei wasted no time and pressed his advantage. He continued casting spells to bombard Yoruichi, forcing her to rely on her Shunpo to avoid the incoming attacks while being unable to breathe within the vacuum.

Moments later, the vacuum's intense pull reached its climax before dissipating, and the surrounding air rushed in to fill the void. The air clashed violently in the middle of the vacuum, creating a sonic boom-like effect that enveloped Yoruichi. She was caught in the center of the deafening shockwave, her body battered by the tremendous force generated by the colliding air.

"*Huff*, Alright, enough *huff* games. Roar like the thunder of the heavens, Raidenkyo!" Yoruichi panted as she activated her new Shikai.

Upon releasing her Shikai Raidenkyo underwent a stunning transformation, becoming a pair of magnificent gauntlets and matching mail chausses. The gauntlets and chausses emanated a brilliant golden hue, evoking the power of lightning that surged through them, and their regal appearance was a testament to Yoruichi's status.

The gauntlets, forged from sleek, obsidian metal and dark as a moonless night, were adorned with intricate patterns of silver filigree that wove around each finger and across the back of her hands. The filigree depicted celestial storms, telling a tale of the power of the heavens that was now imbued within Yoruichi's weapons. As the lightning danced across the surface of the gauntlets, it brought the story to life, and each strike she made was like a bolt from the gods themselves.

The mail chausses were crafted with equal care and attention to detail, gracefully encasing Yoruichi's legs up to her thighs. The delicate yet durable metal was just as dark as the gauntlets, and etched into it were majestic symbols of lightning bolts and roaring thunderstorms. With each step Yoruichi took, the mail chausses emitted a faint hum, the sound of the storm growing closer.

The lightning that crackled around the gauntlets and chausses served a dual purpose, acting as both a shield and an offensive weapon. The slightest touch of the gauntlets or chausses would release an explosive burst of lightning, its ferocity a testament to Yoruichi's untamed power. Her movements were a blur as if she could transform into lightning itself, darting across the battlefield with unparalleled speed and grace.

Kettei, realizing the devastating power Yoruichi now wielded, knew he needed to act quickly to avoid being overwhelmed. He began to send a barrage of Kido spells at Yoruichi, his hands weaving complex patterns in the air as the spells took shape.

First, he cast "Hado 69: Geysers of Molten Lava," causing the ground beneath Yoruichi to erupt with a torrent of molten rock. Then, he quickly followed up with "Bakudo 71: Glacial Prison," attempting to encase her in a tomb of solid ice. Lastly, he unleashed "Hado 88: Desolation Vortex," a swirling maelstrom of dark energy that threatened to engulf her entirely.

But Yoruichi, empowered by her Shikai transformation, was unfazed. She effortlessly evaded Kettei's attacks with lightning-fast reflexes, her movements a blur as she closed the distance between them. Before Kettei could react, Yoruichi landed a thunderous hook on his face, the force of her strike enhanced by a brilliant explosion of lightning.

Kettei retreated, the impact of her blow forcing him back. He continued to fire numerous spells while teleporting around the battlefield to evade Yoruichi's relentless pursuit. But she was undeterred.

Ryu smiled as he watched Yoruuichi move. Just as he noticed it was undeniable that she was far more skilled in Hakuda than in swordsmanship. Yoruichi's hand-to-hand combat skills were already formidable on their own, but with the added power of her Zanpakuto behind her fists and kicks, she became virtually unmatched. She darted across the battlefield, her limbs a whirlwind of powerful strikes and devastating blows.

"Fine, I guess I'll have to take things more seriously too," Kettei said as he spat out a mouthful of blood. "Shine forth, Akatsuki no Kintsugi!(Dawn's Golden Repair)"

Upon releasing his Shikai, Kettei saw his Zanpakuto transform into a breathtaking red robe that exuded warmth and comfort. The robe was adorned with golden patterns, each more complex than the last. The robe seemed to be alive, pulsating and billowing with energy, giving the impression of constant motion. As Kettei moved, the robe trailed behind him gracefully, as if it were a sentient being following his every command.

Its rich, deep red hue captured the essence of both passion and power. The robe's fabric was an enigma—simultaneously as delicate as a whisper, yet as strong as the foundations of the earth.

