
Naruto The Darkness Reborn

This is not my fanfiction all credit goes to The Darkness Reborn by SinbadThe3rd

xxwolfxx_0 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Road to Ruin

In the land of Eostia, the lands that were located in the far Eastern lands far from the Elemental Countries, humans and dark elves have fought for supremacy for over a century. The dark elves ruled over a race of monsters that have raided the human lands for generations, capturing and defiling their women to help increase their numbers since they were constantly dwindling from the humans hunting them. Aided by various powerful bands of mercenaries who specialize in killing monsters, the human kingdoms have gradually pushed back their rivals into the darkness of the underground region, their former kingdoms lost to them as well as now occupied by the humans that forced them to retreat. Their numbers were thinned out greatly to the point that there was infighting within their own ranks that separated them to the point that they were no longer a threat to the humans who had pushed them off their land.

But the mercenaries would not settle for these victories. Led by the cruel general Volt, the sell swords declared independence from the humans that hired his mercenary group to aid them in their campaign to eliminate the threat. With the support of the savage orcs they found after they split from the rest of the monsters, their new nation attacked human and dark elf alike in a vain attempt at carving out a kingdom where men reign supreme and women are little more than slaves. Even the dark elves would be conquered and their queen taken prisoner if their plans came to fruition.

The sole hope for peace in these lands rested with a fellowship of seven princess knights, handpicked by the goddess of the high elves. But is their power enough to cleanse the evil from their world?

If things had gone the way that Volt had wanted, then they would have failed to protect their lands and would suffer such a cruel fate. But they were spared such a fate…

Only to suffer one just as bad from another…

(7 Years later)

The journey towards the Eastern lands was a long one for Naruto. Usually people would say it was hard as well as long, but Naruto was now an entity with the power that easily surpassed the gods themselves, so there was no challenge for him as he traveled east. And even though he was traveling far from his birthplace, he was not alone in his travels. He had been dead for three years and the world had changed for the worse when he returned to the realm of man. He found out that all the places that he had helped in the past had fallen to the armies of Fire Country. That Minato had killed the Daimyo himself and proclaimed himself Emperor with a decree that all who refuse to bow before the might of his armies would fall and all who had any problem with that were executed without a trial of any sort. The people of Fire Country followed him with complete loyalty since they wanted a leader that would fight beside them instead of the snooty noble that had been handed the throne due simply because of his 'royal' blood, which didn't do him any good in the long run since it flowed out of his body like anyone else with a slashed throat.

Many had assumed that he was bluffing about that and openly opposed a man who took the throne by force unlike the other Daimyos in the world. All those Naruto had helped began to rally others to try and get them to aid them and destroying the place that would kill off someone like Naruto. Yet Minato made good on his word and quickly and brutally slaughtered so many while annexing their lands into his own growing Fire Nation. Out of all the casualties, the ones that made him feel sadness for it were Tazuna and his family, Koyoki, Shion, Kankuro, as well as Temari. In a way Naruto was glad that they were dead since his plan was to kill off humanity as a whole and now he didn't have to order his friends killed since his enemies had beaten him to it.

Gaara had tried to protect his family during the Siege of Suna, but while his power was impressive given the fact that it was sand based and they were in the desert, Kushina as well as Naruko were able to negate his powers with their chakra chains until seals were placed on his body so he could be transported back to Konoha. He was forced to watch as so many of his loyal men were executed before him in order to break his will. Each one of them praised his name and declared that they were proud to serve their Kazekage. Even his brother Kankuro was fearless when it was his turn on the chopping block. It was Temari that was given a different form of punishment since Minato didn't want her family bloodline to die out and made plans to have his men breed her so they could have more soldiers with her genetics in the future. It was at this point that Gaara's will broke since he had to make the hardest decision of his life at this moment. He used the last of his chakra he could muster to form a solid piece of rock. He then launched it into Temari's head, killing her instantly to save her from such a fate. Minato then knocked Gaara out in anger since a powerful bloodline had just gone to waste.

Gaara was placed into a special cell that sealed away his power so that they could find a vessel that could be used to contain his Biju without succumbing to its insanity. And yet they never found one to do so since Naruto help to free him from his prison. Gaara was happy to see his friend as he appeared from the darkness of his cell and freed him from his chains. As he was freed from his chains, he burst into tears since he had been forced to kill his sister to stop her from being raped repeatedly. Naruto had been there to console him as he felt his sadness turn to rage like Naruto's had years ago. Naruto had been there to offer him a chance to help him get his revenge against all of them, to which Gaara agreed immediately. Naruto used his power to fuse Shukaku with his soul to make him a Sand Demon. He kept his human form, but his body could turn to sand at any point and be solidified into solid weapons as well as use it to turn into an enormous form. No longer was he human, he was now Naruto's brother, down to the genetics via his transformation….

There was another who traveled east with the two of them and her name was Fu. She had been the jinchuriki of Taki, and like most other Jinchuriki, she was mistreated by those in the village. She had been found by a Konoha spy since Taki was so well guarded and Konoha had no real Intel on their village. They promised Fu a better life if she helped them invade her village. Fu decided to help them since she was sick and tired of the crappy life she had lived up to this point. So she gave them the information that they wanted.

The invasion went off without a hitch with the soldiers of the Fire Nation killing off all who resisted. And once it was over, Fu went with the soldiers to live a better life as she was promised. She arrived in the village and was immediately subdued and thrown into a cell. She was told that she was going to be used to breed more soldiers as well as have her Biju sealed into another vessel once they found a way to do so without her being killed. Yet just like with Gaara, they never got the chance with her since Naruto did the same thing to her as he had done to Gaara with combining their souls together to make a demon out of her. She had been reluctant at first since she had been promised a better life once already and was betrayed, but she had seen the look in his eyes when he told her that he would never betray her. And she listened to him and decided to follow him…

Once they got into the eastern lands, it took quite some time to rally the monsters that would become the main force of his army. There was far too much tension between the races and it made Naruto fully understand why the humans were able to keep them down since their numbers were so low when they were separated like they were. He had found each one and forced them to submit to his authority, and like he expected they tried to fight him instead. But once he killed a few of them, they realized they were too weak to stand up to him and chose to follow him in his goals of extermination.

It was when his numbers became large that he was met by the man Volt himself. He talked about their forces teaming up to bring down the kingdoms and subjugate the women of them into nothing more than sex slaves to the men of the world. He ranted on about the joys of having such a kingdom, but was stopped when he heard Naruto laugh at his offer. Naruto kept laughing for quite a bit while Volt grew more and more angry as he was being looked down upon. He told him that he would kill Naruto and his brother and take Fu for himself to become a personal fuck toy for himself. Naruto just laughed harder as he said that and watched Fu step forward with a scowl on her face. Faster than the eye could see, she used her hands to release stings from her palms that were sharp as razor wire and used it to decapitate the man who had just boldly stated that he would rape her. The men that followed charged forward to avenge their fallen leader, but Naruto beat them to the punch since he used his tendrils to pierce all the hearts of the men charging at him. The bodies were then all buried with sand by Gaara after they all fell over dead.

