
Explaining about Dragon Slayer.

The next day, Naruto woke up with the first first rays of sunlight that hit his face, with several trees and rocks knocked down with some traces of fire around him, which he dropped in training before going to sleep. He woke up with a very blurred vision and almost went back to sleep if it wasn't for the fact of hearing a person's voice.

(?): "You will end up catching a cold sleeping in here."

Naruto stood up and stretched while taking a deep breath, and when the time was surprised, as he smelled the Oinin who was Zabuza's partner, he turned to the direction of the voice and saw a woman with black hair and eyes, wearing a pink kimono that was slightly open on the chest showing the middle breasts, while carrying a basket.

(NOTE: Haku is a woman in this fanfic.)

Naruto did not feel hostility coming from her, not to mention that she could have tried to eliminate him while he was still sleeping, so he acted as usual.

(Naruto): "Good Morning, don't worry, I hardly ever get sick. By the way, my name is Naruto, what's your Nee-san?"

(?): "My name is Haku. What were you doing here Naruto-san?" - She ask with a small smile.

(Naruto): "I ended up training too much and passed out." - He says laughing while scratching the back of his neck nervously.

(Haku): "Are you a Shinobi?"

He nods, taking his Hitai-ate out of his pocket and tying it to his forehead.

(Naruto): "What are you doing here Nee-san?"

(Haku): "Me? I was just collecting some medicinal herbs, for an acquaintance who is sick." - She say calm.

(Naruto): "Was Zabuza hurt so badly?" - He ask calmly.

Haku rolls her eyes while looking at the red-blond.

(Haku): "How did you..." - She started with awe in my voice.

(Naruto): "How did I find out that you were with Zabuza? My nose is very accurate, and I recognized your scent when you rescued Zabuza."

Haku found it a little strange. He knew that in Konoha there was a clan that had some animal traits, mainly in the tracking part, but the person in front of him didn't look like an Inuzuka member, he didn't even have a Ninken with him. But even if it weren't true, she had practically gone through.

(Haku): "Why didn't you believe the excuse I gave you at that time?"

(Naruto): "Because Zabuza's scent was strong on you, which meant that you were together for a short time at that time, but the two were in perfect condition, which meant that you weren't enemies."

Haku just looked with astonishment at the boy in front of him.

(Haku): "And will you just let me get the herbs to cure you?" - She asks suspiciously.

(Naruto): "Yes, consider a thanks." - He say it calmly."

(Haku): "Thanks?" - She asks confused.

(Naruto): "For not fighting with us. We were all tired, you could have just killed us, but you just took Zabuza and left."

Haku just stared at him, that kind of values ​​was strange in the Shinobi branch, especially when it came to nukenins. But she felt that he wasn't lying and simply started collecting the herbs while Naruto did a little warm-up.

(Haku): "You said you were training." - She asks with her back to him. - "Is there a particular reason?" - She asks calmly.

(Naruto): "Yes, in addition to wanting to keep a promise, I want to get stronger to protect those important to me." - He says with a smile on his face.

(Haku): "I see." - She says smiling as she finishes filling the basket. - "Those who fight to protect are the ones who will become truly strong." - She says standing up and then bowing to say goodbye to the blond.

(Naruto): "He's really important to you, isn't he?"

(Haku): "Practically a father... until our fight, Naruto-san."

She turned and went on her way, Naruto stared at her until she was gone, then he performed 50 Kage Bushin to continue his training. From his father's memories, he saw a cool trick in the Kage Bushin, that if they trained and then disbanded he would receive their memories training and a little motor memory too, different from what happened to him in Natsu's memories.

After 1 hour of training, his stomach starts to snore, he made all his clones disappear, and ends up heading for Tazuna's house. Upon arriving, he noticed that Kakashi was at the entrance, he just greets him and enters the place, he apologizes for the broken table, that Tazuna has already fixed it until they get a new one, and after eating a little with the others, including the Inari who just lowered his head and didn't face Naruto, he goes with Team 7 to continue the training.

