
Naruto: The Strongest Kenjutsu User

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SwordGod007 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Timeskip- 6 Years (2)


This year Kenshin finally mastered every Ninjutsu he has earlier learned and also Nature's Chakra Transformation. Kenshin was also trying to use all three nature release to form Solar Release but couldn't do so due to some problem in chakra control.

So, this year except some missions mainly A and S ranked which rarely appears, he spent all the time training. Though he didn't managed making Solar Release, he made huge progress in Flying Thunder God Jutsu but hide it from others.

By the end of the year Kenshin managed to make his chakra control to perfection. After that he managed to make his Solar Release.

After that he managed to make jutsu's of Solar Release.

The jutsu's are-

Solar Release:Chakra cloak- In this a purple cloak covers his whole body that boost his strength, attack power as well as reflexes.

(To know how powerful this is, Kenshin fought with equal grounds with Might Guy who has released 7 gates and used Techniques like Hyodora and etc)

Solar Release:Laser Beam- As its name suggests it released a beam of dense chakra that decimates the target (Impact similar to Rasenshuriken)

Solar Release:Laser Cutter- As its name suggests it releases a beam of laser to cut the target.

Solar Release: Solar Rain- Numerous tiny needle shaped objects made from solar release chakra rain down on the enemy. It's an AoE attack.

Solar Release: Black Hole- In this a ball of spinning chakra is made like Rasengan and this spinning chakra is compressed to a single point and is thrown at the target. It's power is very very high but it consumes 60% of Kenshin's chakra and it takes a lot of time to make it.(Time equals to Rasenshuriken made by Pain Arc Naruto. Which may not be that much, but for Kenshin it's way too much time. It's power is similar to Yang half Kurama's tailed beast bomb).


In this year, Kenshin main focus was to minimize the chakra consumption in his Solar Release jutsu's, Flying Thunder God jutsu and mastering Iryo Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu to such a level where he would just have to make single hand seals.

Kenshin also made 6 new Kata's or forms of "Breath of the Sun" technique. Kenshin is now able to release 7 gates similar to Guy. Kenshin's arrival made Guy push to his limits. Due to spars Guy also improved a lot.

And Guy being Kakashi's rival. Kakashi also practiced a lot to barely keep up with Guy. Kakashi is lot stronger than Cannon.

In the middle of the year Guy choosed his Team which is of course made up of Neji, Lee and Tenten. Guy spends a lot of time with them but took time to spar with Kenshin.

Well the place they spar or Kenshin practice his jutsu is in a desert devoid of life in Land of Wind.

And as for Kenjutsu it is safe to assume that Kenshin is currently the best Kenjutsu user in Narutoverse. Kenshin's chakra reserve also reached up to 1 tailed beast or Shukaku's level.

Kenshin is now strongest in whole Naruto but he knows that he is weaker than peak Hashirama who is weaker than Jinjuriki Obito who is weaker than Jyubi Madara who is weaker than Kaguya.

Well if Kenshin uses Solar Release:Chakra cloak and Hachimon Tonko upto 5th gate, he can be as strong as peak Hashirama and peak Madara.

Kenshin is faster than Minato in Flying Thunder God jutsu and consumes less chakra as his fuinjutsu, ninjutsu and chakra control is better than peak Minato. Kenshin have made his own kunai's with his marking seal on it. He have given this to his parents and friends (Kakashi, Tenzo, Uzuki and Guy).

Kenshin's Special Kunai looked like double sided flat knife with handle which has circular hole like any other kunai. He had to learn throwing this kind of kunai for few weeks to perfectly master it.

Another incident that happened this year was Kenshin receiving a S rank mission to assist Samurai's of Land of Iron in an internal strife. Kenshin killed most of the rebels with his fast and exquisite sword technique gaining moniker for himself 'Sword-fiend Kenshin'.

After helping Mifune, the Lord of Land of Iron Kenshin received a sword as a gift from him. Well the sword is of length 1meter including the handle, hexagonal hand guard with beautiful design, the blade is of black colour with some pattern in it.

The only problem is its weight. When Kenshin took it in his hand, he was surprised that it's weight is about 50 kg. When Kenshin asked about the material Mifune told him that it is made from an meteorite ore.