The Orcs that had joined up with Volt saw that following Naruto was the better option and pledged loyalty to him. So with the orcs on his side, he was finally ready to ask for the help of the most powerful of all those deemed monsters by the humans...

Olga Discordia…

(The meeting with the Queen)

(FYI –Naruto's outfit is Ardyn's from FF15)

Naruto had entered the throne room of the Queen of the Dark elves while he used his power to keep his army invisible. He didn't want to attack her, but if a show of force was needed then that was exactly what he would give her if the situation called for it. She sat on her throne with her guards surrounding him since he had snuck into her underground palace uninvited. If she was shocked by that fact in any way, she did not show it if her expression was anything to go on.

"Hello there your majesty," said Naruto as he politely bowed to her. He saw this goddess of a woman that stood before him and the lust within him rose up as he did. He just had to make this woman his queen since she was flawless in every way. While he may be the second incarnation of the Darkness itself, he was still in a human male body for the next few thousand years and he had needs that he would fulfill.

"Who are you," said Olga with a voice that was beautiful yet emotionless.

"My name is Naruto your highness. And I have come here today to speak to the queen of your race about an alliance. But alas I see no queen before me, but a dark skinned goddess that words fail to describe the sheer beauty of."

"Flattery will not work on me," said Olga as she signaled her archers to get their bows ready to fire on her command.

"I say that in truth your highness and not in an attempt to flatter you," said Naruto with a chuckle.

"So why have you come here today to speak to me?"

"As I said I am simply here for an alliance between our armies to complete a common goal."

"And what goal might that be," said Olga with a look of curiosity on her face.

"Why the complete extinction of the human race of course." As he said that, there was a deathly silence that filled the room since they believed this man to be insane to have such a goal as that. They had been trying to fight the humans for years, but had failed at every turn so far.

"Are you quite mad?" shouted Olga as she slammed her hand onto the arm of her throne, "do you have any idea what you have just said?"

"That I wish to make humanity as a whole extinct. Yes I know what I said your highness."

"And what makes you think that you can possibly do what we have failed to do so many times in the past?"

"Well first off, I'm optimistic. And secondly I have the power to do so quite easily. But I see that you are not fully convinced about that so I propose a wager between us."

"And what type of wager is it that you are wanting?"

"It's quite simple your highness," said Naruto with a smirk that made Olga blush for some reason. Her faithful bodyguard Chloe saw this and growled as she did. "My wager is for you to ask me to deliver anything to you, no matter how impossible it may seem to acquire. If I am able to get the thing that you wish, than not only will your army join my own in my campaign against humanity, but you will also rule by my side as my queen." No sooner did he say those words that Chloe rushed forward to try and cut his head off for his insolence. But her sword was blocked by magic when it was a few inches away from connecting, and the whole time Naruto didn't flinch nor did he stop smirking as she did this. Chloe looked back and saw Olga's hand was lighted up from using her magic to stop Chloe from hurting the man.

"There is no need for that," said Olga with a calm expression on her face.

"But your highness," started Chloe before she was cut off.

"Silence. Now you stated that you can grant me anything I desire?"

"That is what I said," said Naruto as he pushed Chloe's sword away with a finger and walked towards Olga, "so what is it that you desire the most?"

"There is only one thing I desire," said Olga with a glare on her face, but the glare was not towards Naruto, but towards another who was not in the room. "And that is the capture of the Queen known as Celestine. She led the humans that drove us from our homes."

"If that is all you require than I shall bring her to you."

"You make it sound so simple," said Olga with a raised brow.

"That is because for me it is quite simple," responded Naruto with a grin that once again made Olga blush for some reason. Naruto then raised his hand, which caused the guards to stiffen a bit since they thought he was going to attack in some way, but all he did was snap his finger. Once he did, the illusion he cast on his army faded away and they became visible once more. They surrounded the room with their superior numbers which frightened the guards at first but they saw that they did not have weapons drawn or any form of killing intent so they were not trying to attack them.

"How did they get in here," asked Olga in shock that so many troops had gotten into her throne room.

"When one wields the type of power as I do it is quite easy to do things such as this. So I will go and bring you the person you asked me to." Naruto then whistled, to which his soldiers walked out of the room and towards their new destination.

(Weeks later)

The kingdom that Celeste lived within was the central kingdom to the land, with many people making pilgrimages to it since the woman was the vessel of Kami herself and wished to be blessed in various ways ranging from good health to a bountiful crop. Celeste would bestow these blessings upon those who deserved it, but would turn away those who did not. The whole scenario made Naruto sick to his stomach and he was looking forward to the siege of their kingdom.

The plan was simple, since with the main kingdom under the control of the enemy, the others would send their armies to try and save their goddess. Put that would be what Naruto wanted since all it would do is help his army by delivering fresh meat for those who ate human flesh and woman to become new breeding sows to be raped for the rest of their natural life and breed more monsters until they were barren, to which then they too would be devoured once their use was over. Once their armies were all but wiped out, Naruto would send his men to conquer the place they came from and gather up all who resided within it to the city to show them what their fates now were and break their spirits before they suffered for the rest of their lives.

Along the way, Naruto met more groups of monsters that had heard about him and wished to join him since they had already heard what he had done to the rest of those who opposed him and didn't want to die by his hands. He even met the last dragon alive, who explained that the rest of his race had been killed by humans as sport since they wished to brag about how strong and tough they were to kill a dragon. So because of all the new recruits, it took longer than expected to reach their destination, but in the end they did. He enemy didn't know they were there since they were invisible due to the powers of the Darkness along with it being dusk so it was darker than usual.

Naruto surveyed the area and cracked a smile along with his brother and sister since their bloodlust was coming to an all-time high. It had taken some time to get to this point but now was the beginning of the end for the human race. So Naruto had his arachnoid soldiers climb the walls and kill the guards that were on night watch. They proceeded to drag the corpses away to be used to lay eggs within so the children would have food. It was then that Naruto decided to go for the shock and awe tactic, so he dropped the illusion and had his men scream out in rage as they charged towards the front gate that was still open since the guards in charge of raising it were dead.

The people in the city saw this large army appear out of nowhere and begin to charge their city. The civilians were scared at this and began to flee further into the city in hopes that the guards would be able to stop the enemy forces. Naruto's army entered the city and began to split up with the orders to kill all but the women and children since they were still needed. So the city was attacked and people were killed. A group of orcs threw spears at a group of people as a single person in an alley saw them die from the spears piercing their chests. When the man tried to run away, an arachnid jumped from the building itself and bit into his head, causing her venom to go directly to his brain.

