
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.56

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Team 7's reactions weren't so surprising.

"Nii-san what are you doing here?" Natsuki and Narumi asked simultaneously before turning to glare at each other.

"We were merely passing through and were captivated by the pitiful sight of Suna shinobi harassing little kids and Konoha shinobi not really doing a thing to help said kid. Just what the hell were all of you clowns doing? Picking him up and asking to play a game of tag? Honestly all you children are quite pathetic." Naruto stated, most of it sarcastically.

Natsuki and Narumi were clearly hurt by their Nii-san's words. Sure Nawaki and Sakura may have started the whole thing but they didn't really do anything to help the kid.

Gaara's eyes widened, "You! Who are you? You look just like HIM! Mother is scared of you! Who are you?"

This shocked his teammates. They had never seen Gaara had never him act like this before. It was almost as if he was scared.

"Me? My name is Portgas D. Naruto. And just who might you three be?" Naruto asked.

"Sabaku no Temari." The blonde girl stated.

"Sabaku no Kankuro." The boy in the body suit replied.

"I knew it! Mother knew it! She recognizes you Portgas! She remembers that name well! How are you even still alive?" Gaara asked.

Naruto was curious as to who this 'mother' was and how she recognized him or knew the name Portgas. Naruto activated his Kenbunshoku Haki and immediately received his answer. He could feel the presence of four different people with demonic chakra. Nawaki, Natsuki, Narumi, and this Gaara character. He could feel the insane presence that felt like sand within him.

"Ah it's no wonder you recognize me. Of course Shukaku would be able to see the similarities between me and HIM."

The Sabaku siblings' eyes widened when he mentioned the bijuu inside of Gaara. It wasn't widely known that he was a jinchurriki, they had just become genin a few moths ago after all. This development could be a problem for the invasion if they revealed to much information. They needed to leave now.

"We look forward to fighting all of you in the upcoming chunin exams, make sure you all don't die before we meet again." Temari said as all of the Suna shinobi headed toward their hotel.

Most of the genin were staring at Naruto wondering what that conversation between him and Gaara was about.

'Nii-sama what was that all about? Are you hiding something from us? Does the name Portgas mean something besides being just a name?' were the thoughts of Natsuki and Narumi.

Nawaki didn't really care about that whole interaction, "Oi Naruto what the hell are you talking about? What are these chunin exams?"

Naruto could only stare at Nawaki for his sheer ignorance. What did it sound like? It really wasn't that hard to figure out. He was also the Hokage's son and the current clan heir, he should really already know about these types of events.

Naruto could only sigh, "You are the child of the current Hokage and you mean to tell me that you don't know what the chunin exams are?" Naruto asked rhetorically. "The chunin exams are promotional exams held every six months where genin from many different nations come together to participate and show their nation's military strength...It's an opportunity for genin to become chunin."

His statement surprised all of the members of Team 7. This earned a raised eyebrow from Naruto and Satsuki. Had they really not heard of it? It was starting in two days after all. What was there senseis thinking?

"How do we participate in this kind of thing? There's no way I'm passing up a chance for a promotion dettebayo!" Nawaki shouted into the air.

"You don't have a choice whether to compete or not. All of the recently graduated genin are required to take it to prove we're the strongest nation. Normally we would wait another six months or even a year, but we're all entering in two days whether we like it or not." Naruto replied matter-of-factly.

His explanation caused the other three members of Team 7 to protest their opinions, but Naruto was no longer listening to their arguments. There was only one thought running through his head.

'Things are going to be getting a whole lot more interesting based on the "voices" I heard from those Sabaku siblings. Invasion? Orochimaru?...Things may get a little messy in the process but it'll be a chance to test out the full limit of my power...I'm looking forward to this.'

And done!

This was my very first lemon, so I promise that it will get better as I continue to write. Those who were hoping I wouldn't do the Mikoto pairing this is final. She will be one of the only girls to have any kind of romance with Naruto for a while.

Orochimaru and the invasion will still be going on, but the events in the chunin exam will be a little different that in canon.

Orochimaru was said to be obsessed with learning all of the world's jutsu, but throughout the entire course of the series I saw him perform no more than 10. And most of them were snake related, fuinjutsu, or curse mark stuff. Orochimaru's goal will be different, but somewhat similar to what I think is his real ambition.