
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Preparation (1)

[You have slept in a comfortable bed, your Hp and Cp have been restored and all negative status effects have been removed.]

Naruto woke up to this notification going off, although he knew he didn't have to sleep for his body to function one of the conditions to getting rid of his Malnourished status effect was getting 8 hours of sleep every night along with eating foods with high calories and energies for 1 month every day, his gamer body would then take care of the rest by applying the nutrients in all the right places essentially creating a perfect body.

Naruto woke up refreshed but was instantly assaulted by a horrible smell, it seemed like his body had gone through some changes on the night that he was attacked, his nose smelled smells that he could never smell before, his eyes were sharper, and noticed more details, his hearing got way better as he could faintly hear things that were going on outside which he could usually never hear from his apartment.

He slowly climbed out of bed and looked around his apartment, one word that would describe it is... messy, it was very, very messy.

There were trash bags lying on the floor, clothes thrown around the room, kitchenware lying on the table, and just a general mess through his apartment.

Since Naruto had already decided to change for the better he figured it was best to start off with cleaning his apartment.

[Quest alert!

Quest: Clean your apartment!

Description: Your apartment is very dirty if you want to change it is best to start off by having a good and clean environment, clean your apartment within 2 hours.

Rewards: Clean apartment, 250 EXP, and 100 Ryo.

Failure: Dirty apartment

Accept?: Y/N]

Naruto smiled and clicked on accept, he quickly changed into a comfortable t-shirt and sweatpants and immediately started cleaning his apartment, he started with his bedroom and collected all the trash.

After a long and boring 2 hours, Naruto had managed to finish cleaning his entire apartment.

[Quest completed!

Quest: Clean your apartment!

Rewards: Clean apartment, 250 EXP, and 100 Ryo.]

[You have received 250 EXP and 100 Ryo.]

Naruto sighed in exhaustion, he had discovered that cleaning an apartment is a lot more difficult than running away from slow villagers.

Now that his apartment was clean Naruto noticed that his apartment was a lot more spacious than before and it looked pretty decent.

Naruto was looking around proudly at his work when his attention was caught by someone knocking at his door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Naruto ran to his door and opened it to be met with a masked face, it was one of those weird ninjas that usually followed him around.

This was also not the first time he had seen this particular mask, the animal depicted on the mask was a dog.

"Ah, Dog-san it's nice to see you." Naruto greeted the masked ninja.

Dog nodded at Naruto "It is nice to see you as well Naruto-Kun, I have come to deliver you a package that the Hokage has given to me." Dog entered Naruto's apartment and was surprised by the cleanliness of the apartment, usually, when he went there it would be an absolute mess but this time it was perhaps even cleaner than his own house.

Dog walked up to Naruto kitchen table and took out a scroll with a seal on it and with a large poof multiple stacks of books came out of it.

Naruto looked shocked, why? because it was his first time seeing something being unsealed and with a surprised voice he spoke "Was that Sealing Arts!?" dog, who behind his mask smiled at Naruto nodded and replied, "Yes, but we usually don't call it Sealing Arts, we call it fūinjutsu, it is a very difficult shinobi art."

Naruto looked amazed by the scroll and with excitement comparable to an excited fox he asked Dog a question, "Is there any way I can learn it?"

Dog seemed to be too stunned to reply to Naruto's question, 'Like father, like son.' Dog thought.

Dog contemplated for a second and replied, "I can ask the Hokage to provide you with books on sealing but I cannot promise anything."

Naruto calmed down and looked at Dog with puppy eyes "Please Dog-san, it would mean a lot to me if you could convince Hokage-Jiji to let me learn fūinjutsu."

Dog smiled sadly under his mask, "I will try my best Naruto-kun." and promptly left with the sealing scroll in hand.

Now Naruto finally had time to check out the books that Dog left behind.

He walked up to the first book he saw and used observe on it.

[Shurikenjutsu for dummies

Description: A book that explains in detail how to throw shuriken, Kunai, and Senbon.]

[Would you like to learn this skill? Y/N]

Naruto was yet again surprised by the power of the Gamer System if he could learn skills without having to read a book and by simply clicking on a screen then he could definitely become as powerful as the other students at the academy in just 4 months.

Naruto decided to test out how it worked and clicked the Y button.

As soon as he clicked it the book vanished out of existence and large amounts of information started appearing in Naruto's brain, it didn't hurt but it was very uncomfortable for him, it felt as if the knowledge was being pressed into his mind.

After ten seconds or so the uneasy feeling disappeared and a new notification arrived.

[Skill successfully learned.]

[New skill acquired: Shurikenjutsu]

[Shurikenjutsu: lvl 1

Description: Shurikenjutsu increases mastery and precision with shuriken, kunai, and senbon.

Passively increases accuracy by 1%]

While Naruto absorbed his books a very important discussion was going on between the Hokage and Dog, the anbu.

In the Hokage's office Dog was kneeling on the ground with his head bowed to the Hokage.

Hiruzen was standing in front of the window of his office that overlooked the entire village, "So how did it go, Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked

Dog, or as we now know Kakashi then replied, "It went better than expected, I was surprised when I was informed that Naruto was changing, but I am positive that it is for the better, also he has asked me whether he could learn fūinjutsu, I told him that I would ask you, Hokage-sama, he is a lot like sensei was."

Both the Hokage and Kakashi smiled sadly at that, although they were glad that Naruto was showing interest in the art of fūinjutsu.

"Tell him that I'll give him books on calligraphy first. Once he masters calligraphy I will give him books about fūinjutsu.

Kakashi and the Hokage then started talking about different things together.

Now back to Naruto.

Naruto had gone through all of the books and had absorbed all of the ones he could absorb.

What he was left with were books about history, geography, theoretical tactics, and things like that that couldn't really be made into skills.

He now had a lot of different skills and his skill list was a lot bigger.

"Skills" Naruto spoke out loud


[Gamers body: lvl max]

[Gamers mind: lvl max]

[Observe: lvl 1]

[Shurikenjutsu: lvl 1]

[Mathematics: lvl 1]

[Physical conditioning: lvl 1]

[Kenjutsu: lvl 1]

[Taijutsu: lvl 1]

[Trapmaking: lvl 1]

These were all the skills Naruto currently had, Mathematics was the most underwhelming one out of all of them.

Most of the skills granted a passive and active boost, although they were only things like extra strength boost when active, and in the case of physical conditioning, it increased STR, VIT, and DEX, by 1% passively.

Trapmaking gave him a list of traps to use and different ways on how to hide them, it also gave a damage boost to his traps.

It was Naruto's first actual day of using the gamer system but he was already stronger than he ever was before as his taijutsu skill gave him information about how to fight and kenjutsu allowed him to effectively use swords.

Naruto was satisfied with what he had learned and decided that it was fine to laze around a bit before starting to train the next day, so he started reading the rest of the books to pass time.