
Naruto The Darkness Reborn

This is not my fanfiction all credit goes to The Darkness Reborn by SinbadThe3rd

xxwolfxx_0 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Heaven's End

Today was a great milestone for Naruto and his empire, since today was the day that his army laid siege to the last bastion of humanity in the West and destroyed it. There were higher casualties than usual since the guards of the so called resistance, who were woman mind you, held off his army for quite some time and only lost when they tired out from the constant fighting. Naruto laughed as he saw them bound up and on their knees and complimented them for their skills. He sent them away to be prepared for him, and while they did, he summoned his lover Centorea since such a battle had left his lust at an all-time high and he needed to sate it.

During the fighting, she herself had been hurt in the fighting, but she had not died from her wounds. When he mated with his lovers he infused them with a bit of his power every time they coupled so that they would grow stronger than the rest of their species so that there was no fear of them being slain in the future. The change became obvious since when they gained power from him their eyes changed into an unholy golden color that shone brightly when they used the power gifted to them. So after the battle was over, she found a quiet room to lie down in and unequipped her armor so as to check out the damage done to her. She had a few cuts on her arm, which she used some bandages to close up but nothing more.

"Are you alright my dear," said Naruto as he came into the room and closed the door behind him. Centorea blushed as he walked in since she had no shirt on and her breasts were out in the open. While they had made love quite often over the years but she still felt embarrassed at times when he popped up out of nowhere and she was naked like she was now.

"I'm sorry." Stuttered Centorea as she grabbed her shirt to put it back on, "I was trying to wash my wounds."

Naruto waited for her to put her shirt on before he came forward and rubbed her shoulder. Doing so healed her wounds and made her face flush with red color from his gentle touch.

"I'm still so surprised to see you be able to heal my wounds so quickly like that."

"Well it pays to have a lover like me who can heal such wounds easily like this." Said Naruto with a smirk on his face as he said it. She loved that smirk so damn much and he knew it. "So don't feel ashamed to tell me when you are wounded. I'm more than happy to heal what ails you."

"Sorry, it's just that I felt like I would be seen as a burden if I asked you to heal something so small."

"It's fine to ask me for help. So just tell me when you need help, for you are my woman and I will ensure that you remain healthy." Naruto then started to rub her back softly until his hand landed onto her pussy. Her face became aroused. He stuck a few fingers in to get the juices flowing out of her before he inserted his whole arm inside of her. A centaur's pussy was wide since those they usually mated with were huge in cock size, so he could easily fit his arm inside of her. She moaned as she felt his entire arm inside her pussy and he grabbed the right sections within it and massaged them just right to the point that she orgasmed from that alone. Naruto knew her weak points and he was more than willing to exploit them to bring his lover pleasure.

"By the darkness itself," she moaned out before she ripped her own shirt open in lust since she was so ready for what was going to happen. She kicked out her back legs to push him down without fear of hurting him since nothing in her arsenal nor her own power, which was gifted to her, could hurt him. Plus he liked it rough. She then turned around and ripped his pants off him since his powers allowed him to create clothes out of darkness itself.

"Someone seems eager," said Naruto as she began to lick his cock. She just looked at him as she continued with a look of lust upon her face. She then took his cock into her mouth and began to suck it, but she prepared herself for what was about to happen. You see, a normal human male would not be able to mate with a female centaur in a way that she would be satisfied from it. But then again a male centaur's cock was huge and no human male could compare to them since their bodies were not able to handle one that size. Yet Naruto had the ability of shapeshifting his body to help him please his women perfectly. And such was the case here when he expanded it to enormous size to the point that it nearly broke her jaw. He grabbed her head and began to face fuck her hard, but she liked it when he did that.

She then pulled her head back as he neared a climax, but she then continued his pleasure by giving him a massive tit job. She rubbed her tits up and down, and then once more began to suck his cock as she did this. She used her tongue to wrap around it in her mouth as she sucked it, and he moaned in pleasure since she was very skilled with her tongue. Only a few minutes later did he cum inside her mouth, to which she swallowed every last drop of his seed so as to not allow it to go to waste.

"Look how much you came," said Centorea as she felt the rest of her body heat up, "but I'm honored that you were able to enjoy it that much."

"And you have trained well over the years," said Naruto as he ripped the rest of his clothes off.

