
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.98

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Satsuki knew that Natsuki was in love with her Nii-san. She had been trying to take him back for years now, every possible chance that she had she would try to get closer to him. She tried to force him back to the very people who broke him. She had abandoned him when Naruto needed someone most, and now that he had been fixed she wanted to be a part of his life!

This was something that Satsuki could not stand. Naruto was an angel that had descended from the heavens into her life and now these hypocrites were trying to take him away from her! He was her Nii-san! No, he was more than that, he was her Onii-sama.

Satsuki would prove here and now the difference between them. The Will of Fire and and the good of the village be damned! This is where the leaves on the great tree of Konoha, the flames of the Will of Fire, a member of the family that is Konoha, will fall.

Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki vs. Uchiha Satsuki

Genma could feel the raw amount of killing intent that the two kunoichi before him were emanating, it was impressive for two newly made genin. Most chunin wouldn't be able to withstand this much pure pressure and bloodlust. There was obviously some bad blood between these two and it was sure to get ugly. He wanted to get the hell out of there as fast as he could to avoid any of their rage. Dealing with women when they were angry was never a good thing.

"Are both combatants ready?" Neither of them even acknowledged that he had said something, opting to try pierce each other and finish the match with their glare alone. Genma sighed and took their silence as a yes, "Then let the first match of the second round, Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki vs. Uchiha Satsuki, begin!"

Satsuki immediately activated her sharingan and drew two kunai from the holster on her leg at the same time that Natsuki unsheathed her katana. The two glared at each other for a moment before charging at each other with the intent to cut the other to pieces.

Natsuki had always been jealous of Satsuki. She was always around her Nii-san and stole her place as Naruto's sister. Natsuki loved Naruto with all her heart, but it was their past that made it so hard for her to move forward. Because of that, she could only watch on as Naruto replaced her with Satsuki.

Natsuki had wanted to bring her Nii-san back into their family even before their days at the academy. When they had started training early on, she had always hoped that her parents would let Naruto join them. And finally they did, but that was the first and last time that that would ever happen. That was the day that scarred her for life.

She had almost lost her Nii-san that day. She was the one who almost killed him and she hated herself for that. This all happened because she lost control of herself and let the Kyuubi run free. That single day was the worst of her life.

She spent the next months beside her Nii-san's hospital bed as he lay there in his comatose state. She visited him everyday and would cry herself to sleep every night, she still did sometimes. Finally he woke up and things improved with their family life for a short time, but then everything went to hell as soon as it began to get better.

For some reason he began to distance himself even more from their family to the point where he moved out. Nothing was ever the same after that and she still didn't know why. It killed her that she didn't know why she wasn't his sister anymore or why he doesn't consider their parents as his anymore. It felt as though she had lost him forever.

He was just within her reach, but yet she still couldn't grab onto him. She hated this feeling. She loved him more than anything in the world and she had to watch on as another girl stole her spot. She hated this girl, more than anyone would ever know and she would finish everything right now. She would show her Nii-san that she had changed and that she was worth his love. She needed him.

Natsuki swung her sword down, but it was easily blocked by Satsuki's kunai. She brought her sword back up and slashed at the girl's side, but it was parried by another kunai. Natsuki was getting frustrated that none of her attacks were getting through, so she began to pick up the pace. She would not be out done by this girl.

Natsuki switched from slashes into a fast barrage of stabs. Satsuki was forced to dodge and divert the strikes with her kunai, there was no time get out of range of the swords-woman. The redhead was unrelenting in her strikes, it was clear that she wouldn't stop until she had run the female Uchiha through with her blade.

Satsuki finally had enough. If this kept on going then she was sure to slip up eventually. She looked Natsuki directly in the eyes and activated her jutsu. "Sharingan: Genjutsu."

Natsuki was instantly paralyzed and couldn't move even a single finger as she held her sword above her head, in an attempt to bisect Satsuki. Satsuki used this chance to spin around and deliver a powerful kick to Natsuki's chest, sending her flying back but also breaking her out of the genjutsu.

Satsuki reached into her weapons pouch and pulled out two handfuls of shuriken, which she threw at Natsuki. The redhead managed to flip in mid-air and drive her feet into the ground to slow her momentum. She didn't have time to dodge the shuriken, so she was forced to block them with her sword.