There were explosions all over the city as Naruto's army used magic to blast open the doors to the shelters all over and then the lizard men would come forward and breath fire into the room so that all inside would burn alive. And his army laughed as they heard the pained screams of the humans as they burned. Sure there were guards that tried to fight back, but the attack caught them completely unaware and they were swiftly killed off due to them not being prepared. The guards who were women were knocked out and dragged away to be used as sows while the men were killed as they watched their friends and loved ones being dragged away.

Naruto walked into the city as the carnage went on all around him and whistled a tune as he as well as his siblings walked towards the main temple that Celeste was located in. He saw what his army had done to the place, and he had to admit that he liked what he saw them do. He was really looking forward to seeing his army head to the east and kill of the Fire Nation, but he would bid his time and solidify his power over the west before he did just that. His siblings were just as amused with the carnage surrounding them as he was, and he was happy that he had saved them before he came this way since it was always nice to have such family, one that understands you.

As they made their way to the temple, Celeste was there with her priests, each who was on their knees in prayer since they knew that they needed the goddess herself to aid them if they were to survive this assault on their village. All the while Celeste was floating in the middle of the room as her body began to glow with heavenly power. But the process was interrupted when they heard a loud bang at the massive door that led into the temple. The head priest told one of the altar boys to bar the door, and he ran towards it and placed his hand over a seal by it. The door began to glow to show that it was protected by magical means, but then it turned black as it withered away into nothing. The boy walked backwards in fear since there was a large army that was behind the door, and before he could do anything, an arrow lodged right into his throat, and he fell over while he tried to pull it out in vain as the blood leaked out of the wound. The priests saw this and were unable to continue as they were too frightened to do so since the enemy was right there. They tried to flee out the back through a well-hidden passage, but they were killed as soon as they tried since Naruto had Gaara go through the back just in case they did just that and use his power to crush them all with stones he ripped out of the floor to use. Celeste could only stand there as she was surrounded by the enemy and wait to see what they could do. For even though she was the vessel of Kami herself, she had no power to call her own since the power she used came from prayer so that kami would do as she asked.

"So this is the heavenly vessel known as Celeste," said Naruto as he stepped forward to show himself.

"You monster," shouted Celeste in rage, "have you any idea what you have done?"

"I killed off the vast majority of the city," said Naruto as he thought about it, "and I have taken those still alive hostage since they are still of use for the moment."

"What use could you possibly have for us?"

"Why for breeding of course," said Naruto with a sinister grin as his men laughed at her question. "We need more soldiers and the women of this city will help provided them until they can bear no more."

"You would do such a thing to your own kind?"

"My own kind," laughed Naruto along with his men, "you are gravely mistaken my dear. I am not human. I may have a human form, but I am not human in the slightest."

"Then what are you," asked Celeste since she was curious as well as scared of this man before her.

"I am simply the Darkness made flesh," said Naruto.

"Please," pleaded Celeste as she got to her knees to beg, "do what you will with me, but please spare the children for they are innocent." Naruto looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow and opened a small portal that he sent his hand through to grab ahold of something. When he pulled it back out, there was a human baby, a girl to be exact.

"Look at this child here," said Naruto as the baby cried since it sensed evil, "it is so pure and innocent. She can't understand the fact that her father is dead and her mother is being raped senseless to bare her a half sibling. Her mind is too young to comprehend this fact, and she never will be able to do so." Naruto than threw the baby behind his back and she fell to the ground. Her cries grew more since now she was in pain from the fall. Naruto whistled a tune and out of the shadows came a pack of wolves that had been with him for quite some time now. They instinctively followed him near the beginning of his journey since they could sense an Alpha male and in return, Naruto fused them with a bit of the Darkness to make them stronger as well as bigger. These were his Night Wolves, and right now they were hungry. So they set upon the crying child and ripped her to shreds as they consumed her flesh. Celeste was utterly speechless as she saw this monster of a man kill a baby in such a manner.

"How could you do something so horrible," she said with tears in her eyes.

"How," said Naruto as he opened up another portal and pulled out another baby, "easily. I do it like this." This baby Naruto killed himself by twisting its head, thus breaking its neck before he fed it to his wolves as well.

"Or this."

This baby was killed by Naruto ripping it in half…

"Or this."

This one was killed when Naruto grabbed it with both hands and broke its spin on his knee…

"Or even like this."

The final one he killed by simply crushing its skull with his bare hand…

"Do you see it now, or do you want me to keep going," said Naruto with a smirk on his face.

"Why do you do this? We are innocent!"

"Innocent," growled Naruto, "humanity as a whole is not innocent! How many other races have suffered because of humanity and their views of themselves as the superior race that can do as they please and say fuck it to any form of consequence?"

"We are the chosen race of the goddess."

"Yet you are an Elf. So I question that logic. But you are right that you are the chosen race of the goddess Kami herself. But there is a problem there."

"And what is this problem you speak of?"

"I am an entity stronger than your gods. And unfortunately for you as well as the rest of humanity I am strictly against the existence of humans and all races that have joined up with them. So your time is up, and humanity will be wiped out and your gods can do nothing to stop us."

"Kami will come for you!" Shouted Celeste in anger as Naruto had her bound before he opened a portal behind her.

"My dear sweet Celeste," said Naruto as he grabbed her face to look into her eyes, "that is what I am hoping for." He then pushed her through the portal. He told his men to enjoy themselves in his absence and to fortify the city since word would soon spread of what they had done so they would need to be prepared for when that happened. Gaara was left in charge along with Fu since he trusted them to hold the city quite easily…

(Olga's Throne Room)

Olga was genuinely surprised when she saw a portal just open up out of the blue within her throne room, but was even more surprised to see Celeste thrown through it. Naruto fellow through after her and closed the portal behind him as he did. Celeste was shocked herself to see Olga since she thought that Volt had killed her as agreed upon when she paid him to do it. But it seemed like he failed and she could only hope that Volt had died for his failure.

"So the once great Celeste has graced us with her presence," said Olga with a smirk on her face since this woman had led her army to kill off most of her army and force them into hiding so that the rest of them wouldn't perish as well. Celeste was about to say something in response to her remark, but before she could her mouth was gagged with a tendril of darkness along with her hands being bound and pulled to the ground.

"As promised," said Naruto with a polite bow, "I have delivered Celeste to you as you wanted."

"So you have," said Olga as she walked forward with her magical staff at the ready since her plan was to burn this bitch into ash. She began to chant to power up her spell, but Naruto walked up to her and kissed her to make her stop, and as he did she kissed back with a passion since she was always saving herself for a strong man and this man was strong indeed to do as he did.

"While it would give be great joy to see you burn this filth my dear," said Naruto as they parted lips and held her chin to look into her eyes that were slightly glazed with lust, "but I need her alive for what I have planned. And I think you will like what I have planned."