"I had a good teacher," she said as she turned around and lifted her ass upwards to give Naruto easier access to her pussy. "So please can we continue."

Naruto then stepped forward and used his hands to spread open her pussy lips. She moaned as he did so.

"My love, please stop spreading me like that and just get on with it already."

"As you wish," said Naruto with a wicked grin on her face before he plunged his dick all the way into her to the base. Even though she was genetically made to be penetrated by large cock, his was even bigger than theirs were since he wanted her stretched out and ruined for anyone other than himself. He was territorial like that and his lovers loved it when he did it. Naruto bean to trust into her hard as he grabbed her arms to get more leverage and to thrust even further into her. He slammed into her cervix multiple times and loved to hear her cry out in pleasure from every thrust that crashed against it. Several minutes later he pushed through it and fucked her all the way to the back of womb.

Naruto then summoned up a tentacle from his back and used it to whip her ass as he fucked her deep. She loved to be whipped like this and she chalked it up to being part horse that she got sexual gratification from such a thing. She came several times as he whipped her, and several more times when he used a tentacle to penetrate her ass since she loved to be double penetrated. He only increased her pleasure by making another one and penetrating her from the mouth this time. Her eyes rolled into the back of the head as her mind became hazy from the pleasure.

Suddenly the door to the room swings open, and the five female guards that had fended well against his army were standing there in slutty clothes that they had forced upon them. They all gasped when they lay eyes on him since they did not expect to see something like this, and now was a perfect time to take advantage of their shock.

"So good of you to join us." Naruto says with a grin on hi face, "It would have been boring with just the two of us. I'm used to multiple women at once, but what is one to expect from a man with a massive harem like I have."

With that he summoned forth a hundred more tentacles out from his shadow itself and attacked the female guards. They wrap themselves around each of them tightly. Nothing but screams fills the room, as he brought them closer so he could see them closer. Now, it's time to have some fun.

"You're going to regret this, Demon!" the head guard says, trying to keep her pride.

"Demon? That's a new one." Naruto laughed, "Perfect. Thank you for volunteering."

Naruto brought her closer to him, and studied this feisty guard. She's tanned, with light brown skin, and black hair. She's very beautiful, and curvy. But as he teared open her clothes; he noticed that she has plenty of muscle as well. Though her breasts are small, He decided to give them a try.

She squealed as he pinched her nipples. "Oh, sensitive here, are we?"

She blushed and looks away from him. "Do what you want. I won't give in."

"Oh, I will do whatever I want... and you'll beg for more in the end. Of that I can assure you."

I assume you're the strongest of your little gang here, yes?" Naruto asked the woman.

She gives him a slight nod, and he grinned. "Perfect. When I break you, their spirits will fall and be all the easier to become perfect little sex slaves for my men to breed."

Her head snaps back towards him, her eyes filled with rage. "Don't you dare touch them! Do what you want with me, but I'll kill you if you lay a single finger on them!"

He laughed as she said that since he knew that she wasn't capable of killing him, "I'm sure. And I'm being extremely sarcastic as I say that."

Without warning, he forced her down on his thick tentacle cock, and she screamed from the foreign member filling her up so much. He let it sit for a second before he started thrusting into her hard.

"You feel incredible for a human!" Naruto shouted.

"It's too big! Take it out, take it out!"

"What's this? Giving up already? You're no fun. Here, let's spice things up a little."

One of his tentacles moves around to her back, and rubs itself against her luscious butt. The tip of the tentacle makes little circles around her unused entrance.

Her eyes widen and she looks behind her. "Wha... what are you doing?"

With a toothy grin, he simply said, "This."

Suddenly, the tentacle pushes itself inside her bowels, and she lets out a scream.

"God, shut up already!" Naruto commanded, as he stuffed another tentacle inside her mouth. "There, that's better. Get ready, I'm about to get serious."

Her eyes widen in fear as she looks at him. Her eyes plead with him to slow down, and maybe he would, if he wasn't having so much fun raping this woman. His thrusts became faster as time goes on. The guard tries to scream, but it only comes out muffled, and is starting to sound more like moans.

He suddenly got an evil idea, and started to move the tentacles stuffed in her mouth and butt further in. Her eyes rolled back into her skull at the sensation, as tears flow like rivers down her cheeks. Snot drips from her nose, and she starts to convulse.