The robe's golden patterns, interwoven throughout the red fabric, depicted scenes of nature, such as blooming flowers, rippling water, and towering trees swaying in the wind. The patterns glowed with a golden light as if imbued with the very essence of life itself, giving the robe a sense of vitality and profound energy.

The robe's collar was high and regal, accentuating Kettei's stature. The sleeves of the robe were wide and flowing, providing ample freedom of movement for Kettei as he channeled his Kido spells. Each sleeve was adorned with tassels made from silken threads, dyed in vibrant shades of crimson and gold. The tassels seemed to dance in the air as Kettei moved, adding an element of grace and fluidity to his every gesture.

The robe's hem was adorned with a delicate frame of golden beads and intricate charms. Each charm bore an inscription of Kido incantations, and as Kettei channeled his energy through the robe, the charms emitted a soft, melodic hum.

As Kettei's Shikai healed his injuries and replenished his spiritual energy at an alarming rate, he felt a surge of newfound power coursing through him. With renewed vigor, he prepared to bombard Yoruichi with a dazzling array of Kido spells, each more creative and powerful than the last.

Kettei began by casting Kido, "Bakudo 102, Celestial Grasp." This spell manipulated gravity, causing multiple small, swirling vortexes of energy to appear around Yoruichi, each one attempting to entrap her limbs and immobilize her. However, Yoruichi, empowered by her Shikai, skillfully dodged each vortex with her unparalleled speed and agility, countering the gravitational force by using her lightning-imbued gauntlets to propel herself through the air.

Not to be deterred, Kettei unleashed Kido, "Bakudo 104, Astral Veil." This spell created a series of ethereal barriers around Yoruichi, each one reflecting her own Hakuda techniques back at her, forcing her to face the power of her own attacks. Unfazed, Yoruichi adjusted her tactics, carefully weaving through the barriers with precision and grace, using her Shikai's lightning speed to avoid the deadly reflections of her own strikes.

Kettei continued his assault with Kido, "Bakudo 110, Nebula Disruption." This spell manipulated the fabric of space itself, causing reality to bend and warp around Yoruichi, disorienting her and making it difficult to determine the true distance and direction of Kettei's attacks. Despite the disorienting effect, Yoruichi's instincts, honed by years of training, allowed her to sense the flow of spiritual energy on the battlefield. With her lightning-enhanced reflexes, she was able to anticipate and evade Kettei's spatially distorted attacks, countering with her own lightning-charged Hakuda techniques.

Yoruichi and Kettei continued their intense battle, each showcasing their immense power and skill. Yoruichi, drawing from her Hakuda techniques, began to unleash a series of devastating moves against Kettei.

She first launched at Kettei with a Thundering Palm, channeling her spiritual energy into her palm before striking Kettei's chest with a powerful shockwave. Kettei, momentarily staggered, quickly responded by casting "Hado 100: Gravity Surge," causing the ground beneath Yoruichi to pull her down with immense force.

Yoruichi countered by unleashing her Flashing Fist, her arms blurring as she delivered a rapid series of punches that broke through the gravitational pull, allowing her to regain her footing. Kettei, impressed by her resilience, cast "Bakudo 107: Time Fracture," slowing down Yoruichi's movements temporarily. Undeterred, Yoruichi performed a Whirlwind Kick, generating a small tornado around herself that deflected Kettei's follow-up spell, "Bakudo 81: Binding Web".

Kettei realized he needed to switch tactics and cast "Hado 87: Crimson Inferno," sending a torrent of flames toward Yoruichi. She responded with a Lightning Knee, charging her knee with spiritual energy and creating a small burst of lightning to intercept the flames, momentarily stunning Kettei. Seizing the opportunity, Yoruichi closed in and executed a Crescent Sweep, tripping Kettei and following up with a swift elbow strike as he fell to the ground.

Kettei, feeling the pressure, began to chant "Bakudo 91: Celestial Illusion," creating a series of illusory clones around Yoruichi. Unfazed, she used her Aerial Assault, gracefully soaring through the air and launching acrobatic kicks, dissipating each of the clones before hitting the real Kettei. As she landed a direct hit, Kettei quickly retaliated by casting "Hado 70: Corrosive Mist," enveloping the area in a dense, corrosive fog.

Yoruichi activated her Shadow Step, moving silently and invisibly around the mist to avoid damage. She then caught Kettei off-guard with an overhead kick, stunning him and forcing him to dispel the mist. Kettei quickly regained his senses before teleporting away.

