
Naruto: The vicious glutton

A guy is reincarnated into the Naruto universe with his own kekkei Genkai.

Preston_Shaw · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I was in total darkness I couldn't remember who I was or why I was here but I knew I was a person a man who was 19 years old.

The name I couldn't remember my name it was all too foggy I knew I was an American I knew my numbers and letters and how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide while I wasn't good at division but I do have knowledge of history, science, and math at least as much as a typical 19 year old should know about such things.

However my family or friends I don't remember them maybe I never had them or maybe I did and this fog in my head is preventing me from remembering whatever it doesn't matter I'm alone in this darkness I can only hope that it ends soon and I can escape but it never ended days, months, even year's past or maybe they didn't maybe it's only been a second my sense of time is warped.

It could only be 1 second or 1 thousand years and I wouldn't know I can't tell I spent so long floating alone in the dark a burning sensation filled my very soul this feeling I knew it was rage pure hatred for being alone in this abyss for so long I don't know what awaits my at the end of this nightmare but whatever it is I will ravage it I'll annihilate it crush it obliterate it.

Thoughts of destruction and hate were the only things that got me through the soul-crushing loneliness eventually the darkness started to left and a new sight greeted me it was dark but not like the other darkness I don't feel alone here I could hear a thumping sound a heartbeat after so long some noise that wasn't my hate-filled thoughts.

It was nice just to listen to the beat of the heart it felt soothing it was peaceful but that peace didn't last I felt a pulling sensation then there was a blinding light I heard voices but I couldn't see their faces it was just too bright after a while I could see people they looked caucasian which was odd since they were wearing Japanese style clothing.

I was in the arms of an old woman who handed me to a pale woman with brown hair and eyes she looked sad but hugged me nonetheless until her body went limp and cold everyone around started crying looked like she died too bad she seemed nice there were two other people besides the old woman a young man in his twenties and another young woman who was probably his girlfriend or wife.

The old woman picked me up and the three people spoke with one another in a language I couldn't understand but I think it was Japanese again weird because they look like white people the old woman tried to hand me over to the young couple but they looked like they didn't want probably because they were young and didn't want to take care of a baby.

The old woman sighed but she had a look of understanding on her face these people were young and weren't ready to care for a child any way they talked for a bit longer then the young couple left the old woman looked at the baby with a look of pity then took him to what looked like an orphanage The building was made from mud, in fact, the whole looked poor and underdeveloped.

A kind-looking middle-aged woman looked at him and understood what happened and took him from the old woman the middle-aged woman then walked over to another room and put him in a crib I was feeling tired and I ended up falling asleep I don't know where I am but it isn't as bad as that horrible abyss so I could get used to it.

(Time skip 4 years)

A small toddler walked with shaky steps through the large mud house it was me but I have a name now it's Kyoryu Tatsu it sounds Japanese but again everyone here looks American so it's weird and here there given name goes first instead of the family name like in traditional Asian culture so Kyoryu is my first name when it should come after Tatsu.

The village I'm in is called Nagare Village in a place called the land of Redaku which sounds familiar somehow It is an arid country surrounded by mountains it is a rather peaceful place I learned the language here but it took two whole years so many people here believe I am an idiot but considering that most learn to speak at 9 to 14 months old.

One day the caretaker told me a story about Ninja who could use magical abilities called Jutsu she made it sound like a fairy tale but I knew what that meant I'm in the Naruto world so I reincarnated makes sense.

So what do I do now the land I'm in is near the land of fire but it has no shinobi or even an army it is a small and remote land located in a valley high in the mountains it is so peaceful here that no one has ever experienced any physical conflict before at first, I want a peaceful but now that I know that this is a shinobi world I want to fight and grow stronger.

I can't though because this place is full of peace-loving pussies who have never even seen a war they are so isolated that the concept of Jutsu is considered to be nothing but fairy tale magic so I can't learn jutsu or even fight here God this is ridiculous why out of all place was I born in such a small peaceful land.

