
Chapter 9- Training III

"What I will teach you first is basic Kenjutsu, after you master it, I will teach you the Kenjutsu technique of the Hatake clan"

Sakumo bought them wooden tanto small enough to accommodate their size. He showed them the first form, which is to hold the sword in front of the body with both hands, the right foot in front of the left, to maintain the balance of the whole body.

After correcting their forms, Sakumo asks them to swing the wooden tanto downwards and repeat it until it feels natural to them both.

They did it until it is lunchtime, they took a rest and ate their lunch at Haru's house. After that, they continued their training with shuriken jutsu.

They struggled using real shurikens since it's their first time holding a real one but thanks to their practice using wooden ones, they adjust to it very quickly.

They can only throw one shuriken at a time though, so they still needed some time if they want to throw multiple shurikens at once or to do what Itachi did in the anime.

Aside from that, Sakumo also let them throw various throwing weapons such as Kunai and Senbon. They have difficulties at first but when Sakumo corrected their posture and showed them how to throw it, they did it in no time since the two of them are geniuses.

"Next is chakra control," said Sakumo

The two nodded and concentrated on his explanation, "We will be doing the Leaf concentration practice"

Sakumo then told them to get a leaf each, the two nodded and pick a leaf each, he then explains how they will do the exercise.

"You need to place the leaf on your forehead and use your chakra to hold the leaf making it a focal point, this practice not only help you to control your chakra, but it can also help you in training your concentration"

[A/N: Leaf Concentration Practice]

The two nodded and did what Sakumo told them to and started to stick the leaf on their forehead, they did it easily, but Sakumo added,

"Good job, now try to add other leaves on your body and try to stick as many as you could"

The two kids nodded again, and they went on a nearby tree to pick up leaves and stick them to their bodies, at first, Haru thought that he will struggle in this exercise since he has a very large amount of chakra, but to his surprise, he can stick up to 20 leaves on his body easily.

He can still move to stick more,

"This is much easier than I thought," he said but when he looks at Kakashi, he could see that he is struggling a bit when he sticks his 10th leaves on his body, then it suddenly hit him,

'Did I really become a genius? Although I did notice that my memory did increase even my learning ability, I never would have thought that even my chakra control is excellent. Hmm… maybe this is my golden finger?'

He thought to himself, 'Well it can be… since I never heard of a transmigrator without any cheats, but I thank whoever put me in here that he gave me this kind of talent since having both potential and talent is enough'

[Author: Ahem ^_^]

"Alright, enough of that," said Sakumo, bringing Haru back to his senses.

'I never thought that they did this training easily and can stick so many leaves on their body, especially Haru, he has a very large chakra reserve, and he can stick at least 20 leaves, and by the looks of things he can still stick more.

As for Kakashi, although not as many as Haru, he still manages to stick 10 leaves on his body, and this is the first time he did this exercise.'

Sakumo thought before continuing with the training for the day,

"Okay, we will now start training the 3 academy jutsu, we have the transformation, replacement, and clone jutsu. Which one do you want to train first?"

"Replacement jutsu" said Haru

Kakashi looks at Haru and nodded his head,

"Why?" asks Sakumo

"Well, I believe that learning the replacement first is good since it is a jutsu that can save our lives"

Sakumo nodded and Haru continues,

"As for the other two, they are only used to trick others and I believe we can master them in a short period"

"Hahaha, yes you are right, okay then we will start by training replacement jutsu."

After that, Haru and Kakashi spend the rest of the day training replacement techniques, and at night meditating.



A few days later…

Haru continued his training routine with Kakashi with the guidance of Sakumo.

Sakumo increases their exercise every day by either increasing the reps or the sets, he also increases the distance of their running.

Many times, they are both exhausted and breaking their limits, but thanks to the chakra that nourishes their bodies, they only need to rest for a bit, and they are good to go again and have the energy to continue further.

They also keep on training with the dummies and the basics of swordsmanship. As for the Shurikenjutsu, they are both practicing throwing multiple shurikens at once and practice throwing other weapons.