(Many people can use it but their speed will decrease a lot, so they don't use it. Most swords have weight of about 1 kg)

Kenshin loved the sword and thanked Mifune. When Kenshin ask him about its name, Mifune told that its name is not decided as there was no user of it. Kenshin thought for a bit and named it "Amaterasu", the goddess of Sun as his technique is related to Sun.

Kenshin not only got a moniker for himself in this mission, he got himself in again Bingo Books and this time with his real name.

[Name- Hayate Kenshin

Moniker- Sword-fiend Kenshin

Age- approximately 15 years

Affiliation- Konohagakure

Power- Kage Level

Speciality- Kenjutsu and Lightning cloak similar to Raikage's(well Kenshin used only lightning cloak in the fight)

Bounty- 70,000,000 ryo]

Well Kenshin also spends much of his time that he is in the village with his family. He also trained his father to Jonin level. In all these time Kenshin didn't saw any main characters of Naruto's generation except Lee, Neji and Tenten as he spends much time outside either training or practicing and the remaining time in village is spent with family.

Present Year-

Kenshin is 13 years old but is of 5'8" height, handsome face with brown eyes and brown hair tied in a ponytail. Kenshin's body is slim but fully developed muscles which give him power as well as flexibility. Kenshin always carry his sword in his waist and look more like samurai than ninja.

Kenshin is feeling very irritated now due to what happened a few hours ago.

Flashback to few hours ago-

Kenshin was called by Hokage when he was in his home. Kenshin suddenly went to Hokage's office.

"Sorry for the intrusion", saying that Kenshin entered Hokage's office. Well in these year Kenshin treated Hiruzen as grandpa so he didn't give that much formal respect like bowing or kneeling.

As soon as Kenshin entered Hokage's office, he saw Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai and others so he knew it was about him being a genin Team Leader. So he soon said, "Excuse me" and saying that, he tried to leave the room.

"Stop right there Kenshin", shouted Hiruzen

"Old man, don't be so loud. I heard old men get many disease by being loud and angry", said Kenshin.

"Hmmm brat don't be full of yourself. Listen to my order. Yo have to choose your genin team or I am stripping your jonin ranks", said Hiruzen in angry tone.

"Old man, that's cheap you know to blackmail like this", said Kenshin.

"I have to use this method to deal with cheeky brats like you", said Hiruzen.

After that they discussed which team they will select and which children they will choose. Kenshin said he didn't need any special children like heir of rich family and all. He will choose normal students from normal family or orphans.

So in the end he choose Tanaka Akane, a girl with average score but good chakra control, Takahashi Daichi, a boy with average ninjutsu but good taijutsu but not on top level and Yamamoto Kazuhiro, a boy with average in others but good at ninjutsu.

Currently Kenshin is seating and having dinner with his family.

"Son, why did Hokage sama called you", asked Kenshin's father.

"That old man is hell bent on making me Leader of a genin team and asked me to teach them", said Kenshin.

"Son be respectful to Hokage Sama", said Kenshin's mother.

"Can you tell me your problem?", asked Kenshin's father.

"Well they are just a year younger than me. So it will fill very wierd", said Kenshin.

"Okay but what is the problem in it. In my opinion it is good to teach others as you could understand something that you missed earlier", said his father.

Hearing this Kenshin's eyes shone with brilliance. He now felt himself to be a fool to not look into this matter from this angle.

"Okay I have decided, I will train my students diligently. Maybe I will be able to learn something by that", said Kenshin.

His parents looked into each other and thought, "Our son is very gullible if we say it can help him become stronger". Well over the years Kenshin's parents have made Kenshin do many things by expanding how it will increase his strength.

Well Kenshin is not that foolish and know what his parents were trying but if it make his parents happy then he was ready to do anything and they didn't make him do any immoral thing or like that. They ask him to buy groceries, clean the yard and other small stuff.

After that Kenshin went back to his room for daily meditation and after few hours fell asleep.

I have made some changes after the 1st publication so if you have read it earlier, please do read it again....

SwordGod007creators' thoughts