Naruto pulled out a bag from within his jacket pocket and opened it up. He stuck his hand in and pulled out black powder that he then surrounded Celeste in a circle of the stuff. Olga as well as her guards watched in fascination as he did so since they were quite unsure as to what the hell he was doing. Once the circle was made, Naruto began to chant as the priests had done back in the temple, and sure enough Celeste began to glow as she did then. It took a while since he was one person doing the prayers while there had been a few dozen when he stormed the temple, but in the end he got the results that he wanted. Her body exploded into a holy light that blinded all who looked at it for a brief second, and once it died down there was Kami herself.

"Who has summoned me here," she said in an authoritive voice.

"Oh hello there Kami," said Naruto as he snapped his fingers. When he did the black powder formed into a dome of dark energy that was completely transparent as well as sprouted chains that held her down since he didn't want her to move as he spoke to her. "Remember me?"

"Who are you? And how dare you bind me in such a manner! Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?!" Shouted Kami as she wiggled around trying to get out of her bindings, but to no avail.

"Oh I know exactly who you are you arrogant bitch," growled Naruto, "Since you banished me to the Realm of Mu not too long ago." As he said that, Kami's eyes widened since she now knew who he was.

"Naruto," she said in utter surprise since she had thought that the Darkness had dealt with him.

"In the flesh," laughed Naruto, "and I do believe that you know exactly what I am going to do to you since I made a very specific promise before you banished me."

"You wouldn't dare! I am a goddess!"

"No," said Naruto as he slapped her hard across the face to the point that blood flew out of her mouth as he did. Her blood was like a normal human's and yet it glowed with a power that was not. "You are no goddess. You are just like the rest of the humans that you revere so much to the point that you protect them. You are a blight on this world that must be dealt with in the harshest of ways."

Naruto waved his hands around a bit, and as he did multiple tendrils sprouted out of the ground and held her in a way that she couldn't move her body in any way while hanging in midair. Naruto than grabbed ahold of her clothes and ripped them off her so that she was naked to all that were in the room.

"What are you doing," asked Kami in fear of the answer that would be given.

"Preparing you," said Naruto as he had a large tendril appear behind her, poised to penetrate her ass, and it was a big one at that since he wanted this to hurt as much as possible.

"Preparing me for what," said Kami, but that was all she was able to say before the tendril pierced right through her sphincter and began to penetrate deeper into her body. Kami could only scram in pain as the tendril went deeper, its progress being clearly seen since the thing was big and it bulged out her stomach as it traveled through her intestines.

"For your new husband of course," laughed Naruto as he saw the once mighty goddess scream out in such pain. "I told you that I would break you in every possible way, and I meant every possible way." Naruto then just stood there next to his future wife as the guards as well as she looked on in amusement since the goddess that had protected mankind for so long was now suffering such a horrible fate. It took some time, but eventually the tendril had gone through her entire intestinal track, and she looked fairly bloated since it had stretched her out pretty far, but she was an immortal goddess so she wouldn't die from it. The tipoff the tendril had come out her mouth as she gagged on it. Once there, Naruto channeled the darkness through the tendril he had sent into her and felt as it began to corrupt her from the inside out. As she became corrupted, her body began to lose its heavenly glow as he sapped away her power. And soon the process was finished and he retracted the tendril from her body as well as the ones that held her in place let her go so she fell weak to the ground.

"What did you do to me?" asked Kami weakly as she tried to get up, but her body was too worn out to do anything other than to look at the man who had violated her so gruesomely.

"I took away your connection with the heavens," said Naruto as he looked at the woman now. While she was no longer the goddess she was, she was still a looker. Not that he was interested in her in any way since she was nothing in comparison to Olga. "But don't worry since you will live since you still have your immortality. I just took your powers away from you."

"How is this possible?"

"When you sent me to Mu, I met with the Darkness that was sealed there. We talked about how we ended up in such a shitty situation and I was offered a deal. I was used to help the Darkness escape via being reborn through me. So here I stand above you Kami, the former goddess of the world, the Darkness Reborn!" Olga as well as the guards in the room heard him say this and were full of joy as they did. Their most ancient of ancestors spoke of the Darkness as their god and savior who was sealed away so that the false gods could take over, and it was because of their actions doing that that had made it so that humanity could thrive as it had done for so long. They would go on to speak about how the Darkness would return once more and aid not only their people, but all the people who were born of the darkness.

"No," said Kami in shock since there was no way that the barrier had been breached. The Darkness was supposed to be weak and near death already. Their plan for ultimate power was so close to being fulfilled and yet this brat had undone everything that they had set in place.

"Yes," chuckled Naruto, "so do you think that you can kill me? Your brother thought the same way, but in the end I killed him with my bare hands as I ripped the heart out of his body and consume his body so there was nothing of his left to find."

"You monster!"

"It is true that I am a monster, but I am a monster of your making when you decided to play god. But I grow tired of this conversation. As it is you no longer have the power to aid humans against us, and so their days are now numbered. And unlike the last time when they went extinct, there will be no one to resurrect them this time around."

Naruto then snapped his fingers, and as he did a very large portal opened up and out of it came a dragon. The people in the room were shocked to see one still alive since they had though that all of them had been hunted and slain by the humans.

"Say hello to your new husband," said Naruto as the dragon stepped forward and sniffed his new mate.

"What do you mean by that," asked Kami in fear.

"Did you know that certain species of monsters can breed with human women to give birth to their young? Well you are looking at one of them right now."

"It's impossible! He would tear me up from the inside," said Kami as she noticed the dragon's huge cock that was like a dog's in the sense that it was sheathed unless it was going to mate with something. And it was twice the size of Kami herself.

"I know that. Why did you think I let you keep your immortality? Out of the kindness of my heart?"

The dragon roared as he pounced forward and held Kami in place by holding her arms down with his own clawed hands. He then used his tongue, which was very long, to lick her body all over.

"Please," said Kami with tears in her eyes since she didn't want to be the breeding sow of a dragon, "help me!"

"That's not very nice," said Naruto as he stood in place since he had no intention to help her, "since it was because of your blatant favoritism of humans that led to the near extinction of the dragon race. So it is only fair that you help it grow back to the numbers that it once was."

"Why is this happening," said Kami as the dragon's tongue continued to lick her all over, "let me go!"

It was then that the dragon started to lick her vaginal area, which caused Kami to squirm even more in a vain attempt to get loose from its grip. But try as she might, she could not break free from its strong grip.

"Don't lick me there," said Kami as her face became flushed as her body began to betray her since it was enjoying the new sensations being inflicted upon it. But then suddenly it stopped its licking and swallowed up its tongue. He raised himself up and once again unsheathed his dick so that his mate could see what he was packing. It was massive in size and Kami shook in fear as she saw it above her body and go over her head.

'Don't tell me that it really plans to mate with me,' thought Kami in fear. He then scooted back a bit and positioned his cock at her pussy entrance. "Don't do that! If you shove that inside me I'm gonna…"

But she was never given the chance to finish that sentence since the dragon thrust through her vaginal opening and shredded her hymen in such a ruthless manner that the blood squirted out of her pussy as he did it. She screamed in pain since the pain was so agonizing that all she could do was scream as she felt her insides rip open to accommodate such a large intrusion. The dragon's cock was clearly visible since while inside her it made her seem like she was nine months pregnant since it stretched her so much.

