
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 95: Finding Tsunade

Naruto continued searching for Tsunade for the next few hours but he didn't seem to be able to find her in any of the villages on his current route, he had already arrived at Tanzaku town and none of the people there had seen the infamous Senju Tsunade yet, she frequently visited the town, every few months in fact but she hadn't visited in a while.

Naruto then contemplated waiting for her but decided that it would be faster to actively search for her instead of waiting for her at Tanzaku town.

Naruto spent the next few hours searching for Tsunade, eventually arriving at a decent-sized town that was known for its casino, no wonder Tsunade went there, Naruto could sense her inside the casino along with a girl and strangely a pig, the girl had the same amount of chakra as the average Chunin and surprisingly the pig had the same amount of chakra as a Genin, it made Naruto wonder if there were a pig summoning clan, it would undoubtedly be an interesting one.

Naruto considered his options, going over them with Kurama, there were multiple approaches he could take with this, he could act mysteriously and not reveal anything until the very end or he could be very straightforward with her, he didn't know which one would be the best option, but he decided to go with option two, a woman like Tsunade would not like being lied to, even if it wasn't done with evil intent.

So Naruto entered the casino and immediately found Tsunade waiting for him, along with an older black-haired girl with a pig in her hands.

Tsunade inspected the man in front of her, he was tall, far taller than anyone else other than the Raikage, and the giant sword on his back that she recognized as the legendary sword Samehada spoke volumes of his strength, the only reason she hadn't already attacked was the Konoha Hitai- ate hanging in his neck.

"Might I ask why I'm being visited by a shinobi of the leaf, I have made it very clear with the old fart that I do not wish to be approached by anyone from the leaf," Tsunade said sternly slightly glaring at Naruto.

Naruto nodded at her "I will be very straightforward with you, Tsunade-san, the Third Hokage has died in battle and Konoha has officially entered a state of battle, you are to return to Konoha and become the fifth Hokage, if you do not come with me peacefully then I will have to resort to force, and trust me, neither of us wants that." Naruto said, ignoring the glare that he was receiving.

"Tch, like I care about what happens to Konoha Orochimaru could attack you for all I care." She said and turned around to leave.

"That is exactly what happened, Orochimaru invaded Konoha with Onoki, and Hiruzen sacrificed himself to stop Orochimaru by using the Reaper Death Seal, I have reasons to believe that Orochimaru will seek you out for your skills in the Healing Arts, I cannot allow him to be healed," Naruto stated coldly.

Tsunade stopped in shock, her eyes widening, she couldn't believe that Orochimaru would truly do something like that, she seriously started considering returning back to Konoha now, the things keeping her away have been gone for a long time.

"Konoha needs a Hokage now more than ever and you are the perfect person for the job, even though you have abandoned us the people of Konoha still adore you for being the granddaughter of the First Hokage, I ask of you once more to return to Konoha with me."

Tsunade looked at Shizune who stood next to her looking at her expectantly, Shizune missed Konoha even if she wouldn't admit it she had longed to return for a long time now.

Tonton even oinked at Tsunade, telling her to make a wise decision.

"Tch, Fine I'll go back with you but I won't promise anything, I'm only going to see the old man one last time," Tsunade said turning around to look at Naruto once more.

"Thank you, I did not want to knock you out and take you with me," Naruto said with a soft smile relieved that he didn't need to do as much work anymore.

The sun was going to start setting in around an hour so they decided to leave the next day, the trip would take a lot longer as Shizune couldn't move as fast as Naruto and Tsunade, she could at most move at Chunin speeds so the trip would take at the very least 3 days if not more.

Naruto, Tsunade, and Shizune decided to get to know each other a bit more and spent the night drinking at a bar, Tsunade was shocked to find out that Naruto was barely 14 years old, she hadn't bothered to keep up with the news of the Shinobi world so she didn't know anything about Naruto she only knew that he was a strong shinobi coming from Konoha.

After they had spent the night drinking they each went to a hotel and woke up early in the morning.

"Well, get ready for a boring trip, I doubt anything will happen, the most excitement we might encounter are a few bandits but it would be more of a chore to take care of them." Naruto said and chuckled.

Shizune and Tsunade nodded in agreement they had encountered a lot of bandits on their travels and they had grown bored of taking care of such easy opponents.

They walked ran for a few hours before they arrived at a new town where they ate a bit and rested for an hour before they continued to the next village which was a few hours away from the town they were in.

They didn't even encounter any bandits and they didn't have much to talk about, Naruto explained them the situation of Konoha and explained the role he was currently taking on, namely being the acting Hokage for a little while, which shocked Tsunade, she would have expected either one of the elders or Danzo to act as the Hokage, not a 14-year-old boy.

Although said boy definitely had more than enough strength to support the Third Hokage's decision.


Tsunade will be the next hokage confirmed

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