
Naruto: The Mutant

I own nothing but original stuff ------- The Mc will be over powered I'm not a naruto God so things will be wrong just count it as a AU

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 ❌ Playing with Food

The sad thing right now is I'm for sure above [Kage] level, I mean yeah I did train for twelve years with some cheat [Jutsu's] (it been 3 chapters) Hell I might be at [Super Kage] or pass, I'm not entirely sure until I fight someone or a group I won't know anything.

Most [Jutsu's] I have a darkness variation like [Dark Release: Dark lightning] It is lightning that causes corrosion it's an effect that I didn't expect. [Dark Rasengan] on the other hand causes a [Black Hole] and depending on how much chakra I put in it changes the size. Using the [Darkness] was always fun, well according to my clones. From a [Taijutsu] standpoint I'm unmatched along with cold weapons so I don't need to dive into that I just made sure it was engraved in my soul. My [CC] was near perfection, I do not know what I'm missing to make it perfect but I will find it soon enough.[Genjutsu] I didn't touch it because I just have a natural immunity to it and I don't care to use it. I just copied Tsunade [Strength of a Hundred Seal] with a [Rune] mainly because when I'm not doing anything I could just store chakra in it all day.

The fact that I'm from [Earth] and I'm now capable of doing things like this always brings me excitement, not going to lie I did get a hard-on a few times. Things like this were my dream.

My clones sold ninja tools for me so I could make money and have food to eat, it seemed they only used shadows to move around and not get in any crossfire of any battle that might take place. I didn't make anything unique at the moment not until the world knew my name or at least my alias, and to build my clan.


I think it's time for me to start getting myself out there, so I'm going to places where I could find jobs along the lines of assassination and tracking and hunting they will be the easiest for me.

I started to make my outfit and a type of scowl. The outfit is all back with short sleeves and 'Immortal Wolf' in blue on the back. I did that because I didn't want some stupid name in the 'Bingo Book' because it sticks. For example, the 'Fourth Hokage' had the 'Yellow Flash' I feel like it could've been a better name I don't have one but it could've been better. Besides the scowl, everything was relatively normal. It had self-repair and cleaning while the scowl had an auto feature where I put it up and it automatically covers my hair and tightens against my face while also making it blur so you couldn't make out my features besides my eyes. Once I was done packing the necessary things I left.

[Image Here]

I arrived at the bounty hunter's station I looked rundown a little on the outside when I walked in and everyone's eyes were on me. 'I know I'm sexy don't need to look at me like that.' I walked toward an older man that looked like he was bored with his job. I looked behind him and I could see a bunch of different jobs available.

"What do you want," the man said while not even looking at me.

"Give me all the bandit exterminations," I said to him.


Everyone in the hall started laughing in the hall, I got tired of this so I just released my chakra, people's expressions changed drastically as someone took their soul.

"Do you want to cooperate now?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. There are only three at the moment and they are in completely different directions. Here."

I took the papers from him and left directly there was no need to dilly dally.


I arrive at the [Land of Rice] near a small village where the bandits were last spotted. I walk around the village to see if I could spot someone that can give me information, making eye contact with an old man I start to walk toward him. He looks frightened by me coming to him and starting to backpedal, I hold him by his shadow so he wouldn't go anywhere. Him feeling restricted more terror fills his face.

"Old man where were the bandits last spotted I need directions," I said to him.

"I..I.." the old man just kept stuttering.

"*sigh* Come on Oldman I just need information," I said while shaking my head.


I snapped my fingers to put I'm in a [Genjutsu], once that was done he told me all the info that I needed i {Body flickered] away.

I started to make my way to the destination taking my time to complete the journey because it was morning and I wanted to attack at night.


Once I arrived at my destination I jumped up in the tree and took three big sniffs of the air, I smelled some very disturbing things including sperm. I could count about thirty heartbeats, I ran along all the trees and watched their every move.

They were in a triangle formation around the base and rotated every four hours, seems pretty bad seeing as how big the base was. I found the locations of the hostages because of the muffled cries, it seemed that some was caught recently.

Twenty-five hostile and five hostages.

It was finally dark out and I started to make my move, while I was on the tree I ran along the branch and landed on my first target stabbing my [Claws] through his skull. I hurried and made a [SC] and made him transform into the target while his body slowly sunk into the [Shadow] I made a straight b-line to the next guard and repeated the process. Each action took two seconds.

I gave the signal to all the clones and they started to make their attack never making a sound, covering their mouth as the [Claws] penetrate their skull. The people sleeping in tents, drinking by themselves, or just walking in the dark.

When I reached the leader I just walked up to him not bothering to talk to him.

"Who are you? Guys, we have an intruder!!!"

"Wait for my boys to get here, we are going to have fun torturing you!"

I just looked at him like an idiot while still walking up to him.

"Ok third rate," I said to the leader.

"aghhh" The leader started to charge me.

He tried to punch and kick me repeatedly and I dodge him before he could even move.

I slapped him with pure strength and he flew a few feet away from me, he saw a damaged sword in the corner of his eye and went to grab it.

He charged me with the sword swinging downwards I stepped to the side and punched him in the elbow making the bone break through the skin. He used his other arm to swing at me and I did the same thing. Now that he didn't have any arms and I was playing with him from the beginning.

I started to wrestle with him. I got in a wrestling stance and went for a double-leg takedown, I let him get back up and then went for a single-leg takedown. While this was happing I couldn't help but remember the saying not to play with your food. The last thing I did was a judo throw, then killed him.

After that was done I went to the survivors and gave them choices.