
Naruto The Untouchable (Completed)

In Naruto I have Dragon Ball system but I am not a Saiyan ??? Means no super saiyan no super saiyan god no zenkai boost there is more in dragon ball beside saiyans any ways . I am gonna rule the world. One minute I dont even have chakra ???? I do not own Naruto, Fairy Tail or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs


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The Cell Games arena buzzed with anticipation as spectators from all corners of the Earth gathered to witness the ultimate battle.

The air crackled with tension as the Z warriors prepared to face the formidable Cell.

In the midst of the crowd, the self-proclaimed martial arts champion, Mr. Satan, strutted into the arena, boasting about his unmatched skills.

As Cell made his grand entrance, the crowd fell silent in awe of the menacing bio-engineered android.

Mr. Satan, however, remained oblivious to the impending danger, continuing his animated monologue about his unmatched prowess.

Cell, amused by the overconfident champion, decided to entertain himself and the audience in a comical way.

With a swift motion, Cell extended his arm, and before Mr. Satan could comprehend the situation, he found himself airborne.

The audience erupted in laughter as the supposedly invincible champion soared through the air in a rather undignified manner.

Cell's control over his power allowed him to manipulate the situation with finesse, turning Mr. Satan's bravado into a slapstick spectacle.

As Mr. Satan flailed through the air, desperately attempting to regain his composure, the Z warriors watched from the sidelines, their faces a mix of amusement and anticipation.

Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and the others exchanged glances, knowing that the real challenge lay ahead.

Just as the laughter echoed through the arena, the Z warriors decided it was time to make their entrance.

Goku stepped forward, his calm demeanour contrasting with the chaos that had unfolded moments ago.

The crowd fell silent once more as the Z warriors took their positions, ready to face Cell and protect the world from impending doom.

The energy in the arena shifted as the Z warriors focused their attention on Cell, their determination evident in their stance.

The comical spectacle of Mr Satan's flight had served as an unexpected prelude to the serious battle that awaited them.

The Cell Games had officially begun, and the fate of the Earth hung in the balance.

After the comical relief, the real Cell games were about to start but suddenly everyone sensed a power level coming towards them.

This someone was none other than Jin who was flying on the top of the nimbus cloud.

"JIN" shouted Gokua and Krilin.

Other members of the Z warriors also shouted. Like Yamcha and Tien etc.

Vegeta at this narrowed his eyes.

Although all this time he was practising against Goku whose power level was very similar to himself the man he wanted to beat was Jin.

Jin too was a Saiyan and he actually beat him in becoming a Super Saiyan.

"Yo, I hope that I am not late," Jin asked.

"Late, says the man who did not even show his face when the androids were killing everyone," Vegeta said.

"As he cares about others' life" Jin could not help but roll his eyes.

The arena trembled with anticipation as Goku and Cell faced each other, their energy radiating like a storm waiting to be unleashed.

The Z warriors watched from the sidelines, their eyes locked on the battlefield, each with their unique reasons for being there.

Goku, with an unwavering determination to test his limits, squared off against the formidable Cell.

The air crackled with tension as the two warriors clashed, their movements a blur of speed and power.

Goku, in his Super Saiyan form, unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each strike aiming to find a weakness in Cell's defences.

The Z warriors observed with a mix of concern and hope. Gohan, his father's power coursing through his veins, clenched his fists, urging Goku to triumph.

Vegeta, driven by his Saiyan pride, silently analyzed every move, ready to step in if needed. The others, Piccolo, Krillin, and Trunks, stood vigilant, their determination reflecting the gravity of the situation.

As the battle reached its climax, Goku and Cell exchanged powerful blows, the shockwaves echoing through the arena.

Goku pushed himself to the limit, tapping into every ounce of energy within him. Cell, equally determined, adapted to Goku's attacks, showcasing his resilience as an android.

The Z warriors, realizing the magnitude of the threat, held their breath.

Each had their reasons for being there — the protection of loved ones, the desire to surpass their own limits, or the responsibility to defend Earth. The stakes were higher than ever, and the outcome of this battle would shape the future.

In a surprising turn of events, Goku, mid-attack, halted. The arena fell silent as he powered down from his Super Saiyan form.

Cell, momentarily perplexed, observed Goku's change in demeanour. With a calm expression, Goku spoke, "I've reached my limit, Cell.

This fight has shown me the extent of my power, and I believe in the strength of the next generation."

The Z warriors, taken aback by Goku's decision, watched as he stepped back, signalling the end of the match.

Cell, a mix of confusion and arrogance, couldn't comprehend Goku's choice. The crowd, on the edge of their seats, murmured in disbelief.

Goku, turning to Gohan, said, "It's your turn, son. I know you have the power within you to finish this."

Well, Goku said that but this time Vegeta just sneer.

"That enough Kakarot. If you are done playing around then come back. It's my turn now" Vegeta shouted.

Right now, Vegeta is also equal to Goku and he wants to prove that he is better.

Goku at this could not do anything but sign and swap positions with Vegeta.


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