
Naruto: The Mutant

I own nothing but original stuff ------- The Mc will be over powered I'm not a naruto God so things will be wrong just count it as a AU

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 ❌Moving forward

"Ok. You ladies have two choices. 1 I can escort all of you home and reunite with your families. 2 to give birth to one of my kids know that I will never love you but you will have a stable home and food on the table. I'm not forcing you to come with me and I understand you guys have been through things so I think I will give you some time." I said to them after I untied them.

I left the five ladies and went to a different place, taking all the bodies out of my shadow, once they were all out. I waved my hands and 25 [Shadow Soldiers or SS] got up while the bodies decomposed.

After waiting about thirty minutes for them to decide I go back into the cave, all five of them chose to go with me.

"I will not be going with you at the moment considering I have missions to do. I will send [Shadow Soldiers] with you while they locate a place to stay" I tell them they all nod to me.

"I need you to find a suitable location and start building, also take them with you and listen to them," I told the [SS]

After I said those words I left for my next target location.

[Time skip one month]

As the exterminations went on and on I was drastically getting bolder with time moving forward. I completed about two a day and with my speed moving forward only stopping to eat every once in a while just to try different foods. I collected metals on my trips it was beyond fruitful, it was going to help me in every which way when I made my weapons. I also collected herbs and poisons with animals and reptiles included, they just sit in my lovely shadow inventory.

I got about 300 [SS] it was under the number I was expecting, I wanted about 500 but I should take it without complaining. I did however be able to bring back 25 women, I know that sounds wrong but it is what it is. They were not from any clans obviously but I did save from said clans, it was surprising that no one came for them or they were recently captured. It's sad that I couldn't soothe them to my side.

With every battle I did everything became sharper and sharper, given my wishes, I could've gone more battle-oriented bloodline, like Hanma or something. It is fun growing stronger it's beyond the feeling of addiction. There was some point where I made makeshift weapons like a slingshot, even a boomerang. I know what you are thinking how did you have time to make it, well in between destinations, and given my physical strength it was easy to bend the shape to what I wanted.

I went back to the hall to collect my money and leave, I didn't need to stay or listen to them whisper even though I could hear them.

Now I need to travel to different villages to hire nurses, butlers, and maids. I know in a little over a year I will have pups and kittens running around so I have to prepare for that. I know for a fact that I will have to hire younger so when we recruit more as I go down the line.

I do feel disgusted with myself for the way I have to go about things and in all honesty, I'm reluctant to do it. I wish I could spawn people in that would have been so much better, but that's also questionable too. Aww man, Sebas would be the guy to call.

[Two weeks later]

I rounded up a bunch of people to work for me and soon-to-be kids, it wasn't that hard. For some reason, I did get a few people to work for free as long as they got food and a place to sleep.

We just arrived at our new home and I looked at it in amazement, like this is my home and where my clan will be.

It's built in a cave, more of a shadow-made cave. I think I could build outside of the cave too and all over I won't make it too big just a few inns and shops once I figure out what I want to sell, I'm leaning towards alcohol and just above better weapons that are normally produced. Hell, both are very good if I make hard stuff or some good beer or wine given I can basically do anything with [Runes] besides beer I can age wine and whiskey. Actually, beer could be aged but it is an acquired taste.

[Image here]

Yeah, let's do that.

I called my all [SS] and had them call the thirty girls while the rest were building the rest of the stuff I was thinking about. Ten minutes later the girls came.

"Alright, ladies it's time to hold up your end of the deal. I'm going to say this first there is no love involved or will be involved, you guys are going to line up outside of my room so we can do this quick and fast. I brought back people to help with birth to day-to-day. If each of you wants to have another kid then let me know I will think about it. Any questions?"

One lady in the middle of the group raised her hand and spoke up.

"So you promise that it's just one time, and we get to stay here and get food and a house."

"Yes but some of you younger ladies will work in our soon-to-be shops and ins, and if you ladies have any special skills that will be helpful and you want to contribute let me know," I said to them

"Also you ladies need a thorough cleaning because," I said to them then left leaving the rest unsaid.

[The group of ladies pov]

As soon as the leader left a bunch of people we haven't seen before came in, they had a bunch of rags with weird drawings on them. They led us outside towards a lake and told us to get in. Each one of us had two ladies to a person, they were scrubbing us really hard to the point where our skin was turning red. They did this three times and then we were done.

Then we were led to the leader in groups of five, you could hear moaning through the hallways. All the other ladies were nervous and their face was flushed with redness.

[Back to Mc]

Two days have passed since I've been doing the deed with the ladies and I have finally finished.

Now it's time to start moving things forward for my clan among other things. I made a few clones to start moving things faster. Two clones went out to buy a bunch of ingredients for making the alcohol. I will also be using them to make a farm, so I don't have to waste money to restock them.

One clone where placing runes all over the clan for safety measures and auto repairs but I want it made to the point where you have to feed it material to make the repairs. So the soon-to-be clansmen will have jobs, and not be lazy.

Another two clones along with a few [SS] will be making equipment for the alcohol so their job is pretty easy.