"Oh God it hurts so much," shouted Kami as the tears fell from her eyes. The dragon then took this moment to shove his tongue down her throat. She coughed it up almost immediately though. "You're tearing my womb apart! Please stop this!" But the dragon didn't listen to her scream and just once again began to insert his tongue down her throat. This time he went deeper to the point that you could see the bulge in her neck so that she couldn't couch it up again. But eventually it retracted its tongue again.

"Stop this! I'm begging you," she said, but it was then in that moment that she felt the cock inside her grow even bigger than it was before. The dragon began to thrust harder as it did and faster as well. "It can't be!? Is it going to cum!? I don't want a monster's baby!" She kept shouting this as the dragon kept thrusting into her until he finally released his seed deep within her to the point it bloated her up more than before. She screamed as he did, and once he was done, he retracted his cock back inside him and let her fall to the ground, as lots of his seed spurted out of her gaping abused pussy.

"Well that was amusing," said Naruto as he clapped at the performance of the dragon, "you keep it up like that my draconic friend and your race will thrive within a few short years alone. But now I will send you and your mate back to the cave I found you in so that you can continue your mating there. Have fun my friend." Naruto then opened a portal to the aforementioned destination, to which the dragon picked up his mate in his teeth and walked through it. Naruto then ordered some servants to clean up the mess and looked at his future queen in the eyes. "Shall we follow his example and head to a place a bit more private?"

Olga nods in response, the thing they just witnessed had made her face flush with lust. "Indeed. My bed chambers are just beyond my throne." She then turned her attention to the two guards. "You two stay here and report to me if there is any form of trouble."

"Yes, my Lady." they say in unison.

Naruto followed the queen as she leads him to her bed room. It's quite a sight to behold. In it there was a large bed, enough for nearly a dozen people, which made him question why she had such a thing since if he was guessing right she was a virgin. Beautiful paintings of various elven women, who he assumed were all queens before her align the walls. A massive wardrobe, housing many fine dresses of varying transparency were visible as was a ceiling tall window with a balcony overlooking the kingdom that they now inhabited. They may be underground, but the place was expansive and far larger than one would guess. There's even a waterfall in the corner. The room was also littered with all kinds of plants; one of the walls even looks like it was made from the bark of a tree.

Olga sat down on the bed, and asked, "Will this suffice?"

"Indeed, my Lady."

"Then you may proceed, my lord."

"First you should remove your garments, so that I may see my lovely wife-to-be's beautiful body in its entire splendor."

Without a second thought, Olga takes off her barely concealing dress and elegantly lays it down on the floor. His eyes widen as he now saw her body in full view, and it's even more beautiful than he initially thought. It takes all of his strength to hold himself back from jumping her.

With a trembled breath, he says, "Now lie back and spread your legs."

She does so without question, and Naruto joined her on the bed. He leaned down to give her some foreplay, but she says, "What are you doing?"

"Excuse me?"

"I thought the act of mating was with the penis, not your mouth."

"Oh, well, you see, it helps to get you ready before we join. If I don't, then it will be a more painful experience."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Said Olga with a blush on her face since this was all new to her. She was aware of what sex was as was most of her people, but she herself had never experienced it.

Naruto nodded in understanding. "I understand perfectly so there is no need for apologies. Unfortunately, there is no way to make this pain free, but I will make this as pleasurable as possible. It won't hurt for long, trust me."

She chuckled. "Trust. A simple term, and yet so strange of one. It is one of the most precious things we can have, and yet it is so fragile. One of the easiest things to break, and the hardest to rebuild. You have shown me no reason to doubt you, so I shall place my trust in you, and I do not trust lightly. Consider yourself honored." Naruto laughed to himself since it seemed like no matter what she had to appear in control of things.

"I do consider myself honored to be in the mere presence of a living goddess such as you."

She blushes at his words, and an uncontrollable smile spreads itself across her face. "You possess the gift of the silver tongue, along with the magic of the Darkness that has been lost for a long time. Please, proceed."

Wasting no time, he leaned down and spread her pussy lips with his fingers. The sight of her pink pussy next to her brown skin makes it stand out all the more. She gasps at the sensation, as clearly she has never touched herself before. She should cum with little effort on his part. Needing no further encouragement, he lapped the entrance to her pussy with his tongue. Her pussy tastes simply divine to him, like a sweet mixture of honey and flesh. She moans loudly at his services, and he took that as a hint to keep going.

"Oh my Gods, you were not deceiving me. This feels wonderful!"

"It'll feel even better with my penis inside you." Naruto responded before plunging his tongue inside her. She tasted even better on the inside, he could certainly get addicted to her taste. Her walls were moist and bumpy, and clench around his tongue as though hugging it in a passionate caress. The little bumps all moved on their own around his tongue, as though massaging it. He couldn't wait to stick his cock inside her.

She cried out in pleasure, and the guards that guarded the door from the outside nearly rushed to her side. With them only stopping on her command, as she shouted for them to remain outside of her chambers. With several laps around her insides, she starts to tremble, and Naruto knew she was close to cumming.

"Oh Gods! Something's happening to me. I feel strange. I... I can't stop it! It's coming!" she screams as she has her very first orgasm. Her walls clamp down tightly around his tongue, and her fluids spray into his mouth, which he happily gulped down.

She fell limp on the bed, and breathed heavily. Naruto licked his lips, and leaned in close to her face. "How was it, my queen?"

"I never knew such pleasures existed in the world. To think that a creature such as you possessed such powerful magic. I am indebted to you, for showing me this pleasure."

"Oh, but we're not done yet, my queen. Not by a long shot."

Her eyes widen, and she looked away with a beeper blush on her face. "We must continue now? May I be allowed to rest?"

"No, you can't rest."

She trembles at his words, and slowly nods. "T-then you may proceed."

It's funny, despite being a queen, Naruto got the feeling that she liked to be ordered around, something that the Darkness had witnessed with many women in power over the various eras of time. But he didn't dwell on that thought for long, as his cock is just about ready to explode with desire. He lined it up to her tight virgin pussy, lubing it up with her cum. The anticipation of making her his woman and his alone is nearly killing him.

"My lord, are you certain your penis will fit? It is fairly large…"

"Absolutely. There might be some discomfort at first, but soon you'll be enjoying yourself far more than you thought possible."

"T-then proceed."

With that Naruto started to push inside her, and she moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure. He gasped at how tight she was, since she was so tight that he had a hard time putting his cock in. He didn't want to be too forceful, as that might hurt her, but he didn't want to be too gentle either. But surprisingly, the little bumps on her walls seem to be guiding him in, as though her body has waited for his cock for centuries. Finally, he came up to her barrier and pause for a moment.

"My queen?" he said.

She looks up at him, the beginning of tears filling her eyes. "Y-yes?" "This is the part were some pain will be involved, are you ready?"