Upon arriving in the forest, Naruto thought about asking Kakshi to train a little further and that he explain a little elemental chakra, to see if Katon improved and also try Raiton. But Sasuke was interrupted by Sasuke.

(Naruto): "What do you want, Batard?" - He asks bored.

(Sasuke): "Fight me Loser." - He says arrogantly and Naruto just ignores it and went on his way. - "Fight me, you coward." - He says thinking about shaking Naruto, which didn't work.

Naruto started to ignore the insults he received, and Natsu sometimes was very cool-headed, except when the guild members, especially his rival Gray, made fun of him, but with the outside, since who did not speak ill or hurt his family, he simply ignored it.

(Naruto): "No." - He answers in the same bored tone making Sasuke grit his teeth. - "And honestly, your opinion is not important to me, if you think I'm weak, it's not my problem." - He says with a shrug.

(Sasuke): "Damn!" - He exclaims while making some hand seals, making Kakashi's eyes widen. - "Fire Style: Big Fireball Jutsu."

A fireball is sent in the direction of Naruto, who just gives a small smile, and before Kakashi can do anything, she hits the red-blond.

(Sakura): "NARUTO!" - She screams, scared and worried.

(Kakashi): "DAMN YOU! Do you know what you did?" - He exclaims angrily and Sasuke smiles arrogantly.

(Sasuke): "Hump, this weak will learn not to mess with an Uchiha." - He say arrogantly.

(?): "I was expecting a little more."

The trio's attention fell in a voice that would come from the place where the fireball hit, then the flames started to move in a way that looked like they were being sucked, which in fact was happening, revealing a Naruto without any damage in him or the clothes he wore, who was pulling the flames into his mouth and swallowing them right after.

(Naruto): "We just had breakfast... and those flames are horrible... but a meal is a meal." - He says a little sick by the bad taste in his mouth.

(Sasuke): "H-How?" - He stares with wide eyes, quite surprised.

(Kakashi): 'He may only have woken up a kekkei genkai... but which one?' - He thinks as surprised as the Uchiha.

(Naruto): "Look Batard... you are pathetic." - He says seriously and the Uchiha growls with rage. - "I will not waste my time with a spoiled and immature child."

Sasuke just gets more annoyed by that.

(Sasuke): "And what can you say huh? You are just an orphan."

(Naruto): "Orphaned more than one Batard, pathetic, egocentric that only knows how to lean on the name of the clan." - He says with mockery.

The Uchiha clenches his fists, running to attack him, but Kkashi intervenes by holding Sasuke's arm.

(Kakashi): "When we get to Konoha, I will make it a point to tell the Hokage-sama that you attacked a fellow villager." - He say seriously and irritated.

(Naruto): "Kakashi-Sensei, I'm going to continue my training with Katon on the other side of the forest, can you go there later?"

Kakashi nods and Naruto leaves the place without being bothered by the angry look that Sasuke gave him, the Uchiha clenches his fists and punches a tree, Sakura stares at the Uchiha with disgust, her stomach twisting in thinking she was in love with someone like he, she would definitely tell her friend and rival Ino when they meet next time, and Kakashi is increasingly disappointed in himself thinking how wrong he was in wanting to train Sasuke.

(Kakashi): "Okay, try to finish Tree Climbing Practice today Uchiha-kun" - He say it with a mocking tone. - "Sakura go back to the lake and try to finish Water Surface Walking Practice, I will leave the Shadow Clone with you and I will see the that Naruto wants to talk to me." - He say in a friendly tone.

Sakura nods and the Uchiha just ignores him and runs towards the same tree as yesterday, Kakashi makes two Kage Bushin, one goes to a tree and supports himself, another goes to Sakura and takes her to the lake of yesterday while the original go to the other side of the forest and find Naruto.