The same goes for the chakra control, they just increase the number of leaves on their body while moving. And as for the substitution technique, this one is the most interesting since they need to achieve substitution without hand-signs, they have a little difficulty at first, but they manage it.

"Haru why do you still have leaves on your body while practicing replacement?" ask Kakashi while resting

"Well, this helps me to keep my focus at the same time to practice my control, this will help me in the future to conserve my chakra and to know how much chakra is left"

Kakashi thought about it and nodded, he then went to gather leaves and stick them to his body, Sakumo looks at the actions of the two and smiled at them.

Kakashi stick up to 20 leaves on his body, he then looks at Haru and notices that some leaves on his body had been sparkling, Kakashi leaned towards him and notices some crystals that covered parts of the leaves and asks,

"Haru, why are the leaves on your body have crystals over them?"

Haru hearing Kakashi's question looks at him confused and asks, "What are talking about Kakashi?"

"Here look," Kakashi said, picking one of the leaves with crystals on them and gave it to Haru

Haru took the leaf and look at it in surprise and exclaimed, "What is this?"

He then releases his concentration on the leaves, and it falls off his body and examined them, and almost all the leaves have crystal parts in them, Sakumo looks at the situation and asks,

"What's the matter, Haru?"

"Uncle, look some of the leaves that I have been using to practice have some crystal in them"

When Sakumo heard Haru's words he was surprised and went to look, and indeed it have crystals on them. It is a very beautiful crystal that when reflected on the sunlight, it shows various type of colors, but the most notable color is purple and pink.

[A/N: Something like this color]

"It can't be?" exclaimed Sakumo

"Haru, I think you have awakened a bloodline-limit ability"

"A bloodline-limit ability?" asks Haru in surprise, he knew about them in the show, but he did not expect to awaken one since he already has Uzumaki's bloodline, and his parents also don't have other abilities.

"But how?" he asks Sakumo

"I think you inherited the crystal technique of your father's side of the family"

"Wait, dad has the crystal technique? But he never said anything about it"

"Well, your father did not have this ability, but your grandmother is"

Haru is dumbfounded when he heard Sakumo's words, "Okay let us stop training for now and let us go to your house and tell this to Sosuke"

Haru nodded and they all went home, when they arrive at Haru's house, they saw Sosuke sitting in the living room with Rin on his side,

"Mom, dad"

"Oh, Haru you are home early," asks Sosuke he then notices Sakumo and Kakashi behind him

"Sakumo-nii, Kakashi, have some snacks first while we wait for the food," he said

Sakumo looks at him and nodded and he sat down in front of the couple and said, "Haru, awakened the crystal release of auntie"

He said dropping the bomb with a smile on his face, Rin and Sosuke took some time to react and asks, "What did you just say, Nii-san?"

Sakumo just signaled to Haru to show the evidence, "Mom, Dad look at this," he said while taking out the leaves with crystals on them.

Sosuke and Rin took one each and examined it, Rin looks at her husband anxiously while Sosuke just sighed deeply,

"I never thought that you have inherited your grandmother's crystal technique"

"So, grandma has this technique? How about you dad?"

Sosuke shook his head, "No, I never inherit it, she was disappointed by that, but she still loves me"

He paused then continued, "But it is a good thing that you have it, the crystal technique users are almost gone, your grandma is the last one I saw using it"

Haru nodded and thought, 'Well, I'll be damn, it is one surprise and the other, aside from having potential and talent, God still gave me this pie. Thank you, God, I will pray for you every day.'

"It is a good thing that your grandmother also gave me the bloodline Jutsus she uses when she was alive, I keep it in the storage as a memento. I will give it to you when you are ready."

Haru nodded and said, "Thanks, dad"

Sosuke rubs Haru's hair and said, "Just do your best, son"

Haru smiled and asks, "Dad, how strong is grandma when she was alive?"