With a sudden pop, he entered her stomach with both tentacles, and had them play with each other inside of her. He rested his hand against her belly, and felt the tentacles within her. Two more tentacles wrap themselves around her small breasts, and fondle them, as he continued to torment her insides. With a swift movement, the tentacle in her mouth comes out, leaving long trails of her saliva everywhere. A soft groan escapes her lips, but she hardly responds beyond that.

Naruto moved in closer and asked, "So, how is it?"

"M... mo..."

"What was that? I can't hear you, miss guard." Naruto said mockingly, as he looked at her terrified troop.

"M-more... give me more... Fuck me more! Fuck me until my brains turn to mush!" the guard finally screams.

Naruto threw his head back and laughed triumphantly. He proceeds to do just that, and she screams with delight. A big stupid smile plasters itself on her face, as she gets fucked senseless. He stuffed a second tentacle dick in her ass, and she vomits in pleasure, as the one from her stomach pushes itself out of her mouth.

Naruto leaned in close to her ear, and whispered, "I'm about to cum. Why don't you tell your little friends where you want it?"

She looks over to her horrified comrades, and he retracted the tentacle coming out of her mouth, so she can speak, "Inside! I want it inside me! Make me pregnant! Give me your baby! Give me ten... no, a hundred of them! Make me pregnant forever!"

Naruto grinned maliciously as he heard this…

With one final thrust, he loaded into her womb, and she screams out, "Oh God, yes! It's coming inside me! I'm cumming! I'm cumming while being impregnated! Your sperm's raping my eggs! I feel it! I can feel it!"

After nearly a minute of pumping her full of his seed, which was not capable of impregnation since cum from his tentacles were infertile and used to fill his partners up to increase their pleasure. The tentacles released her, and she fell unconscious to the floor. Naruto licked his lips as his eyes surveyed the room. There are the four remaining guards still there, all ready for the picking. Who to pick, who to pick?

"So, who wants to be next?" Naruto asked.

Obviously he didn't get an answer, and his shoulders slump. "Oh, no volunteers? I guess I'll just have to pick then."

He mockingly thinks to himself, pressing his fingers to his chin. "I pick..." and he pointed his finger to the group, "All of you!"

Screams fill the room, as his tentacles rip off their clothes and push themselves into every one of their holes. He didn't even bother with his dick for this orgy, since it was still being used to fuck his concubine to the point of sexual ecstasy. With their spirits already in shambles, due to seeing their leader's fall, it doesn't take him long to completely break them, and they quickly started begging for more.

He granted them their request, by stuffing even more tentacle cocks inside them. Some even have three or four in a single hole. Some pass out before he even came inside them. He laughed as he saw them break like that since they would end up breeding sows to the rest of his army. They wanted to become pregnant but it would not be from his seed that they did.

Eventually he came all over and inside them all. His tentacles do let out a sperm-like substance, but it's sterile, and is only used to send women into a frenzied orgasm. All the guards fall to the floor, laying in a pool of cum. The room smells of nothing but sperm, and it smells wonderful. Even though he let out gallons of cum, he is still rock hard, and horny as hell. He wanted more, a lot more. And lucky for him, he had the women in his harem to sate it, so he made a clone to round them up and bring them there. And he made sure to let them know to prepare themselves for a rough night…

(Fire Nation)

While thing is the West were going well for Naruto's dark army, things in the East went just as well for the newly formed Fire Empire. It had been a long fought battle for all within the village of Konoha, but they had prevailed through it all with careful planning. When Minato left with his family, he had left the Sandaime with instructions to aid his plan for the future. Minato left with his family, and while they were being trained by their mother Minato helped weaken the villages all over by various means. But it didn't stop there since he used his Hirishin jutsu to abduct many shinobi from their villages to bring to Danzo so that they could be broken by his ROOT program and then and Yamanaka could infiltrate their mind and turn them against their village. This went on for twelve years until the plan was put in place to act fast and strike down all who would oppose them.

