
Naruto: The Strongest Senju

A girl from the modern day is given a chance of rebirth with perks as the princess of the Senju Clan. Will she simply follow the laid out plan or will she make the world look entirely new? Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023 Discord: https://discord.gg/gPa65Uw9fB

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Chapter 72: Threats

The new day arose quickly, with the time for the beginning of the exams coming in an instant.

The trio of Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya met up and the examination site, with each of them showing determined looks on their faces as they entered.

As they entered, they noticed the many shinobi from different villages. But just as they entered and they noticed the competition, the competition noticed them.

Whispers broke out as soon as they saw her, as everyone knew that Tsunade was the granddaughter of the 1st Hokage.

However, Tsunade and the others paid no attention to this as they went toward the classroom where the first exam was going to be held.

They entered and saw many of their friends already inside the room.

"It's about time you three showed up." spoke Kenta as he sat beside his team.

"We would have been earlier but someone overslept." Orochimaru said with an irritated expression on his face.

Jiraiya could only embarrassingly scratch his head as he looked away.

The teams of Konoha talked to each other while they each took their seats, though Sakumo noticed that Tsunade hadn't spoken a word since entering.

"Are you alright, Tsuna?" Sakumo asked her with concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Tsunade spoke with a smile that seemed fake to Sakumo. However, he simply nodded and looked away after seeing that Tsunade might not wish to talk about it.

In truth, Tsunade had been on edge ever since she stepped inside the testing venue. This was due to her passive use of her sensing technique, which had grown to a point where she could detect any chakra in close proximity to her, even without taking off her sandals.

This led to her making 2 frightening discoveries: two of the competitors possessed monstrous amounts of chakra.

The amount wasn't simply large, but it was also wild and seemed sentient.

The only thing that these chakra signatures could register as in the mind of Tsunade were Tailed Beasts.

However, this thought simply made her even more afraid as the fact that 2 Tailed Beast were in Konoha terrified her to a large degree.

While the Uzumaki Clan were now in Konoha, which is practically a guaranteed counter to them, she didn't know if any seal masters were in her general vicinity. The amount of damage that one of them could cause before one arrived could be disastrous.

Tsunade then stared at the door while using her seismic sensing to feel the chakra of every team who entered.

None of the teams who were already in the room had chakra amounts above that of low-level Chunin, letting Tsunade know that the sources of the large chakra had yet to enter.

A team from Iwa that entered immediately caused Tsunade's body to tense, as she could feel one of the large chakra amounts coming from a boy with red hair.

However, that wasn't all as Tsunade felt the chakra of the girl in the front of the team, which had already reached the level of a special Jonin. The other boy didn't seem too special, though Tsunade figured he must have some sort of skill to send with the two monsters he was with.

The trio then took their seat and began a conversation with each other, while Tsunade began trying to find the source of chakra that was even greater than the boys, whose identity she think she figured out.

The next team to enter the room was from Suna, with it being two boys and a girl, and while none of them had extremely large chakra reserves, Tsunade still paid attention to them as the boy and girl reminded her of something.

The final team that entered the final caused Tsunade to grow completely serious.

The first person that entered had two-toned hair and possessed the most chakra Tsunade had ever seen if you didn't count Hashirama, Ashina, or MIto. He alone would have been enough to put her on edge, but the fact that both of the boys beside him also had Jonin-level chakra, only made her more alarmed.

After their group took their seats, the examiner entered, signaling the beginning of the Chunin Exams.

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