
Naruto: The Uzumaki Salamander

During his first class C mission, which ended up becoming a class A, an event will totally change Naruto's life. It's time for the fox to become a dragon, because he is on fire! The cover is not mine, I got it on the internet.

Artchie245 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

End of tyranny.

The days went by and thanks to the help of Narutos' troops, the bridge was already 80% completed. Naruto still couldn't just stay in Lightning Dragon Mode, but Lightning Fire Dragon Mode was consuming less chakra, it could be considered something insignificant, but Naruto saw it as a crack in a wall, he just had to increase it to destroy it, Kakashi tried to teach Raiton some jutsus, but Naruto was not doing very well, he thought about teaching Katon, but saw that he would not need to.

Sakura had finished Water Surface Walking Practice, when she finished Kakashi gave her a chakra role that revealed that her affinity was with Suiton, which made Kakashi give only the basics, but he showed some Suiton jutsus that he copied since who received the Sharingan.

As for Uchiha, he had managed to finish Tree Climbing Practice just to sink at first when Water Surface Walking Practice started, which only made him more furious with his 'Team'.

7 days had passed since they arrived and according to Kakashi, today Zabuza could attack them again.

(Kakashi): "Very well." - He say it seriously. - "Today it may be that Zabuza appears to try to finish the job."

(Sasuke): "I will make him see the power of an elite." - He say arrogantly.

(Naruto): "An elite that still can't walk on water?" - He ask in a mocking tone.

(Sakura): "The elite who was thrown away with just one movement and who tried to kill themselves just to not face the opponent?" - She ask in the same tone as Naruto."

Sasuke just looked at the two with absolute hatred, and what made it worse was that they were telling the truth.

(Kakashi): "Enough." - He say seriously. - "Possibly his partner will fight too, I take care of Zabuza and you hold Oinin, if you manage to defeat him even better, otherwise, just stay alive until I finish with the Zabuza."

(Naruto / Sakura): "Okay!"

(Sasuke): "Tsk."

Along the way, Naruto felt two smells that he was not familiar with and from what I could feel they were running, but instead of getting stronger he was getting weaker, meaning they were going in the opposite direction to them.

(Naruto): 'The only place they can go is... THE HOUSE OF TAZUNA!'

(Naruto): "Kakashi-Sensei, go ahead, I have something to resolve."

(Kakashi): "What happened Naruto?"

(Naruto): "I can smell two unknown people, and the direction is going towards Tazuna's house."

Tazuna and Sakura are wide-eyed with this information, with Tazuna already worrying about their daughter and grandson.

(Sasuke): "What do you think you can do, Loser?"

(Naruto): "Last a fight, different from you. See you on the bridge."

He ran away in the direction the smells came from, while the others headed towards the bridge, although the Uchiha hated Naruto's direction with hate. Naruto ran in the direction the smells came until he felt a familiar, the scent of Inari. Naruto accelerated the run and saw two men, one with a blue jacket and a hat and the other without a shirt with an eye patch, both had katanas in hand while facing the Inari who was with his back on a tree while shaking.

(Inari): "Leave me alone!" - He shouted in despair.

(Man 1): "I'm sorry boy, but you either follow us or you die."

(Man 2): "Then we will go after your mother... maybe we can have fun with her." - He says while smiling.

Naruto felt angry and disgusted by those two, he ran towards the men while shouting.

(Naruto): "Fire Dragon's Claw!"

Flames appeared at his feet and propelled him forward, almost as if he were flying towards them. With the shout the three turned to the direction of the voice only so that the cap saw a red-haired man flying in the middle of his chest with his feet on fire making him crash with his partner causing the two to fly until they collided in a tree.

(Naruto): "Inari, are you okay?" - He ask looking at the boy over his shoulder.

(Inari): "N-Naruto..." - He speak with a shaky voice."

At that time the man with the eye patch stood up while the man with the cap was still lying down, the kick was very serious, in addition to the burn, he ended up breaking some ribs, and that's because Naruto didn't want to kill him, after all he didn't want to be the monster that everyone in Konoha said he was.

(Man 2): "You are one of the Konoha ninjas! Why aren't you with Tazuna?" - He asks surprised.

(Naruto): "I smelled garbage, so I decided to get rid of it." - He says angrily while making his hands catch fire.

The man with the eye patch was a little scared by that scene, but if he returned empty-handed, his boss would want his head.

(Man 2): "DON'T FUCK ME KID!" - He screams running towards Naruto brandishing his katana.

The man made a vertical blow and Naruto just punched the sword, just before the blade found Naruto's fist the man gave an arrogant smile, thinking that Naruto was crazy for punching the sword edge with his bare hands, but he went into shock when the sword broke and Naruto's fist hit him right in the middle of the face causing him to meet the same tree as before and pass out on his partner's side.

Naruto looked at his fist, thanking him for getting it right. As his body was technically the same as a dragon, in theory his skin should be as strong as the scales of one, he just didn't know if the change was permanent or he had to circulate chakra to get a resistant skin, but he could worry about that later.

