
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 97: Reparation

The months after Tsunade had become the Fifth Hokage could have been called the rebirth of Konoha, almost every building that didn't hold historical value was restored, renovated, and improved, this was primarily thanks to the team of scientists that the new alliance between Konoha, Kiri and Suna, they had created new insulation methods, a new technology called air conditioning which was invented in Suna as to keep the buildings cool, which Konoha decided to copy to create more comfort for it's inhabitants.

Along with many more small things that would make daily life easier, technology was steadily developing between these three nations and all three were benefiting from this.

Although it would have never happened this fast if it wasn't for Naruto who could create an army of multiple thousand highly skilled and extremely intelligent clones of himself who could rebuild Konoha into the city that it was now.

On a sadder note they had also held a funeral for all the shinobi that fell during the invasion, and another one in respect of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, a man that while not perfect, had saved the village countless times and avoided conflict as much as possible saving the lives of many shinobi of Konoha.

But after a few months, Naruto was starting to have enough, he decided to let the cute newly graduated Genin get their D-rank missions by allowing them to renovate Konoha, and as a highly valued Elite Jonin and hero of Konoha, he was allowed to take a few weeks off to relax.

"Hey Haru, wanna go visit Suna?" Naruto asked the cute pure white leviathan, who had grown almost 10 times in size now being bigger than Naruto, she measured around 2.5 meters in length and the previously blunt and cute spikes on her head were now razor sharp and more deadly than any kunai used by the average shinobi, not that it made her any less cute in Naruto's eyes.

An incredibly cute childish voice escaped Haru's mouth immediately making Naruto, his parent who could now observe the happenings of the outside world, and Kurama melt because of the pure cuteness that she exuded, "Sure! I wanna play in the sand!" She said while twirling around Naruto happily.

The two then started walking or floating in Haru's case through the village calmly, the villagers had grown accustomed to the large leviathan's presence in the village, and Naruto was fairly certain that Haru would soon not be able to fit through the streets of the village as she was starting to grow at least 10 centimeters every day now, so he wanted her to enjoy it as long as possible.

He also had a few small leviathans do some tasks for him as he wanted the leviathans to get accustomed to the village and vice versa.

The two encountered many people who carefully petted Haru avoiding her sharp scales and spikes making her let out happy leviathan noises.

"Ah Naruto-kun, what a surprise to see you here." An amused voice greeted Naruto.

Hatake Kakashi and his Genin team stood in front of Naruto, it had been decided that because of the situation during the last Chunin exam none of the participants were going to be promoted to Chunin, they would get another six months with their Jonin sensei which would be beneficial to all teams.

"Oh, Kakashi-sensei, I haven't seen you in a while, and hello to you guys, long time no see." Naruto greeted Kakashi, Kiba, Hinata, and Yakumo.

They each greeted him back, Kiba grinning widely, Hinata looking at him with respect but with a coldness typical for the Hyuuga clan, and Yakumo with very poorly hidden excitement.

Naruto talked to them for a while and subtly viewed their stats, Kiba seemed to take training very seriously as he had seriously improved from the last time Naruto had used observe to see his stats, he now had stats comparable to high-level Chuunin, and he had also seemed to start catching up to the girls as they were barely stronger than him being comparable in stats to a low-level Jonin.

Naruto silently wondered why they hadn't been promoted to Chunin yet but as Tsunade was very new she needed time to examine all the Genin and thus it would take them another few months until the next Chunin exam for them to be promoted to Chunin.

"So you guys planning on doing anything?" Naruto asked.

"Hmm, we were going to take a mission to Suna to bring over a few important documents, an easier B-rank mission, boost their mission records a bit." Kakashi responded while his team nodded.

Naruto looked happily surprised "Ah if you guys don't mind I could tag along with you, I was going to go and meet an old friend of mine in Suna and stay there for a week or so, so if you want to we can go together." Naruto responded.

Kakashi smiled under his mask and his eye followed suit turning into his famous eye smile.

"We'd be glad to accompany you." Kakashi said his team once again nodding excitedly, they all wanted to learn something from Naruto, even though they were the same age they seemed to have forgotten since Naruto was way too strong for that to matter not to mention that he looked way older than what he actually was.

"Great! I'll go and inform the Hokage real quick, we can meet at the gate in about 10 minutes?" Naruto asked in a questioning tone as he didn't know whether they had prepared yet or not.

"That's fine, we already have our stuff so we'll wait for you there," Kakashi said and headed off with his team toward the gate of Konoha.

Naruto quickly shunshined to Tsunade's office and quickly sensed whether there was no one inside, once he confirmed that no one other than Tsunade was in there he entered while knocking on the door a few times.

"Yo Tsunade-Oba." Naruto said with a small smirk on his face.

"You brat! How many times have I told you not to call me that!?" Tsunade shouted at him with a large tick mark on her forehead, she hated when Naruto called him Oba as it reminded her of how old she actually was.

"Well either way Tsunade-Oba, I'm leaving with team 7 to go to Suna, I'll be staying there for a week, need me to do anything?" Naruto asked in a more serious tone.

"That's fine, and I don't need you to spy on our allies, Jiraiya exists for a reason." Tsunade said.

They soon finished talking and Naruto left to meet team 7 at the Konoha gate, Haru followed behind him quickly annoyed at being left alone by him, he did this every time he needed to go somewhere so that Haru could train her sensing abilities.

They quickly arrived at the gate where team 7 stood waiting for them.

"Alright guys, we can leave now." He said and team 7 and him departed for Suna.