While it took years for them to get to that point, the war was over in simply a month. So many of their numbers were turned turncoat and with their numbers added to the ones of Konoha itself no village could stand against them. With all form of opposition gone, they reaped in the rewards with riches and women for the taking. Those with bloodlines were used to sire more of them so that their powerbase could grow. For several years they fortified their newly acquired villages that they turned into full on cities with the Fire Capitol being the central power to them. Minato gave his closest of allies control over these places with his son Menma gaining control over Iwa. His daughter stayed close to him since she was daddy's little girl, even in her adult years and she loved the attention. Things were going well for their empire, with plans to expand it out further as time went on…

But that all changed about a month ago…

From the Western lands came a man, who was heavily injured from what he said was a monster. He bled out slowly, and when they tried to question him on what had happened, all they were able to get out of him before he died was that the Dark Empire of the West had done this to him and then died. Minato didn't like the fact that there was another Empire that might be able to rival his own, so he sent spies to see what was going on in the West. Those spies never returned since all the towns that outlined the border between the two empires were occupied by the most humanoid of his army, which basically consisted of vampires and werewolves in their unsealed form as well as lamia who wore talisman that turned their tails into legs. While they hated to be in such a human form since they hated to be seen as such in any way, they understood why they had to do so and did as ordered.

Minato grew tired of losing so many spies, so he decided to try a new far more bolder route this time and sent a messenger to try and arrange a meeting between the two of them. The plan was simple, since once there they would use Danzo and his implanted Sharingan eye to brainwash him into abdicating his throne and then the plan would evolve from there. The messenger they sent was none other than Itachi Uchiha himself.

When Minato came back into power, he used his army to eliminate the Akatsuki, while ripping out the Rinnegan itself from Nagato personally and had it implanted into himself, with the aid of their spy Itachi. He had been trained by Kushina for years even while he was exiled for killing his family. He had done so since he was never truly loved by his own parents and Kushina was a surrogate mother to him, one who was not a traitor to the village as well as one who pushed him day in and day out to strive for perfection. Kushina was not like that at all and actually loved him like a son, so when he was ordered to kill his clan, he did so without hesitation. Yet he couldn't bring himself to kill his brother Sasuke.

When Minato and his family returned, Sasuke had gone on to call him pathetic and weak. He said how the Namikaze clan were cowards since they had to hide away like they did since they would have died otherwise. Itachi then appeared behind him and grabbed Sasuke by the throat and held him up by it. Sasuke was both surprised as well as terrified to see him there in the village of all places, but he wasn't able to ponder on it for long since Itachi snapped his neck in rage that his surrogate family had been insulted by his pathetic little brother. He was quickly attacked from behind by a screeching Sakura, but Itachi slit her throat to end her screeching since it was so very annoying. From there Minato went on to state that Itachi was innocent and the reason why the Uchiha were killed since they had tried to perform a coup.

Now Itachi was the commander of the ANBU and was sent on the hardest of missions to which he has never failed. For years he led a small squad that was sent out to put down any form of insurrection there was in the newly formed Fire Empire. And he did his job well since he was able to find and eliminate all who would oppose Minato's rule. So he was sent as a messenger to the Dark Empire and he would ensure that the meeting took place...

It took a bit to arrive into a town on the outskirts of the empire, and once there he could sense all sorts of hostility towards him and he was not sure why. He told them exactly who he was and why he was there, and once he did, one of the people in the town took the message and brought it to the Emperor himself while Itachi was told to wait for a reply in their town under heavy watch since they didn't trust outsiders like him. Itachi understood their reasons, and he kept to himself as he waited for a reply. The reply came a few short days later with an agreement that they would meet in a week's time. So Itachi bowed in respect to the messenger and left to tell Minato…

Too bad that he wasn't around to hear the monsters that resided within the town laugh hard as he left…

(Throne Room)

Naruto looked at the message that Itachi had sent to him under the orders from Minato. He laughed hard as he read the message, and as he did Olga came into the room since she was surprised to hear him laugh as such.

"What seems to have you in such a hysterical mood," said Olga as she walked towards him with a sway to her hips as she did.

"The so called 'Emperor' of the east wants to come for a meeting between us."

"And why is that so funny?"

"It is because it plays right into my plan for their pathetic empire," said Naruto with a grin that spoke of unimaginable evil to those who were the target of it.

"And what exactly is it this plan of your?" asked Olga since she as well as the rest of his lovers were completely in the dark about his full master plan, but they kind of liked it that way since it made it that more special when the parts of his plans that came to fruition did.

