
Team 7 training and anger at ignorance.

Team 7 left the builder's house while following their sensei, after a few minutes of walking, they returned to the place Naruto used to train.

(Kakashi): "Okay, your training will be to climb these trees." - He says calmly, already foreseeing the Genins' indignation.

(Sakura): "But Kakashi-sensei, we already know how to climb trees." - She says a little confused."

(Sasuke): "Besides, what use would that have for me?" - He exclaims angrily.

The only one who didn't say anything was Naruto, because he knew what his sensei wanted.

Despite being hated in the village, most of the people who hated him were civilians, almost half the ninjas in the village until they were very nice to him, who unfortunately didn't teach at the ninja academy, so when he was lonely he talked a little with some ninjas who were off duty or with the guards at one of the village gates, Kotetsu and Izumo.

The nicest ones with him were the four women who saved the blonde from being beaten by the villagers, when Naruto was unable to lose them, until he was eight and started the ninja academy, each of them wore a mask, demonstrating that they were from ANBU, so he never saw their faces, but he talked to them from time to time, despite the last conversation he had with the four of them was two years ago, at least as far as he knew, since he never saw their faces and they called by the shape of the mask, which were Inu (Dog), Hebi (Snake), Neko (Cat) and Usagi (Rabbit).

Although he even asked to be trained by the ninjas who were nice to him, especially for women, everyone said they were not allowed to train him, but Izumo said he could see the training and try it for himself later, which didn't help much, because seeing what they were doing and trying to imitate without knowing how they were doing it did not generate positive results, not to mention the terrible chakra control he had due to the huge amount he had, and one of the things he saw was the ninjas climb trees, only without using their hands.

Kakashi did not answer, although he was a little surprised by the fact that Naruto, who was the most imperative not to react, so he walked towards a tree, and gradually started to climb it with only his feet, leaving the 2 surprised.

(Naruto): 'I knew it, I'm finally going to understand how they managed to do this.' - He thought excitedly as he followed his sensei up the tree and stopped on a branch with his head upside down.

(Kakashi): "As you noticed, you will learn to climb these trees with your feet, just using the Chakra, this exercise is to improve your control over it, this is the Tree Climbing Practice." - He says calmly before jumping off the branch and falling in front of the trio. - "You used these kunais to mark your progress." - He says throwing kunais in front of the 3.

Sasuke took the kunai and started running towards the tree in front of him, with the trunk splintering the moment he connected his foot, forcing him to take a mortal, but he ended up unbalanced, falling on his butt on the ground.

(Kakashi): "What happened Uchiha-kun?" - Exclaims mockingly. - "Is that all you can do?" - He exclaims in mockery and Sasuke grunted in anger.

Hatake's attention fell on Sakura, who was already at the top of the tree.

(Kakashi): "Congratulations Sakura." - He says pulling the attention of the pink that jumps to the side of the Hatake. - "But I would like to say the reason that facilitated you to perform this practice, it was because your chakra reserves are very small, so I want you to perform this practice more sometimes until your chakra runs out." - He say calm and the rosy nodded and went back to repeat the climb."

When Kakashi went to look in the direction of Naruto, the blond-red gradually began to climb the trunk, and gradually he began to increase his speed, until he reached the top, doing so, Naruto ended up giving a mortal to the ground, before start repeating the activity.

(Kakashi): 'Incredible... I thought he would have problems because of being an Uzumaki and because of the Kyūbi's chakra, but he is doing quite well, putting chakra in little by little to get a sense of the exact amount to climb... it seems that his transformation helped him a lot... is this a kekkei genkai from some ancestor that we don't know and he ended up waking up? '

And in fact, Natsu's Dragon Slayer power could really be considered a kekkei genkai, but the main reason why Naruto managed to do this activity without much difficulty was because he had memories of Natsu while he controlled his power, and the reservations that Natsu had, not to mention his Second Origin, were worthy of making the Kages jealous, the only reason he didn't already master this practice, was the fact that only Naruto's mind was used to control, the not the body, so the wear and tear in the first workout, he tried to do it as in the memories, but the body didn't quite know how to do this control.

But in this training, he saw with Uchiha what would happen if he put in too much, so he is being careful.

(Kakashi): "Naruto." - He says calling the attention of the red-blond who had risen a second time. - "If you can master this practice, you will spend less chakra to perform your jutsus, facilitating your training before."

Naruto nodded, jumping and after reaching the ground, sighed, before starting to run towards the tree again, to the indignation of a certain Uchiha.

(Sasuke): 'How?' - He thinks surprised and irritated when he sees his' companions', especially the Loser who was supposed to be the 'Last Dead', performing this training first that he, who had fallen a few times. - 'These bastards, they will regret it for trying to humiliate an Uchiha, an elite.' - He think angrily.