She nervously nods. "P-proceed."

With her approval, he pushed past her hymen, and she lets out a large gasp, as a single tear runs down her cheek. But she didn't protest as much as he thought she would, and continued to push inside her. It's simply incredible, and with every inch she let out a moan of pleasure. Her pussy seems to have a mind of its own, along with its own hands, stroking, massaging, and guiding his cock to her sweet spot. At about 3/4 of the way up his cock, he reached her cervix, and decided that's far enough on her first time.

"Are you all right, my queen?" he asked between her moans.

"Y-yes, of course I am. Simply, give me a moment."

He lied on top of his beautiful queen, and decided to give her a rest. Not only for her sake, but so he didn't have a premature orgasm. He smiled, and stared at her lips, begging him to sample them once more. Not one to forsake such beautiful things, he pressed their lips together. Though she gasped at first, she doesn't seem to mind it at all, so he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Even her mouth tastes wonderful to him. She simply cannot be one born from this world. He was convinced that she was a living goddess, and that Kami had done as she did out of jealousy for the real goddess of the world that was Olga herself.

She eventually gets into it, and kisses him back, wrapping her arms and legs around him. After a minute long kiss, he broke away from her, and she let out a loud moan. A sliver of combined saliva drips from his mouth onto her pleasure, ridden face. "Do you like kissing, my queen?"

She looks like she's having a hard time finding the words, the pleasure was so overwhelming. "Y-yes... I want... more. Kiss me more."

He was not about to refuse a goddess' request, and planted his lips firmly on hers again.

With one smooth motion, he slowly removed his cock, only the push back inside. A muffled squeal comes from her blocked mouth, and she cums a second time. He nearly came himself from her vice-like pussy, but managed to hold back, growing into a steady rhythm. He backed away from their kiss to see how she's holding up, but it's only a second before she brings him into another kiss. Her grip around him is surprisingly strong and only getting stronger. It seemed like her dam that blocked her sexual desire had broken wide open, and because of that she would not stop until her body was fully satisfied, to which he would happily help in that. Just because he was the Darkness reborn didn't mean he didn't know love or in this case pure lust.

With each thrust, his cock kisses her cervix, and despite wanting to, he was careful not to penetrate it. Olga finally released him from her dominating kiss, and she cries out, "More! Give me more of this pleasure!"

He was all too happy to oblige her. He took hold of her ankles and lifted her legs up, as he started to get serious with his thrusts. Olga gripped the bed sheets with all her strength, as her breasts bounced back and forth with each of his powerful thrusts. Her moans have turned into pleasure drunken screams, and she came a third time. Naruto grunted at the force which her pussy clenching his rod, and was nearing his own orgasm.

"Olga, I am about to cum."

She looks at him, her eyes half lidded, and innocently asks, "C-cum? What do you mean?" She may know about sex to an extent, she was still unfamiliar with some of the terms used.

"It's the final step to creating a baby. I'm going to put my seed in your womb, and from that a child will grow inside you."

"Then make it so! Fill me with your cum, my king!" she cries, finding the words hard to form from the pleasure that was coursing through her body.

With one final thrust, Naruto roared as he unloaded what felt like a lifetime's worth of semen inside her womb. She screams in pleasure, arching her back as the hot baby batter fills her up, making her cum again. After what feels like forever Naruto fell on top of her, the both of them exhausted.

Naruto smiled as he saw her lay at his side for a few moments before she tackles him and after a quick kiss asks, "Can we do that again?"

"Who am I to deny my queen such a request?" Naruto said with a wicked grin.

"Just what I wanted to hear from my king. Besides, you belong to me now, so you have no more right to deny me what I want." She giggled, and lines up his cock before sitting down on it. "Oh Gods, it's even better the second time!" she moans loudly.

"And it'll keep feeling better and better the more we do it, my queen."

She lies down on top of him, and gives you a quick kiss. With that the two of them fuck for hours on end, totally enraptured in each other's lust for one another. He came six more times, and she at least twenty. He fuck her until they both nearly pass out, covered in sweat, wrapped in each other's arms, the two of them look deeply at one another before they fall asleep in the bed.


The next several years had been good for Naruto and his army of monsters. Like he had expected to happen, many armies tried to attack the central kingdom in an attempt to not only take it back from them, but to rescue their goddess as well. But little did they know that their goddess was nowhere near the city, but was in fact being raped senseless by her dragon husband day after day nonstop. Her mind had been broken by the third year, and she no longer knew anything other than moans and screams. She had laid multiple eggs that had hatched in time and now there were a few dozen dragons that were growing strong under the tutelage of their father.

And when the armies came to try and take back the city, they were fully unprepared for the horrors that would befall them, since the bodies that were not used for food were placed on pikes near the front gate, which demoralized the enemy when they entered, not knowing that they were already doomed once they entered the city. Naruto had helped to oversee the complete overhaul of the city to accommodate his army perfectly to the point that each one of the races had their own area. Sure the races mingled with each other, it was just an easy way to tell where they lived, with those who were bug related living in their expansive underground area that ranged for miles under the city as well as in all directions. They were in charge of trap placement as well as sentry duty since they could feel the vibrations of the enemies' armies coming in their direction and use their own means of communication to warn those within the city so that they would be prepared, unlike the poor bastards that had first resided in the city before it was rebuilt.

Once within the village, the armies would be locked in and slaughtered since Naruto's army had the home field advantage with traps and knowledge of their arrival. At least a third of the army would perish in the initial ambush with spikes jutting out of the ground once they were over the wholes that were well concealed. Then Naruto's forces would swoop in and deal with the rest of those who survived the traps. The men were gruesomely killed with their bodies being dragged away to be used as food to those who craved man flesh. The woman would be taken to the remodeled temple, which was now their breeding grounds. This was where the women were raped and forced to conceive the offspring of the monsters that raped them. They were raped nonstop to the point that their minds broke. Naruto always made sure that there was one survival to 'deliver a message of war, ' which in reality was a rous since he had his Night Wolves follow in secret to see what town had sent their army to foolishly attack them. Once he knew where they were, they would attack the city swiftly in their weakened state. Once the city was ransacked, the women were taken prisoner as well as the babies since to his Night Wolves, baby flesh was a delicious treat and he was a good master to them.

Out of all the victims, there were a few one that Olga herself had taken great pleasure to see broken since they had been generals of Celeste's army.

The first was Claudia Levantine, a holy knight and the commander-in-chief of the allied forces. Claudia was the strongest fighter among the general, and acted as Celestine's bodyguard. She was trained by one of the allied forces' strongest soldiers, her father figure and mentor, Grave Levantine. She would later marry her mentor's biological son, Klaus. However, despite being married for some time, she and Klaus were unable to produce any children, which was quite ironic since she had given birth to so many monster children in the years that followed. She had watched as her father in law had died in battle from a Minotaur's ax cleaving him in half as he had tried to block the attack with his sword. The block had failed and had broken though his blade and went down the center of his body.