(This part is a musical part, since what truly evil person is complete without a musical number of some sorts? Took this from 'Cats don't Dance…)

"I didn't get where I am today, by letting myself get pushed around." Sung Naruto whose lovers always said that he had a sweet singing voice. "No man, or beast, or god, or shinobi is going to drag me down."

Naruto used his powers over illusions to show a three dimensional map of the two empires with his side being covered in darkness while the East was not.

"The lightning will be flashing, the thunder, it will roar. They'll never know what hit them, wait until they see what I have in store."

The darkness that made up the western part of the world began to flood outwards towards the east and as it did dark clouds covered up all the villages except for Konoha.

"Big and loud"

The clouds that expanded towards the east began to rain heavily as well as strike the earth itself with lightning causing massive destruction to wherever it hit.

It's gonna be big and loud

The darkness flooded and covered Iwa and began to chase the figures that escaped out of the village in time and headed towards Konoha, but its spread stop when it got to the borders of Fire Country.

When they fall, they'll really fall

The darkness began to expand outwards towards Kumo, and yet when it was near it the lightning from the clouds decimated it leaving few survivors who themselves ran towards Konoha as well.

And they're gonna fall big

This time Suna fell to the darkness, and yet Naruto felt nothing as it fell since those who were loyal to his brother Gaara were already dead and those who were left would perish with the rest of humanity when the time came.

And they're gonna fall loud

This time it was Kiri that fell to the darkness, drowning all who tried to run but the fastest of the bunch.

They're gonna fall big

Once all the rest of the villages were consumed by the rampaging wave of darkness, and all who survived the destruction are now within the last 'safe' place within the Elemental Countries, the darkness slowly sinking inwards until there was nowhere other than the village itself that was free from it.


Naruto stepped towards the illusion of Konoha itself, all the while the 'shinobi' of it attacked him as well as the darkness itself with jutsu, but nothing they did turned the tide of war in their favor no matter what they threw out.


Naruto then stomped the village with his foot, sinking it deep into the ground allowing the darkness to sink in and fill up the hole so that he saw those within it drown and then sink when the last bit of their strength fade away…

"Now I must head off for a while," said Naruto as he waved the illusions away and donned his usual apparel once more as he did.

"Where are you going?" asked Olga in concern that he wasn't taking anyone else with him.

"To the planes of the High Heavens itself," said Naruto as he stopped for a second to explain where he was going.

"But why are you going alone? You have an army at your command, and you can't do this alone."

"Olga my dear," said Naruto as he walked back towards his queen and kissed her deep with tongue so s to calm her nerves, "I destroyed Hell itself when I was reborn. The Heaven too shall fall. I will not take anyone else since the armies of Heaven will slaughter whoever I take, with me being all that still stood."

"But why must you go now?"

"Because when I was reborn I was warned about the simple fact that there were three gods still alive to that day. Satan I killed personally when I ripped his heart out and devoured the body. Kami is… well you already know where she is. So that leaves only one false god left."

"And who is this false god?"

"The Shinigami, or as many simply call him, Death."

"You are going to kill Death itself," asked Olga in shock that Naruto would even attempt something like that.

"I am," chuckled Naruto as he walked away from Olga to open the portal to Heaven itself. "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die." Naruto then ripped open a portal and walked through it before it closed back up behind him…

(High Heaven)

Death was working as fast as he could to create the tool he needed to seal away the Darkness once more as the gods had done in the past. He had spent years ever since he felt his brother die by its hands and even faster when he sensed that Kami had passed as well, or at least that was what he thought since Naruto had tainted her in a manner that Death thought she was dead. Once she was gone, he had taken control of the armies of heaven and explained what it was that they were fighting against, and it drove the point home since hundreds of thousands of souls who were living the life of eternal luxury enlisted to become angels themselves and trained themselves into the ground so that they would be ready when the time came.

Heaven was an easy place to map out since there was a gate to block off all who were not worthy of entering, and various buildings of enormous statures that housed the spirits who slept eternally to live their dream lives in peace, and the barracks for the angels where they trained to protect those who wanted to sleep. The angels were all lead by one woman, the first angel that Kami ever made, and her name was Uriel. She had been there the day the heavens had been made, when Kami laid the foundations of the plane of existence by striking the anvil which would become known as the Heavenly Forge. It was there that heaven itself was made over the countless eons, and that very place stood at the top of the massive tower that stood above all else in it. From the top of the tower there emitted a bright light that showed the way to lost souls who were worthy of ascension, but it blinded those who were not.

