
Naruto: The Ghost of the Senju

Sohum_karmaker · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Wake up to reality part 1

Hello everyone, my name is Madara Senju I am the son of the current Hokage TOBIRAMA senju , the successor to the first hokage Hashirama Senju and the Grand son of the Ghost of the Uchiha Madara Uchiha, I love my family, my clan both the senju and the Uchiha, and my dream is to bring peace to this world and unify it under one nation.. so basically it's only a one time offer anyone and everyone who even dreams about being Hokage you have to go through me first! And I don't like wasting time so I will fight all of you idiots right here and right now.

So tell me ,

Are you ready to Dance with the Devil under the moon light!!!

I declared my intention infront of everyone.

I could see Dan looking at me with a weird expression on his face .

This was not what he had expected to happen, when he thought of sharing his dream with everyone.

Wasn't the everyone in the village the part of the same big family? That's what the hokage always told everyone.

Up until a few days ago everyone believed that the hokage was planning on appointing a non senju as his successor, even his parents had said so, but then something happened a few days ago..

A few days ago for the first time his own father came and told him, to abandon his dream of being hokage.

A few days ago he got to know that the lord second had a son! And that lord first had already appointed him his successor to be the future patriarch of the senju clan after him ans by extension it meant that most probably lord second will appoint his son the next hokage after him.

All the rumors of there being a non senju as the future hokage were baseless lies...

That is what his own father had told him that day!!

Madara Senju was a name that had crushed his dream!

In all honesty he hated the guy even before ever meeting him in person.

Now that he met him, it was hard to believe that this complete asshole could be even remotely related to the the hokage!

The bastard infront from him was more arrogant than even Madara Uchiha!!!!

This person infront of him stood against everything that the term hokage represented.

This bastard needed to be stopped, and he would be the one to put him to his place! Dan decided.

" I Dan Kaito challenge you to a duel Madara Senju " he declared infront of everyone.

Oi oi oi I challenge you to a duel as well Jirraya added in.

This sounds like fun I too challenge you to a duel Madara Senju Orochimaru added.

" I accept " Madara replied back.