The second was Alicia Arcturus, who was referred to as the "Princess Knight of Iris". Alicia was a prestigious noble who was the only daughter of Eos, who was well-known and highly honored through the army. Alicia was the older cousin to the princess Prim, who she views and refers to as her younger sister. She also served as Prim's personal bodyguard, but utterly failed to defend her since the two of them bore witness to the room they were holed up in being overrun with demons of various sorts, and while there were other guards wither, they were killed off while she as well as Prim were held down and gang raped to the point that every inch of them was covered in demonic splooge.

The third was Kaguya, The head shrine maiden of the continent and a foreigner from the far-east. Kaguya was stated to have a quiet personality and was extremely devoted to her religion. Like Olga, Kaguya possessed some magical abilities and could inflict curses. But it wasn't enough to stop her capture from those of the arachnoid race. To this day, she was kept deep underground where Fu herself, who led the Arachnoid race as their queen, would lay her eggs into her personally since she was a lesbian and used her as a fuck toy and enjoyed seeing Kaguya pregnant with her young and kept her swollen with eggs the moment the last batch hatches and crawls out. Fu had others she used for the process as well, but she always paid the most attention to Kaguya above all else.

The fourth was Maia, a wondering mercenary and former member of the Volt's Kuroinu group. When she was a member of the Kuroinu mercenaries, she fell in love with their leader, Volt. She was also very popular among their ranks, before leaving the group after she was chosen by Celestine to be one of her generals. She had been one of the few who was prepared when the attack came and had used her skills to slay many of Naruto's army. Since she had struck down many of their number, she was given to those with abnormally large cocks so that her pain would be immense before her mind became broken. She gave birth to twice as many as she had killed in the initial invasion of the city.

The fifth was Luu-Luu, An axe-wielding leader of the Halflings. Halflings were small, child-like, solely female race of half-humans that could mate with any other species. Luu-Luu, like the rest of her species, had superhuman strength and was skilled in manufacturing weapons. She was another of the few who had been prepared in time and was able to slay quite a few of Naruto's army members, but in the end she was captured by overwhelming numbers. And now her armor was stripped off of her and she was forced to wear slutty and flashy clothing and accessories. She now swings her hips like a machine, abandoning herself to the pleasure of the monsters who rape her. She was used for a time by the bigger monsters, but in the end she became a bitch for Naruto's Night Wolves, who used her to breed more of their pack to the point that they themselves became an army of their own.

There were many others, and the breeding grounds only expanded with time since the women were taken well care of since they were pregnant with the offspring of their rapists. But Naruto cared little for them since he had his own woman to love. His tastes grew more exotic as time went by. As time went by and the surrounding villages fell in time, other monster races appeared from hiding, and joined up with his army to help him with the eradication of humanity. There were many races, and he had a concubine from most of them since Olga was his queen, but she knew that he had an inhuman libido and needed the help otherwise she would never be able to walk again from the frequent bouts of sex that they had.

There was the Minotaur, strong bull-like creature that possessed immense strength. They were formidable foes, and ones not to take lightly since they could overpower all but the strongest of foes, and even then they made them sweat. While the vast majority of the race was male, there were a few females as well. The one that he chose to be his concubine was known as Marilyn, and he had found her in a city locked away as a slave. She as well as her entire family had been captured, and she had been witness to her mother being raped by her father, who was human, as well as beaten severely over the years. He had even tried to rape his own daughter, but her mother had stopped him from doing so by saying she would do anything to please him as long as he would not touch their daughter. For several years, Marilyn was forced by her father to watch as he basically raped her mother in the most grotesque of ways, all the while trying to break her spirit and hear her give up and say that it was okay to have his way with Marilyn.

But she never did break, and he grew angrier as she refused to break, so his tactics grew worse. In the end he grew tired of the game and threatened to slash her throat if she did not submit. Marilyn saw he mother smile at her as he held the knife to her throat and told her that everything would be alright. Her mother died in front of her as her throat was cut, and her father threw her into a cage in chains. He told her that she would stay in there until she begged him to fuck her like a slut, and until then she would not be fed. Marilyn prayed to whatever gods would hear her to deliver her from her prison, and a few days later, her prayers were answered when Naruto's army had arrived to slaughter the town.

Her coward of a father hid away in his panic room that he made just in case something like this ever happened. Naruto was the one who found her in her cage and broke the lock with his bare hand and set her free. She had held onto him with tear in her eyes as she held on to him for support. She told him what had happened, and Naruto growled as he heard the actions of her father. He found the panic room himself, and ripped the fortified door off its hinges and threw the man at the feet of his daughter, who he looked up at and begged for mercy from her. She was handed a knife by Naruto, and she used it to stab her bastard father multiple times, all the while screaming as she did until her anger subsided. She then joined Naruto's army, and soon after presented herself to him as his concubine since her love for him had only grown from that moment on. She wore the chains that were placed on her as a constant reminder of her hatred for humanity as a whole and it drived her forward to get stronger so as to never be put in such a position again, not that her lover would ever let her let that happen.

(Link for a picture of Marilyn, who is not from any series. pin/842102830298532452/)

There were the Centaurs, who just like the Minotaur were mainly males, but there were more females in their race than with the Minotaur. He choose a woman by the name of Centorea Shianus, who unlike with Marilyn, there was not much of a story to tell there since all that had happened was that when the centaurs came into his service, their leader had offered up his daughter as a sign of good faith, and she pledged herself to him as his concubine.

There were demons, which came in all shapes and sizes. But the only thing they all had in common was their demonic aura. The leader of them was known as Albedo, who was also his concubine since she like Olga liked strong men with a dark aura. Albedo had been betrothed to another dark master known as the Overlord, who had heard of Naruto and had foolishly tried to use the same hypnotic power he had used to control the rest of his army on him so as to annex his army and control Naruto's territory.

Naruto had easily countered not only his hypnotic power, but his small army as well as his guardians himself. The attack was against him personally, and he took it as such since such a pathetic weakling had thought that he had the power to control him, and after a lifetime of being controlled by Konoha, any attempt to try and control him only pissed him of immensely. He fought, a term that he used loosely since the so called fights he had with the guardians were not much of a battle since they each lasted but a few seconds to his power, towards the throne room in the tower that the Overlord ruled over. It was here that he was attacked by Albedo, who he took a liking to and saw that she was under a hypnotic spell. He used his power to break her free from it and subdued the Overlord so he was on his knees and powerless. It was then that he fucked Albedo in front of him, and her eyes turned into hearts from the pleasure of it as she went on to state to the Overlord that Naruto was a better lover than he ever was.