There were several guards that stood watch at the front gates of Heaven as well as the man Saint Peter, who was the person to check the list to see if a soul was worthy of entering or damnation in hell. And it was these people who saw a large cloud of pitch black smoke appear in the distance. The angels got their spears ready, which also acted as guns in the sense that they shot beams of holy energy out the tip if the wielder so wished to do so. They charged them up and opened fire upon the cloud, but in the end it did nothing since the cloud just absorbed the beams and expanded faster as it did. Yet when it was within ten yards of the gate itself it, a figure finally walked out of it to the view of the angels that were guarding it. They fired their beams upon the figure itself, but the beams just bounced off of him as he laughed at their futile attempts of killing him.

"Oh can't you feel the love from the welcoming committee," asked Naruto as he brushed off the residue of holy energy that stuck to him like specks of dust.

"You are not welcome here," said Saint Peter as the angels that guarded him stepped forward to protect him, "So I ask that you leave immediately."

"I think that you may want to check that list one more time," said Naruto as he summoned multiple tendrils that pierced the hearts of his guardian angels and ripped them out. The tendrils ate their hearts, to which Naruto burped since he was still eating them even if it was his tendrils that were doing the actual consuming, "because I believe that I am on the list."

"A monster like you will not gain entrance to the Heavens themselves," said Saint Peter as he stood up from his seat behind the podium that the book of worthy souls was written with a spear he picked off the ground and pointed it towards Naruto. He fired at his head, but Naruto rolled his eyes as the beam just bounced off it like the rest of them had when he was fired upon.

"You are brave old man," said Naruto as he raised a hand. He concentrated on it to the point that a single extended claw that he used to stab him through the neck. Once covered in the blood of Saint Peter, he wrote his name in the book of souls with it. Saint Peter looked in horror as Naruto wrote in his name and died from the blood loss gushing out his neck. Yet even though his name was in the book, the gates remained closed, but it didn't matter to him since he didn't really think that it would.

"Well if the gates will not open for me," said Naruto as he powered up his hands with dark energy, "then I will open them myself." Naruto then punched the gates, blasting them open with enough force to send them flying far inwards. As Naruto stepped into the Heavens that he should have been sent to when he was killed by his asshole of a father years ago, he saw millions of Angels there to stand against him. They covered every square inch of the area with their weapons in hand. "I am happy to see that you all are taking this seriously."

"You will pay for what you have done," said one of the Angels, "your reign of evil shall end here and now."

"Kami though she could take me alone as well as her brother Satan," laughed Naruto, "so what chance do you simple angels believe that you have against me when the most powerful of your forces fell herself."

"You will burn in hell like the foul soul you are."

"Burn in hell," laughed Naruto out loud, "and how exactly could I possibly do that when hell is no more? Now I am a fair entity, and I only ask that you move aside so that I may kill Death itself. But be warned since I will kill any who attack me and not feel a single shred of guilt about it." And as soon as he said that, one of the Angels shot him, but like all the rest the beam just bounced off of him. Naruto formed a spike of darkness, and quicker than they could react the spike was sent right into the angels head right between the eyes. The Angel began to convulse violently and then exploded in a gory fashion. "I did warn you…"

After that, the angels attacked in unison, not letting up the attack for a single second. But Naruto erected a barrier of darkness between the opposing sides, all the while conjuring up even more spikes. And when he had enough of them, he launched them in a volley like a rain of spikes. Hundreds of thousands of angels fell in the one attack alone, and Naruto lowered the shield and conjured up two blades. Naruto then quickly began to slaughter those who still remained. No matter what weapon they used, what spell they threw at him, nothing worked against him. And within an hour of the assault of Heaven, the numbers had dwindled from the millions to just the few thousands. Naruto walked towards the staircase that led up to the Heavenly forge, and along the way, he used his powers to slay the foolish angels that had yet to realize the futility of their defense against him since all forms of attack failed against him.

Along the way, Naruto made a quick side trip to the so marked 'Hall of Fate,' since the name intrigued him. He was unsure of what he would find in the building, but he went in anyways since he was curious about it. Within it he saw racks upon racks of clear orbs with vague names labeled on them such as 'Pirate King', and 'Hellsing'. None of which he could make sense of so he walked past them. As he walked through the hall, he noticed that as he walked past the racks, it was like walking through time since the further he went in the more present time the prophesies became. And at the very end of the hall he saw the final orb simply labeled 'The Elemental Countries'.