It was already 1 am, Sakura was a little tired, but she felt that she was starting to have less difficulty while climbing the tree, Naruto was already running at a good speed, and the speed increased every time he climbed the tree again, already Sasuke it was difficult to reach halfway, and gradually getting less far than in the previous attempt, due to exhaustion, anger and frustration at not having reached the top once while his 'companions' have visited several times.

(Kakashi): "Well." - He says calling the attention of your students. - "You two are already used to this stage of training, we can move on to the next step." - He say to the pair. - "Accompany me, and Uchiha-kun." - He says with disguised disdain. - "I'll leave a clone supervising you, when you're done, come to a lake nearby." - He say doing a Kage Bushin and leaving him propped up on a tree.

Kakashi guided the pair to a lake near a rocky area, surrounded by several trees.

(Kakashi): "Well, the next part of the training is Water Surface Walking Practice, you remember seeing me and Zabuza in the water, right?" - The pair nods. - "You will learn to do the same, the main difference between this practice and the previous one is the constant change in the amount of chakra needed." - He say calm.

(Naruto): "And why does this happen?"

(Kakashi): "Because of the depth, the deeper it is, the more chakra it will take for you not to sink." - He say happy for your student's question.

Kakashi then began to walk under the water calmly, until he reached the center of the lake and soon afterwards returned.

(Kakashi): "In 1h we will help Tazuna-san with her escort, so enjoy and train as much as you can." - He say calm.

Both nod, and Naruto begins to infuse chakra to his feet and starts running towards the lake, as he reached the center he noticed the need to increase the amount of chakra that Kakashi had commented on, he gradually increased the amount needed, he got to the center and went back to the bank, but as he came back he saw the need to decrease the amount, as he almost lost his balance on the run back.

(Naruto): 'So... I turned my feet into floaters and the chakra is the air inside them... and as a result I'm trying to balance myself on top of two floater... with little air I sink together with the buoys and with a lot of air I am thrown.'

Naruto could be innocent and in a way an idiot, but he even made some good analogies, and learned things quickly, the things that interested him at least, and with Natsu's part it kind of intensified, because Natsu also he was an idiot on a daily basis, but in battle and in training he could be considered a genius.

Naruto continued to repeat the exercise, until after a few sequences, the change in quantity was practically instinctive. They continued until Kakashi returned saying it was time to escort Tazuna.

(Sakura): "What about Uchiha, Kakashi-Sensei?"

Naruto was surprised that Sakura called Sasuke by his surname instead of the usual 'Sasuke-kun', which made him wonder what had happened to her to stop being an Uchiha fangirl. Kakashi was not surprised by that.

(Kakashi): "He hasn't finished training yet, so he won't be coming today."

They went to Tazuna's house to escort him, when they reached the bridge, they found several workers carrying metal beams from side to side, Tazuna puts on a helmet and begins to coordinate the functions of the group, while helping them. Tazuna had just put a beam on the floor when a person approached him.

(Tazuna): "What happened Giichi?" - He ask wiping the sweat.

(Giichi): "Tazuna, I... I won't be able to help you anymore." - He says while bowing.

Tazuna's eyes widen with that phrase.

(Tazuna): "Even you, Giichi? Why so suddenly?" - He asks a little surprised.

(Giichi): "We have known each other for years, and of course, I want to help you, but if we continue like this, Gatō can come to us." - He says with his head down. - "And if you die, everything we did ends up. Why not... did we stop building the bridge?" - The genins were listening a little surprised.

(Tazuna): "Giichi." - He say seriously, making him look up. - "You don't have to come tomorrow."

He limits himself to that, while walking away, while Giichi lowers his head again and clenches his fists with resignation, feeling frank for leaving a long-time friend in hand.

Naruto decided that he would not keep his arms crossed with that, if that bridge would improve their lives, then it would help in the construction of it.

(Naruto): "Tazuna-san." - He say it as he approach the old man. - "Can I help you?"

Tazuna stares at him for a while before answering.

(Tazuna): "Do you think you can carry these beams?" - He asked in a slightly mocking tone, but grateful for the boy's good will.

Naruto doesn't answer, just approaches a beam and lifts it up, supporting it on his shoulder as if it were something light.

(Naruto): "Where do I take them?" - He ask serious.

It takes Tazuna a while to get out of the surprised and nodded expression. After taking the beam to its destination, Naruto makes the cloning seal

(Naruto): "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu." - He exclaims making 50 copies of you. - "Let's go, minna."

The clones howl in unison and begin to help with construction. The rest were surprised by the 'Narutos' troop at the site, lifting the various beams and other construction materials to their destination with ease.