(Inari): "Naruto..." - He called his savior in a timid voice.

Naruto turned with his usual smile to the boy.

(Naruto): "I'm glad I got there on time."

At that time the boy starts to cry and hugs Naruto. Naruto was surprised by the boy's gesture but replied, the boy quickly calmed down.

(Naruto): "Come on, I'll take you to your house."

Naruto tied the two with a rope that he had in the tool bag and took the boy to his house, where the Tsunami was worried dead. When he saw his son, he embraced him while crying.

(Inari): "I'm fine mom... Naruto-nii-san saved me."

Naruto and Tsunami were surprised by the way the boy referred to Uzumaki, but did not comment.

(Tsunami): "Thank you very much, Naruto-san."

(Naruto): "No need to thank. Now, don't leave the house and find a way to hide well, or lock the door well, I will go to my Team."

(Inari): "Good luck, Naruto-nii-san."

Naruto ran towards the bridge after making two Kage Bushin to serve as a guard, when he was arriving, he smelled his team, Zabuaz and Haku as he entered a fog, which he realized was Zabuza's jutsu. . Naruto had a feeling that Zabuza and Kakashi would want a reckoning, so he went to Sakura, who by the way was with Tazuna.

(Naruto): "How are you?"

(Sakura): "Yes, we are." - She says relieved by the presence of her partner.

(Tazuna): "Naruto, what about my family?" - He asked agonized.

(Naruto): "Both are fine, I managed to deal with those two that I felt before they did anything, leave some clones to stand guard."

Tazuna sighed with relief at this information, he would never forgive himself if something happened to them because of his work.

(Naruto): "Where's Batard?"

(Sakura): "He went to face Oinin who was with Zabuza, but after Zabuza made this fog, I don't know where he is."

(Naruto): "But I do, keep protecting Tazuna, I will help the vengeful emo."

He followed the smell and I came across several mirrors that formed a kind of dome, through the space between the mirrors, Naruto saw Sasuke on his knees with red eyes, and realized that the smell coming from his eyes was a little stronger than the normal, and the image of Haku in each of the mirrors he could see.

(Naruto): 'He's done... whether he likes it or not, he's still my partner... he wouldn't do it for me, but I don't need to go down to his level.'

Naruto covered his hands with fire and hit one of the mirrors, which broke instantly, catching Sasuke and Haku's attention.

(Sasuke): "Loser?! I didn't ask for your help!" - He says furiously.

(Naruto): "And I didn't ask if you asked, like it or not, you need it and you're my companion, and I'm not going to let you die because of your unbridled pride."

Naruto continued hitting all the mirrors, breaking each one with just one stroke, after destroying the mirrors that were close to the ground, he extinguishes the flames in his hands and goes to Sasuke.

(Sasuke): "I already said I didn't ask for your help!"

(Naruto): "And I already said I didn't ask if you asked, you can barely stand up."

He was going to reply, but his body betrayed him and he deleted it. The strong smell was gone and gave Sasuke's usual smell.

(Naruto): 'So... the smell of the Sharingan intensifies when it is activated.'

At that time, Haku came out of one of the pieces on the floor which made Naruto's eyes widen.

(Haku): "You discovered the weakness of my Secret Technique: Demonic Mirrors of Ice Crystals."

(Naruto): "They are fragile in the non-mirrored area."

Haku just nodded while taking a sebon in each hand, while Naruto advanced towards Haku with his hands on fire.

Naruto tried to punch her in the face, where she dodged and tried to hit a sebon in the middle of his neck, but he made the flames wrap around his left foot and make him mortal by hitting her in the chin and throwing her into the air and taking off her mask. Naruto jumped and tried to hit a punch but she used the sebons to defend herself, and with the punch she hit the ground.

(Naruto): "That jutsu spent a lot of your chakra, didn't it?"

(Haku): "Yes... great powers demand a higher price." - She says gasping.

Her chin and arms were sore, Naruto's blows really were powerful, not to mention the possible burns due to contact with the fire in his hands.

(Naruto): "Why don't you just surrender?"

(Haku): "Because Zabuza-sama didn't surrender..."

(Naruto): "What if he surrenders?"

(Haku): "I will follow Zabuza-sama."

Naruto saw her love for Zabuza once again, she really saw him as a father.

(Naruto): "So let's convince Zabuza to surrender."

She just stared at him, like he was an alien.

(Haku): "How?"

(Naruto): "We are going to convince Zabuza to surrender, so we don't have to fight anymore."

(Haku): "Why?"

(Naruto): "I'm not in the mood to fight with you... and I heard about Kirigakure's situation..."

He had heard from Izumo about rumors that a revolution could happen in Kirigakure.

(Naruto): "You were going to join the resistance, right?"

(Haku): "That... was Zabuza-sama's idea..."

(Naruto): "Very well. Let's see Zabuza and Kakashi-Sensei before either of them dies."