"You wanted to test your Bankai too, right? Let's get to it. BANKAI!" Kettei yelled.

Upon uttering the sacred words to initiate his Bankai, Kettei's transcendent robe underwent a transformation so profound and awe-inspiring that it defied the very limits of imagination. The once red fabric now shimmered with a pearlescent, rainbow-colored sheen, seemingly reflecting the colors of the cosmos and the myriad mysteries of the universe. The robe now seemed to be made of pure energy, its boundaries blurring with the surrounding space as if to suggest that it had transcended matter itself.

The golden patterns that adorned the robe in its Shikai state now appeared to be made of pure light. The symbols pulsed and shifted, their light becoming more intense and radiant as if they were living constellations that had been woven into the very fabric of the robe.

The collar of the robe had transformed into a glorious, golden mantle that extended down Kettei's back, its edges fanning out like the wings of a phoenix in a majestic manner.

The sleeves of the robe now extended beyond Kettei's arms, forming ethereal tendrils of energy that danced and twisted around him like celestial serpents. These tendrils seemed to respond to Kettei's every thought and desire, extending and contracting at his command as if they were extensions of his own body.

The hem of the robe now appeared to dissolve into a cascade of shimmering stardust that flowed and swirled around Kettei's feet. As he moved, the stardust would leave a trail of ephemeral, luminous wisps in his wake, as if Kettei were traversing the very fabric of space and time.

In his Bankai state, Kettei's power was truly unimaginable, transcending the boundaries of understanding. If before he could heal severe wounds and replenish his energy quickly, now he could perform the same feat in the blink of an eye, making him practically immortal.

"Finally, let's get to it! BANKAI!" Yoruichi yelled out in excitement.

Upon activating her Bankai, Yoruichi's Raidenkyo unleashed its true potential, taking the form of a mesmerizing medieval cat-style armor that both protected and empowered her. The magnificent gauntlets and mail chausses that comprised her Shikai expanded and evolved, covering her entire body in a sleek, form-fitting armor that crackled with electricity on a level incomparable to her Shikai.

Yoruichi's Bankai armor was a sight to behold, a perfect balance of elegance and ferocity that personified her spirit. The armor, crafted from a lightweight and flexible obsidian metal, hugged her body like a second skin, providing unparalleled protection without hindering her speed or agility.

The chest piece featured a stunning silver filigree design that flowed seamlessly with the contours of her body, forming the image of a roaring feline face in the center before branching out in twisted lines, interweaving with images of storms and lightning bolts.

The pauldrons, or shoulder guards, were adorned with majestic, stylized cat heads, their ears swept back and mouths open in a fierce snarl. The cat heads seemed to come to life as the lightning coursed through them, creating a stunning visual effect that was both intimidating and awe-inspiring.

The gauntlets retained their sleek, obsidian metal design from her Shikai, but the silver filigree patterns extended further, reaching up to her shoulders and intertwining with the pauldrons. Each finger of the gauntlets was tipped with sharp, curved, and retractable claws, reminiscent of a cat's, crackling with the same potent electrical energy that coursed through the rest of the armor.

The helmet, shaped like the head of a fierce feline, was a work of art in itself. The helmet had pointed ears and slitted eyes that glowed with an ethereal golden light. Not only did they provide an imposing appearance but they also granted Yoruichi an enhanced perception. The silver filigree patterns on the helmet flowed back from the forehead and ears, cascading down the back of the helmet and connecting to the flexible tail that served as an extension of Yoruichi's will.

The tail was a masterpiece of engineering and design, composed of segmented metal plates that allowed it to move with cat-like fluidity. The tip of the tail was adorned with a sharp, lightning-infused blade, making it a lethal weapon in its own right. As the tail moved, it crackled with electrical energy, leaving trails of lightning in its wake.

The greaves, or leg guards, continued the motif of the storms and feline imagery, with the silver filigree patterns encircling her legs like a whirlwind. The knee guards were designed in the shape of snarling cat faces, their eyes glowing with the same golden light as the helmet's, and the mail chausses seamlessly integrated into the greaves, providing additional protection and flexibility.

"I like this," Yoruichi smiled wildly as she examined her new armor before launching herself at Kettei.