Naruto grabbed this orb and saw images appear within it as he held the thing. He looked closely and saw that Kami had shown the Toad elder this prophesy in the form of a dream, but since the Toad smoked too much opiates to keep his nerves calm in his old age, he misinterpreted much of what was told to him. While it was true that Minato was the 'child of prophesy' as so may though he was, but it was not for the reasons that he thought. Since his part of the prophesy was not determined by his actions within the Elemental Countries themselves, but his actions to his son that would decide the fate of them. His actions had doomed them since it had led him to become what he was now, and Naruto could only laugh as he saw this.

"I really need to remember to apologize to Neji if and when I see him again," said Naruto as he dropped the orb into his shadow to store it away for a later time, "since he was right to claim that one cannot escape their fate. As long as false gods like this exist there is no chance of that happening." Naruto then began to glow with dark energy, and when he was done charging up he unleashed his power destroying the building along with all the orbs that were within it. Once the building was gone, he continued upwards once more, killing the Angels that had formed a group outside of the building thinking that they could ambush him once he exited it, but their plan failed and they all died in the same manner as the rest of them…

As the fighting was going on down below, Death was putting the final touches on the staff that he had been working on for the past several years to complete. The staff was made so as to seal the Darkness once more long enough to reseal it back into the realm of Mu. He finished his staff and held it within the beam of holy light that kept the plane of Heaven in existence. Once within it it charged up with power, and once it was fully charged, he pulled it back out and prepared for the fight that was slowly coming his way. Sure the angels were being slaughtered by the millions, but it meant little to him since like all the rest of his siblings they were all pawns to their end goal of ultimate power once the Darkness was no more. He had inspired them all with a speech to fight the coming Darkness, fully knowing that they did not have the ability to defeat him, and were only being used to buy him more time to finish the tool he needed to seal him away once more…

Naruto neared the top of the stairs that led to the Heavenly Forge, but all that stood between it and him was one final Angel, the last one still alive. She was Uriel, the commander of the Angelic Army. She stood there with her sword in hand and a cold angry glare in her eyes.

"You dare defile the High Heaven with your presence," growled out Uriel as she pointed her sword towards him, "and for that I will kill you where you stand."

"Kill me," said Naruto with a raised eyebrow, "are the literal millions of dead angel bodies not a clear indication on how this is going to go? Do you really believe that you will succeed where they have all failed?"

"I am stronger than the rest and will not fall so easily," said Uriel before she was wrapped up in tendrils that forced her to her knees as well as disarmed her.

"Is that right," chuckled Naruto as he stood there and looked at her, "because you went down without a fight, which means you are easier to beat then the rest of those who fought me."

"You will fail in your plan vile creature!"

"And how exactly am I the vile creature here," asked Naruto with a raised eyebrow, "because I really want to hear your reasoning for those accusations."

"You killed Kami, and to kill a god is the worst kind of sin there is to commit."

"Before this I all over," said Naruto as he grabbed her face and forced her to look at him, "I want to explain some things so that you fully understand how you are wrong about me. I may be the entity known as the Darkness, but that does not mean I am completely evil."

"You are evil incarnate!"

"And what makes me that? Because your gods call me that? The fact that I kill humans without mercy in any form? Humans have been slaughtering innocent members of other races for generations in the same manner as I have been killing humans, so why is it considered good for them to kill those who are not human and yet not the other way around?"

"Because that is what the goddess Kami deemed right."

"Foolish girl," said Naruto as he smacked her hard across the face, "can't you think for yourself even for a second instead of just blindly following what a false god tells you?"

"How dare you insult Kami like that?" Said Uriel before Naruto grabbed her head.

"I see that trying to reason with you will not work since you are so brainwashed that no matter what I said you will not listen. So I will make you see the truth." He then punctured her skull with a needle sized tendril, and began to pump information into her head. She saw everything that Naruto had been shown when he had been transformed, from the beginning of the light that made humanity as a form of deterrent against the darkness, to the imprisonment of it and the plans of the 'gods' once it was gone. How humans were nothing more than pawns of them to service them until their usefulness was over. How even the angels themselves were nothing more than pawns in their quest for power. Uriel cried out in pain as she felt her very purpose I life shatter. She felt empty inside since her life had been nothing short of a lie and she had no purpose now.

