
Naruto The Untouchable (Completed)

In Naruto I have Dragon Ball system but I am not a Saiyan ??? Means no super saiyan no super saiyan god no zenkai boost there is more in dragon ball beside saiyans any ways . I am gonna rule the world. One minute I dont even have chakra ???? I do not own Naruto, Fairy Tail or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs


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During Naruto's two-year training journey with Jiraiya, he embarked on a transformative path that would shape him into a powerful shinobi and help him discover his true potential. Jiraiya, a legendary Sannin and master of the Toad Sage arts, took Naruto under his wing with the intention of preparing him for the upcoming challenges he would face.

The training journey began with Jiraiya evaluating Naruto's skills and identifying areas where he needed improvement. Jiraiya quickly realized that Naruto's control over his chakra was still lacking, hindering his progress in mastering powerful techniques. With this in mind, Jiraiya focused on honing Naruto's chakra control through various exercises.

One of the primary methods Jiraiya employed was training in the nature transformation of chakra. Naruto had already displayed an affinity towards Wind Release, so Jiraiya helped him further develop this affinity by teaching him how to mould his chakra to create powerful Wind Release techniques. They would spend hours practising and perfecting techniques such as the Rasengan, a devastating technique that required immense chakra control.

In addition to chakra control, Jiraiya also emphasized physical fitness and combat training. He pushed Naruto to his limits, engaging him in rigorous physical exercises, agility drills, and sparring sessions. Jiraiya's combat expertise and experience allowed him to provide Naruto with valuable insights into strategy, tactics, and the art of fighting.

Apart from the physical aspects, Jiraiya also sought to expand Naruto's understanding of the ninja world, its history, and the intricacies of politics and diplomacy. He shared his knowledge about different villages, their strengths and weaknesses, and the various hidden dangers that lay ahead. This knowledge would prove vital in Naruto's future endeavours as he aimed to bring about change and protect his loved ones.

Jiraiya didn't neglect the mental and emotional aspects of training either. He recognized Naruto's impulsive nature and hot-headedness and taught him to remain calm and composed during battles. Through meditation and introspection, Jiraiya guided Naruto in developing mental fortitude, teaching him to tap into his inner strength and overcome challenges.

But it wasn't all serious training. Jiraiya, known for his love of women and sake, also exposed Naruto to the world outside of the village. (if you know what this mean then you are in the right place). They travelled to various towns and cities, where Naruto got to experience different cultures and meet a variety of people. These encounters not only broadened Naruto's horizons but also helped him understand the values of friendship, compassion, and sacrifice.

The bond between Naruto and Jiraiya grew stronger during their training journey. Jiraiya became a father figure to Naruto, offering guidance and support while also challenging him to become better. Naruto, in turn, respected Jiraiya and valued his teachings, cherishing the time they spent together.

During the two-year gap when Naruto was training with Jiraiya, Sakura, Ino, Shino, Kiba, Neji, Lee, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and Tenten also underwent intensive training to further develop their skills and abilities as shinobi. Each of them focused on their individual strengths and areas for improvement, seeking to become more formidable and effective in combat.

Sakura, driven by her desire to catch up to her teammates Naruto and Sasuke, dedicated herself to medical ninjutsu training. Under the guidance of Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, Sakura honed her chakra control and learned advanced healing techniques. She also trained in combat skills to enhance her offensive capabilities, becoming a formidable fighter with her precise strikes and enhanced strength.

Ino, inspired by her rivalry with Sakura, sought to strengthen her mind control abilities and develop her skills as a sensory-type shinobi. She underwent rigorous training in mind-related jutsu, improving her ability to communicate telepathically and control the minds of others. Ino also honed her intelligence-gathering skills, becoming an invaluable asset in reconnaissance missions.

Shino, with his affinity for insects and strategic mindset, focused on refining his skills as an insect user and tactician. He delved deeper into the study of bugs and their behaviour, expanding his arsenal of insect-related jutsu and tactics. Shino's training allowed him to become more versatile and unpredictable in battle, leveraging his insect companions to gain the upper hand.

Kiba and his canine partner Akamaru worked on enhancing their teamwork and coordination. They underwent intensive physical training to improve their speed, strength, and agility. Kiba also studied various combat techniques that complemented his feral fighting style. By refining their cooperation and synchronizing their attacks, Kiba and Akamaru became a formidable duo on the battlefield.

Neji, known for his Byakugan and exceptional talent in taijutsu, trained under the guidance of his uncle, Hiashi Hyuga. Neji focused on further perfecting his Gentle Fist style, which allowed him to target an opponent's chakra points with precision. He also delved into the deeper secrets of the Hyuga clan's kekkei genkai, expanding his understanding and control over his Byakugan.

Rock Lee, a devoted taijutsu specialist, dedicated his training to overcoming his limitations and reaching new heights. He trained extensively to increase his physical strength, speed, and endurance. Lee also studied various martial arts styles, incorporating new techniques into his repertoire. Through his relentless training, Lee pushed his body and mind to their limits, aiming to become a true taijutsu master.

Hinata, driven by her love and admiration for Naruto, focused on developing her confidence and self-worth. She trained under the watchful eye of her cousin Neji, who helped her unlock her true potential. Hinata's training involved mastering her Byakugan, enhancing her defensive techniques, and refining her gentle fist combat skills. Through her efforts, she aimed to become a shinobi worthy of standing by Naruto's side.

Shikamaru, renowned for his strategic brilliance, further sharpened his tactical mind during the two-year gap. He studied military tactics, analyzed historical battles, and delved into the psychological aspects of warfare. Shikamaru's training honed his ability to devise complex plans and anticipate his opponent's moves, making him an invaluable asset in strategic operations.

Choji, known for his large physique and powerful attacks, focused on improving his physical strength and stamina. He trained rigorously to enhance his ability to use his clan's secret techniques, such as the Multi-Size Technique and the Partial Expansion Jutsu. Choji's training involved intense weightlifting, endurance exercises, and sparring sessions to build his strength and improve his combat prowess. He also worked on refining his control over his chakra, allowing him to execute his techniques more efficiently and with greater precision.

Tenten, a skilled weapons specialist, dedicated herself to mastering a wide array of ninja tools and expanding her arsenal. She trained tirelessly in the art of weaponry, practising throwing kunai, shuriken, and various specialized tools with accuracy and precision. Tenten honed her aim, agility, and hand-eye coordination through extensive target practice and combat simulations. She also studied different weapon styles and incorporated their techniques into her own fighting style, making her a versatile and adaptable combatant.

In addition to their individual training, the group also engaged in team exercises and missions to improve their teamwork and coordination. They practised combining their unique skills and abilities, learning to complement each other's strengths and compensate for weaknesses. This collaborative training fostered trust and camaraderie among the group, enabling them to function as a well-oiled team.

Overall, Sakura, Ino, Shino, Kiba, Neji, Lee, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and Tenten utilized the two-year gap to push their limits, refine their skills, and prepare themselves for the challenges that awaited them in the shinobi world. Through their dedicated training, they grew stronger both individually and as a team, ready to face whatever trials and battles lay ahead.

And all this time Jin was the only person who was training in seclusion. No one knew how strong he was and no one knew how much stronger he have become.

He finally got some time off for training after bugging Hokage for a long time. It was basically a one-year training time that Tsunade allocated to him after he tirelessly annoyed her for one whole year.

The only demand she had is that he should be strong enough after the training was done and he was not allowed to use Ultra Instincts when she test out his skill.


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