As Yoruichi leaped towards Kettei, her body crackling with lightning, he chanted quickly, "Bakudo 106: Chain of the Void!" Ethereal chains manifested around him, their links glowing with a deep purple hue, and shot out at Yoruichi, attempting to entangle her and restrain her movements.

Yoruichi's feline agility and grace came into play as she twisted her body in mid-air, contorting it into an almost impossible angle to narrowly avoid the first chain that lunged towards her. She then executed a flawless aerial cartwheel, her legs flinging hypnotically through the air as her hands reached out to catch and propel herself off the second chain. The momentum of this maneuver carried her into a breathtaking series of flips and spins, her movements a dazzling display of acrobatics that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

As each successive chain attempted to ensnare her, Yoruichi bent and arched her body with almost supernatural flexibility, twisting her torso one way while her legs spun in the opposite direction. She used the chains' own energy against them, springing off them like a trampoline to further increase her speed and make her trajectory more unpredictable.

Realizing that his Bakudo had failed to trap Yoruichi, Kettei began chanting again, "Hado 83: Galeforce Maelstrom!" A violent vortex of wind formed around him, its powerful gusts threatening to sweep Yoruichi away and prevent her from getting any closer.

Yoruichi, however, was not deterred. She used the powerful currents of air to her advantage, diving and weaving between the turbulent gusts like a leaf in the wind. She flipped and somersaulted through the air, her movements so fluid and graceful that it seemed as if she was performing an intricate aerial dance.

Kettei, now on the defensive, chanted another incantation, "Bakudo 67: Shifting Sands!" The ground beneath Yoruichi's feet began to shift and churn, transforming into a treacherous, unstable surface that threatened to swallow her up. The sand itself seemed alive, twisting and writhing like a nest of snakes, making it nearly impossible for her to maintain her footing.

Unfazed by the treacherous, shifting sands beneath her feet, Yoruichi continued her relentless pursuit of Kettei. Her body moved with breathtaking agility, her every movement a testament to her mastery of acrobatics. Leaping from one mound of sand to another, her feet barely touched the ground, as if she were a dancer performing an elaborate routine on an ever-changing stage.

Yoruichi's nimble footwork allowed her to stay one step ahead of the unstable terrain, each swift and precise step defying the odds as she navigated the treacherous landscape. Her legs coiled and uncoiled like the springs of a finely tuned machine, propelling her from one precarious foothold to the next. She twisted her body, her torso pivoting on an invisible axis as she leaped and bounded between the shifting sands, her movements fluid and seamless.

As she closed the distance between herself and Kettei, Yoruichi's acrobatic prowess was on full display. Her body seemed to flow like water, her limbs moving in perfect harmony as she vaulted over the unstable ground, her hands and feet finding purchase in the most unlikely of places. She was a whirlwind of motion, her body a blur of speed and grace, as she closed in on her target, undeterred by the ever-changing landscape that threatened to consume her.

But Kettei's robe replenished his spiritual reserves too quickly. With every spell he shot out, he received enough energy to shoot two more. And so Yoruichi was stuck trying to reach Ketter while the latter shot countless spells at her while teleporting across the field. Finally, Yoruichi had enough.

"Alright, I had my fun. Let's end this game, shall we?" Yoruichi said as her tone turned serious as she unleashed her trump card: Shunko.

The moment Yoruichi activated her Shunko, the atmosphere around her seemed to tremble with anticipation. An intense surge of energy erupted from her body, crackling and roaring with the force of a thousand storms.

Unlike regular clothes, her armor remained undamaged by the intensity of the Kido. Instead, the energy of her Shunko seemed to amplify the power of her armor, causing it to pulse with an even more brilliant and awe-inspiring light.

Her Shunko merged seamlessly with her Bankai armor, creating an incredible display of power and beauty. The lightning that crackled around her gauntlets and chausses intensified, now enveloping her entire body in a dazzling, pulsating aura of electricity. The power of her Shunko seemed to course through her armor, transforming her into a living embodiment of lightning.

Yoruichi's movements, already fast and agile, became even more fluid and graceful as the Shunko enhanced her speed and reflexes to unimaginable levels. Every movement she made was accompanied by a trail of lightning, as if she were painting the air with brilliant streaks of energy.

Kettei got ready to launch a spell, but how could he when Yoruichi appeared behind him before he even saw her shadow disappear from the ground?

Yoruichi extended her electrifying claws and pushed them against Kettei's neck, winning the fight.