Getting to where Naruto was, he saw about 50 Narutos, one third of whom were doing Tree Climbing Practice, another third were doing Water Surface Walking Practice in a lake that was close, but smaller than the lake he practiced in yesterday and another third had flames around their hands, clearly practicing Katon.

(Kakashi): 'I think he discovered the advantage of Shado Clone.' - He thinks happily for his student while getting close to the group that practiced Katon.

Naruto smells Kakashi and turns and goes to the meeting with his Sensei.

(Naruto): "Thanks for coming."

(Kakashi): "I am your Sensei, I have to help you too. What do you need?"

(Naruto): "A few tips from Katon and how to find out if I have more of a chakra nature."

(Kakashi): "Well... I can give you some tips, but my affinity is with Raiton, so you will have to ask for help from another person, as for your chakra nature, use that."

He reaches into his tool bag and takes out a white grid paper and hands it to Naruto.

(Kakashi): "This is called chakra paper, if you put your chakra on paper it will react according to your affinity."

Naruto picks up the paper and puts some of his chakra on the paper, right after that it cuts in the middle, one part crumpled and burned and the other dirty and wet disintegrating the paper until nothing is left.

Kakashi's eyes widened, as that meant that Naruto had an affinity for all the main elements, which made him a little strange.

(Kakashi): "Incredible Naruto, you have an affinity with the five natures of the chakra."

Naruto was surprised, that having Katon and Raiton was expected, with the others it was unexpected.

(Naruto): "Can you help me with Raiton then?"

(Kakashi): "What about Katon?"

(Naruto): "I discovered the Kage Bushin trick, my clones train Katon and you train me in Raiton."

(Kakashi): "Very well, come on."

They trained for the same amount of hours as the day before, the training with Raiton was somewhat successful and a failure, he managed to release Raiton, but only with Katon, that is, he ended up entering Lightning Fire Dragon Mode which it exhausted him a lot.

(Kakashi): "Naruto, let's escort Tazuna."

(Naruto): "Right." - He says gasping for the expense he felt from having activated Lightning Fire Dragon Mode several times.

Naruto undid all his clones and followed Kakashi. Halfway through, Kakashi decided to ask a question.

(Kakashi): "Naruto, how did you do to swallow the flames of Sasuke's jutsu and not get hurt?"

(Naruto): "It is my genkai kekkei, Dragon Slayer, the power to face dragons."

(Kakashi): "Dragons? Weren't they just legends?" - He asks with wide eyes.

(Naruto): "No, they existed, but a long time ago, everyone must have died."

Naruto had already decided that he would open the game with Kakashi and his jiji of consideration, in a plausible way.

(Kakashi): "How did you find out about her?"

(Naruto): "In my near death experience, I met a man who claimed to be my ancestor, and he told me that with the fact that I almost died I ended up waking her up."

(Kakashi): "Did he explain to you about her?"

(Naruto): "Yes, according to him, this kekkei genkai transforms my body like a dragon, my senses refine on a large scale and allows me to use elements without the aid of seals and become totally immune to the main one."

(Kakashi): "Which in your case is Katon."

(Naruto): "Exactly."

(Kakashi): "But can you use the other elements?"

(Naruto): "Yes, I use the elemental natures of the chakra, as you may have seen Raiton with Katon in training."

(Kakashi): "But what about the fact that you ate Sasuke's jutsu."

(Naruto): "Dragon Slayer allows me to devour the elements to replenish myself, as if it were food."

(Kakashi): "Can you do that with the other elements?"

(Naruto): "When I master the nature of the chakra corresponding to the element, yes I can, but at the moment only Katon I can eat without worrying about any possible consequences."

(Kakashi): "You have a lot of power in your hands Naruto." - He says in a surprised and proud tone for his student.

(Naruto): 'You don't even know.'

If Kakashi knew about Dragon Force, he might well have a heart attack. They went to Tazuna's house, where Tazuna was waiting for them next to Sakura.

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