
Naruto: The Mightiest Kai

For some unknown reason a useless piece of human being was given a second chance, even though he should go straight to hell. Reborn in the Naruto world that in his previous life was only just fiction, now it has become reality he lives on. Read his journey who want to become better human for himself and his surroundings. ////-////-////-//////-////// Short chapter until it gradually increase in chapter 9 up, I don't know it was that short. My first time writing we shall see how it goes (⁠+⁠_⁠+⁠) -----::---------::----- Leave some comments for what I need to improve -----::---------::-----

Han_989 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 19 : Suspect

Seeing them off Kai starts testing his new eye capabilities, not like when he bought camel Endurance the changes were not very noticeable instantly.

However when he buys an eagle eyes he seems to be seeing a brand new world in front of him, he can see every detail that he can only notice when he was really close to the object, now it becomes very noticeable even from a far and he seems to be able to judge how far things were when he focuses on it.

With a slightly wider vision than he previously had, Kai feels a little weird for the new wide that his eyes can see, and even though he can't really do it yet he seems to be able focus on 2 things at the same time but it's so hard to pull off.

But the most amazing thing is the brand new color to the world he now saw. It's so awesome to even look at.

Kai keeps looking around the tree, bird, sky and all around him but when he hears noisy voices of rambling kids he remembers that he needs to focus on his task.

Focusing on the crowd of women he really cannot be able to guess who might be the imposter is.

Kai knows he can't really hope too much, to be able to distinguish who's the imposter is quite hard for him, even Hyuga clansmen who were real ninja seem not to notice there might be enemy ninja who blend in the crowd.

But Kai not giving up yet and keep looking around, and finally when Shikamaru and Choji act as an A and Minato where short chubby kid playing as an raikage 4 and Shikamaru playing as Minato that he sees some weird small mouth movement and hand twitching even though she pretending not seeing the act she seems to hear what the kids was doing.

Continue with the scanning to make sure that she is not gonna feel being watched and to make sure no other weird behavior from others.

After making sure that everyone is normal for his opinion, Kai goes to Shikamaru and Choji where they are being surrounded by kids and Choji who look exhausted after moving so much.

"Shikamaru, Choji let's go"

"Kai Onii-san you finally came" Choji said while stopping what he was doing and straight dashing out of there to where Kai was and followed him with Shikamaru who had an unhappy face following from behind.

After Choji and Shikamaru stop what they are doing, other kids start dispersing and go back to playing with each other.

Gathering under the previous tree he tells them that he found the suspicious person among the crowd, but Kai know that he cannot tell them who's the person was or they gonna start looking for her and make her alert.

"But Kai Onii-san why don't we just report it to the adult."

"They not gonna trust us and It's too dangerous with so many kids around we gonna need careful planning or the imposter gonna be alert and its gonna becomes dangerous for other"

"Shikamaru I know you gonna unhappy about this but we need tell your father about it."

"But doesn't we only playing around"

Shikamaru was quite suspicious from the first time, but he chooses still doing the stupid act even tho it's really troublesome he wanna knows what was Kai want to do.

"At first I really want to playing to become a ninja and doing secret missions with you two to do a prank but when I see the crowd of woman I see really suspicious one who's not happy when you two playing as a 4th raikage and 4th hokage."

"And guess what today is the day konoha and kumogakure doing peace treaty, and kumogakure is well known for they betrayal."

Kai try to make up story to convince Shikamaru to call his father, because he knows shikaku must have a way for capturing enemy ninja without being notice and make everyone in danger.

"Alright, let's go to my mother she can call my father"

After three of them spot where Shikamaru mother are they drag her away from everyone, after Kai explain the story that he make even though it has so many holes in it Yoshino still call summoning animal to send messages to her husband because it involves peace of two villages and from her opinion Kai was always being good kid.