"Well, your grandmother was very strong, she was one of the strongest Kunoichi of her time, even the First and Second Hokage praises her because of her strength and skills. Due to that, she had been targeted by other countries, that's why when Konoha gave her a chance to settle here, she agreed.

Since she is also an orphan, she accepted it and that is when she met your grandfather, who is at that time the brother of Sakumo-nii's father, well not by blood but they treat each other as such.

So, when your grandparents fall in love, uncle was very happy and we settled near the Hatake clan's compound, but when I was a kid, they died due to the war, and uncle took me in and adopted me"

"Wow, she was amazing… but how did they die?"

"Well, it was on the first shinobi war, she was on the platoon of Lord Second when they were engaged by the Kinkaku's battle unit"


Haru was shocked when he heard that and ask, "Then how did she die when she was with the Second Hokage?"

"Well, Lord Second wanted for them to retreat, but they did not know that aside from the Kinkaku's battle unit, they were also engaged by the Earth shinobis.

When Lord Second became a decoy for Kinkaku's battle unit and they retreated. Along the way, they encounter Earth Shinobis, your grandmother held them back and told the others to retreat but your grandpa also stayed with her since he did not want to leave her."

When Haru heard this, he was touch since that is true love, but then he looks at his father's lonely expression, he thought that, although they love each other, they did leave behind their son, but he also thought that maybe that was the sacrifice of the parents for their son to live peacefully.

"After that war, I just heard about them from Lord third, and they were all grateful to them"

"How strong are the Earth shinobis that they manage to kill them?"

Sosuke looks at Haru and said, "Well, I don't know the details but, Hiruzen-sama told me that the current Third Tsuchikage was with them."

"I see,"

Sosuke looks at Haru's expressions and pats his head and said,

"Well, I am telling you this story because, aside from knowing how powerful your grandparents are, they still died in the end. I want you to know that there is always a limit to things a person can do. I want you to train hard so that you can protect yourself."

"Yes dad, I will work hard"

Sosuke nodded and added, "Did you know that your grandma also mastered all the five elements?"

"Eh? Grandma did?"

"Yup, aside from her natural affinities of Wind, Water, and Earth, in which comprises her crystal technique. She also mastered lightning and fire-release nature transformation. She was one of the few who can do it.

That's why for your training, I will only give you her techniques after you mastered the five-nature transformation."

Haru nodded and said, "Okay dad, I will do my best"

"Well, I believe Haru can do it since he is born with it, unlike you Sosuke," said Sakumo while laughing.

Haru was shocked when he heard his uncle's words and looks at his father questionably,

Sosuke laughs sheepishly at him and said, "Well, want can I say, I did master the five elements due to mother, well I only manage to master Earth and Fire when she was alive but after their death, I manage to master all of it."

Haru was surprised when he heard his father's words and ask, "Then, dad you also mastered all the elements?"

Sosuke nodded, "Well, yes, because of their death I trained really hard, and because of that I joined the ANBU of the Third Hokage,"

"Hahaha, did you also know that I and Sosuke have comparable strength," said Sakumo

"Nii-san, stop it, you are stronger than me"

"Stop being modest Sosuke, I only became the commander because you were young age that time, and here I am waiting to give it to you when I retired but you retired first," said Sakumo jokingly

"Eh? Then how can the Third Hokage let you quit if you were so strong, dad?"

"It's thanks to your grandparents, Hiruzen-sama remembered their sacrifices for them and he accepted my request, although he has some regret when I resigned."

"I see," said Haru and thought

'No wonder, the third agreed, since I know that being in ANBU, you cannot quit, unless the Hokage told you too, or some other situations'

"Okay, enough about that, dinner's ready, let's all eat," said Rin

They all nodded and had dinner together.


Author's note:

Sorry for the delay for today's chapter, my sister forgot to pay the bill of our internet provider and I can only post it now.

Anyways, I gave Haru the crystal-release, well because I like the crystal-release Jutsu. As for his phoenix abilities, he will get it in the future. ~\(≧▽≦)/~

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