Once he was done and she was his concubine, Naruto had the Overlord dragged away to be placed within a special cell that would keep him in a form of stasis that would freeze them in time as long as they resided in the cell. They didn't age, nor did they grow tired or hungry. And he was not the only one to stay in these cells since Naruto always made sure that the leaders of the city's they invaded, along with their families. He made it a habit of his to force the leaders see their families raped in front of them by his brother Gaara, who did so since he had gained trace amounts of Shikaku's insanity along with his own hatred. He took glee in fucking the wives and daughters of the leaders, and would end it by using his power to fill them full of sand and tear them up from the inside out while their sons were devoured alive by his Night Wolves. Sure by doing so he was killing off a precious commodity since the women died without giving birth, but Naruto relished the fact that these men were forever in a state of a broken mind and misery.

There were Vampires within his ranks, and like with Centorea, there was not much of a story about his concubine Moka, since she was given to him when their race joined, but unlike Centorea she didn't like it and had tried to fight it. Naruto had accepted her challenge with the agreement that she would pledge herself to him if she was defeated. She agreed to it, and showed off her true form in preparation of the fight. Yet no matter how hard she hit him, he was not hurt in any way. She hit him with blows that cracked the ground from the force alone, and yet he still stood with no visible damage on his body. In the end, he grew tired and simply slugged her across the face and won the fight. After she awoke, he took her to his bed, and even though she was a stubborn woman, she had enjoyed it thoroughly.

The next race was the Horsemen, who were basically reverse centaurs since they had the bodies of man and the heads of horse. But there were no females within their race to speak of.

There were various insect creatures along with their leaders, the Arachnid. The leader had offered up her daughter Rachnera Arachnera, who just like the others who were offered up by their leaders with the exception of Moka, graciously accepted the position as his concubine.

There were Werewolves as well, but all but one of them were male, and the female who was known as Froze became his concubine since she knew an alpha male when she saw one, and so she had pounced upon him during one of his many nightly walks. He had turned the table on her though by becoming the dominant one and took her in the alley, to which her eyes became glazed as he ravished her and then became his as he breed her right in that alley.

The last of the species that resided within the newly formed Dark Kingdom, were the Lamia, who were hunted by the humans ferociously because of not only their beauty to be sold as sex slaves, but their scales as well since they were rare ingredients to obtain for potions and such. This was the only race that he took two concubines from since he couldn't decide upon their leader or her daughter, since both clearly lusted for him, and in a way they seemed the same age since Lamia aged slowly and a lot of the older ones still looked fairly young. Their names were Miia and Liia (she is not named in the manga so just went with this.) And with that, his army as well as his harem was complete.

He had spent the years crushing all the human cities that resided in the western lands and just las year he had finished his goal. There were over three hundred cities in the west, and now they were all under his control as his army expanded and took back the land. They did as the humans had before them and began to work the land so that they could raise their families in peace now that the enemy was no more, and all the while, Naruto soothed out all the hatred between the races under his command. It wasn't easy in the slightest, but he did what he had set out to do and unified the west as well as killed off the human presence. Now he was ready to take on the growing power of the East, who so many humans had tried to run towards to warn them of the coming darkness, but his Night Wolves made short work of them…

And now he found himself in his bedchambers, his harem snuggling up next to him in various ways. He saw his queen Olga get up and head towards the baths, and so he decided to follow her since the sight of so many naked women in once place made the lust within him reach higher levels and he needed to take care of it if he was going to be able to concentrate on anything else. While he had screwed all of them plenty of times, they had not yet become pregnant since he was not ready to have kids just yet, not until humanity was gone since they would find out about them somehow and try to take them for their own sick purposes. To be used and abused like they had done to him in his youth. But he pushed those thoughts out of his head as he made his way to the baths in his palace.

He walked into the baths, which were large to accommodate many people at once, and within the water was Olga in all her naked glory. So, Naruto stepped into the bath as well and sat down in the rather comfortable water, and noticed two servants strip and step into the bath as well with some cleaning tools in their hands.

"Wash his arms, I shall handle his chest." Olga orders the two girls as she sees her king sitting there

. "Yes, my Lady." they say in unison and lift up his arms, lathering them up with soap.

Olga then sits on his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist, and rubs her hands over a bar of soap, and then over his chest. "Well, I wonder why you decided to follow me into the baths?" she asks.

Naruto let out a soft moan, and he became rock hard. His cock pokes her in the back and she giggles. "I'll take that as a hint you like this. Don't you?"

He just nods as his response since what sane man would hate such a thing?

Then Olga pressed her breasts to his chest, and starts running them up and down, rubbing the soap across both of their bodies. The pleasure is almost too much, and he didn't know if he could hold himself back any longer.

Unable to control his desires any longer, he freed his arms from the two servants, and wrapped them tightly around Olga, bringing her into a lust crazy kiss. She squeals at first, but her arms soon travel around him, and she returns his lust. He grabbed her by the ass and lifted her over his throbbing cock, before plunging her down on it.

Crying out, she throws her head back, her tongue sticking out of her mouth. Naruto didn't give her a second's pause and started ramming his cock in her like a jackhammer. She let out a feral cry of ecstasy with each thrust, and soon her hips start moving on their own. Seeing her luscious bouncing breasts, he took them in his hands and started kneading them like dough. She moaned at his efforts, her golden eyes rolling back, as her tongue hangs lazily out of her mouth.

Naruto then give her pink nipples a twist, and she screams in pleasure. "More! Give me more! Destroy me! Make me a slave to this pleasure!" she cries out.

To think that a dark elf queen who was a virgin before he showed up would turn into such a slutty woman, he was not complaining he just didn't think it would go like this. But He wouldn't want it any other way. As he continued to pound away at her tight pussy, he felt two pairs of breasts press up to his back. He looked over his shoulder and sees the two servants rubbing their soap soaked tits along his back, their faces red with passion. They seem to want to feel the same pleasure their queen is. So he decided to oblige them by creating two separate clones of himself and each one took a servant and began to fuck their brains out to the point that they were now like Olga herself was

Naruto leaned in and gave Olga another sloppy kiss, licking the insides of her mouth, dominating her tongue with his own. He felt her pussy clench down hard on his cock, and he grunted as he neared an orgasm of his own.

"I'm about to cum, Olga."

"Cum inside me! Always inside me! Give me your child!" she cries.

With as much strength as he can easily muster, he thrust all the way inside her, and she screams as he filled her womb to burst with his seed. After the final squirt from his cock fills her womb, she falls limp against his chest. Heavy with breath, she's barely conscious, and he ran his fingers through her long raven hair.

"I love you." she whispers to you before she passed out in his arms. Naruto picked her up and moved her towards one of the chairs in the bath since this was not the first time he had screwed one of his woman to the point that they passed out in the bath, nor would it be the last. And now that he was no longer in a state of utter lust, he was ready to begin planning the next phase of his plan…

The invasion of the Fire Nation of the East…

(A/N: here is the list of the harem women and where they came from

Albedo – Overlord

Centorea –Monster Masmune

Miia & Liia – Monster Masmune

Olga - Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru

Froze – Monster Masmune Online

Rachnera – Monster Masmune

Moka –Rosario Vampire