"Do you see the truth now," asked Naruto as he retracted the tendril and stepped away from her still bound form.

"Why," she asked in a hushed voice.

"I'm sorry," said Naruto with a grin on his face, "but could you speak up?"

"Why did you show me that!" shouted Uriel with tears falling from her eye, which didn't really surprise Naruto to see since it was to be expected from one who saw such a horrific revelation such as that. To see that your whole purpose in life was a lie.

"To see what you would do when faced with the truth," said Naruto as he called back his tendril, releasing her from their grasp. She quickly grabbed her sword and lifted it up to attack him, but as much as she wanted to kill the thing that had shattered her belief, she now saw the futility of fighting for someone who saw her as nothing more than a pawn. So she dropped her sword and fell back to her knees in despair.

"So what will you do now that you have been freed from the lies told to you for so long? Will you move aside to allow me to kill the last of the false gods who think themselves so superior to the rest of those who exist, or will you, the last Angel, join up with me so that your legacy can begin anew. A life that you can call your own with no one to control you. Will you accept this offer? Or must I go through you?"

"If I accept," she said as she looked at him with raw fury in her eyes, "I wish to kill the one who lied to me all my life."

"If by that you mean Kami herself," said Naruto as he held out his hand to lift her back up to her feet, "then that wish I can easily grant you since her husband has grown tired of her body already."

"Her husband," she asked in surprise since even though she was shown that Kami was still alive, she didn't know in what state.

"A dragon," said Naruto as he began to walk past her towards the sealed doors, "since she was responsible for their near extinction, he wanted her for his breeding sow to help bring the race back to a stable number. It took years but in the end she birthed many of his kind and is now broken in the mind since the pain was too great for mind to handle."

"So killing her wouldn't mean much then if that was the case," she said as she stored her sword away, "let me get the door for you." She said that as she put her hand on it and saw it open up for her.

"If it makes you feel better, I could heal her mind so that she suffers more when you kill her," said Naruto as he walked past her.

"I would appreciate that."

"I aim to please. Just ask any of the women in my harem."

"I don't care to hear about that," she scowled since she really didn't, "let's just end this already."

"A woman after my own heart," said Naruto as she stopped dead in her tracks with a slight blush for reasons she didn't understand. Yet she didn't say anything as they made it into the Heavenly Forge. Standing there was Death himself in all his skeletal glory with his dark robe and a jet black staff with an onyx crystal on the end of it that shone with heavenly light.

"The Darkness I presume," said Death in a voice that sounded like a loud whisper.

"While you presume correctly," said Naruto as he stepped forward, "my name is Naruto, and you will address me as such for the final moments of your life."

"And who exactly are you to demand such a thing from me," said Death with a glare in his eyeless sockets.

"You already know what I am since you as well as your late siblings tried to seal me away in a vain attempt of stealing my power." Naruto then summoned up a scythe made of dark energy.

"Is that supposed to be an insult of some sort," growled Death.

"Yes," said Naruto as he spun it around quickly in a way that it became a blur, "and judging from your reaction I believe that I succeeded in my attempt." Naruto then charged forward faster than Death could see and slashed him in half with his weapon. But instead of hearing his dying scream, Death instead laughed as his illusion faded away.

body disintegrated was the heavens crumbling into darkness, and hearing the screams of the trillions of souls from throughout time that fell into it to be swallowed up into the endless void. Uriel felt the darkness seep into her body via her wounds, but unlike Death it healed her back to full health instead of killing her and she felt far more powerful than she had ever been.

She felt her wings grow back, this time though they were a darkened gray color, and her eyes shone an unholy gold as her skin tanned a bit but not too much. Her blade now coursed with dark energy as she picked it up and sheathed it behind her back, and she felt better than she had in ages, and it was all thanks to the man she had tried to kill just a while ago. But that was the past version of her. The new version embraced this power and she showed her appreciation of it by flying forward towards Naruto and grabbing his head into a deep kiss that he quickly dominated.

"Come my dear Uriel," said Naruto as he opened a portal home and beckoned her through, "your new home awaits," and as they walked through, the Heavenly Forge collapsed upon itself, snuffing out the last speck of what was once called Heaven…