Sakura was sitting farther away and watching the scene with a mixture of surprise, happiness and regret. Surprised by Naruto's gesture, after all he didn't need to help Tazuna with the bridge, just be on guard, happy to see his partner not think twice before trying to help the next one, apart from the dedication he showed while helping and regret for way that he treated him only to magnify and please Sasuke.

Hours of work later, already at sunset, the group had already arrived at Tazuna's house. Sasuke had not yet arrived and during the conversation Naruto decided to take a doubt.

(Naruto): "Sakura-chan, why did you refer to Teme by his last name?"

Sakura and Kakashi exchanged an apprehensive look, but decided to tell what Sasuke said about Naruto when he almost died for his companion.

Naruto wasn't angry or surprised, first, he didn't expect much from the Uchiha himself, and second, it just wouldn't be worth being angry with Sasuke, just as it wasn't worth being angry with the villagers in the village who were trying to beat the Naruto, it would simply be a waste of time.

They just continued to talk until Sasuke came in breathlessly, Hatake asked if he had managed to finish the training and he showed an irritated expression, indirectly saying that he had not succeeded, Uchiha just sat a little further away, staring at a certain blond with hatred, because for him, the supposed 'Loser', shouldn't be able to accomplish anything, and even then he had shown himself to be stronger than the Uchiha, something he didn't want to admit.

(Tazuna): "Naruto, thank you for your help today, we managed to speed up several days of work because of you." - He says after drinking a little, the blonde nods with a smile.

(Kakashi): "Tomorrow we'll take Tazuna-san a little, because I need to focus on training the boys, especially with Zabuza on the prowl." - He say calm and the builder nods.

At that time, Tazuna's grandson, Inari, enters the room with an irritated expression on his face.

(Inari): "You are all going to die."

(Naruto): "What do you mean?" - He asks with a raised eyebrow.

(Inari): "There is no point in wanting to fight the Gatō, in the end all of you will end up dead." - He say angry.

(Tsunami): "INARI!" - She screams trying to rebuke her son."

(Naruto): "There are no immortal people, Gatō is just a coward who hides behind his mercenaries." - Tell me seriously. - 'Although Zeref was an exception.'

(Inari): "SHUT UP! You don't know what it's like to suffer, that's why you're saying this." - He grunted angrily, but before he could continue, Naruto punches the table where they were eating, breaking it and taking everyone.

Naruto didn't know why he reacted that way, but as soon as he heard 'you don't know what it's like to suffer' he was irritated, because both his memories and Natsu's came up.

He found himself alone while running away or hiding from the villagers, from Gray, who lost his family in the attack of a demon and years later lost his master to the same demon, Erza, who had her village burned down, practically turned into a slave. , where in the flight she even lost one of her eyes, where a person she called a friend even tried to take her life and Mirajane, who saved her village from a demoino, only to be later expelled and hunted by them just for having ended up taking the power of the demon.

(Naruto): "I don't know what it's like to suffer? You are complaining with your mouth full, you have your mother and grandfather alive, giving you love and protection. I am already an orphan, my parents died a few hours after I was born, since then I live alone, being hated by the majority of Konoha, some even came to beat me for something unknown to me until recently and that I was not even guilty." - He says with a little anger in his voice. - "Don't think that you are the only one who suffered in the gaki world, so you can do whatever you want." - He say before heading to the door. - "Tsunami-san, I'm going to sleep outside tonight."

After leaving, Inari starts to cry and runs to her room, leaving the majority in the place stunned by what had happened, with a Sasuke who ended up sleeping due to tiredness.

(Sakura): "Kakashi-Sensei, is it true what Naruto said?" - She ask a little worried.

(Kakashi): "It's just a short version, but yes, he lost his parents shortly after he was born, without living with maternal and paternal love, living on his own from an early age, with only a few people helping him, like Sandaime Hokage, that despite Naruto sees him as a grandfather, due to his work, he cannot do much. In addition due to an event that I cannot tell because it is a Rank SS secret, many people ignore Naruto, treating him like a nobody, or even trying to beat him up, because he used to joke around in the village, to draw attention and show which was not what many thought he was." - He says sighing, while the Tsunami wiped away some tears.

(Tsunami): "Why didn't anyone adopt him?" - She asks a little stunned.

(Kakashi): "Unfortunately due to some circumstances, the Council forbade him to be adopted. "Says clenching his fists." Some acquaintances of Naruto's parents tried to adopt him when he was younger, but were prevented." - He says irritably remembering the countless times he was prevented from adopting Uzumaki.

Soon after they finished eating and went to their rooms to end the day.

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