Kyoryu was frustrated he was stuck here in a rinky-dink village with nothing to do but if he couldn't learn jutsu he would just train his physical body when he turned 5 years old he started a Rock Lee-style training regimen 5 hundred push-ups 5 hundred squats 5 hundred sit-ups 5 hundred pull-ups and finally 1 full hour of running.

He never quit even when he was tired even when the other children of the village mocked him he kept pushing himself each month he would add more to each exercise pushing himself beyond his limits Kyoryu was determined to become strong.

After one year of relentless training, he could see the results he was only six but was taller than most of his age with broad shoulders and a healthy-looking physique he wasn't buff after all he was just six but underneath his shirt looked like a faint outline of abs his training paid off.

He was 4 feet 5.4 inches which were tall for a six-year-old his skin was a healthy bronze from all the time he spent outside training his hair was shoulder length and was an unusual bright cherry red and his eyes were a bright amber color with bizarre red sclera and his pupils were vertical and shaped like slits.

His eyes were like a reptiles and coupled with his odd hair gave him a unique appearance but there was something else about him that was weird lately he's been feeling really hungry now I have to eat larger amounts of food to sustain myself it's been getting worse it has progressed to a point where he even thought about eating other people.

This isn't good what's happening to me it's like my stomach is a black hole I have noticed an increase in strength and building muscle has gotten easier but I am so hungry now I can't even train anymore I need food.

He was walking down the street and noticed something strange a man in a straw hat with a samurai sword he looked old he was probably a rogue samurai there was no one with him best guess is he was just passing through but was a perfect target Kyoryu was so hungry he didn't care anymore he needed to eat and fast.

A villager going missing would raise too much attention but some stranger going missing no one would care or even investigate he needed food he kept a safe distance from him at all times making sure he never saw him waiting for when he was alone the samurai walked into a secluded area this seemed suspicious.

"Come out I know you're there," said the samurai.

Shit well, he is a samurai, of course, he noticed me what should I do I know it's time for some trickery Kyoryu stepped out of hiding and walked over to the old samurai he was surprised to see a child.

"Why are you following me, young man," said the old samurai in a curious tone.

"I'm sorry sir it's just I saw your cool sword and wanted to talk to you about it but didn't know how to approach you,"

"Oh really now if that's all then why don't you come over here and I will show you it," he said in a nonthreatening way.

Don't like the sound of that but whatever Kyoryu slowly approach the man hidden behind his skirt was a small hatchet for cutting wood he was ready to use it at any time but he suddenly stopped and jumped back to avoid the samurai's sword slash.

"Oh, you have sharp instincts you dodged that by a hair listen, boy, I don't know why you followed me but from your concealed weapon I assume your want to bring me to harm you made a big mistake I'll kill you insolent brat,"

The samurai charged at Kyoryu throwing a multitude of slashes but each time Kyoryu dodge the attack by a small margin the samurai stopped his assault and moved back Kyoryu had many small cuts on his body but nothing serious he could still fight.

"You are quite impressive for someone with no chakra you are quite skilled unfortunately your life ends here,"

The samurai then coated his blade in chakra oh shit I know the attack the samurai then through a crescent-shaped slash at Kyoryu.

'Ha, this boy will obviously jump back to dodge but as soon as he does a second slash is waiting for him to cut him in two.' thought the samurai

However, Kyoryu instead leaped forward dodging both slashes he then ran forward and jumped onto the samurai who was not expecting him to charge forward towards his attack and was caught off guard Kyoryu then did something the samurai never thought heed he sank his teeth into his neck and ripped out his throat blood gushed every as the samurai feel to the ground.

In the samurai's final moments, he thought 'what kind of fool is he who charges towards danger and what's more, what sort of beast bites his opponent he turned his head to see Kyoryu eating his arm ripping off chunks of flesh and swallowing them the only thing he could think before death was this boy is a monster.