
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.99

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Natsuki didn't have a particular kenjutsu style that she focused in, neither the Uzumaki nor Namikaze clans were renound users in kenjutsu. In fact Kushina was the only shinobi in generations of the Uzumaki clan to be know for using a sword. She hadn't gotten around to teaching Natsuki much about kenjutsu just yet, so the girl mainly relied on her quick reflexes and the swords ability to cut.

Natsuki knew that if she kept using kenjutsu then she would quickly be overwhelmed. She mainly used her sword to complement her taijutsu style, but after Satsuki had put so much distance between them her sword would be nothing more than a hinderance.

The redhead quickly sheathed her sword and prepared herself. It seemed that she would have to mainly rely on ninjutsu and taijutsu. With her large reserves from being a jinchuriki it was better this way anyway.

Satsuki formed a few hand seals before she began molding chakra in her lungs. "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire)!" Satsuki released a volley of small fireballs from her mouth and sent them towards Natsuki. These fireballs were controlled by one's chakra, so avoiding them is extremely difficult.

Natsuki cursed as she saw the jutsu, these fireballs would be hard to dodge. She would need to counter them instead.

"Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Wall)." Natsuki released a large stream of water from her mouth that rose up into a large wave to protect her from the oncoming attack.

When the wall of water dispersed, Satsuki was nowhere to be found. Natsuki looked in front, left, right, and behind her, but she was nowhere to be found. Natsuki immediately jumped back, thinking that she would be coming from below, the same strategy that Kakashi-sensei used in their survival exam. However, she was wrong.

As soon as the girl jumped back, she was met with an axe-kick from above, courtesy of Satsuki. The redhead was sent face first into the ground creating a rather large impact. Spiderweb cracks appeared from the where she landed outwards, signaling just how hard she had been hit. What Satsuki did wasn't so different from her last step of the Shishi Rendan (Lion's Barrage).

The female Uchiha recoiled from how hard hitting Satsuki and crashing into the ground right after was. She panted on her knees several yards away from Natsuki's prone body, exhausted. She wouldn't be able to go on much longer, her earlier match and this match wore her out quite a bit.

Her head jerked back in shock as she watched Natsuki slowly get up the ground. That last attack should have at least broken some bones or given her a concussion. A moment later her eyes widened in realization.

'Oh yeah...she's an Uzumaki. They're supposed to have incredible regenerative powers...I'll need to finish her off with one last jutsu.'

Satsuki channeled chakra to her feet and jumped back a dozen yards to gain the distance she needed. She watched on Natsuki got up with a look of pure rage on her face and made a Kage Bunshin, a moment later a spiraling blue sphere of chakra manifested itself in the palm of her hand.

'Just perfect...the Rasengan...this might complicate things.' Satsuki thought to herself.

Satsuki went through a few hand seals before a large amount of Raiton chakra was concentrated in her hand. The sound of birds chirping could be heard all over the stadium from the execution of Hatake Kakashi's original technique.

Natsuki and Satsuki both rushed at each other with their most powerful jutsus active. Just as they were within striking distance of each other, they thrust their respective hands out so that their jutsus met in the middle.

"Rasengan/Chidori!" The collision of these two A-ranked jutsus created a large explosion emanating from their hands and sent them both flying backwards. A huge plume of dirt and dust covered the battlefield from their collision.

Genma walked into the center of the arena once more as he waited for the dust to clear so that he could call the match. It was obvious that one of those girls wouldn't be getting up from their last confrontation.

A few moments later, the wind picked up and blew the cloud of smoke away, revealing the unconscious forms of the two kunoichi. Both of them ware covered in scrapes, bruised, and burns, but other than that they were completely fine. Genma breathed a sigh of relief as he had seen what both of those jutsus could do at full power.

"Both combatants are unable to continue, therefore this match is declared a draw and neither of them will continue on to the next round." Genma announced to the crowd. He gave a nod to the medical team to bring those two to the medical bay to heal there wounds and wait for them come out of unconsciousness.

He received both boos and cheers from the crowd as they had witnessed a good match, but also wanted to see someone move on to the next round. Well, this did make it easier for the tournament setup as they wouldn't need to have any semifinal rounds and could go straight onto the finals.