Naruto guided Haku to where Kakashi and Zabuza were fighting, Zabuza was in one piece, but his sword was behind Kakashi.

(Kakashi): "Just give up Zabuza, promise to be merciful."

(Zabuza): "Unfortunately, it won't happen."

(Naruto): "I suggest doing this." - He says drawing the attention of the two to you.

(Zabuza): "Did he defeat you Haku?"

(Haku): "I was already tired with that technique for a while before he appeared... although something tells me that he wouldn't make much difference before or after." - She says a little embarrassed.

(Naruto): "We don't need to end this with blood."

Zabuza faced Naruto, then Kakashi and then Haku, to realize that it was a losing battle.

(Zabuza): "Very well..."

He just sat and sighed as the fog cleared, Haku went to his side and sat down while Naruto went to his sensei's side.

(Kakashi): "How are the others? What about Tazuna's family?"

(Naruto): "Teme passed out after facing Haku, even with the Sharingan active, Sakura and Tazuna were well before I went to Haku and Sasuke, as for Inari and Tsunami-san, they are fine, I arrived before to do something with them, and I left some Kage Bushin on guard."

Kakashi just nodded, proud of his student and thanking the awakening of this Naruto kekkei genkai, otherwise, Tazuna would have lost his family today. Tazuna and Sakura, who was carrying Sasuke, joined them, although they regarded the pair of nukenin with suspicion.

(Sakura): "Is it over?"

(Kakashi): "No... Gatō is still missing."

At that time, Naruto smelled several smells, which meant that several people had just arrived.

(Naruto): "And it seems that he made a point of coming to us." - He say seriously.

At that time a gigantic group of people appeared, occupying almost half the bridge, in front there was a short man, who was only slightly larger than Inari, with spiky hair, wearing a suit and sunglasses.

(Gatō): "The great Momochi Zabuza, can't even finish a job... what a disappointment." - He says mockingly.

(Zabuza): "Gatō! Are you cheating on us?"

(Gatō): "I don't need garbage that can't even finish a simple mission."

(Zabuza): "You..." - He was so furious that he couldn't even finish what he was going to say.

(Naruto): "Can I take care of that?"

(Kakashi): "Are you sure?"

Naruto just nods and walks towards the group.

(Gatō): "Do you have a death wish kid?" - He say while laughing.

(Naruto): "Why fear a coward who doesn't know how to do anything but give orders."

(Gatō): "Kill everyone."

His men advanced towards Naruto who made his cloning seal.

(Naruto): "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu."

A troop of Naruto appeared to rival the group of mercenaries fully aligned, then everyone took a deep breath.

(Naruto): "Fire Dragon's Roar."

All the Narutos launched a blast of flame hitting all the mercenaries, Gatō was only hit for having hidden behind a very burly mercenary. When the flames disappeared, the Kage Bushins broke up and there was only one Gatō crouched with several bodies of people with certain burns that separated him from Naruto, Naruto took it easy to not kill any of them, but some would be scarred by the burns, if do not end up dying for not treating burns.

Gatō tried to escape, but Naruto used the flames on his foot to propel himself and block his path.

(Naruto): "I don't think so..."

(Gatō): "Please don't kill me! I give you what you want! Money! Women!" - He say desperate."

(Naruto): "Women are no objects for you to simply offer ... the money you have is not even yours by right... just suffer for your sins! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Naruto hit him right in the face, breaking his nose and burning part of his face, but he made sure not to break his head, just making him unconscious.

Naruto returns to his group.

(Naruto): "Now it's over."

(Kakashi): "Yes. We will go to Gatō's mansion and take back all the money he stole and return it to its rightful owners."

(Naruto): "What about you two?"

(Zabuza): "I will go to help the resistance. Gatō gave me a certain advance that I plan to use nukenins to help with the coup."

(Naruto): "Well... now we just have to wait for Tazuna-san to finish the bridge."

(Tazuna): "With the help that you have offered, in less than a week we are done."

(Zabuza): "Kid... I have a request for you."

(Naruto): "What is it?"

(Zabuza): "Could you take care of Haku for a while?"

(Haku): "Zabuza-sama!"

(Zabuza): "Kirigakure has a policy of exterminating anyone with kekkei genkai, it will be risky for you there. Please, you're like the daughter I never had."

Haku's eyes widened and tears formed in the corner of her eyes, she never imagined hearing those words from him, even considering him a father.

(Haku): "Do you promise to pick me up?"

(Zabuza): "When it is all over, I will come and get you."

(Haku): "So... it's okay..."

After hearing Haku's confirmation, Zabuza disappears in a Body Flicker in the Mist.

Team 7 returned to Tazuna's house to rest, after all Sasuke was passed out, Kakashi was tired of his fight against Zabuza and Haku were exhausted because of their technique, while Kakashi and Naruto sent their Shadow Clones to the Gatō mansion, to take what he stole from the people of Nami no Kuni. Gatō was handed over to the inhabitants of Nami no Kuni, where he was sentenced to death.

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